Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Born To Die

Selena’s P.O.V:

The next morning I woke before Adam and showered before heading downstairs to train. I saw some members of the pack training so I joined in with them.

I put all my anger, frustration and hurt into my workout and boy did it work. I was like some aggressive fighting machine.

“You must be hella pissed if you’re training like that” I turned around to see Jacob walking towards me with Ash behind him.

“No I’m not, I’m absolutely fine, just training hard” Jacob gave me a look which showed me he wasn’t buying my lie and Ash gave me a flat look.

“Seriously what’s wrong Lena, we all know you won’t train this hard even if your life depends on it” Ash pulled me to the side to sit down along with Jacob. I laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky.

“I’m just confused, annoyed and scared. Yesterday a lot when on and it was too much to take in.” Both my friends stayed quiet as they listened to me.

“Yesterday when I got back with Adam, I had a little run in with Regina who made revelation about how Adam lied to me about us being mates. He’s known we were mates for almost 4 years now and he didn’t tell me. But that’s not the worst part, he dated Regina up until after his birthday.”

“Wow, what a dick move” Ash looked pissed and Jacob on the other hand tried to defend Adam.

“Maybe he wanted to tell you when the time was right and besides this is Regina we are talking about so I wouldn’t trust her words. She’s just bitter because you and Adam are happy together” I screamed out in frustration and sat up.

“Why did life get so complicated. Before this the most I had to worry about was handing my homework in time and passing exams. But now it’s all, save the world, while an evil wizard is trying to kill me. I feel like I’m in Harry Potter” Ash and Jacob laughed at my rant.

“Well, let’s hope that Draco looks nothing like voldemort otherwise that would be freaky as fuck” I rolled my eyes at Ash who gave me a childish smile.

I looked at my friends and felt tears form in my eyes. In all the drama I forgot that today was the day they were going back home.

“Seriously, your waterworks are starting now” I glared at Jacob who put his arm around me and Ash, who was feeling left out also put his arm around, making me laugh.

“I hate it that you all are leaving” My heart ached because who knows when I’ll see them again.

“So do we, but we have to get back home otherwise things will be too suspicious. Plus we know that everyone here will take great care for you” Ash was right, everyone back home would be worried, 4 teenagers just dropping of the face of the earth during holidays.

It felt weird saying home. I currently had no home if I thought about it. Was it back in the ‘other world’, my grandparents house, Xavier’s pack house or my mates home...Adams home. I literally had no real home at the moment I was just an object being moved around to be kept safe, so I could fulfil the prophecy.

Pushing all the negative thoughts out of my head I carried on talking to my friends just reminiscing over old and amazing memories.

We all headed inside as the boys had to pack and the girls were already done with their packing since I hadn’t seen them all day.

I headed to my room and picked out a fresh pair of clothes. I headed for the shower and closed the door behind me. I let out a breath which I didn’t know I was holding, I was trying to avoid and I seemed to be doing a pretty good job since I haven’t seen him since I woke up.

I stepped into the shower and stood under the hot water, I felt a hot tear slide down my cheek.

Why is it that everytime I find happiness something terrible always happens after. This seems to be a recurring theme in my life lately and it’s slowly driving me insane.

I finally found the person I truly love, the person that makes me feel alive, whole and loved. All that is starting to crumble because of my stupid insecurities, why did I let her words get to me. But if her words are true then what am I supposed to feel.

Angry, because he knew we were mates and still dated Regina, kissing her in front of me after we’d share a moment together making me feel confused.


I am supposed to let it go, because he couldn’t exactly tell me we were mates out of the blue.

I leaned my head against the shower and let the tears fall out of my eyes.


I headed downstairs to see my friends sitting all laughing and smiling. I stood in the door and watched them, embedding this moment into my memory because who know’s if I’ll ever be able to see them all like this again.

“Instead of watching us with a smile on your face why don’t you come join us you freak” Jade smirked at me and then patted the space beside her. I rolled my eyes at her and went to sit beside her.

Her and Chloe both leaned their heads on me and instantly I felt a lump in my throat. I didn’t want my friends to leave me, because they were literally my life and I was going to miss them so much.

