Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Brotherly Shenanigans & Hurt

Selena’s POV

I missed school of the next day and the boys were surprisingly okay with it. I got dressed and went downstairs to find Ben and Blake in the kitchen arguing.

“Its your fucking fault you burnt it, I told you to check it” Blake was screaming at Ben. I guess they both tried to make breakfast for themselves.

“You said to wait until it turned brown” Ben accused Blake and tried to defend himself.

“A FUCKING GOLDEN BROWN NOT FUCKING BURNT BROWN” He ended up throwing the cups of coffee on the floor.

“GOLDEN BROWN...THOSE ARE TWO DIFFERENT FUCKING COLOURS. EITHER IT’S BROWN OR GOLD. GO LEARN YOUR FUCKING COLOURS” Ben shouted back at Blake making him even more angry. Just what I needed first thing in the morning.

“Boys calm yo ball’s” They both looked at me.

“How can Ben calm his balls when he hasn’t got any” Blake had a huge smirk on his face while saying that. Real mature Blake, real mature

“You fucker”

Ben lunged at Blake and they start to hit each other. I tried to stop it but it didn’t work. There was only one way. I crawled to the ground and got between them both.

“Boys stop fighting seriously” I pushed Blake away who moved back and Ben tried to come back at him. I tried to hold him back, but I had no chance he is so fudging strong.

“BEN.... move back...and go sit over there.” I stared him in the eye and pointed towards the seat. He went and sat down.

“I’ll make breakfast, since you both are incapable of it” I started to make pancakes, toast and waffles for the boys. Blake cleaned up the mess he made and Ben helped him.

I put their plates down in front of them and they both grabbed them and started to eat them. Little things like this make me so happy.

“Awww you guys are so cute”

“Shut up” they both said at the same time.

“Ewww don’t talk with your mouth full” like seriously don’t talk to me if your mouth is full off food.

We all talked and argued while eating. I felt so much better.

“Guys I’m just gonna go out for a walk, just to get some air. I’ll text you when I’m coming back”

“Be safe” Blake said it as if I was going out to war.

I walked towards the field that I had found yesterday and it was empty just like yesterday. Why haven’t I seen this place before. It was so peaceful.

I laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky for god knows how long. I was lying down when I heard something moving. I quickly got up to look around to see what it was. As I was starting to get up to leave I saw something black in the corner of my eye move. It freaked me out when I first saw it.

It was an animal covered in pitch black fur and it had the most mesmerising eyes I had ever seen they were a midnight blue. It looked like a dog but it was humongous compared to a dog. It looked almost like a wolf. I got up to leave because it was scaring me.

As I got up to leave the wolf stopped walking towards me and sat down. I walked away from it and I heard it whimper.

I stopped and waited to see if it would harm me but it stayed still. I was scared but I walked towards it and sat down. I watched it as it slowly came towards me, it came and sat near me. It nudged its head at my hand. I started to pet it and it made a cute little sound.

“Your so cute, what are you doing out here”

I’m talking to it as if it would talk back. So dumb.

I kept stroking the wolf and it seemed to enjoy it as it lay its head in my lap. I sat there for god knows how long and just played with the wolf.

“Its time for me to go home boy” I gave it a quick cuddle and walked to go home.

I got home and after dinner went to my room.

I was laying in my bed when my phone rang. I checked who it was and it was Chloe.

“Hey Chloe”

“Hey Lena, you okay, you didn’t come into school today”

“Yeah I’m fine, I saw everyone’s texts but forgot to reply”

“So you coming in tomorrow”

“Nope, I’ll be coming in on Friday”


“I’ll tell you when I see you”

“Tell me tomorrow coz we are all meeting at my house after school in the evening to finalise everything for the ball because we have left it too late”

“That’s fine I’ll meet you there”

I spoke to Chloe for over an hour on the phone and felt really tired so I hung up and went to bed.


I woke up the next day at 2:30pm

I went downstairs to see all the boys at home.

“Shouldn’t you guys be like...I don’t know at work or doing something”

“Shouldn’t you be like.... shutting your ugly face”

“Real mature Josh, real mature”

He mimicked what I said in a stupid high voice. “Real mature josh”

I said it back to him in a stupid deep voice “Real mature Josh” I made a stupid face at him while saying it.

