Unfated Mates: A Forbidden Coming-of-Age Werewolf Romance

Unfated Mates: Part 1 – Chapter 7

Nat trembled while Caleb yanked her coat around her, zipping it up furiously before dragging her outside. The cold bit into the exposed skin on her legs as she rushed to keep up with his long strides.

She’d thought she was doing it right when she dressed this morning. Her bras had shown in every top and every dress she’d tried on, and she’d tried them all. At least this dress had been longer and was a pale blue that she didn’t think would draw attention. But she hadn’t been cold when she’d looked in the mirror this morning.

She was wheezing by the time they made it back to the trailer, but Caleb didn’t let her stop until he’d dragged her back to the room and closed the door.

“Why didn’t you tell them to fuck off! Why did you just stand there and let them talk to you that way!”

Nat stared up at him, her lungs hurting with each breath. He was listening?

Tears stung her eyes and she looked down, starting to remove her coat only for him to grab it.

Don’t do that,” he growled.

She stood frozen in place, her big ugly coat now far too warm after the furious pace he’d set walking home. Wearing clothes he’d wanted her to wear. Not the cheap, ugly things she owned. The only things she’d been able to afford. The embarrassing things she had to wear. Embarrassing for her. Embarrassing for him to be around her.

Caleb had brought her makeup to fix her face. Hair products to fix her hair. And clothes from the girl he’d checked out so thoroughly in front of her to fix her body. But she’d tried. She’d tried so hard to do what he wanted her to do. And still it was wrong.

She collapsed on her knees, the air feeling heavy, and took the coat off, ignoring him as nausea threatened to choke her. The room had grown loud and her eyesight was dark at the edges. She knew this feeling—she’d fainted before. And she knew she needed to put her head down, but she couldn’t bear to keep looking so weak in front of him.

“I’m sorry,” she said, fighting back the sick feeling in her gut while she stared at the floor. “I am glad you’re not like me, Caleb. I’m so glad for you. But I’ve tried defending myself before…and I…humiliate myself and cry. And that never stopped anything.”

Tears were filling her eyes, but she focused on trying to hear herself speak over the rushing in her ears.

“This is the only way I know how to be okay. Inside,” she whispered, staring at her hands in her lap. “And I know it must look really pathetic. Or…is really pathetic. But it’s the only way I was able to figure out how to be. How to…be okay.”

Her tears spilled over, and she thought she heard him speaking but she couldn’t make out the words.

“Just listen, please. I can’t really hear very well right now.”

She flinched away when he touched her. She needed to get this out and be done.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I’m not better. But I can’t do the things you want me to do. I can’t be the person you want me to be. I don’t know how to dress like they do. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do my hair. Or my face. I really wanted to look better.” Her face broke, and she pressed her palms hard on her eyes. “I swear I tried so hard this morning. I never wanted to embarrass you, and I am so, so sorry.”

Then she drew a deep breath and opened her eyes again to look at him while he kneeled across from her, his eyes huge and horrified as he shook his head, his mouth forming words she couldn’t hear.

“But I am tired of everyone around me looking down on me for being myself! For not being able to buy the right types of clothes. For not looking better. For not being better. For not being whatever you want me to be!”

His head shook furiously as he continued mouthing words, and her voice cracked.

“I changed my mind, Caleb. It wasn’t a good idea for you to come here. Go back to your freedom. Or go live with Heather or someone who can dress the way you want and look the way you want and act the way you want! Maybe you can sleep in her closet since it’s so much bigger than my small, ugly room!”

He had gone perfectly still, but she could barely see him through the tears and the narrow tunnel that remained of her vision.

“I have tried, and I have been doing the best that I know how to do. I don’t have nice things, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to say or do when people are mean, but I have done everything I can think of and I’m sorry it’s not enough!”

The roaring in her ears was too loud now—she held onto the coat and sank to the floor, closing her eyes. The vibrations beneath her told her he’d shifted and was moving rapidly in the small space.

