Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter The Final Battle

Adam’s P.O.V

It had been 2 days since we had last visited the witch and she had told us that Selena managed to escape and now was in the maze forest. My heart was restless knowing what that maze can do to a person, it can turn all your nightmares, insecurities and secrets into reality and use them to mess with you and break you. I just hoped that Selena was able to overcome them. I had faith in her that she was able to get through safely because she is stronger than she knows.

I finished up the training I had been doing, I was up since 6 in the morning not knowing whether Selena was ok or not was killing me. I headed inside to have a shower before having lunch, as I went inside Xavier came running towards me with a serious expression on his face.

“The witch just called, Selena made it out of the forest. The final battle has started.” My heart raced knowing that Selena had made it out, but the horrible feeling of knowing how the prophecy will end sunk in.

“We have to find her and keep her away from doing the spell. We will have kill Draco another way” Xavier sighed and let out a deep breathe.

“Adam she is already heading towards the place where this is all going down and there is no other way to kill Draco” I could see how difficult is was for him to say those words to me as I knew how dear she was to him.

“I am not letting Selena kill herself over some dickhead. I will protect her and make sure that she doesn’t get herself killed” The thought of losing her again scared me shitless.


Xavier and I had rounded up almost every supernatural solider that was willing to fight. We had wizards, werewolves and vampires all ready to take down Draco and his army of hell creatures.

Everyone knew where the battle was going to take place as it was a legend as old as time. However the actual sacrificial grounds were not known. As a young boy my parents had always told me where the battle would take place but the actual sacrificial ground was not known. The saviour would know where to go as an instinct.

“As you all know today we have gathered here today because the final battle is going to take place. After today we will all have the horrid curse taken off us. Each and every one of you has taken the oath to fight in this battle to kill the evil that lurks amongst us now. We will all fight and end Draco and his army even if it means losing our lives in the process. All of you today will make history and be part of the greatest battle known to man. Draco shall face his death today, ending all our misery and it will be done by the hands of the saviour, Selena who has fought tirelessly to get rid of this curse and better our lives. SO LET’S WIN THIS BATTLE AND END DRACO ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!”

Cheers and words of encouragement were heard once I made my speech. Everyone was ready to give it their all in the battle.

“Long live the saviour” Everyone had started to chant those words which made my chest swell with pride. My beautiful mate had given her all to save people whom she had never known. She is doing it without wanting anything in return and she is risking her life to better everyone else, everyday she gives me another reason to love her and be proud of her.


Selena’s P.O.V

I put my hand to shield my eyes from the blinding light and after a while the warmth of the light had disappeared and so I put my hands down. In front of me was a huge battle field, it was a grassy field and it had long tree’s on the outskirts of it. I looked up to see that the sun was setting. My heart was beating so fast I was sure that it would burst if I didn’t calm down. There was no one in sight and it terrified it me, was I in the wrong place.

In the distance I could hear a faint sound but couldn’t make what it was, I turned around to see behind me a small figure in the distance running. As the figure came closer my heart felt as if it had burst. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, my lungs were burning but I didn’t give a damn. I was solely focused on what was ahead of me.

As I came closer I didn’t stop and neither did he, I jumped straight into Adam’s arms with tears coming out of my eyes. He held onto me so tight and I was hugging him with all my might. I felt a sense of peace within my heart as we hugged.

After a very long time I felt something I hadn’t and that was a sense of belonging. I had finally found my home and it was within Adams arms, my everything was right here before me and I took it for granted it.

“Selena...you’re ok. Thank god you’re ok Amado” Adam put me down and showered me with kisses making me laugh through my tears.

“I’m so sorry Adam for leaving you like that I never should have. I’m so sorry” I could barely form a sentence through my crying but he managed to understand what I had said.

“No, I should be the one saying sorry. I said things which weren’t acceptable and I’m so sorry” I pulled Adam close to me and looked up into his eyes. He had tears forming in his eyes which made me sob harder.

“I love you so much Adam”

“Amado I love you more than words can bloody describe. I’ve loved you since the day I first saw you. My heart was yours.”

Without any hesitation I stood higher and pressed my lips to his. The kiss we shared was like none other, it was full of a passion I hadn’t known before, an urgency we had never felt before and a love that was stronger than ever.