This exchange went on for like 2 minutes and was getting more and more ridiculous.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Shut the fuck up both of you” Blake was never in a good mood, like seriously. I gave him a dirty look and walked away.

“We have important business to take care off so we are staying home, someone is coming to visit us regarding a important matter” John sounded scary when he was serious.

I went to sit near Ben and Jake. I laid on top of both of them.

“Get off you shit” Ben tried to push me off.

“Nope” I flicked his forehead and he scowled at me.

We stayed sitting down for an hour talking and doing absolutely nothing.

“Guys I’m gonna get changed and go out for a walk. I need to go to Chloe’s house so I might go straight to her house. But I’ll text you”


“Good luck for your ‘meeting’ I trust my boys... you’ll be fine whatever it is”

All the boys smiled at me and I couldn’t help me smile widely at them.

“You guys are so cute” They all started to shout at me saying how they aren’t cute and whatnot. Boys.

I got dressed and headed to go to that field. I really don’t know if it’s a park or a field.

I sat down and realised it was a bad idea wearing a full sleeved top which was thick. But I had to hide my bruises which were basically everywhere. My arms, shoulders, legs and stomach. The ones on my face were covered by heavy makeup.

I laid down and just enjoyed this time to myself. I felt something near me and when I got up I saw it was the cute black wolf.

“Hey wolfie, how are ya”

I swear down this wolf is so cute, it was kinda hard to fully hug him because he was huge in size.

I rolled up my sleeves and winced because of the bruises. The wolf nudged at my bruises, but gently so it didn’t hurt me. He did it again.

“It’s okay wolfie, I’m okay now” I sat down with him next to me.

He nudged at my arms and made a sound.

“Are you trying to get me to tell you” I saw him nod his head.

“Your so cute” I hugged him.

“These bruises are a lesson to me, wolfie have you ever been in a situation where you are so confused and don’t know how to make the right decision. I feel like I did the right thing but at the same time my heart hurts. I thought I loved him but all he ever did was hurt me and I let him because I was too scared. I’m just so scared” The wolf rubbed his head on me trying to comfort me.

“Sometimes I wish my mum was still here, so I could talk to her. But I guess it was their time to go” I looked to see the wolf looking intently at me.

“Wolfie, why are you so cute. In a world where I have friends I can talk to. I choose to talk to my little buddy”

“Wanna go for a run wolfie”

I ran around the place with the wolf. I threw a stick for him to fetch. Hey don’t judge I didn’t know what games wolfs like playing. The wolf tackled me down to the ground while coming back and started to lick my face.

“Oh my days wolfie stop you silly boy”

I saw the time and it was 5:30

“Wolfie its time for me to go home. I don’t know when I’ll see you next time because I’m going a vacation for I think a month.” The wolf whimpered.

“Aww I’m going to miss you too”

“Bye wolfie” I hugged him and walked off. The wolf watched me until I wasn’t in his sight.

I walked over to Chloe’s house.


I rang the doorbell and Ash opened the door. He didn’t even say hi to me he just picked me up.

“SHE IS HERE” he took me inside and I saw everyone sitting there. Cole, Adam, Sean, Reece, Justin, Giselle, Chloe, Jade, Jacob and Ash.

He put me down on the sofa on Jacob. Everyone just jumped on me to hug me. I tried not to scream because of the pain of my bruises. Jacob noticed I felt uncomfortable so he pushed everyone off me. I was sat between Ash and Jacob

“How dare you not come to school you bitch, we all missed you”

“I missed you guys too Giselle”

“Why are you wearing a long sleeved top in this weather” Chloe looked at me weirdly.

“I felt like wearing” I spoke in a harsh tone so everyone so knew not to push the matter further.

Now that everyone was here I thought I should tell my friends.

“Guys I have something to tell you”

“Your not pregnant are you, which fucker do I have to kill” I turned to Ash next to me and smacked his head.

“Seriously what is it with people thinking I’m pregnant” I could feel my face going red.

“Well you seem like your innocent but beneath we all know your a kinky girl, remember the dance from the karaoke.” I heard Adam clear his throat when Jade spoke. I could feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“Anyways...on Tuesday I broke up with Colton” Everyone looked shocked and went quiet.

“Awww why didn’t you tell us sooner are you okay” Giselle came towards me and hugged me.

