Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Pack House

Selena’s’ P.O.V

It was like me getting attacked once wasn’t enough, I feel like I have enough wounds to last me a lifetime.

Thinking back to last night made me shiver, the creatures’ coming down to attack us was very scary because one minute we were all dancing, all happy. Who thought it would end like that.

My wounds weren’t even that bad compared to Adam’s his whole suit was ripped. I couldn’t shake the image out of my mind.

“Selena hurry up and finish your breakfast we need to leave”

In the morning Katherine and Edward had called all of us to their place. Xavier went home to change his clothes and then he was coming with us.

I got up and put on my shoes. Since we were going in the car I didn’t bother putting on a jacket or anything because A. It was hot and B I wore a loose tank top because of my bandages.

I got into the car with everyone and set off for the palace. I leaned my head on Ben’s shoulder because I was tired as hell because last night it was hard to sleep because of the pain. Ben put his arm around me and I dozed off.

“Get up sleepy head” Ben shook me and then I heard him gag.

“Euggh Lena you fucking drooled on my arm gross”

He pushed my head away and I opened my eyes to see Ben scowl at me.

I stepped out the car and Xavier came and stood beside me.

“What’s wrong with Ben?”

“I may have drooled on his arm while I slept in the car”

Xavier laughed at Ben who turned around to show us his lovely middle finger. Isn’t he just a ray of sunshine.

We all walked into the room and saw Katherine sitting down with Edward, we all took a seat and sat down.

“Katherine, how is Adam” Nana sat near her.

“He’s doing better now, last night he lost a lot of blood and the injury near his neck nearly killed him but now he’s stable, he’s upstairs sleeping.” Nana gasped and so did I.

I tried to control my breathing but it just kept getting worse. Xavier gave me a look to say of I’m ok and I nodded.

“So George and Ruth, what happened last night was beyond what we imagined. So the safety of Adam and Selena both is at stake. We found out that the attack wasn’t meant for Selena only. It was also intended for Adam”

Hearing this I felt sick, I looked at the ground trying to not throw up.

“So we thought that it would be best if we could arrange a place for them to go into hideout, until the point where Selena is fully trained and Draco is caught”

“Well, where are you thinking of keeping the kids” Gramps asked Edward.

“We haven’t sorted out a place yet because most of our houses are known”

“Um...I have a place you can use” Xavier spoke beside me and all heads turned towards him.

“Is it safe enough Xavier” Edward looked at Xavier with a serious look.

“Off course it is, it’s my one of my secret pack houses. This one is used for all the wolf’s that are training so if we stay there, they will be safe because my most trained wolves are there”

“Then that’s sorted, thank you Xavier”

“No problem Edward”

Everyone asked Xavier the location of the pack house but he refused to tell because he was worried about the safety. He had enough room for me, Adam, the boys and Giselle.

“Can we go see Adam” John asked Katherine and she nodded her head.

She led everyone up the stairs. I walked behind everyone; I was scared to see Adam because the way he was attacked last night made me imagine the worst about his condition.

We all walked into his room and he was lying on his bed.

He looked so peaceful, the cuts on his face looked painful and so did the rest of his wounds. The one on his chest was the biggest. The rest were all bandaged up. Xavier came and stood beside me.

“You ok” I looked at him and nodded.

“Yeah I’m good”

Everyone stayed in his room for a while talking but all I could to was just stare at Adam, why did he have to lay on top of me, he could have just let me be.

After a while we all headed back down to leave.

“So when do you want the kids move into Xavier’s pack house” Gramps stood beside Edward.

“As soon as possible, if that’s ok with you” He turned to Xavier.

“I need to inform everyone at the pack house and by tomorrow we can move”

“Well, we’ll make a move, see you tomorrow” Nana hugged Katherine and then she came to hug me. I smiled at her and walked away not knowing what to say to her.

We all headed back home and Nana invited Xavier to come over for dinner.

When we got home I wasn’t really feeling hungry especially after seeing Adam. I told Nana I wasn’t hungry so I went to sit in the garden for fresh air. I sat on the swing bench and let the cold air cool me down. The cold air made my insides feel cool, that sounds weird but I felt like I wasn’t suffocated anymore.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. It wasn’t long before someone came and sat beside me. I quickly opened my eyes to see Xavier sitting near me.

