Unnatural Instinct: Wish

Chapter 15

How can all your dreams come true in one moment? How did you become so lucky?

His arms tighten around you as he crushes you to his chest. Then he’s kissing you down your throat and along your shoulder. You wrap your arms around his neck. Your body is eager again. You’re burning so fiercely it’s almost painful. How is that possible? You’ve already come twice!

Laughing, you push him away before he can bury his face into your breasts. Playfully, you swim away—but he’s fast. Before you can even reach the other side, he’s got you around the waist with one of his strong arms. Then he’s kissing you down the back of your neck. Giggling girlishly, you squirm against him, trying to escape. He merely holds you more tightly.

Startled, you yelp, when he grabs you between the legs. He clutches at your breasts; he mashes his face into the side of your neck as he sucks you. He’s much more forceful this time. More passionate. And you respond, clutching hard at his arms as you lean back into him.

His big hands are warm against your breasts. His breath his hot against your neck. The water is at the height of your chest and it’s easy for him to swing you up into his arms. It seems just as easy still to carry you out of the spa, water splashing down around him. He’s so strong. He’s going to keep you safe. He’s going to give you everything you want.

He lowers you onto one of the sun lounges and lies on top of you, his skin slippery against yours. His hands are all over you, his lips. It’s dizzying. You’re still dazed from the spa. His cock is burning against your belly. You can’t think how intercourse is going to be possible with the friction of the water, and yet he penetrates you easily.

You can feel your lips pull back. You spread open your thighs and arch your hips as you open yourself up to his hard rod of an erection. How is he hard again so quickly? He kisses the tip of your chin as you rest your head back against the chair. His hands are on your hips. Your knees stick up on either side of him, your thighs wide. Then he starts thrusting.

How does he do it? How does he make you feel so good? You can feel your third orgasm coming on already. You grab onto his backside, begging him to go harder, to go faster. You suck in a breath, delirious with pleasure as every thrust pushes you closer and closer to the edge.

‘I’m coming,’ you gasp.

You claw your fingers into the flesh of his backside. You strain your neck. Then a noise echoes around the bathroom, seemingly out of the blue. A familiar song. You know that song. You hear it all the time and yet you can’t quite grasp why. Where’s it even coming from?

‘Ignore it,’ the Dark Prince hisses through gritted teeth as he continues to thrust.

It’s something important. Again, you understand that simple fact, but you don’t know why. Your head doesn’t feel right. Everything is so fuzzy.

‘Ignore it!’ the Dark Prince snarls.

He’s bucking hard against you now. You can hear and feel the wet slap of his balls against your groin. You try to move with him but he’s moving too fast, too frantically, and you’re distracted. He arches his neck, his eyes bulging in his face.

‘It hurts!’ you hiss as he digs his fingers hard into your hips.

The music is getting louder and louder until it rings painfully in your ears. And then you suddenly realise: ‘That’s my phone!’

The next thing you know you’re staring at the ceiling, alone, in a room that fills you up with bad sensations. Your heart keeps skipping beats. Your knees are up, your legs spread wide beneath your sheet. You can still feel him inside you.

The song keeps playing, louder now, more urgent. You don’t move for several moments, confused and stunned. The pool. The sex. Aren’t you wet? Finally, your mind clears enough that you roll onto your side and pick up your phone. It’s your brother.

‘Hello?’ you croak.

‘Auntie!’ answers a little chipmunk voice.

‘Lilly!’ Startled and embarrassed, you promptly sit up. ‘How are you? What are you up to?’

And you fall into an awkward conversation with your five-year-old niece—barbies, the girls at school, her teacher with the curly brown hair, the dress her mother bought—all the while your mind is fastened on your dirty dream.

‘When are you coming over?’ she says hopefully in that achingly innocent voice of hers.

‘I-I don’t know. That’ll be up to Daddy.’ You grimace as you slide to the edge of the bed.

‘I’ll get Daddy.’


But you can hear her rushing somewhere and the distant sound of her squeaky voice calling for your brother.

‘Hi, how are you?’ Allan’s deep voice speaks. ‘You want to come over this weekend?’

‘This weekend? Sure. Nothing much to do, have I?’ You give a nervous laugh, grabbing your abdomen with a wince.

‘Excellent. The kids will love it. Lilly can’t stop talking about you, you know?’


‘Of course! And the boys. You’re their auntie.’ There’s a short pause. ’You are all right aren’t you?’

’I’m fine, Allan. Really.’

‘All right. We’ll see you soon.’

‘Okay. Love you. And tell Lilly I can’t wait to see her either.’

‘Love you, too.’

You both hang up. You don’t have long to sit and ponder your conversation before the sting in your bladder drives you from the bed and sends you crashing through the door, down the hall and into the bathroom. You sit down on the toilet with a thud.

You groan, dropping your head into your hands. The stream is endless. How long were you sleeping this time? Your brain feels like it’s been poked and prodded. Your mouth is dry and smells funny. The room won’t stop spinning.

Once you’re done, you suddenly realise how hungry you are. Painfully hungry. You grab for your underwear to pull them up, only to drop them in disgust. They’re so wet. Drenched.

You chuck them into the washing basket, you clean yourself down and turn to flush the toilet. As you do, the hunger pangs turn sickening. You barely have time to lean over the bowl before you heave your guts up.

You spit as you pant, then wipe your mouth. You’re going to have to be more careful.

The last thing you need is to make yourself sick.

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