“I’m sorry I went into your space that day, Caleb…I’m really sorry.”

She thought she heard yelping as a rush of air passed over her. The sharp sound of the window she always left open a crack being shoved open finally penetrated her ears. And then all was silent and still.

Nat couldn’t move as the crushing grief spread through her body, and she lay in silence until sleep mercifully took her away.

The light had almost disappeared when Nat opened her eyes again. Cold silence surrounded her. She pushed herself to her feet and leaned over to shut the window. Caleb’s clothing lay on the floor, and she stared at it, a sickness washing over her. She needed to get out of here for a while.

Heather’s dress slipped to the floor, and she stepped out of it, reaching for a pair of sweatpants Caleb liked to wear instead. She pulled one of his sweatshirts over her head and left her room, stopping to check on her mother for a moment before she stepped out of the trailer.

The air had grown colder, but the sweats were warm enough. And she wanted to just be wrapped up in Caleb a little while longer. Just a little longer before she had to think…

She’d told him to leave. She had done this. But she wasn’t ready to wait around the rest of the night, worried. Sick. Alone again. She wasn’t ready to face it.

Her feet set out walking down the drive. Maybe she’d walk into town.


Nat’s stomach jolted a moment before she realized it was Preston.

“You shouldn’t be walking around by yourself in the dark—it’s not safe.”

Yeah. From people like him.

“I’ve been doing it for years,” she shrugged.

“Yeah, but I just heard some guy just got totally torn up by coyotes the other night a few miles away.”

“A guy? Not a dog?”

“Yeah. One of his neighbors saw a pack of coyotes in his yard this morning, eating something. They fired their shotgun at them and they ran off, but the dude was in pieces all over the yard. Everybody’s talking about hunting them down.”

Nat’s breath caught in her throat. Caleb was in the woods. Her stomach clenched until she realized he would have no reason to stay local if he wanted to live as a wolf. He would be fine. He had to be fine.

“Mind if I walk with you?” he asked. “I have to go to the store.”

Nat hesitated, her gut still twisting with worry. Maybe she should just walk around the neighborhood instead. Maybe she should go back home in case Caleb came back. But…

The idea of waiting in the trailer, jumping in hope at every sound, was too painful. She was going to have a long night of that when she got back. Any delay would be better than that.

She turned to walk toward town without answering.

“I know you probably don’t like me much—“

“You made fun of me ever since I’ve been here,” she said flatly, not looking at him as he walked beside her.

“I know. I’m really sorry. I was a dick. I just…I didn’t know how to talk to girls. Especially, you know…pretty girls.”

Her steps halted, and she turned to face him, wrapping her arms around herself.

“Look, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’m tired of being made fun of. So just get it out. Whatever you’re waiting to say, just get it over with.”

His eyes grew huge, and his mouth opened and closed multiple times without a sound.

“I…well, I guess…I guess I wanted to tell you that—that you looked real pretty today. Like really pretty. I mean, obviously you did, but, well, I just wanted to say it, I guess,” he finished, looking pale.

Nat’s brow furrowed so deeply it hurt.

“That makes no sense.”

His eyes fell to the ground.

“Sorry. I’m not very good with words,” he mumbled.

Nat stared at him harder.

“I meant it makes no sense to say I looked pretty. Everyone was making fun of me.”

His eyes jerked up in surprise.

“Who! I didn’t hear anyone making fun of you!”

“Just…everyone I saw. They’d just sort of…give a little laugh and turn away.”

His eyebrows lifted.

“Ohhh…you mean the girls.”

“Well, yeah. But guys were staring and sometimes made sounds.”

Preston rubbed his brow, staring at her hesitantly.

“You know guys are kind of…dumb. Especially when they’re thinking with their…you know.”

Nat swallowed. Was he saying the boys were like the creep? That’s what they were thinking? Tears stung her eyes and she looked down.

