Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Winter Ball

Selena’s POV

Last night. That’s all I could think about, the whole snow ball fight thing and then rolling down the hill was stuck in my head. What was he going to say ?

Anyways I have bigger issues that what Adam was about to say. Aurelio rang me this morning saying that he has an emergency and so he will be arriving around 6:30, which means that I’m going to be late and I’ll have to rush to get ready.

I cleaned the house and sat down to watch TV since I had a lot of time. While I was watching TV a thought was bugging me it was as if I forgot to do something. I thought hard trying to recall if I forgot to do something. Nothing came to mind.

I went up to my room to make sure my whole outfit for tonight was complete because I didn’t have the time to run around looking for things last minute. I hanged up my dress and put my shoes underneath it and then I realised what I had forgotten. My mask. Where the hell was I going to find one now. I put my shoes on and headed to go out to see if I could buy one.

As I opened my front door I nearly stepped on something. I looked down to see the most beautiful mask I’ve ever seen. I picked it up and it had a note attached to it.

‘Hope you wear this tonight’

Who could have put this here. Maybe it was Damien I mean who else would give me a mask. That was so sweet of him. I closed my door and went and put the mask on my dressing table. I still couldn’t get over how beautiful it was.

I laid on my bed when someone tapped on my bedroom window. I got up to see Giselle. I opened the window to her and let her in.

“Seriously what is it with you guys coming in through my window” I rolled my eyes and flopped on to the bed next to Giselle.

“Who else came through here”

“Stupid Adam” Giselle shifted to her side and looked at me with a grin on her face.

“Did he now...interesting”

“Shut up”

“Anyways do you have everything for tonight”

“Yeah, I now finally have everything, Damien is so sweet so I forgot to get a mask and so I was going out to go buy one and there was that one on my door step” I pointed to it and Giselle sat up to look at it.

“Oh Damien got that” I nodded my head and she smirked and laid back down. I had one question bugging me and I had to ask Giselle.

“What happen to Regina, I mean I haven’t seen her ever since we went vacation”

“She went back into the wizard world, she wasn’t needed anymore”

“Why was she here”

“She was here to help us with an issue, but it seems it has gotten better” I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I let sleep overtake me.

I could a voice a sobbing near me and I could hear other voices. I opened my eyes to see Chloe and Jade in my room sitting on the bed along with Giselle. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I saw that Chloe was crying.

“Chloe what’s wrong what happened?” She turned to me and started to cry loudly again.

“I was coming over to your house and I got into the car with my dress, my sister started to drive the car and I realised that my dress was caught in the door, when I opened the door my whole dressed had been ripped and had mud all along the bottom.” She lifted her dress and it was completely destroyed from the bottom.

“My whole night is ruined now I have to tell Chris that I’m not going” she started to cry and I didn’t want to see her cry like this, she was the most excited about the winter ball.

“There has to be something we can do Chloe” I tried to think about something and then an idea struck in my mind.

“Giselle, use magic to sort out her dress” Chloe’s face lit up and she turned to Giselle.

“Why didn’t I think of that” Giselle waved her finger at the dress and in seconds there was a silver dust surrounding the dress and when it stopped we are were gobsmacked. Giselle made a beautiful pink dress appear.

“Giselle, thank you so much” Chloe jumped on Giselle and hugged her tight.

“Okay now before any other incidents happen lets hang our dresses.” I picked up Chloe’s dress and hung it next to mine. All our dresses were hung together and we all went back to talking.

“We might as well get ready ourselves and you can wait for Aurelio, he can get you ready and we’ll manage ourselves” I felt kind of bummed we all wanted to get makeovers from him. The girls got up to start when my phone rang

“Hang on” I took the phone call and I had a huge grin on my face.

“You guys, Aurelio just rang and him and his team are coming over to get us ready !!!” The girls all screamed. We were so excited about this. While we waited for him we all ate some food.

“Its 6:30 and he is still not here, I’m just going to get ready myself” Giselle got up and headed to my bathroom when the door bell rang.

“Wait a minute” I opened the door to see Aurelio standing there with a bunch of people.

“Where’s your room” I lead him to my room and everyone started to rush into my room.

“We got caught up in something which is why we are late” I nodded my head. I got chairs for the girls to sit in. The room was packed.

“Everyone listen up, we need to get these girls ready don’t rush anything they need to look perfect” Aurelio assigned two people to each girl and one did hair the other makeup.

Aurelio pushed me down into my chair. “I’m getting you ready young lady”

Before you knew it there was havoc in my room. Music was blasting, people were rushing getting things ready for us and there was someone complaining about something.

The girls had their makeup and hair done before me, they were rushed into my bathroom to put on their dresses, when they walked out I was gobsmacked they all looked so beautiful.

“Oh my days, you guys look absolutely stunning” My friends all looked like beautiful princesses. They all hugged me one by one.

“We are going to run because now it is nearly 7:15 and by the time we get to school it will be 7:30” We were running so late. I nodded my head and they all ran out my door. I had texted Damien telling him about what happened.

“Aurelio, are sure I’ll be done in time” So far he only did my hair, he was the only one doing me so we were behind everyone.

“You’re doubting me, you can never rush a masterpiece in the making” I really wanted to see how I looked but he had covered all the mirrors. Aurelio had started on my face and I sat patiently. After sitting for ages in my chair Aurelio finished. He told me to get up and get changed. I texted Damien to come and get me.