We all started to talk about random things while eating food. The boys were being well them and the girls were starting to get emotional as the time came closer. I tried not to cry like I always do, I mean at this point crying should just be my speciality.

Xavier walked into the room and cleared his throat.

“Well I hate to break it to you guys but it’s time for you guys to go. The car is waiting outside and I’ll be coming with you” They all got up to say their goodbyes and I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry.

I got up and hugged Jacob.

“You better ace your damn exams and I won’t be around to tell you to study for them. Do me proud.” Jacob laughed before kissing the top of my head.

I went to hug Ash, I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back tightly.

“Ash you better not go back to chasing girls, you need to focus and graduate or I’ll come back from the dead and haunt your ass until you complete high school”

“Lena, dont fucking say that, you’re gonna be there on graduation day with us. We all had a pact that we will all graduate together” I nodded my head and tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

I pulled away with watery eyes and turned to the girls, who both pulled me into a hug. I felt the tears slide down my face and I didn’t even bother to stop them.

“Lena, I’m gonna miss you so much” Jade’s voice cracked making me cry even harder.

“Why is it that lately all we’ve done is say goodbye” I laughed at Chloe.

“Well this might be our last goodbye. I’m going to miss you guys so much, you have no idea what impact you have on my life. I love you guys so much and I don’t feel letting you guys go because if I do who knows when I’ll ever see you” I saw that Adam was watching from across with an intense emotion in his eyes, I buried my head in Jade’s neck to avoid his gaze.

“Shut up Lena, we are going to see each other after you’ve kicked that idiots ass. You’re gonna come back for graduation and for my wedding with Chris because who else is going to be my beautiful bridesmaid.” Chloe laughed through her tears making me laugh with.

“Plus we are going to come back for your fairytale wedding with Adam” I looked up to see Adam looking at me and I quickly looked away.

I pulled away from my friends and I’m sure I looked just like them. My tears were flowing out of my eyes like a waterfall and my heart was aching as if someone was squeezing it.

“Stay safe Lena and whatever you do don’t go the easy way because for you it might seem a big sacrifice but for us a part of us will be gone if you do something stupid.” Jade tried to be stern with me but her tears kept choking her as she spoke.

“You guys know there is no other way out of this prophecy. I’m the only way to kill him. I was literally born to die” I laughed a little trying to lighten the mood but it didn’t work.

“No, this prophecy also states that you and your mate are immortal you both can take him down. You weren’t born to die, you were born a saviour and the Selena I know won’t give up” Jacob looked at me with a look which showed hope and that he believed in me.

“Yeah you better kick his ass and come home to us, because I don’t think I can keep saying goodbye to my best friend” Ash’s eyes were slightly watery making my heart shatter into a million peices.

I looked at all my friends and they broken with teary eyes and it was killing me on the inside to say goodbye to them once again.

They all walked towards the door together and I stood in my place unable to move. They all turned around and waved at me and I broke into a sob. I felt someone hold me and I leaned into Adams touching crying and hugging him tightly.

I smiled and whispered “bye” to them as they sat in the car.

I felt sick to my stomach because that may be the last time I see my best friends. The car slowly moved away until we could no longer see it. I pulled away from Adam and walked towards the garden. I need fresh air because I felt suffocated inside the house.

I took deep breaths in as I closed my eyes. Everything was too overwhelming for me to take in and if I didn’t take a moment to calm down I would explode. I sat down on the ground and took some time to gather myself together.


I felt someone touch my shoulder and I instantly flinched. Its funny because this same touch offered me comfort yet today I flinched from it.

“Are you ok Amado” His voice, that was all it took for my heart to break again.

How can one person have so much control over my feelings, my heart. In the little time I’ve known him he has taken over me completely.

I didn’t respond because if I did I would have broken down. I stared into the distance trying to zone him out but all my body was doing was craving him, for his comfort and for him to say everything will be ok. But I know it won’t be.

Adam sat down beside me and was silent. Breath bated, both of us scared to say anything, confused to make sense of what was now our life.