“Oh, shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything bad. I mean, it’s a compliment, really. They just all thought you looked really good.”

Her wet eyes flew back up.

“Nobody said that. Nobody said I looked nice at all.”

“Well, jeez, no. Not with your brother ready to kill anyone who looked at you!”

“He was just ashamed of me,” she said quietly.

Preston snorted.

“I mean, no brother wants to think about his sister getting fucked—oh, shit—I mean, I don’t have a sister, but I know a lot of guys try to make their sisters feel bad when guys want them. But he’s just going to have to get used to it. You’re super pretty!”

“You always called me Medusa,” she whispered.

He groaned, covering his face.

“Why do you have to keep bringing up the things I did as a kid?”

“It was last year.”

“Yeah, before high school! I’m not some immature middle schooler anymore!”

She couldn’t seem to do anything except stare.

“You really hurt me.” Her voice sounded so small to her ears. “For a long time. You and your friend. And the girl you walk with. You made fun of me every day. You threw things at me.”

“God, that was kid stuff. Kids do shit like that all the time!”

Nat stared again. She shouldn’t have said anything. It was pointless. And walking out here with him was probably stupid anyhow.

She turned to go but went rigid when he grabbed her arm.

“Oh, come on. You have to forgive me. It’s not like I ever meant any of it!”

She heard the snarl before he did, and everything went still. Preston had his head cocked just a bit as he stood pleading with her. Just enough.

Nat didn’t hesitate and grabbed his neck a split second before Caleb’s fangs sank into her hand and his body took them all to the ground.

Caleb jerked away with a high pitched yelp, and Nat grabbed her hand, pressing down on the wound as she knelt on the hard pavement and looked over at him, her heart thundering in her chest.

He hadn’t gone. She wanted to throw her arms around him and cry. Sing. Just…everything.

But he was jerking his head back and forth while he backed away, yelping and whining, and her eyes darted down to where Preston was lying on the ground

Relief filled her. He seemed to be in shock but was otherwise unhurt, and her eyes flew back to Caleb, his whine growing longer, piercing the silence of the night.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, holding her hand out to him, the small trickle of blood moving in a slow line across her skin. “It didn’t go too deep.”

“HELP—“ Nat turned and slammed her bloodied hand over Preston’s mouth, blocking his yell.

Do not say anything!” she hissed, and his eyes widened as he stared up at her. But he nodded. Releasing him carefully, she looked around to make sure no one had heard before turning back to Caleb.

His head was low, his whine a soft, constant sound, and she held her hand out once more.

“I’m sorry.” Her eyes begged him to forgive her. “Don’t go. Please don’t go.”

Except he shouldn’t be on the sidewalk where someone might come out and see him. He was in the shadows, but if anyone turned on a nearby porch light, that could change quickly.

“Please go home,” she whispered, too low for Preston to hear.

Caleb’s whine grew, his head lowering even further.

“Please,” she said thickly, tears springing to her eyes.

He stepped towards her, his whine never abating, until his muzzle just touched her fingertips and his tongue reached out to lick the blood from her hand. Every pained sound from his throat sent an ache to her heart, and her arm fell slowly. He stepped closer, licking her, until she could lean against him at last, his tongue still stroking her wounded skin.

“You’re like the wolf whisperer,” Preston breathed, starting to sit up but freezing when Caleb jerked his head toward him, snarling.

“Shhh…don’t scare him anymore,” Nat whispered, wrapping both arms around Caleb’s neck and petting him softly. “And don’t hurt him. He’s just a stupid boy.”

He turned his face into her, his whine returning.

“Will you…go home? I’m scared someone else will see you. Some coyotes killed someone, and there are too many hunters around here.”

He grew heavy against her for a moment, his huge frame leaning on her small one, but she felt him nod. Her arms fell from his neck, and she started to stand, only to stop when he stepped over her body, forcing her to lean back and preventing her from moving. She lifted her head to look at him, and her breath caught in her throat.

