Vicious Bonds: A Dark Romantic Fantasy (The Tether Trilogy Book 1)

Vicious Bonds: Chapter 74

I step out of the car in front of Alora’s palace and raise my hands above my head to stretch, glad we’ve finally made it. Night has fallen, the sun nowhere in sight. The stars twinkle in the indigo sky, the moon a sweet crescent.

We’re taken up to the palace by one of Alora’s guards, and when she sees us, seated on her throne in a red dress, she smiles.

“Welcome back, my Blackwater friends.”

“Thank you for having us again, your majesty,” Maeve says, giving a slight bow. “Will we be seeing Beatrix tonight?”

“Ah, if only. I was unaware that tonight is the night Beatrix hunts for food and berries. She does it once a week—it’s a Mythic thing, so she won’t be home until tomorrow night, I’m afraid.”

“Oi, I’m not sure if we have that much time,” Maeve sighs. “Is there any way you can request for her to come back sooner?”

“I try not to disrupt Beatrix during her hunting.” Alora walks down the golden steps from her throne. “As a Mythic, hunting is how she restores her energy. You know how it is for them—they stick to their old ways. If she does her hunting unbothered, she’ll be more inclined to see us tomorrow.”

“Are we to stay here again, then?” Juniper asks, looking around.

“I would prefer it. I apologize, but after what happened in Iron Class last time, I’ll need everyone from Blackwater to remain in the palace.”

“Understandable.” Maeve eyes Juniper. “Is that understood, Juniper?”

“Fine,” Juniper mutters.

“Shall we break open some wine, then?” Alora’s eyes light up.

She leads us to one of the balconies on the second floor. Tables that face the ocean are set up, fairy lights draped from column to column, and a bar is already set up with drinks. A man in a gold suit stands behind it, prepping glasses, and ready to serve. Juniper and Maeve go straight for the bar, and Rowan slumps down in a chair, sighing as he rests the back of his head on it.

I take a seat at the table closest to the edge of the balcony, with the best view of the water. I attempt to tap in with Caz, but all my words bounce back. He’s blocking me out right now, which means he’s probably with The Council. He did say he’d have to block me once he was in Luxor. He doesn’t trust them with his thoughts and doesn’t want them knowing about our Tether. The people of Luxor are different, so I’ve been told. They’re much more calculating.

Alora has a small band come to the balcony to play music. The band’s instruments consist of a harp, a violin, and something that looks like a guitar, but is much wider and has way more strings. It’s nice outside, a warm, gentle breeze going, and a part of me wishes Caz were here too. I hope he’s okay.

“Let me guess,” Juniper says, turning a chair backwards and sitting on it. There’s a drink in her hand and goofy smile on her face, like she’s already tipsy. “You’re thinking about Caz.”

I fight a smile. “Is it that obvious?”

“I assure you, he’s fine. If anyone can handle The Council, it’s him.”

“They sound like scary people.”

“Hmm…they can be. But only when you cross them. They normally like keeping the peace, but of course there are the few who don’t care about that, so The Council handles them.”

“Handles them how?”

“Depends. Sometimes a person is sent to The Trench, which is basically a wasteland. Other times, The Council will just end you themselves, if it’s a crime punishable enough. One of the main rules of Vakeeli from The Council revolves around children. If someone hurts a child, they kill them, plain and simple. There is no trial or anything—they just end you.”

“Oh.” I press my lips, and my eyes travel to Alora, who is dancing between the tables with Proll. Proll has his hand on her waist in a protective way. I tilt my head. That is not the touch of two people dancing for fun. I study them as they waltz, how their eyes link, the way Proll keeps her close and buries his large fingers into her slim waist. She’s completely relaxed in his arms.

“Wait a minute. Is the queen sleeping with her guard?” I ask softly, and Juniper looks over her shoulder.

“Oh, yeah. She’s been sleeping with him for ages.”

“Wow.” I continue watching them. Proll tips Alora backwards, and she releases a harmonious laugh before being reeled back up like she’s the weight of a feather.