“Why?” I looked at him and his face showed everything I didn’t want to see. He looked broken, weak and vulnerable. I looked away ignoring him despite that voice in my head saying to speak to him, to comfort him.

“Amado speak to me” He put a hand on my hand and I could feel my heart beating so fast I could hear it like a drum in my ears.

I got up to walk away from Adam only to be pulled back. “What the hell is going on, all you’ve done is ignore me” I pulled myself away from him.

“Just leave me alone Adam” I could feel myself choking on my emotions.

“No, that’s all I’ve done and it’s clearly done no good. I’m not letting you die, we’ll find another way to kill-”

“Adam stop, just stop” All of this was too much.

“What is going on with you”

“You knew, this whole time, ever since you met me you knew” I felt tears sliding down my face. I said to myself that I wouldn’t let it get to me but it has.

“Knew what” Adam was confused, he ran a hand through this hair tugging at them harshly.

“That we were mates from the beginning....you knew the whole time and yet you played it off as if you found at the night of your birthday. You knew I had feelings for you and you still went ahead with Regina and rubbed it in my face”

Tears were falling down my face and my heart ached. I could suddenly feel the rain starting pour down mirroring exactly what I felt.

“Who told you this”

“Regina” I felt pretty stupid for believing her words but from Adam’s reaction I knew it was true.

“Why would you listen to her bullshit, she is trying to get to you”

“She told me you knew 5 years before meeting me that we were mates and during that time you dated her”

“Why are you letting her get to you -” I cut him off, tired of hearing excuses I wanted to know from him what was the truth.

“Adam did you or did not know that we were mates before” His gaze lowered and I got my answer.

“Yes I did but I didn’t want to throw it on you, to make you feel obligated to love me. I wanted to you to love me for me and not because of a bond which ties us together”

“I asked you the night when I was told about all this, I asked you about my mate and you didn’t tell me. I mean I get it, but you knew I had feelings for you and every time we got close you ruined it after by going after Regina, you slept with her and rubbed in my face. Mate or not that hurt”

“What I did with Regina is was wrong but don’t you think you’re being a bit unfair considering you were sleeping with Colton and then went to Xavier while you had so called feelings for me” Adams tone was laced with disgust and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. Adams eyes were hardened and me on the other side was on the verge of breaking down.

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Colton blackmailed me into being with him and he abused me and he FUCKING RAPED ME !!”

“Well maybe if you hadn’t let your stupidity get in the way and tell someone about it, Colton wouldn’t have raped you” Adam shouted in my face and then once he realised what he said his face dropped and his eyes widened.

“Fuck...Amado...I didn’t mean it like that” I felt myself choke on my tears and I refused to believe what I heard. Adam moved closer to me and I put a hand to his chest.

“Just...just stop...”

“I’m sorry I...I-”

“No Adam, that exactly what you meant, that was probably bottled up inside you and now in your anger it has come out. I just can’t believe you’re blaming me for getting raped. Out of all people Adam I thought you wouldn’t be like this but I guess I was fucking wrong. Adam you’re no better than Colton”

“Don’t compare me to him” His gaze was intense.

“You think I’m some whore that gets around. But Adam unlike you, ever since I knew I had feelings for you I didn’t string anyone around unlike you. Xavier has been my friend this whole time and he even gave you shelter and that’s how you repay the favour. Adam the whole time I’ve had feelings for you, you were all that was ever in my thoughts no one else. But I guess to you I’m just another girl”

I thought back to what Regina said about him making a girl special, he knows exactly what to do and say and I fell for his stupid trap.

“Amado, you are not another girl for me” His voice was breaking and it was killing me because the man in front of me was my hope and now it was all shattered.

“Don’t call me that Adam, I know now where I stand in your life.” My heart was aching as if someone had stabbed me repeatedly.

“Please” I moved back unable to look in his eyes.

“The worst part off all this is that I will keep loving you despite what you feel about me. Because you are one of the reasons why I feel alive but right now I can’t look at you” I started to walk away, the rain had drenched me completely my tears were mixed in with the rain on my face.

“Selena don’t walk away” I let out a cry as I walked away, leaving behind the one thing that I loved.

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