Chapter Bitten Once Shy Forever 455
Chapter 455
However, when Walter saw it was Minnie, the fearless woman, he could only drop his work and give her
his attention.
Still, he made sure to extricate her from his arms and keep a professional distance. "What's up, Minnie? Getting bored?" he asked.
However, knowing that Walter was a true workaholic, Minnie figured she had already gotten special treatment for not being kicked out for her antics. So, instead of dwelling on it, she decided to get straight to the point.
"I was just thinking, with your birthday coming up, it'd be very weird if Evangeline didn't show. However, things are so frosty between you two. Wouldn't it come off as pretty half-hearted if you just sent Mr. Zimmer to invite her?" The word 'half-hearted immediately caught Walter's attention. He eyed Minnie, who was obviously
yet said, and cut to the chase, "What's on your mind?"
tiptoeing around something she had no
"If you really want Evangeline to show up, you've got to be the one to call her, Walter. Once she sees we're serious, she'll get over whatever grudge she's holding and come to your birthday bash."
Minnie's argument seemed solid, but the scheming behind her eyes was all too apparent.
Walter was nobody's fool. Did she really think she could pull a fast one on him?
Playing along, Walter probed, "So, you're saying I should call Evangeline myself and ask her to come to my birthday party?"
Walter toyed with the idea, but he was more worried about the potential awkwardness that might ensue if
he made the call.
"I just think it would work out better. Plus, I'm here, right? I can lend a hand with inviting Evangeline, too."
Minnie's gaze was brimming with feigned earnestness, but anyone who knew her even slightly could tell she was plotting something.
Walter was not fooled for a second, and he had no intention of following her script.
It was clear as day that Minnie had it out for Evangeline, and if things had not come to that, he would never have let both of them be at his yacht party at the same time.
"And how exactly are you planning to help? Think you can outtalk Evangeline?"
Walter's words came out in a steady stream, showing no signs of wanting to make a call, and he effectively snuffed out Minnie's sly plan. "We've got to have faith in Mr. Zimmer's skills. All we need to do is sit tight and wait for the good news." He gave Minnie's hand a reassuring pat and locked eyes with her, his gaze heavy with unspoken thoughts.
Little did he know, he had underestimated Minnie's knack for taking action.
What was just a simple pat on the hand turned into something much more suggestive, thanks to the angle Minnie had craftily chosen.
Chapter 455
Walter's loaded look, set against the soft pink background, only served to underscore the strong bond between them.
Minnie played the part of the dutiful comforter to Walter, and once she saw tan dive back to his wor she sneakily took out her phone and sent the perfectly staged photo to Evangeliner's phone
She was hell-bent on reaching her goal, and despite Walter's clear stance against calling Evangelice, Minnie was not about to take 'no' for an answer.
She could not go against Walter's wishes, but she still had to get what she wanted
There was only one way to make that happen, and that was to get Evangeline to make the first move