Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Poopy and Movies

Selena’s P.O.V

The next morning I woke up to see Giselle staring at my face. I groaned and turned around.

“Why are you staring at me” I had my back turned towards her.

“Because even though you were sleeping your face had different emotions playing on your face and you looked pretty scared”

I turned back towards her and saw the concern in her eyes.

“I just had a bad dream that’s all” I didn’t want to elaborate on the fact that I had a dream which often reoccur’s.

It always the same, I’m running away from someone and they keep getting closer and closer. I then fall to the ground and blood seeps through the back of my shirt and while this happens one thought runs through my mind. ‘If I can’t be alive at least he can’.

I always wonder who this person is that I sacrifice myself for.

Giselle waved her hands in my face and snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Let’s head down I am hungry” I laughed at her and she threw a pillow which knocked me back down on the bed.

I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Once I was done I followed Giselle downstairs.

Everyone was sat in the dining room and the table was humongous it was filled with so many amazing foods. My stomach growled loudly making everyone turn towards me.

I blushed when I realised that everyone stopped their conversations and looked at me.

“Finally it’s about time that Shrek and Fiona made an entrance” Justin started to laugh at his lame joke. I scowled at him while Giselle picked up an apple and threw it straight at his nose.

“There’s the fuck I give” Justin held his nose while scowling at Giselle and I stood there laughing at him.

We sat down and had breakfast by the time we finished there still wasn’t any sign of Cole and Adam.

After lunch I was left alone because everyone had fallen back into their normal routine so I decided to explore the palace gardens.

I walked out and was confused because there were paths leading into different places. So I did what seemed logical and just walked straight.

As I walked further down the path it opened up to reveal a beautiful little area with a fountain in the middle and everything like this place looked like a fairytale.

The flowers were so much brighter and the smell of them was so intoxicating. I closed my eyes to take it all in.

“Oh dear I didn’t know you’d be here” My eyes shot open to see Katherine standing in front of me.

“Sorry I was just looking around” I noticed that she was having some quiet time judging by the book by the fountain.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt you” I smiled and turned away, I felt her hand on my shoulder and she turned me around.

“It’s alright dear, come sit” I followed her and sat on the other side of the fountain with her.

“So Selena how do you like our world” She smiled at me and her dimples showed making me instantly think of Adam I shook his stupid face out of my head.

“It’s good so far, I mean I haven’t seen much yet but from what I have seen everything is so much more full of life.”

“Wait till you see everything. The balls, the towns and the other places are so much more interesting” I smiled at her not knowing what to do.

“You remind me so much of your mother” I looked up at her quickly with curiosity flooding me.

“You knew my mother” She nodded her head.

“There wasn’t a person who didn’t know your parents. Everyone knew your mother because she was so full of life always helping and your father was known for the trouble he caused”

I smiled at her and then a question came into my mind one that has bugged me long enough.

“I hope you don’t mind but could I ask you a question”

“Yes, of course you can”

“Hope this doesn’t sound weird to you but how do you know when you’ve...met um your...mate” My cheeks blushed when I asked her and she started to laugh.

“Oh your innocence is honestly the cutest thing” I blushed even more.

“Well it’s different with everyone. In my case I had met Adam’s father at a ball and developed a crush on him but never thought he was my mate because I hadn’t acknowledged those feelings.

I remember clearly my mother telling me the feelings she had and on the night of my 18th birthday ball those were in my head. So when I saw Adams father those feeling seemed to click and I realised it was more than a crush.” She blushed and started to laugh.

“Can you believe it took me months to realise he was my mate whereas my mother knew straight away” I laughed with her and her laugh was so contagious it just made you smile.

“So don’t worry yourself over finding your mate. Let destiny do its work” I nodded my head and we carried on talking about random things.

It was mostly about my life back at home.I got up and walked inside with her. I didn’t realise how fast time flew by the sky was now a dark blue colour. I followed her into the main seating room.

“What are you two laughing about” Adam was sitting on one of the sofas. I smirked at him before speaking.

“Nothing special really, just heard a story about a little baby that pooed all over his house and left a trail behind him” I started to laugh so hard as I walked towards him.

Adams face hardened and he gave me a scary glare. I had tears in my eyes from how hard I was laughing.

I sat near him and laughed even more when I saw his face. I leaned my head on his shoulder because stomach ached from laughing.

Soon everyone joined in and laughed at him. He got up to leave and I pulled him back.

“Just make sure you don’t leave a trail behind you” He was about to say something to me before his mum went towards him.

“That’s enough everyone leave my baby alone” She kissed him and he groaned his cheeks turned pink.

“Mum...stop that” He wiped the lipstick from his cheek and came back and sat beside me.

I tried to hide a smile and I looked at Adam whose cheeks were pink. I nudged my shoulder with his and he left out a small laugh before rolling his eyes at me.


The next few days went by as a blur, everyone was so caught up in their routines that I barely saw anyone. My brothers showed me around the town and showed me all their favourite places from when they were little kids.

If I wasn’t out with my brothers I was spending time in either the library in the palace which was magnificent or I would spend time exploring the gardens. Every day I came across something new it all was so fascinating.