Every bit of the wolf she’d seen the first time they met stood above her, his fangs bared and mere inches from Preston’s face while a low, fierce growl rolled from his throat. His massive paws with their sharp claws were planted over her body protectively—possessively—and his message couldn’t have been more clear.

Stay away.

Preston trembled, staring up at the enormous dark form.

“Wh—what do I do, Natty?” he whispered, jumping when Caleb snarled. Nat hesitated.

“Just…go on home. Or wherever you were going. You don’t have to worry—he won’t hurt you.”

Caleb’s vicious bark didn’t agree, and Nat looked at the houses around them nervously. Preston began inching away.

“Preston, you won’t tell anyone?” her voice had a touch of desperation in it.

He had crawled back far enough to risk standing on shaky legs, and he shook his head, keeping his eyes locked on Caleb.

“What would I say? You have a giant wolf?” he whispered, his eyes huge in his face. “Who would believe me?”

A nearby porch light came on, and Nat’s heart raced. Caleb was still in the shadows, but if anyone came outside, it wouldn’t take long to spot him. She pushed at him, trying to sit up, but he wouldn’t budge, his eyes locked on Preston while the pale boy continued backing away.

“Better get it out of here, Natty. The guy in that house has a shotgun, and I dunno if he’d even care if we were standing close enough to get shot, too.”

Caleb did react at that, grabbing Nat’s wrist gently between his jaws and pulling her back toward the trailer.

“Geez. It’s almost like it understands…”

Preston’s whisper trailed behind her as Nat stumbled to her feet to follow Caleb.

“He’s really smart—thanks, Preston!” she called out in a loud whisper. She walked quickly beside Caleb, trying to tug her hand from his mouth but giving up with a sigh when he ignored her. He didn’t release her until she had opened the trailer door, and he pushed her through with a nudge of his head.

Her mother stirred as they walked in, but Caleb kept pushing her back to her room.

“Honey…? Did we get a dog?”

The slurred voice followed them down the hall, and Nat hoped she would just go back to sleep. She closed her bedroom door quickly as soon as they were in the room, locking it and leaning her head against the door.

Her heart pounded uncomfortably. She was wearing his clothes. And the things she’d said earlier…everything he’d overheard at school…the walking talking cringe fest that was her…

Nat closed her eyes. She didn’t want to face him.

A sound behind her told her Caleb had shifted. She heard him pulling on what must have been jeans because a zipper sounded after a few moments. Then silence.

“Nat…” His voice was hoarse, and the sound sent a deep pang to her heart. “I never…never wanted you to change.”

Her head turned to the side, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

“I can see how it looked that way…now,” he whispered. “But all I wanted to do was—“

When he stopped talking, Nat turned slowly to face him, and the sight took her breath away.

His head was down while he stared at the floor, his dark, glossy locks falling forward on his forehead. The strong lines of his face were etched in masculine perfection above his bare, broad shoulders, strong arms, and well muscled chest. A soft line of dark hair trailed from his navel over the gentle ridges of his abs to the open button of his jeans, and she shivered as her mind conjured images of what she knew was below.

His eyes darted up to hers suddenly, hopeful but wary, and she dropped hers. Sometimes it wasn’t so great that he was a wolf.

“I don’t think it’s really fair to keep kissing me, Caleb, and then just suddenly go out with someone else,” she said, drawing a shaky breath as she tried to get her body under control. “It…it’s like suddenly getting hit in the stomach when you didn’t know someone was about to hit you.”

A short whine sounded in his throat.

“But I didn’t! I just wanted to ask her about clothes!”

Her eyes lifted to his reluctantly to see his own wide and pleading.

“You were checking her out at her locker. We all saw. And…it was pretty obvious you liked what you saw,” she swallowed, trying to get past the pain in her gut.