“I’m fine, I just needed time to myself to think about everything. I am just so confused. You guys were right he didn’t deserve a second chance. I was stupid for thinking that Colton would change and be the same guy he was when we first met. ”

“Selena, us all are here for you. Don’t blame yourself for giving him a second chance because you have a big heart. Now that Colton’s out of the way you can focus on yourself” Jade always has the right words to make me feel better.

“I kept going back to him despite him being a douche. He just made me feel like shit and as if everything that went wrong in our relationship was my fault. Everytime I tried to feel confident with myself he would bring me down. But he would always say that it was because he loved me. I gave my all...I tried but I just couldn’t....” I tried not to cry but my voice cracked. Jacob hugged me from the side.

“I feel stupid saying this but I thought that he actually was the one for me. He always made feel like I was the only one that mattered. But clearly I’m not. That phase only lasted until I gave him what he wanted....but now I’m glad he is out of my life”

“Selena, Colton is not the guy for you because he was an insensitive piece of shit. Yeah we all hated him but we saw that he made you happy. But the one for you is out there somewhere and he will love you and he’ll make you feel special because you deserve. Don’t let stupid boys like Colton put you down”

“Thank you Chloe. I learnt my lesson the hard way but the lesson is definitely learnt. But right now you guys are all that matter to me and I love all of you guys. That’s all that matters”

Everyone got up to hug me and I never felt better.

We all spoke for a bit and then finalised the ball. We were going to have a winter wonderland theme with a masquerade touch. The dress code is going to be formal, so suits and dresses.

We all went in the kitchen to help Chloe with snack’s on the way Cole stopped me.

“Hey, you okay”

“I’m fine”

“I’m proud of you for ending things with him, he didn’t do anything did he”

“No he didn’t...don’t worry I’m all good” I hate lying to him.

I hugged him and when I pulled I saw Adam sitting there staring at us.

“What his issue, does he always have that look on his face”

“Hahaha.... he has always been a serious dude. But don’t worry about him too much” He gave a smirk and walked off.

We were sat around the kitchen when this happened....

“Ash pass me the tomato’s” Ash threw it at Chloe’s head and it just splattered all over her.

We all started to laugh at her.

“Ash you fucking idiot you ruined my hair” She got the ketchup and squirted in his direction.

Then somehow everyone ended up having a food fight. There was a huge mess everywhere. We all ran outside and started to throw food and water at each other.

Ash had the water pipe in his hands and he aimed at me everyone stopped and started to watch.

“Lena come away from the tree and I won’t wet you...as much.” I screamed as he squirted water at me, everyone found it amusing. I ran away from the tree only to hear....

*Rip* My shirt ripped from the side. I was too shocked to move. I could feel the cold air biting at my shoulder and arm.

Jade came forwards towards me. ” Oh my god Sel are those bruises how did you get them” I could feel everyone’s gaze burning into me. I didn’t want to look up.

“Don’t touch me, its nothing” I pushed Jade away from me. I ran back inside and I didn’t miss the look on Cole’s face it was hurt. I felt so bad for lying to the one person who knew about everything.

I ran back home crying. My lungs were burning up but I didn’t look behind I heard everyone shouting my name. I flung the house door open. My tears were rolling down. I looked to see a bunch of men sitting with my brothers.

“Selena what’s wrong, why is your shirt ripped” John came running behind me and I quickly slammed the door shut behind me.

“John, I’m fine, it just...ripped while we were having a water fight”

“Don’t fucking lie to me” John was beyond pissed and he was one who never lost his temper.

“Just go away okay, leave me alone”.

It was 9:30 and I was still laying on my bed sobbing. The boys all tried to make me go downstairs but I refused I couldn’t let them see me like this.

I got up from my bed and I took of all my clothes and went into the shower. I let the hot water burn my skin.

I got out of the shower and saw how bad I looked in the mirror. My face was swollen, the makeup had all come off and my face looked pretty beat up. My shoulders and arms were ugly colour combination of black blue and purple.

I was going to get changed but I realised I left my clothes out in my room. I walked out of room and heard thunder. I turned to close the window.

I saw Adam on the roof he looked straight at me. I was frozen, I was standing here in my towel with my bruises showing. He looked at me with a emotion I couldn’t place my finger on. I saw that his knuckles were bandaged but the blood was seeping through.

I slammed my window shut and quickly did my curtains.

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