“You doing ok Selena”

“Truthfully no, I’m just knackered from all this drama”

“Dont worry, where you’ll be now will be a drama free zone”

“Xavier thank you, thank you for helping out, it means so much to me you have no idea”

“No need to thank me, I just want you safe that’s all that matters” I smiled at him and then leaned my head on his shoulder.

“So who lives in the pack house”

“Well, mostly the warrior wolf’s, so you will definitely be safe there”

“Are you gonna be staying here or there”

“I’m gonna be going there not only because you are all there but also to make sure all wolves are ready in case anything happens”

“Oh ok”

“Which also means that you will start training” I groaned and put my hands on my eyes.

Xavier and me spoke for a while before he decided to go home. I walked out to the front with him.

“Thanks again Xavier”

“Stop saying thanks” We both laughed and then I stepped forward to hug him.

We stayed like this for a while before saying bye. I watched Xavier go and then headed back inside.

I got changed and then went to bed.

Then a thought dawned upon me. I was going to be living in a house with the one person I wanted to avoid.



The next morning I was dreading because once again I was moving, what a life. The worst thing about all this was the packing. I need to learn the spell of packing stuff up, I need to ask Giselle.

Speaking of Giselle I haven’t seen her since I left the palace and I haven’t seen Cole either. I just hope them two are together because they are so cute.

I got help from one of the maids to change my bandages and now Josh was dragging my suitcase down the stairs.

“What the hell is in this”

“I didn’t want to tell you but its Jake’s dead body”

I found this funny because considering the fact that Jake is barely home these days, however his twin didn’t find it funny.

“Yeah your stupid sense of humour won’t be missed while you are gone”

He put my suitcase in the car and then stood in front of me.

“You’re just lying to yourself, you are gonna miss me” I put my hands in front of myself and he rolled his eyes and hugged me.

“Make sure you don’t go off hoeing around, but if you do be safe” He winked at me and I hit his shoulder.

“She better not go off hoeing around or I’ll rip that guys balls off.” Blake gave me a stern look and I stuck my tongue at him. I hugged him and he kissed the top of my head.

“Ewww Blake gross”

“Guys stop hugging her like she is moving away permanently, although I wouldn’t mind that option” I looked at Ben with wide eyes and then refused to hug him.

“I was only kidding, you know I’m gonna miss my baby sister” I gave in because I was gonna miss Ben.

Now you might be thinking why we are having a big farewell, it because we can’t have contact with our families in case they get attacked and then we are found.

I walked to John who was standing behind everyone watching us with a smile on his face. I hugged him tight because he’s always been the fatherly figure for me.

“Look after yourself kiddo, you’re gonna be safe in that house because you practically have everyone there. Just look after yourself....” John found it hard because this was the first time ever we were going to be separate for a long period of time.

“Don’t worry John I will and while I’m gone knock sense into those idiots and find Jake” We both laughed because we all knew Jake was probably off being a fuckboy.

I was upset that Nana and Gramps weren’t here but they had something important come up so I couldn’t get in the way of it.

I waved goodbye to everyone as I sat in Xavier’s car. With one final wave to my family Xavier drove off.

“So you ready to go”

“Is anyone ever ready to go into hiding” He laughed but I knew it was awkward.

“So everyone is already they just are waiting for you. At dinner I’ll formally introduce you to everyone”

“Can I get a heads up about who exactly is there”

“Well there’s going to be my Beta Liam, he’s been in charge there since I moved, he has his mate Hailey and then there’s their little girl they had recently Lucy.

There the rest of the warrior wolfs most of them are unmated so please stay away from them because they get a little...you know around unmated girls”

I laughed at him because of the choice of words he used. Throughout the whole ride he was just telling me how he spent his whole childhood in that house and how his parents had moved away so he was in charge, becoming the King of all Alpha’s.

The ride was pretty long because we had to drive through mountains and into a wooded area. Once we came closer my mouth opened wide.

“I thought this was a pack house. A HOUSE. This is a frickin PALACE” I was gobsmacked at the gothic looking building, it was beautiful.