“Alora’s had her fair share of men,” Juniper proclaims.

“Really? It seems she wouldn’t bother with any since she’s so powerful.”

“Well, she’s very picky about who she sleeps with. The men normally work for her in the palace, or they’re monarchs themselves. I’ve heard she’s even slept with Mythics.”

“Monarchs?” I ask. That catches me off guard, and Juniper locks eyes with me briefly before gulping the rest of her drink.

“Shit. I’ve said too much, haven’t I?”

“No, tell me what you mean. Which monarch has she slept with?”

“Willow, it’s nothing. Forget I even said it.” Juniper starts to stand, but I catch her hand.

“Are Caz and Alora sleeping together?” I ask, softening my voice.

“Love of Vakeeli, no!” Juniper exclaims, but her answer doesn’t satisfy me. My heart is pumping faster, and there’s a burning in my chest that’s bubbling up to my head.

As if she notices my irritation, Juniper sighs and sits back down. “Okay, look, it was many years ago. Literally when they first met. And I only know because I saw him coming out of her chambers that night. I don’t think it was serious. They never did anything like it again. They’ve only remained allies. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.”

I look from Juniper to Rowan and Maeve who are standing near the balcony, chatting. I’m not sure why it bothers me so much, knowing this. I mean, I didn’t know Caz before a few weeks ago, and yet this reality stings.

I realize why it stings as I look at Alora. She’s graceful, patient, kind, and beautiful. Any man would want her. Even mine…

Then again, is Caz really my man? Or are we just bound to this Tether, sinking into the satisfaction it provides?

I stand and walk around the table. “I’m gonna get some sleep.”

“Oh, come on, Willow!” Juniper groans. “Don’t leave!”

“I’m fine,” I tell her, forcing a smile. “I’m just really tired after that ride here.” It’s a boldface lie, but she takes it, so I leave the balcony, and as I go, I feel eyes on me. I glance over my shoulder to find Alora watching me leave.

I wander through the palace until I find the chambers I was in last time and close the large door behind me, lock it, and then take off my boots. After removing my cloak, blouse, and pants, I pull down the thick quilt and climb into the bed, pulling it over me. Lying down doesn’t calm my racing heart, though. And my mind races even faster.

I thought he didn’t like to be touched. Did he enjoy whatever he did with Alora? God, why do I even care? It was a long time ago, and we’ve only just met.

I flop onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. Gold stars are painted up there, glowing in the night. It’s like staring up at the night sky.


I gasp when I hear his voice, and damn it, even when I’m upset with him, I get butterflies from it.

I hear you.

Good. I’ve just left The Council. Apologies for blocking you out for so long.

How did it go?

It was…a lot. I’ll fill you in when I see you.


There’s silence for a moment. Then: Everything all right?

Yep. Everything’s fine.

Doesn’t sound like it. Have you gone to see Beatrix yet?

No. We’re staying until tomorrow. Beatrix is hunting or something.

Quiet again. I sense some anger. Why are you upset?

I’m not upset.

You can’t lie when I can feel it, Willow. What’s going on? Has someone hurt you?

“No!” I say out loud, then I sigh, sitting up against the upholstered headboard.

Well, if no one’s hurt you, what’s the matter? You’re stewing about something.

I close my eyes a moment, then sigh.

I found out…about you and Alora.

Silence again, only this time it’s deafening.

That was a long time ago, Willow.

I know.

So why be angry about it?

I’m not angry.

Jealous, then.

I’m not jealous, I counter, rolling my eyes, and I can’t believe it, but he chuckles.

You are.

You know what? Just leave me alone please. I’m not jealous. It just caught me off guard, that’s all.

Another laugh. Sure, okay.

I sink lower in the plush bed, pulling the quilt over my face.

You have nothing to worry about. It was just a stupid, drunk night for both of us. Nothing even happened.

I don’t respond. I don’t want to, and I’m not quite sure I believe him.