“I was thinking of the things I could put on you! I just thought it would look good on you—that I would be able to see you better during the day—but…it was a really stupid idea,” he muttered, looking back down

Nat dropped her eyes as well, the sick feeling growing again.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

He crossed the small space and pulled her firmly to his chest before she could take a breath, a hand in her hair pulling her head back to look up at his stern eyes.

“No, Nat! No no no! You were the most disturbingly, terrifying, horribly—“ His voice was choked, and he growled in frustration at the growing hurt in her eyes—“beautiful beautiful beautiful girl in the whole world, which I already knew!”

His volume grew as he continued, the frustration of the day filling his voice.

“But I didn’t know what your nipples looked like and then it was all I could think about all day, and I almost shifted every single time I looked at you, and every single guy was thinking horrible horrible horrible things—no, Nat, not that kind of horrible—horrible for me! Horrible because I don’t want anyone else thinking about your nipples! Or what it would be like to have them in his mouth!”

“And I was in pain all day,” he whined, leaning his head against her wide eyed face, “and I’m still in pain and I’m so frustrated that my body doesn’t work the way other boys’ bodies work and there is nothing I can do to make the pain go away!”

Nat’s chest heaved, each breath dragging her breasts against his chest, and she shivered when the friction hardened her nipples once again. A deep groan left his throat, and his hands slid down to the hem of her shirt. His shirt.

“Can I see?” he whispered, his hands slipping underneath slowly. Her breath caught when his skin touched hers, his warm, soft hands flattening against her waist and slowly sliding up her ribcage.

Her lashes fluttered up to see his brow creased in a deep line.

“Doesn’t this hurt too much?” she whispered.

His heavy lidded eyes met hers, and her heart jumped.

“Everything hurts,” he whispered. “Being close to you is like playing with fire. But if I step away, it’s cold. So fucking cold. And I’d rather burn than freeze to death. And when I thought you wanted me to go…”

His hands splayed around her ribs as a shudder went through him, and she raised a hand tentatively to his cheek, stroking softly. He shuddered again and nuzzled her palm.

“I don’t ever want to hurt that way again. I can take anything except that.”

He paused, his lashes falling to stare at the dried blood on the back of her hand.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered thickly, his eyes filling with guilt. Too much guilt.

A small sound escaped Nat’s throat, and she reached down quickly and pulled his shirt over her head, dropping it to rest her hands on his shoulders.

Caleb froze, his eyes falling to her chest, blinking constantly, and Nat struggled to breathe while he stared at the hard pink tips moving up and down on his bare chest with every breath she took.

Her own body was on fire, heat pooling between her legs until she couldn’t stand it and a small whimper escaped her.

The sound broke through his trance and he groaned, his arms wrapping around her and lifting her body as he bent his head to gently suck one of the hard, pink nubs into his warm, wet lips.

Nat gasped, her arms coming up to hold his head, and he moaned into her, pressing her into the door, a deep whine growing in his throat while desire pierced her body.

And then a zipper sounded just before the cold air surrounded her and she collapsed on her knees. His whine changed, the long, pained sound from his wolf form sounding more like a light howl. Her arms wrapped around her chest, and he licked her neck in long, slow strokes, the heat of his tongue soothing her as shivers of unquenched longing continued flowing through her body.

His tongue lapped at her shoulders, her hands, reaching between her arms and her body, and she groaned in frustration, trying to push him away as the edge teased at a nipple.

Caleb pressed in closer as the movement gave him greater access, the spread of his tongue covering her nipple completely.

“Caleb, would you stop!” she said, exasperated, but he ignored her and she whimpered, leaning her head back against the door while he continued licking her.

She reached up to pet him with a sigh.

“You know, you’re impossible.”

Then she leaned in to wrap her arms around him, preventing him from licking any further, and smiled at his whine. She held him close for a long time, stroking his fur, before finally pulling back.

She needed to go clean up her hand. The cut wasn’t too deep, but she didn’t want it getting infected.