“Well where do you think a King lives” I rolled my eyes at him as we came closer the house just got bigger.

A few men were standing outside the house dressed in formal clothing. As soon as the car stopped they rushed to the side and opened our doors.

Xavier came and stood beside me and the men greeted him.

“King Xavier it’s good to see you”

“It’s good to see you too, please get the bags from the car and have them sent to the room upstairs” the men nodded and walked away.

Xavier led me into the house where there were people bustling around and as they saw him they stopped.

“King Xavier” they all greeted him and then went back to what they were doing.

Xavier led me into the main sitting room and there was a couple sitting down which I assume was Liam and Hailey.

“Xavier my man how you been” Liam got up and hugged Xavier.

“This is Selena, we came late because someone can’t seem to wake up early” They both laughed and I elbowed him.

“Shut it loser” I stuck my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

Liam held his hand out and I shook it and then Hailey just pulled me into a hug.

“Its so nice to meet you Selena” I pulled away from her with a smile on my face.

“Its nice to meet you too Hailey, thank you for letting us all stay with you”

“No problem, the more the merrier” we all laughed at Hailey, she seemed like such a bubbly person.

We sat down to talk and I smiled because I haven’t seen Xavier this laid back since I met. Seeing him stress free made me smile.

“What are you staring at” Xavier pulled me at my thoughts and I blushed.

“Definitely not your ugly face”

“I love her already” Liam hit Xavier’s shoulder laughing.

“Yeah...yeah whatever. Anyways do you want to see your room” I nodded my head and walked out of the room with Xavier.

He led me up the stairs and then into a separate hallway.

“All the guest bedrooms are here, my room is on the other side of the house along with my office” I nodded my head at him.

He led me to the first door. He opened it and it was huge. There was a massive bed and a beautiful view of the woods.

“Thank you so much Xavier” I hugged him.

We stayed like this for a while before we pulled away. We didn’t know what to say so Xavier cleared his throat.

“Erm, Cole and the rest are down the hallway, so if you want you can pop in to say hi” I smiled at him and he let me go myself.

All the rooms were empty so I went to the one right at the end. When I opened the door everyone was sitting around Adam who was still unconscious.

“Selena” they all shouted and ran to hug me.

“Hey guys how are you all” we all sat down and spoke for a bit. I sat far from where Adam was sleeping.

Giselle came and sat down near me and I gave her the look.

“Where have you been”

“I’ve been caught up with family stuff, my dad was really sick and so I was there and the boys all came with me.” I nodded my head.

“Um...how is he doing?” Even though I was mad at him I was worried about his health.

“Well not good, since yesterday he is getting worse. His body is giving up” I gasped and tears started to form in my eyes.



“Well, in the last 6 months or so he has been taking too much on his body and its damaged him. So it might take him a while to heal”

“What has caused that” Giselle opened her mouth to answer as if she knew but then she shrugged her shoulders.

“Have no idea”

I nodded my head and let the matter go. After a while we stood up to leave the room. As I left the room something in my forced me to turn around and check if he was ok.

I closed the door and went into my room to rest for a while. Giselle had gone down with the boys.

I laid in the middle of the bed and closed my eyes. I didn’t couldn’t relax because so much was going through my mind.

This whole trip so far was a roller coaster some bits were so good and others were just terrible.



I screamed at the top of my lungs when someone jumped on me. I opened my eyes to see Xavier on top of me with a smirk on his face.

“You idiot you scared me” I pushed him off me and sat up.

“Well then next time don’t leave your door open”

I swear I shut that frickin door. I gave Xavier a dirty look and he laughed at me.

“Why are you in here”

“Wow really cranky aren’t you” I rolled my eyes and him and laid beside him.

“Well you just scared the hell out of me so can you blame me”

“Drama queen…” I hit his chest and scowled at him.

“Anyways as I was saying before I got physically abused. I came because it’s almost time to eat and I need to formally introduce you to the pack. Which I would have done earlier but you had to come late”

“Well as long as there’s food I’ll be there”

Xavier laughed at me and then got up.

I followed behind him and we walked down the stairs.

As we neared the dining room I felt more nervous and so I walked closer to Xavier, who noticed my nervousness and put a hand on my lower back.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about”

“Easy for you to say” He rolled his eyes at me as we entered the room.

