Vicious Villains (Ruthless Villains Book 4)

Vicious Villains: Chapter 33

Cheers echoed from the other side of the door, bouncing against the stone walls around me. The people who were in the large room with me remained silent, however. Focused on themselves. Good. It would make my mission easier.

While slowly pulling off my shirt, I studied the layout and the people standing along the walls. Each person had been given their own space to change and get ready. We all just had one small cabinet and a side table, but we didn’t need much more than that.

The walls were made of solid stone, with no decorations or other unnecessary items. As was the floor. There was one doorway that led to a corridor which connected to a back entrance, and another that led farther into the building. The latter was the one that all the noise was coming from, and it also had two guards posted on either side of it. But my target was along the side wall.

I calculated everyone’s field of vision while I threw my shirt into my small cabinet. Straightening, I rolled my shoulders back. No one was looking in my direction, and the guards were focused on two people who had begun trading insults by the wall opposite mine.

Sliding my hands into my pockets, I fished out a small leather pouch and untied it with efficient moves. Once I was done, I kept it hidden in my palm while I drifted over to my target, which was a table with a massive jug of water on it.

Metal clanged faintly as I lifted one of the tin cups and dipped it into the jug. While filling my cup, I shifted my hand so that I could tip the fine powder into the water. I remained by the table, drinking from my untainted cup while the dreamcore I had just poured into the jug dissolved into the water, leaving no trace behind.

Once it was no longer visible, I set the tin cup down on the side marked for used cups and then started back towards my designated spot.

Mission accomplished. Now, I just had to see the other part through to avoid suspicion.

I had only made it halfway across the floor and back to my spot when the door leading to the back exit was thrown open. Everyone turned towards it. A young man strode in with confident steps. He was blond and broad-shouldered, and his nose looked to have been broken more than once. I recognized him instantly. And he recognized me as well, given that his dark blue eyes were fixed solely on me from the moment he walked through the door.

It was one of Johnson’s friends. He was the guy who had put a sword to Audrey’s neck outside the bakery. And who had been standing beside Johnson in that alley, again with his sword, when they attacked us the second time.

“Coldblooded Callan,” he said, his gaze still locked on mine.

Several people around the room started, as if they recognized the name but hadn’t known what I looked like.

I gave him a mocking once-over. “Who are you again?”

“Jens Carlsen,” he ground out. “You killed my brother.”

A few of the guys around the room edged back slightly while others only watched us with outright interest. The two guards by the door shifted their attention to us, but didn’t move.

“And you’re here to what?” I raised my eyebrows. “Follow him into an early grave?”

Rage flashed in his eyes. The guards, who were the only people in the room who were armed, let their hands drift closer to their swords as Jens stalked up to me.

“No, that’s not why I’m here,” he said as he came to a halt a single step in front of me. Fury still blazed in his blue eyes as he met my impassive gaze. “Someone leaked the list of participants for tonight, and I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw your name on it.”

“Because you’ve been wanting to get your ass kicked by me for years?”

He ground his teeth and drew in a long breath as if to calm himself down before he answered. When he spoke, his voice was low enough that only I could hear. “No, Callan. I’m here to kill you.”

“And how are you gonna accomplish that when lethal force isn’t allowed in here?”

“Oh, I know.” A cold smile stretched his lips. “But accidents happen.”

I just chuckled and shook my head dismissively before turning away and starting back towards my spot. “I’ve already told Johnson, if you wanna kill me, you’re gonna need a hell of a lot more people to do it.”

His hand shot out, grabbing my forearm.

“Hey!” one of the guards called. “None of that in here. Save it for the stage.”

For a few seconds, it looked like Jens might actually be stupid enough to try something. But in the end, he released my arm and bared his teeth at me.

I answered with a vicious grin of my own and then flicked a mocking glance up and down his body.

“See you on the stage.”

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