We pulled away breathless when we heard loud voices. I looked behind Adam to see thousands of people walking towards us. I could see so many familiar faces which made my heart soar with happiness. All these people were out here today to help me and to kill Draco. Everyone looked like they were ready to take down and kill anyone in their way. Seeing this many people made me feel much more confident and more determined.

The rain started to fiercely pour as I heard the thunderclap in the distance. In the far distance we could see dark creatures lurking, red eyes were seen from behind the trees. Slowly all the evil which was lurking in the dark for all this time was finally coming out to attack.

Adam held my hand and I looked up and smiled at him, on my other side Xavier came and stood beside me. His body language was radiating his Alpha King position.

“Ready to kick ass” I nodded while laughing at Xavier.

“I was born ready” I winked at him before turning to Adam.

“You ready?” He looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

“Yeah, let’s do this” I smiled at him as he squeezed my hand.


Within a split second hell broke loose. Right before my eyes the battle broke out. Everyone ran forward and attacked. There was terrifying flying creatures crowding the sky trying to kill those on the ground but within seconds the wizards and witches had turned them into ashes.

The werewolves were tearing the throats out of those hell creatures who resembled a werewolf but clearly weren’t. The vampire’s were biting and ripping out the hearts of the demons who took the form of humans. Everywhere I looked there was death and blood, I could not longer see Adam or Xavier.

To my right I saw a demon coming towards me and I quickly raised my wand and turned him into ash. Before I could turn around a deformed wolf jumped on me. I struggled under him. I felt him sink his teeth in my arm and I screamed in pain. I quickly put my hand in his chest and pulled out his heart. I squeezed it before he could do anything and he turned to dust.

I got up and saw that Giselle was being attacked by the flying creatures. I used my wand and let out a fireball completely destroying him. I helped Giselle to her feet.

“Are you ok” She nodded her before her eyes widened.

“LOOK OUT” We both ducked down in time when an animal resembling a dragon spat fire at us. As I got up and looked around me the whole field was covered in dead bodies and blood. I felt a horrible feeling in my gut knowing that all these innocent people lost their lives.

I felt someone grab me from the back and twist my arms painfully behind my back. I screamed out in pain as they threw me on the ground, my wand fell away from me and I looked up to see a man with blood on his mouth with red eyes come towards me.

“Time to say goodbye Saviour” He was right on top of me within seconds using his supernatural speed. He tried to bite my neck but I head butted him. I quickly got up to get my wand by he grabbed me by the leg.

“Get off me” I tried to shake him off my leg but like an annoying pest he wouldn’t get off. I used my other leg to kick him in the eye before reaching for my wand. I used my magic to choke him as he fell on his knees in front of me.

“Look’s like it your time to say goodbye” I used the spell to blow his body into bits and a sick part of me enjoyed seeing him die.

The sky grew dark and the rain poured down heavier making it much harder for everyone. There was slippery mud everywhere mixed in with people’s blood. All I could hear was loud screams of pain and agony.

I looked to see Xavier’s wolf tackling down another. His movements were graceful yet predatory. His wolf was larger than every single wolf on the battlefield. His midnight blue eyes had turned black as he attacked the demons.

The wolf beneath Xavier sunk his teeth into his arm making Xavier howl in pain. Both the wolf’s were growling and viciously attacking each other. Xavier had got the upper hand as he pinned down the wolf below him, he ripped out the throat of the wolf beneath him and gave him an instant death. Xaviers wolf lifted his head up and he had blood on his mouth and the rest of his fur.

I looked away from Xavier only to see Adam ahead of me. He was fighting with a demon who was in human form. Adam had managed to take him down before ripping his heart out of his chest. Right now he had a look of determination within his eyes. His was killing the hell creatures yet I couldn’t help but admire him.

Suddenly in the back someone dressed in a black cloak with their face covered was aiming a weird looking arrow towards Adam. The tip of the arrow was a glowing purple colour. Since I was standing further away I wouldn’t be able to run in time. As the arrow shot I raised my wand and averted it to a demon, whose body instantly set on fire and burned to ashes.

The person in the black cloak became frustrated as he clearly missed Adam, he reached to the inside of his cloak and pulled out a dagger, the dagger was shining under the dark sky. He walked towards Adam to hit him as he was busy fighting a terrifying looking creature.

