Undying Devotion

Chapter Documents, Notes & Books

Jessie shook his head. “I don’t like this idea Shann.”

She had headed back to the station with Arion. He had made himself at home sitting in her office chair at her computer, while she was perched on the edge of her desk. Arion sat with his legs crossed while he leant back with his hands pressed together, studying the situation. His eyes trained on the two that were caught in an argument. She could feel his eyes lingering on her every time she spoke, the man had a presence about him.

“What other option do we have? It’s the only logical course of action.” She tried to argue.

“You only just came back to work, might I add a bit too early as well? It’s too dangerous.” Jessie was pleading with her.

“I can’t send Masie, or any other female officers. They really can’t be let in on this, not until we are sure.” Shannara was growing frustrated, but honestly, she couldn’t blame Jessie for being upset. “Besides, I’m taking Arion with me.”

Arion’s eyebrow rose as his gaze flicked over to Jessie. Arion was calm and collected while Jessie was frantic, throwing his hands in the air and letting out a frustrated groan.

“A guy I know nothing about and I’ve only just met.” He looked over to the newcomer in her chair. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Arion responded, though his eyes said otherwise.

The door to her little office stall was closed as the discussion they were having was quite sensitive. She had explained that with Arion’s help, they had figured out the satanic ritual that was being performed – that was at least what they were calling it for the office. And that it required five sacrifices and a molding of bodies and blood. They theorized that a woman was paid for her sexual performance, ie; a prostitute. The plan was for her to go undercover, Arion as her pimp, and have a chat with the other ladies, maybe even the kingpin himself. The sex industry was small here but it still existed.

Jessie let another frustrated groan. He knew the risks, and now with the new information about the case and about the killer he knew this all needed to stay between the five of them for now. But that didn’t mean he had to like it. “This is a stupid idea!”

“But we are letting you know, so that if anything happens-” She was cut off.

“I know, I know. We can follow up. I expect to hear from you later tonight, I don’t care the time.” He stated eyeing them both.

“You have my word.” She nodded.

“And you-” Jessie glared at Arion. “You look after her!”

“As is the intention.” He responded with a huff.

A soft knock sounded on the door before Masie entered. Her eyes darted between the two men who were staring each other down. “Jesus, the testosterone is strong in here.”

Shannara bit her bottom lip stopping a laugh from escaping. “You have something?”

“Yes, there were five different types of blood in that room, four match our victims. The copycat victim isn’t in there but another is.” Masie’s face was worn with worry and concern.

Both Shannara and Arion knew they were looking for two new victims, but at least now the team knew they had at least one more, she could work with this for now.

“Shit.” Jessie muttered as he ran his hands through his short hair.

“Keep an eye on missing persons, and we’ll head up the other lead,” Shannara added as the room grew more sullen by the second.

Masie and Jessie left her office leaving her and Arion alone. “We have yet to speak about the CIA.” He pondered allowed.

“I have Desmond gathering up the required documents, though I would much rather review them someplace else.” The station could be a liability at this point.

“You have a place in mind?” He leans forward uncrossing his legs and folding his arms across his chest.

“I do, and besides I miss my afternoon chai latte.”

He screwed up his face. “What is that, some sort of torture device?”

She left out a half laugh. “For some, it might just be.” There was something else that had been playing on her mind as well that she needed to check out.

Picking up the bag she motioned for him to follow, they walked to the other side of the station to Desmond’s desk. He lightly tapped a file on the side of the desk that she scoped up as she walked past heading for the back entrance.

Before she could reach the door a familiar face popped around the corner, “I’ll meet you by the car.” She told Arion as she smirked at Masie’s cute beaming smile.

Arion nodded and bowed a greeting to Masie before he left the two girls.

“God damn!” She breathed watching him go.

“Masie!” Shannara pushed her around the corner and out of earshot of everyone.

“That’s him! The guy that saved you?” Her eyes were full of wonder and intrigue.

“Ah, yeah.” Though saved wasn’t the right wording to use for the situation.

“Your tapping that!?”

“No!” Her eyes bulged as her cheeks flushed.

“You totally should bet he could really show you a good time.” Masie bit her lip with a cheeky grin.


“What! You can’t deny that he’s a delicious piece of cake that you want to take a bite out of.”

She shook her head not believing what she was hearing. “We’re in the middle of an investigation.” She pointed out.

“And that stops you from bumping uglies how exactly?” She raised a brow.