I must admit that I was starting to feel homesick. The feeling of being surrounded by people yet being lonely was the worst.

It was almost a week since I had said goodbye to my friends. This week made me realise how important they were to me.

Once I had finished having my dinner with Giselle she had disappeared. This had become a normal routine. Most the time I would only see Giselle at dinner and then she would disappear.

My brothers were out at a party so I couldn’t hang out with them.

I wasn’t watching where I was going and I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Sean.

“Oww Selena do you have buttons as eyes” I hit him lightly and laughed.

“Sorry I was just thinking”

“About?” He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“Stuff...any who whatcha doing here”

“Well since everyone was busy I was heading down to watch a movie. Wanna join” I nodded and followed him.

He opened a white door and when I walked in I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the ground. This place looked like an arcade and cinema all thrown into one.

On one side of the room there were arcade games and some other weird looking games. There was a huge ball pit with slides and a little maze thing behind it. The area which had the huge screen was amazing; it had comfy seats and loads of food stacked.

I ran and jumped on the bean bag seat.

“So what do you want to watch” I turned to Sean and he sat beside me.

“Anything I want to watch” I eyed him carefully.

“Yeah your choice” I smirked at him and he looked scared.

“MEAN GIRLS” I clapped my hands and bounced on my seat.

“This better not be shit” I gave him a straight look and he walked off to set the movie.

He came back and pulled a table which he waved his wand over.

Suddenly so many snacks appeared on the table. I quickly grabbed the popcorn and sat down.

Halfway through the movie Sean managed to choke on his drink. I burst out laughing at him I smacked his back but it didn’t work.

I had tears in my eyes when he was coughing loudly. It was a pretty mean thing to laugh at him but I couldn’t help it.

“You think that’s funny” I carried on laughing. He had an evil glint in eyes as he walked towards me. I ran for my life knowing that he would do something to me.

“You can’t run from me”

I ran around the room in circles and my foot slipped on the rug causing Sean to smack right into me. We both went tumbling down and fell. He fell right on top of me.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Our faces looked like a mess we were sweaty and we had chocolate smeared because we ate like pigs.

Someone cleared their throat and out heads shots towards the source of the sound. Adam stood there in a sleeveless top and sweats. His eyebrow was raised at us.

“Can I get you guys anything, some snacks, a condom. Let me know. Oh God love ya”

Regina Georges mum spoke on the TV making this ten time’s more awkward.

We both got up and I stood in front of Adam.

“So what are you guys watching”

“Mean Girls” He nodded his headed as if he knew what it was, I laughed because he looked clueless.

“You have no idea what it is” He laughed confirming my thoughts.

We all headed back and sat on the sofa. I ended up sitting in the middle.

I was squashed between the two and so I tried to adjust myself.

“Will you quit being so annoying” Adam was annoyed by how much I moved around.

“Sorry I’m squashed between two elephants” They both scoffed at the same time. I rolled my eyes at them once I was comfortable.

Adam had picked up the bowl filled with chocolates and I couldn’t resist the temptation so I grabbed a handful. I could see him laughing from the corner of my eye. I nudged him and he stopped.

Honestly this movie is pure gold we all laughed a lot during it. Before it ended I started to yawn I could feel my eyes slowly shut. I leaned my head on Adam since Sean was passed out on my other side.

I felt Adam put his arm around me and re adjusted the position in which we were in. I was lying on him and slowly I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart beat.


“This is fucking priceless” I heard someone laugh but I didn’t have the energy to open my eyes. The voice sounded like it was Justin’s.

I felt a pair of arms around me tighten as I heard a deep grumble. I then realised what happened last night and that I was sleeping on Adam. I kept my eyes shut and tried to sleep. I felt Adam move and I was pulled fully on top of him.

“Holy fuck this is hilarious” I heard Reece laugh and then Justin joined.

I opened my eyes to see them standing near us with a camera. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t due to Adams heavy arms. Justin and Reece laughed at me struggle.

“This isn’t funny”

“Adammm....move your arms” I tried moving him but he didn’t budge. I flicked his forehead and then he woke up.

He looked at me smiling before two clowns burst out laughing. He sat up quickly and I ended up falling onto the ground where Sean was passed out.

They had drawn on his face and I started to laugh at him. Hearing this Sean woke up and looked at us puzzled. Justin showed him his face in his phone.

“WHAT THE FUCK” Sean got up to attack them but I stopped him.

“What’s up with the camera” I eyed the camera in their hands and they both had a smug look on their face.

“Nothing” I rolled my eyes and turned to Adam who yawned loudly while stretching. I watched as his muscles flexed but one thing caught my eye. He had chocolate smeared on his neck and top.

The 3 boys beside me also realised and burst out laughing.

Adam looked down at his top and raised his eyebrow at me. I smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry” He rolled his eyes and took off his shirt. You can’t blame me for staring it looked like his body was perfectly carved.

“Wow, you sure aren’t discreet when it comes to checking me out” I was shocked because he caught me and I heard the boys snigger beside me.

“Don’t flatter yourself ‘Poopy’” I winked at him and he glared at me.

“Don’t call me that” His cheeks were turning slightly pink.

“Too late” I stuck my tongue at him and walked off.

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