I ran towards Adam but the man in the black hood was closer, using all my energy I created a huge fireball and aimed it towards the man. Within seconds his body was thrown to the other side.

“ADAM” I screamed and he looked at me, Adam ran towards me and quickly held my face as he came closer to me.

“What’s wrong?” I told him in a hurry about the weird man. Adam sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.

“Selena you need to get away from here now. It’s not safe. I will deal with Draco and everything here”

“Adam I cannot leave, this is my prophecy I have to fulfil it whether you like it or not. If I lose my life today, it will be worth the sacrifice”

“I cannot let you kill yourself, please don’t do this” my heart ached seeing him like this but I had to do this.

“ADAM LOOK OUT” A creature came flying towards us and Adam quickly moved us both. He pushed me out of the way to kill it and I took it as my opportunity to get away from him

I looked around and had realised I had caught the eye of whoever was in the cloak as they came running towards me. Something about this person in particular was different to the rest. His presence felt like pure evil and death. I quickly started to run towards the tree’s on the outskirts of the battlefield.

My feet carried me towards a weird path. I looked behind to see him hot on my trail. Atleast this way he wasn’t hell bent on killing Adam.

As I was looking back I didn’t see where I was going and I tripped on the ground. I screamed in pain.

“Well this is certainly not how I imagined meeting you for the first time.” The man’s tone was deadly and he spoke his words slowly. His voice sounded slightly scratchy yet terrifying. It was a voice that haunts you in your worst nightmares.

“But I must say, I love it...it just shows how truly pathetic and weak you are. You really thought you could kill me.” The colour drained out when it dawned upon me as to who was behind the hood.

“Draco” My voice came out as a surprised whisper. Slowly he lifted off his hood and his face was revealed.

He was nothing like I had imagined. He looked like a powerful man, his features were sharp for someone who was thousands of years old. But the thing that made him terrifying was the left side of his face. It looked as if were burned, his eye was barely visible.

“Yes, in the flesh” He gave me a smirk as I stood up. I felt goosebumps form all over my body.

I stood up, high and tall showing that he didn’t intimidate me. I kept my face empty of any expression as he circled me.

“It was quite fun messing you with in your sleep, hurting you was the best part” He lifted a finger and trailed it across my cheek. I instantly pushed his hand away.

“Do not touch me” I kept my voice firm even though I was crapping myself on the inside.

“See its this same stubbornness that will get you killed and I will enjoy every second of it”

“And it’s this same delusional state of yours that will get you killed today Draco.” I smirked at him and he returned it with a scowl.

“Don’t run your mouth with me or I’ll kill you in the same way as your parents” My heart dropped, despite me knowing that he had killed them, it hurt even more to hear it from his mouth.

“Don’t act so shocked I’m sure you know I did it. I enjoyed killing your mother I must say so, she put up quite a fight but it was great watching her die slowly choking on her own blood. Your father tried to save her but he burnt to ashes before he could” Draco gave me a sickening smile as he told me how he killed my parents, the worst part of it all was the look in his eyes. It resembled a crazed person who enjoyed what he had done.

“Maybe I’ll kill Adam right in front of you and make you watch, I would have killed him if you didn’t interfere but don’t worry he’s next”

All the anger inside of me felt as if were going to explode. I used all my power to slam his body hard against the tree and his body fell against it like a doll. I used a spell which started to make deep gashes in his skin, he started to bleed and I was going to give him the same fate he gave my parents.

“Stop you can’t just kill him here. You have to move to the sacri-cri-fi-cial grounds” I looked to my far right to see the little girl. Seriously she’s showing up now.

Before I could reply to her I felt my body being lifted and slammed into a tree. I tried not the scream as I felt my spine literally crumble.

Draco was coming towards me and I had to act quick. I used a spell to throw him back which gave me enough time to get up and run.

I ran through the forest, I did not know where I was going but deep down it felt right, my feet were drawn to where I was running.

I kept running, turning back to check if he was still there. I could feel his breathing become louder and much closer to me. My legs were numb but I refused to give up. I can’t give up...I just can’t.

“Aaahh” I fell to the ground with a sharp pain in my back I could feel the thick liquid seeping through my top. Draco was close to me I had to get up and get to the grounds to kill him.