What can I do to prove it to you? he asks.

“There’s nothing you can do. Whatever you had with her happened, and it is what it is,” I say out loud, as if that will solidify it. “I’m over it.”

Are you? Because it sure doesn’t sound or feel like it.

“Well, I am.” I fold my arms. Goodness, what the hell is wrong with me? Acting like a spoiled brat. What is this man doing to me?

I’m at an inn, in Luxor. Killian and I will be leaving in the morning on a fast train to Vanora.


He lets out a loud sigh that washes through me.

What are you wearing?


I didn’t stutter.

I frown, lowering my eyes to my tank top. Beneath the quilt, I’m only in my panties.

Ah. So, you’re half naked then? I hope you’re alone.

Shut up. I fight a smile.

I plan on taking a shower.

Good for you, I think sarcastically. He gives pause.

I can’t stop thinking about you, Willow.

His words make my heart hammer in my chest. I feel myself lowering my guard, anticipating his next words.

Will you do me a favor?

What? I wonder, as if bored.

Slide your fingers into your panties and play with yourself.

Are you serious right now?

I’m dead serious.

I fidget in the bed, then shake my head. No. Why should I?

I want to try something.

Well, whatever it is, I’m not doing it.

Caz is quiet again, and I think he’s not going to say much else. But then I feel a sensation down below, and I squeeze my thighs together, gasping.

“What the hell are you doing?” I whisper.

You felt that, eh? Didn’t think it would work.

“Caz, what was that? What are you doing?”

I’m in the shower.


And my dick is in my hand.

I squeeze my thighs together again, trying to fight the throb that rocks through me.

“How are you doing that?” I breathe.

He ignores me. Put your fingers in your panties. It’s a demand. No longer an option.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip when I feel the throbbing again. I can’t help following his lead, slipping my fingers beneath the waistband of my panties, sighing as I graze the tips over my pelvis. When my middle finger presses down on my clit, I gasp and throw my head back.

Oh yeah. I feel you now. Play with your pussy for me. I want to hear you come around your fingers.

“This is crazy,” I breathe.

Do you feel me? he rasps and, insanely enough, I do. I’m stroking my dick in the shower while I think about you, Willow. He releases a gruff groan that sets me ablaze. You’re all I can ever think about these days.

It feels like you’re inside me.

I’m wishing that I were, he rasps. And imagining that I am.

How is this happening?

I don’t know, but don’t you stop.

I don’t. I continue circling my clit with my finger, and as I do, I swear I feel Caz pushing his way inside me. The girth of his dick filling me up inch by savory inch, just like the real thing. A guttural groan echoes in my head, and I hiss through my teeth as I feel him going faster.

Is this my pussy?

“Yes,” I breathe.

Are you my mate?

“Yes,” I breathe again.

You’re the only woman I’ll ever enjoy feeling. The only one who can make me weak like this. There is no comparison.

I don’t need to use my fingers anymore. I feel him, as if he’s right here in the bedroom with me, thrusting inside me, groaning in my ear. My back curves, my breathing becomes wilder, and before I know it, I’m coming. I’m coming so hard the stars on the ceiling blur.

Ah, shit, Willow, he groans. I’m going to cum. Fuck, I wish I were coming in your pussy instead of my hand right now.

His words tip me over the edge. They’re so primal, so guttural, that I come again, crying out his name and clutching the bedding. Never in my life have I felt something so intense.

Look at that. My naughty mate. Coming for me again, are you? I suppose you aren’t that angry with me after all.

Caz’s groans are louder. He growls the words, oh fuck, and then there’s silence. As if he’s pulled his way out, I don’t feel him buried within me anymore. The imaginary weight of him is gone, and I feel open, raw.

Silence washes over the room, and it takes me a moment to realize what just happened. He just fucked me telepathically and made me orgasm. Twice. Holy shit.

“Caspy?” I call when the silence has gone on for too long.

Get some rest, Willow. It’s the last thing he says to me before blocking me out again.

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