A giggle escaped her when Caleb tried licking her once more, and she shoved his muzzle away, ignoring his light bark as she stood. She thought she saw a bright spot of pink on his stomach for a moment, but he bounded to his feet with her and she shrugged it away, reaching for his shirt again before going to clean up.

“Dammit, Caleb—you gave them to me—they’re mine!”

Nat was still in her towel and needed to get dressed, but she was too busy playing tug of war with Caleb over one of the few remaining dresses Heather had given her. He’d already torn apart the majority of them before she could stop him.

He growled and shook his head back and forth viciously, ripping it from her fingers and tearing a cry from her when he dragged his claws and fangs through it. She grabbed the remaining clothes and ran from the room, slamming the bathroom door before he could reach her. Her heart pounded against the cold surface as she leaned against it in relief, listening to him whine and claw at the carpet on the other side.

A jolt of alarm went through her when he went silent, and she slammed her hand on the lock a moment before he tried opening the door.

“Nat…” he whined, shoving against the door. “I can’t go through another day like yesterday.”

“Caleb, if you break this door, I swear I’ll…I’ll…I will wear one of the torn dresses and let everyone see everything!”

“Not if I bury them first,” he snarled, hitting the door again, harder.

“Then I’ll sleep in my mom’s room by myself from now on!” she cried in a panic. “I swear I will!”

He went quiet.

“You wouldn’t,” he said, but she heard the doubt in his voice.

“I would!” she nodded emphatically, even though he couldn’t see her. Or know she was lying. “Caleb…let me try again. I can cover my nipples with tape. Let me try to look…I don’t know. Normal,” she finished morosely, turning to lean her forehead against the door.

She heard him exhale in a short burst before he whined again.

“I don’t want everybody to see you, Nat…”

“How do you think I feel all the time! Girls drool over you constantly!”

“But guys are different,” he whined.

“How would you know! That is the most chauvinistic…ridiculous…” her strangled tones couldn’t seem to make it past her throat, and she took a deep breath.

“I’ll cover up, too!” His voice was so bright and hopeful, she couldn’t help laughing even as she groaned.

“Caleb…I’ve felt so bad for so long at school. Please…just give me a chance to try to fit in. I…” Her stomach clenched. A chance to fit in? The girls weren’t going to think any better of her for wearing Heather’s clothing. And evidently the guys were just thinking about sex. What was she even doing.

Her shoulders slumped, and she leaned against the door weakly for a long moment before opening it. She shoved the clothes into Caleb’s arms and walked past him, trying not to think about his very gorgeous naked body.

“Nat.” His voice was soft as he stopped her, holding the clothes to the side and lifting her chin. Her lashes stayed down, and he pressed his lips to hers for a moment. “I’m sorry.”

“Forget it. It was stupid. I don’t know anything about that stuff anyway.”

“What are you talking about,” he breathed against her lips, nibbling at them. “You just about tore the school apart yesterday. You can be whatever you want.”

She gasped at the sudden feel of his skin when he pulled her close, dropping his face into her neck with a groan.

“I can suffer through it.” The muffled sounds couldn’t hide his petulance, and she pinched her lips together, trying very hard not to laugh. And trying not to think about only her towel being between them.

“You’re a baby.”

“I know,” he muttered, but then raised his head with a hopeful look. “But aren’t you supposed to take care of babies?”

“You’re suppose to put them in time out when they’re old enough to know better,” she snapped but kissed him quickly before grabbing the clothes back. His mournful sigh trailed behind her as she went to finish getting ready.

A half hour later, she stood in front of him, worry filling her eyes.

“Is it okay? Does it look stupid?”

The scotch tape she’d tried hadn’t stayed on her skin, so she just put one of her old, thin cardigans over the green spaghetti strap maxi dress. She’d done her hair and makeup the same as the previous day, and she thought it looked pretty. Even with the ankle boots. Actually, she kind of liked the look with the boots, even though she hadn’t seen anyone at her school wearing their dresses that way.