“Oh okay then”

Everyone stood up as Xavier walked in and he nodded his head at everyone.

“You all can sit down” Everyone sat down and I was shocked at how much everyone respected him.

To me he is an idiot but these people worship the ground he walks on.

Xavier made me sit near him; I was hesitant as I sat down because everyone was just staring at me.

I smiled at everyone and then looked around the room.

“May I have everyone’s attention” Everyone looked at Xavier and gave their full attention to him.

“From today onwards, Prince Adam and his friends will be staying with us. They have been attacked by Draco and its now our duty to protect them as long as they are here. Prince Adam’s condition right now is stable and better but I still want you all to make sure he isn’t disturbed”

Everyone in the room worried and the young maids looked happy when Adam was mentioned. I ignored the whispers that went around the room about Draco and how dangerous he was.

“Also Selena will be staying here...” Everyone finally knew who I was and they all started to whisper.

“Judging by that reaction, I take it that you all know who she is. I want all of you to respect her while she is here and if anyone does anything to upset her you’ll have to face me. They are all guests here and you all shall treat them with respect”

Murmurs of yes went around the room and everyone gave warm smiles to me which I returned. Xavier asked everyone to start with their dinner and soon the room was filled with loud conversations.

Xavier was talking to someone standing beside him, giving him orders about something.

I was still feeling nervous and I looked at Giselle and the rest they all were sitting opposite me talking amongst themselves. I felt out of place here, I looked at my plate and played around with my food.

I was lost in my thoughts that I realise Xavier’s hand on my leg. When he squeezed my leg I squealed in surprise.

“What the hell are you doing Xavier” I whispered to him.

He smirked at me and I tried moving his hand but he wouldn’t let go.

“Now that I finally got your attention, I was going to say I hope you feel better about staying here”

“You could have just called me instead”

“I did, but you were too busy eye fucking your food”

“I was not doing that” My face went red when he said that.

“Yes you were”

“Xavier I wasn’t.... I swear down Xavier let go of my leg”

His eyes challenged me and then I pinched his leg.

His leg shot up and hit the table, everyone turned and looked at him. I bit back my laughter because his face was all red. He glared at everyone and they all carried on leaving the room.

I took this opportunity to run out of the room also, I quickly headed for my room. Since I didn’t know my way around it took me longer but as soon as I saw my door I walked quickly for it. Just as I put my hand on the handle I felt someone turn me around.

I looked to see Xavier standing with a smirk on his face.

“That out there... the stunt you pulled wasn’t very nice.” He came closer to me and his eyes screamed trouble.

I held his gaze as I smirked back at him. What I was going to do next was going to get to him.

“You know what else isn’t nice” I whispered to him as he moved even closer. I held eye contact as I spoke.

“What” He seemed to be in a daze as he spoke to me.

“This” I opened the door with my back and quickly slammed it in his face.

“FUCK” Xavier hit the door from the outside as I laughed inside.

“Selena this is definitely isn’t over now”

“I think it is loser...goodnight”

“You just challenged the wrong guy...goodnight...prepare to be defeated”

I laughed at him because even though he was walking away his laughter was still loud and clear.

I changed into my Pj’s and laid in bed trying to fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning still not finding a comfortable spot. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was 2:30am. Great.

I sat up in my bed and took my hair out of their bun, I ran my hands through my hair and groaned in frustration. I got out of my bed and opened the door.

My feet started to move in the direction of Adams room. Why was I walking to his room? Even though he was a douche, he was hurt.

I opened the door and looked into his room. A cold breeze was coming from his room, I looked at Adam and his covers were half off him.

“He must be freezing” I whispered to myself as I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm myself.

I closed the window and went to cover him. His body was completely cold. I felt really bad because he was so cold. I pulled a chair beside his bed and put his hand in mine.

The same sensation ran through my body whenever I made contact with him. I took his hand and tried to warm it.

“Adam, why did you have to put yourself in more danger because of me. You make it so hard for me to stay mad at you” I looked at his face and it was healing but the scratches were still there.

I started to feel drowsy and so I put my head down on his bed. His hand was still in mine as sleep consumed me.

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