“Think you could get away with it...think again love” Draco was close to me and I quickly threw a fireball at him as I got up and ran.

“Think I just got away with it” I shouted looking back seeing him engulfed in a huge fireball.

I ran and as fast as I could and I stopped when I saw an altar before me. It looked old as time and there was a huge piece of rock surrounded by tree stumps.

I turned around to see Draco.

He raised his wand and a dark purple light emitted from it. I used my wand and a pure white light came out of it. I could feel his evil energy through the connection our powers shared.

His energy was pushing me slightly back, I was weak due to my injuries but that was not going to let me down. All the hate I felt towards him I channelled and soon his body was thrown back.

I created a huge fire in which he was engulfed. engulfed. I watched as he screamed in pain. Before I knew it he had created a huge wind which engulfed me. I found it hard to breathe as I was being taken away by the wind. I used the levitation spell as rised out of it.

I pointed my wand at him and used my magic to burn him with the energy that came out my wand. He managed to duck however the tree behind him flew off the ground. Draco did the exact same thing. I duck just in time as the purple light him the tree on my side.

We both once again raised our wand and circled around. I could feel my energy getting stronger and I could see Draco struggling.

“SELENA STOP IT” I looked to my side to see Adam come running. Behind him followed Xavier, Cole , Giselle, Sean, Justin and Reece.

I tried to ignore them as Draco was my sole focus. Sparks of purple and white were coming of the lights emitting from our wands, wherever the sparks landed they set on fire.



I could suddenly feel myself levitating in the air and Draco followed. We both circled in the dark night, his powers were weakening and I could feel it through the energy we shared.

I used all the power I could to overpower his, the purple light had now started to shorten and Draco’s face paled as he knew he was going to lose.

With all my magic I used it blow up his wand. His body now had been thrown on the altar. I quickly transported near it and used a spell to immobilise him.

“SELENA NO” I knew that the altar had a magical barrier which meant we couldn’t get out until me or Draco died.

I lifted my wand and started to recite the spell I was told by Amethyst.

“Selena don’t...please” I could hear Adam plead but I had to fufill my duty as the saviour.

“Adam...I can’t do this without you. We were chosen to be mates for a reason, if it weren’t for this prophecy I would never have met you. We both were destined to kill him. I can’t do this without you...please” Tears pricked my eyes as I saw Adam’s eyes show defeat.

Adam took in a deep breath as he stepped beside me. He didn’t say a word to me but his eyes spoke a thousand words. He didn’t want to lose me and I didn’t want to lose him. But this is how it is supposed to be.

“Let’s do this Amado” I felt my heart break into a million pieces as he called me Amado. Every sacrifice would be worth it if I knew Adam and everyone else here would get to live their lives.

Adam opened his palm and his wand appeared. I smiled as I saw his wand. It was black with gold designs. It was bigger than mine but it looked like it was the other half of mine.

I took in a deep breathe as we both started to recite the spell. The louder our voices the more it poured with rain. The wind was creating havoc and the thunder was making deafening sounds.

I could feel myself get weak but I didn’t show it. Draco’s screams filled the air as me and Adam pulled his heart out. We both crushed it together and proceeded to the finish the spell which would end him.

I could feel my face wet with tears as I spoke the words, I suddenly felt myself feel empty as a purple light left Draco’s body. It exploded into a huge blinding light, Draco’s body was completely destroyed leaving nothing behind. In the same moment a bright light left my body, I felt as if my insides were on fire.

It felt as if I were being torn apart limb by limb. I screamed in agony and felt the wand drop out of my hands. I felt Adams arms quickly engulf me, I could see his mouth moving but I couldn’t hear anything, I could see tears falling out of his eyes but I couldn’t do anything to stop them.

I felt tears fill my eyes as I tried to keep awake, I tried to comfort Adam but I couldn’t, my body felt as if it had given up.

My body was slowing down, I could feel myself shutting down. I found it hard to breathe and make sense of what was happening.

This was it.

“Selena” Adam looked at me with eyes filled with fear, Cole, Giselle, Sean, Reece, Justin and Xavier all ran to his side and I saw worried looks on their faces.

My attention however was drawn to the little girl was stood on the far side of the altar.

“Goodbye mummy”

And just like that she disappeared.

Slowly I felt my body give into the darkness until I felt nothing.

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