She glanced up at Caleb, and he looked so miserable staring at her, all her worries evaporated. His eyes widened when she launched herself at him, throwing her arms around him tightly and closing her eyes, a happy smile stretching across her face.

“Thank you,” she murmured, nuzzling him with a sigh.

His head dropped to hers, and he held her close, breathing her in for a moment before pulling her toward the door with a sigh.

“Come on. We’re going to miss the bus, and it’s getting too cold for you to walk so far. I shouldn’t have dragged you home like I did yesterday.” His eyes avoided hers, guilt in his voice again, and she squeezed his hand tightly before dropping it as they exited the trailer.

“Can’t we just be a brother and sister who hold hands?” he asked.

Nat sputtered and covered her mouth as she looked up at his wistful expression, shaking her head.

“Well…can’t we just…stop pretending then?”

Her brows lifted and her lips parted with a bit of a smile.

“Yes… But social services will make us both live with someone else because my mom is on probation. If she gets caught for faking everything, she won’t be allowed to keep either of us.”

When he didn’t look convinced, she continued.

“And then even if miraculously they gave us to the same foster family, we would never be allowed to sleep in the same room. So would you rather pretend,” she whispered as they drew close to the bus stop, “and still be able to sleep together or stop pretending and probably only see each other at school?”

He glared at her, not liking the choices.

“Well I don’t see why we can’t just be a really close brother and sister,” he whispered back.

Her laughter bubbled over, and she put both fists to her mouth, her eyes bright with horrified amusement.

“Caleb…if we did that the way you’re thinking, social services would definitely take one of us away.”

He crossed his arms, his expression grumpy and spoiled, and she laughed behind her hands. Nobody had told him no for nine long years. He still had a hard time with not getting his own way.

Nat squeezed her eyes together tightly, trying to get rid of the feelings she feared she must be showing in them every time she looked at him. When she opened them again, he was staring at her. Not like a brother.

His eyes fell to her lips, and she turned quickly.

“Bus is here!”

She heard his frustrated exhale and bit her lip. God, she couldn’t remember ever being this happy. Or feeling so completely beautiful. Or liked. Or…

Her heart skipped a beat, and she swallowed. She could feel Caleb looking at her while they sat on the bus, but she just stared out the window, feeling the warmth of his thigh pressed against hers, of his arm through the lighter jacket she’d worn. Her eyes closed, and she let the heat flow through her, the memory of his lips on hers, on her breast…

Caleb shifted and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“Nat, if you don’t stop whatever you’re doing, I’m not going to be able to control myself.” His voice was hoarse. Urgent. Her eyes flew to his to see his brow drawn in a severe line.

“Sorry,” she whispered, a small smile at the corner of her mouth. “I’m just happy.”

His brows raised in pained, frustrated delight, and he groaned and dropped his head back against the seat, closing his eyes and holding his stomach.

“Talk to me, Nat. About something really boring.”

So she did. And all throughout the day, they made sure to keep talking about boring, monotonous topics, trying to distract their minds. But Nat could barely keep her thoughts in check, even so.

It wasn’t until the last period of the day, when she sat in class allowing her thoughts full reign while Caleb wasn’t around, when she let the scene replay in her mind over and over of Caleb at lunch loudly calling out Megan for being an ugly, jealous c—well. She wouldn’t repeat the word he’d used but she couldn’t help feeling completely warmed by him championing her. Or delighted by his very public scorn of all the girls who had been mean to her. It wasn’t until she was completely lost in so many beautiful thoughts that something tore her thoughts away from her daydreams.

In the end, it was such a small thing that did it. Two little words. Just a name. But when she heard it, when she realized whose body had been torn apart, everything came crashing down inside her. Because she knew. It couldn’t be a mere coincidence. She knew.

Caleb—her beautiful, glorious wolf—was a murderer.

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