Until You (Off-Limits)

Until You: Chapter 4

“He’s even more intense than I expected him to be. I’ve read so many articles about him, and you know I idolize the guy, yet you never thought to mention that you know him personally?” Brad says, his words tumbling out in rapid succession. “He’s quiet but domineering, and he’s even taller and broader than he looks in photos. Where does he even find the time to work out? Don’t you find that all successful people are like that? They prioritize their health in ways we don’t.”

He hasn’t stopped talking about Grayson since last night, and I should probably find it cute, but it just makes me uncomfortable. I’m not entirely certain why, but it does.

In part, it might be because I’m a little protective of Gray, and I know Brad wants to make use of my connection to him. I’ve always treated Gray the same way I treat Noah, and neither one of them seems to realize just how amazing they are. Noah continuously gets approached for free medical advice and treatments, when he barely has time to sleep as it is. Gray, on the other hand, is always hounded for his money and his connections. I don’t want to become another person who does that to him when I should be on his side.

Noah and Gray both look domineering, but they have hearts of gold. They don’t know how to turn down requests for help, because they both know what it’s like to be in a vulnerable position, to have nothing.

My phone buzzes, and I smile when I see a notification from the Nemesis app. I glance over at Brad, but he’s so busy obsessing over Grayson he doesn’t even realize I’m barely listening.

AshDid you manage to braid that beard of yours? Send pics.

I suppress a smile, amused with Ash’s continuous efforts to find out who I am. We’ve never met, but lately I’ve come to consider him a friend.

NyxI French braided it. It was beautiful.

AshOk Beardarella. Did you see the new case that popped up? One week tops. You wanna bet we can get this case resolved in a week?

I click on the case icon and find a new request. It’s a death row appeal. My heart drops at the mere thought of someone dying for a crime they didn’t commit. Looks like this person was convicted for murder based on nothing more than a witness testimony.

NyxIt won’t be easy, but let’s do this. I’m betting five days. We’ll need to work quickly.

AshWhat are we betting?


AshA favor from the illustrious Nyx? Count me in.

“Aria?” Brad says, snapping me out of my thoughts. He looks annoyed, and I smile at him sheepishly as I put my phone down. “Do you think you could score me an interview?” he asks, wrapping his arm around my waist.

He pulls me closer until our bodies are pressed against each other. “Please, honey,” he murmurs, his lips lowering to mine. I sigh in delight when he kisses me, my heart fluttering in a way it never has before. When he kisses me this way, I can barely think straight. The way Brad makes me feel… I’ve never felt anything like it. I never thought I’d ever have any of this — a normal life, a boyfriend, a well-paid job.

Brad pulls away and looks at me pleadingly. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could both work for Aequitas? I know you aren’t happy with your current job. This could be the perfect solution. It could be a new start.”

I tense, my heart fluttering as I cautiously allow hope to fill me. “We could move to California together,” I whisper, my thoughts filling with everything that’s currently out of reach. A job I actually love, being surrounded by people that motivate me and that’ll teach me more than I can learn by myself… and most of all, I’d have Brad by my side.

Brad nods. “Exactly. It’s time we start thinking about our future. We can’t stay here forever. If we want to make it, we need to be in Silicon Valley.”

Our future… I like the sound of that. We’ve only been together for a year, but I’m happy that we seem to be on the same page about our life together. Brad knows I’ve been applying for jobs for two years now, and I’m unable to find anything due to my lack of relevant work experience. I’ve been thinking about the next steps for my career, and honestly, working for Grayson would be a dream come true.

“Okay,” I whisper. “Whenever Gray visits, he always makes sure to spend a week with my brother, to catch up and hang out. He should be here for a few more days.”

Brad grins. “Do you think he’d want to have dinner with us?”

I nod. Gray has never said no to dinner before. Just like Noah, he’s always been there for me, in both big ways and small.

Brad hands me my phone in a rush and I shake my head as I scroll through my contacts, amused by his excitement.

I’m oddly nervous as I raise my phone to my ear. Gray has never said no to anything I’ve asked of him, yet now I feel… bad. I feel bad asking him to dinner, knowing my intentions aren’t pure. I don’t want to be another person who uses him. I bite down on my lip, second guessing myself. Just as I’ve convinced myself that I can’t do this, he picks up.

“Aria,” he says, his voice deep and his tone as unhurried as ever. The way he says my name has always been unique, almost intimate.

“Gray,” I whisper, before clearing my throat. “Hi.”

He chuckles, and I feel heat spread across my cheeks. Brad stares at me, a hint of impatience in his expression.

“Hi,” Grayson says.

I laugh nervously and shake my head. This is Gray. My Gray. The same Gray I’ve known for years, Gray who treats me like his little sister. Noah has always told me that the three of us are a family, and that he and Gray will always be there for me. I shouldn’t be so scared to ask for a simple favor.

“I… um,” I mutter. “I… is Noah going to be late today? He always is these days, you know? They work him to the bone. You’re probably alone at the house, right? It can’t be nice. Or is it? Maybe you’re enjoying the solitude? I don’t know. But what will you eat? Do you have food?”

My eyes flutter closed in mortification. So much for asking for a favor. I’m messing this up. Grayson bursts into laughter, while Brad stares at me with raised brows and a confused expression.

“What is it you want, Aria?” Gray says, his tone teasing.

I sigh and shake my head. “You saw straight through me, huh?”

“You always ramble when you’re nervous, Ari. Either you’ve done something, or you want something. Which is it?”

The use of my childhood nickname warms my heart, and I relax instantly. “Fine, you’re right,” I admit. “Food. You don’t have any, do you?”

Gray pauses before he replies. “I do not. Why?”

“Would you like to have dinner with me?”

“Dinner… me and you?”

I glance at Brad and purse my lips, a hint of uneasiness making me hesitate. “And Brad,” I say, my voice soft.

Gray is silent, and I swallow hard as I wait for his reply. My heart is beating in my throat, and for a second I’m certain he’ll say no. Part of me hopes he does. That way my conscience won’t weigh so heavily on me.

“Was this your idea or his?”

How… how does he know? “Gray, you and I always hang out when you visit. You don’t want to?”

He sighs, and guilt settles in the pit of my stomach, weighing on me. “You’re evading my question, Aria. Was it your idea?”

“I… no, Gray.”

“And this, me having dinner with you both, it matters to you?”

I hesitate. Part of me wants to say no. I don’t want Gray doing anything he doesn’t want to do, and I know he’ll do this for me if I ask him to. He’ll do it, but I doubt he’ll enjoy it. I glance at Brad, and the hope in his eyes fills me with resignation. Having dinner with Gray could change everything for us. I could get my dream job and Brad could move with me. Working for Gray would definitely be a good career move for Brad, too.

“It does, Gray,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

He sighs, falling silent for a moment. “You’ll cook for me?”

“I’ll make your favorite.”.

“You still remember what that is?”

I smile. Like I could ever forget. “Always, Gray.”

“Hmm… at least you’ll feed me a homemade meal while your boyfriend feeds me bullshit. Done. I’ll see you at seven?”

I bite back a smile. “See you at seven, Gray.”

Brad fist pumps and mouths ‘Yes!’ as I end the call. I should be happy that Gray agreed, but somehow, I’m left wishing he hadn’t.

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