I took my dress and put it on in the bathroom, I felt so nervous as I stepped everyone started to clap and one of the people turned the mirror towards me and my breath stopped.

The girl in the mirror looked breathtaking, I had no words to describe how beautiful I looked and felt. I felt tears in my eyes as I hugged Aurelio.

“Thank you, you made me look so beautiful”

“No worries beautiful now run before you get even late”

I walked down the stairs to see Damien standing with my brothers.

“Woah you look wow” I laughed at Damien.

“You look really good too”

“Lena you look so beautiful” John hugged me.

“You look just like mom today” Blake hugged me as he said that and it brought such a big smile on my face.

The boys took pictures of me and Damien and then Damien took pictures of me and the boys.

Damien was in the middle of taking the picture when the boys started to argue so that picture came out weird and then in the last one something funny happened and we all were laughing in it.

“Ok, so I’m gonna head out before I’m even more late”

Me and Damien walked out to his car and we drove off to the school. When we arrived it was 8 o’clock and everyone had already reached. I took a deep breath and got out of the car and held Damien’s hand.

“Thank you for the mask by the way”

“What mask”

“The one I’m wearing”

“I never got it for you” Then who did. I was lost in thought when Damien kissed my cheek and led us inside.

As I walked inside my heart pounded so loud, everything looked amazing, it looked like as if we were in a fairytale.

“The place looks amazing” I saw my friends and they all ran to me.

“OH MY DAYS YOU LOOK SO FUCKING HOT” Chloe came and hugged me so tight. The rest of the girls came and hugged me.

“You guys this place looks awesome we did amazing” I looked around me and all our hard worked paid off.

I walked around to make sure everything was ok.

“Selena you look woah” Jacob was with his date and he hugged me when he saw me.

I walked around and said hi to Ash, Sean, Reece and Justin. Everyone looked stunning tonight.

I walked back to Damien and he was sitting with Chris.

“Hey Chris” Him and Chloe look so cute together I can’t even deal.

“Hey, this place looks amazing and so do you” I laughed at him and sat down.

“Come lets go dance” Damien whispered in my ear. I held his hand and we walked to the dance floor. Everything was amazing but something felt as if it were missing.

Soon all my friends and I started to dance to Justin Bieber ‘What do you mean’ we all went pretty crazy dancing. Us all were dancing in a circle with my friends dates. Ash was being a weirdo and doing a weird dance with me. We were all having a great time.

“Time for us to go and make this ball even better” Me and the girls had promised to perform at the ball. There were a few performances by the students and we were up next.

Us four rushed into the bathroom to get changed and Giselle used magic to help us get changed that way our hair and makeup wouldn’t get ruined.

We all went into our places and got ready to perform. We were going to sing ‘Me & My Girls’ by Selena Gomez.

As we started to perform everyone went crazy. We put our all into it. The gold outfits were cute and sexy at the same time. We had so much performing together.

When we finished everyone cheered really loud for us. Giselle changed us back into our dresses and we were all good to go and enjoy the rest of the night.

I looked around for Damien but I couldn’t find him. So I went outside the hall to look for him and found him kissing his ex.

“Damien I’m so sorry, I was drunk and out of my mind I didn’t mean to kiss him. I love you and only you” Oh my days.

“I know I should’ve asked you your side of the story instead of just lashing out on you”

“Damien” I called out to him and he looked like a dear caught in headlights.

“Selena I can explain”

“Damien there’s no need” I walked towards him and his girlfriend.

“Damien your a great guy and I can tell you madly in love with her”

I took off the necklace he gave me and handed it to his girlfriend.

“You deserve this way more than me” I gave it and walked away.

Was I upset? No. Because I knew that he liked her all along I’m such an idiot for going on a date with him.

I went and sat on the table and watched everyone dance.

“Great performance out there” No way.

“Adam !!!” I got up and saw Adam standing behind me.

“I thought you guys weren’t going to come”

“Well we finished what we had to do, so we came” I took a look at what he was wearing he had a black blazer in his hands and he was wearing a baby blue shirt, which made his abs looks like they pop out of his shirt. He look handsome.

“You look really beautiful” Adam bent down and whispered in my ear.

“You look presentable too”

“Does it kill you to be nice for once” I stuck my tongue at him and sat down on my chair. Adam came and sat on the one near me.

“I see you liked your mask” What!?!?

“You got this for me” I’m being shocked right now.

“Duh, I mean who else has amazing taste like this” He pointed at the mask.

“Well thank you. It’s beautiful”

“Where’s your date....what’s his name...Damien”

“He left me for his girlfriend”

“What a dick” I nodded my head and turned to watch everyone dance. A slow song came on everyone started to dance to it.

I felt someone hold my arm and sparks flew throughout my whole body.

“Do you wanna dance” Adam held out his hand and I was hesitant but then I put my hand in his.

He led me to the dance floor and we started to slow dance. He put his hands on my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.

“Relax and enjoy the moment” I nodded my head and let the music take over my body. Adam pulled me closer to him and in this moment I realised that everything felt so perfect.

Everything just felt so right. This is what was missing, this moment. I put my head on his chest and he held me closer. I never wanted this moment to end. But like everything it did. We pulled apart and just looked into each others eyes.

The loud music of ‘Cake by the Ocean’ made us break eye contact.

“Lets go” I grabbed his hand and we walked over to where my friends were.

We all started to dance and enjoy ourselves. Adam was pretty good dancer him and me both danced together like we were crazy.

We spent the rest of the night dancing away and having the most perfect time.

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