“Who has time for that!” She protested.

“Oh hunny, you make time.” Masie cooed. “You and I need to discuss this in detail! But also back to work. Here’s the report form you needed. I don’t get why you won’t tell the others though.”

Taking the slip of paper she folded it and tucked it away. “You know what Jessie is like, if he got wind of the CIA sniffing around he’ll never let me out to investigate.”

“But Shann, this is serious. They wanted something from you, they’ll be back.” Her friend’s bubbly demeanor changed to concern like a flick of a switch.

“That’s why Arion is sticking around.” She offered.

“More to what meets the eye there?” Masie raised a brow.

Letting out a small laugh she couldn’t deny it. “More than even I know.”

“He’s not just a civilian consultant is he?” Masie asked.

Shannara smiled in response not saying a word. “I better go.”

“Just... be careful.” Masie pulled her into an embrace, something Shannara wasn’t quite used to yet, but still she hugged her back before leaving the station.

The familiar sound of the doorbell rang as she entered the café. The scent of coffee invaded her nostrils as she made her way to the counter. The line was short this time of the afternoon, the perfect time for her to sit and relax. Though today was different, behind her Arion stood with his broad shoulders towering over her.

“Detective! How are you? Long time no see.” The attendant beamed as she approached the counter to help her with her order.

“The injuries have healed and I’m back at work. Could I grab the usual please?” She responded.

“Of course! And something for the tall handsome man?” Shannara caught the flirtatious look the girl gave him.

“What would you recommend?” Arion made it a point to lean slightly forward over her shoulder to look at Shannara as he asked.

“A long black, no sugar.” She smiled sweetly at the girl behind the counter, he was a bitter pill to swallow, it suited him.

“Take a seat, I’ll bring your order out to you.” The girl handed over a number to Arion while Shannara paid.

As they walked over to her usual both Arion whispered to her. “You pay with a plastic rectangle?”

Sliding herself into the padded seat she rummaged around for the book she was currently reading. She hadn’t been here for days, she was sure she would find something. “The currency we earn is deposited into an account that the card is linked to. Do you not have banks?”

“More like vaults, the currency is generally anything that you can trade, metals, clothes, grain, monster parts.”

She slightly shook her head, what in the heavens would they use monster parts for- No, actually she didn’t want to know.

“What are you looking for?” He asked as she found her book with an eager eye.

“It’s just a hunch, but I believe the killer frequents this café. Your lackey was sending notes to his victim. He claimed he was copying the actual killer.” Opening her book up to the page she was on she smiled as a small folded piece of paper sat waiting for her. Not a smile that she was happy to receive a note, a smile that she was right. Retrieving the folded note she closed the book and placed it on the table as their drinks arrived.

“What does it say?” He asked as he slid the book toward him studying it as she unfolded the note.

As she had expected the note was written in the same elegant handwriting as her other notes. So he’d been watching her, even known which book she was currently reading and who she was. She read the note allowed.

“Detective, I must say you’re a smart one, by now you must have figured out my hunting ground, so I’ve had to change it. Don’t worry my dear, I’ll still leave you love notes. Oh, how I do so adore watching you.” She felt a chill run down her spine. She had known he was watching her, but to have it written out like this... it gave her the creeps.

“Can you... Is his scent here?” She asked.

He nodded, “All but one of the scents in the room have been here at some point or another. Though it’s faint, I would say they haven’t been here in quite some time. His scent is on the paper also.”

Her fists clenched, she’d seen him twice! he’d been in the line with her two times now. He’d left her notes knowing all too well who she was. He had been toying with her. Running through her memories, he had always been in a hoodie, he’d had blonde hair peeking out from under the fabric that cupped his face, but she hadn’t made out any other features. It was like his face was blurred out in her memories, foggy and distorted.

“Why this book?” Arion asked. He’d opened it and was reading through it, starting at the page she was up to.

Calming herself down, she focused on the here and now. She’d get this guy, one way or another. Oh that book, it had been a few days, what was the book about again? That’s right it was a tail of an arranged marriage between a Lord and a Lady of a neighboring land. She was up to the part where-

Her eyes widened as she recalled what type of book it was and the section she was up to.

“Oh my!” Arion exclaimed as his mouth fell open. She attempted to grab the book but he twisted out of her reach holding the book higher as he read. “His throbbing member enticing her, pleading with her-”

“Arion!” Her face was growing hot with embarrassment.

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