Under Investigation

Chapter 7

The next day was a struggle to start, the warm, comfortable cocoon Magnar had created was far too enticing to get out of bed easily. His warmth and sparks ignited my body and kept my heart rate up. Without sex it was the best I was going to get. I stare at the list of names given to me. 25 down, 50 more to go. The list is slowly starting to be whittled down. It’s going to be a long time coming. “Thank you for your time Mr. Malcolm.” Ekon says as he opens the door for Levi Malcolm, a 31 year old pack warrior.

Levi nods with his hands in his pockets and heads down the steps, without a glance elsewhere. He’s not the worst the pack has to offer. He struggles to find his place in the pack, his mate was killed before they ever got a chance to bond. Can’t have distractions from patrol. Father prefers his warriors to be free of mates and family. Keeps their loyalties strong to him. I can only shake my head as Deanna steps up to the steps, wringing her fingers nervously.

“Adira?” She asks barely above a whisper.

“Hello Deanna. How are you today?” I ask as I stare at her, her skin awfully pale. It’s been hard on everyone.

“Nervous… What’s going to happen?” She stops on the steps and bites her lip.

“We’re going to go on inside and have an interview about pack business and day to day life.” Magnar offers her as he stands off to the side. She glances at him nervously upset before she stares at the trailer.

“Won’t…” She looks back at me, her eyes focused on my torso.

“No Deanna. This trailer is specialized. Alpha, or anyone else, can’t open a pack link while you are inside. You’re safe.” I murmured quietly, she met my eyes, hers water slightly.

“What happens-” Magnar clears his throat and garners her attention.

“Alpha is no longer with the ability of a pack mind link. Things are changing.” He reassured her gently. It takes a moment for Deanna to respond.

“O-oh… OK.” She whispers and stares at Ekon nervously.

“It’s ok Deanna, they’re here to help us.” I murmur, she nods as Ekon waves her inside the trailer. A very nice trailer, the inside refurbished for their purposes. A sturdy table with chairs, a computer off to the side. It’s cozy and perfect for what they need. Deanna walks inside with one last glance back towards me and I offer her a small smile. Thankful that the door closes, away from her pitying scrutiny.

“How are you feeling?” Magnar asks as he shields me from the sun, his shadow blocks the sun and I fight the urge to lean into him.

“I’m fine.” I murmur quietly, my heart rate is still slow, my body aches with every movement. Fire licks at my skin, the cling wrap over my wounds saves me from the painful chafe. Thankfully Magnar helped tape it on.

“That’s a lie and you know it.” He growls softly as his eyes scan the grounds around us.

“It’s all you’re gonna get in the open.” I mutter and check the list. “Who do we need to call for interviews next?” Magnar stares at me, eyes narrowed as he surveys my features.

“We still need to have a formal interview with a large portion of the housing district. Who do you think on this list would be easiest to have a conversation with?”

“Yesterday’s show is going to cause problems for open conversation. No matter what, it’ll be hard.” He stares at me for a moment before I drop my gaze with a sigh.

“Mr. and Mrs. Gerald would be a couple to interview. They’re elderly but have quite a few marks against their file.” I offer and he sighs.

“Alright, will they need a vehicle transport?” I debate for a moment before I nod.

“It can’t hurt, they are both up in their 80’s.” I offer and he nods.

“I’ll drive, you wait here. I don’t want you in the sun any more.” He gives me a stern stare. Goddess he is sexy when he’s bossy. I raise my hands amused by him. After another moment of staring he turns to head down the porch of the trailer to get the SUV. The sun hasn’t helped me any. The cool air works to keep my mind focused enough to concentrate on the simple task given to me by the pair. Not to mention it makes Roberto and Anthony comfortable to have a ‘spy’.

“Come on Adira.” Magnar calls, forcing my attention back to him. I really need to keep my mind attentive. I didn’t hear the car pull up, nevertheless the door opened. Goddess it’s becoming obvious of my state. I move towards the steps and wince in discomfort. “Easy now.” He murmurs lower as he waits at the bottom making me snort.

“Keep it up and you’ll make it more obvious.” I mutter and head for the passenger seat, eager to take a break. Until you sit down that is. I didn’t realize how low the scalding water had traveled. I bite back my growl at the pressure against blisters. Magnar shuts the door behind me, the seat cooler turned on. Weird sensation, but helpful in this case. I close my eyes as the cool air surrounds me, hidden from the sun I can soak up the nice effects.

“Now, how are you really?” Magnar asks again, not moving the car. I grunt and let my head rest against the headrest.

“I’m tender, but I know this has to be put on show. No one can know.” I offer quietly, this is all a part of the plan to prove to Roberto that he’s winning. If only this was over, I want my mate. I want to be claimed. Nera’s grown restless with unease, agitated from the lack of attention from her mate. We both viewed finding our mate happening much differently. As any wolf would, I prayed to be mated by the second day no less. Not that that’s happened.

“Doesn’t make it tolerable. Do you need a break?” He asks before he drives off down the housing district, finding the street Mr. and Mrs. Gerald’s live on.

“No, I want this to end, I want my mate to mount me.” I give him an agitated look, the restless feeling is starting to get to me. I hate this, I hate being separated from him. He growls, his nostrils flare as he parks the SUV to stare at me.

“Trust me… If I had it my way I would’ve mounted you at the time of meeting.” His chest rumbles in a deep pleased growl. My legs clench wantonly as I stare at him, my arousal lights up as I admire my mate. I know what those hands can do.

“Don’t tease me now, that’s just mean.” His eyes glitter as his lips stretch upwards amused.

“Soon enough Adira… soon enough.” His chest rumbles, making me sigh. If only we could mate now. I get out of the SUV gingerly and head up the steps to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald’s home. So familiar. Magnar walks behind me up the decaying wooden steps. I knock on the door and lean against the siding, struggling to contain my discomfort, to regulate my features. Don’t be a wimp now.

Mr. Gerald’s cane thumps rhythmically, the door is slowly cracked open as if to scent the air before they show themselves. I can’t blame them, I just pray this hasn’t gotten them hurt worse. “It’s Adira Mr. Gerald.” I offer gently as I give the man a small encouraging smile.

“Adira?” He calls quietly, the door closes more before I recognize the sound of a chain falling to hit the wall. His eyes glance over me worriedly before they take in Magnar with an apprehensive frown. “How can I help you, Adira?” He asks in his weathered voice.

I give him a small smile and straighten. “Mr. Price and I are here to escort you and Mrs. Gerald to your interviews.” He pauses and turns to stare at me, his tan skin paled considerably.

“I- We- we can’t speak against-” I shake my head and give him a smile.

“It’s ok Mr. Gerald Alpha won’t know what’s spoken about. He’s been forbidden from using pack link until the investigation is over.” I say gently and watch as he stares at me unsure, the nerves in his scent break my heart. They are too old for all of this nonsense.

“Adira?” Mrs. Gerald’s voice quivers as she nears the door to peer at me, taking in my appearance. “How are you holding up?” She asks in a whisper making me smile, she’s always had a gentle kind nature.

“I’ll survive, thank you.” I murmur and offer a small smile.

“I want to ask that both of you come with us down to the trailer to have your interview. It’s a protected and safe space, Roberto Lee cannot access either of you in there.” Magnar interjects gently, the pair stare up at him unsure.

“What do we have to talk about?” Mr. Gerald asks as he glances around the empty street, looking for a warrior to report on them. Thankfully that has been delegated to pack borders only. I’m sure that alone would have caused major issues with their investigation.

“We want to learn more about the interactions you’ve had with any of the ranked members of the pack, warriors and up.” Magnar explains as Mrs. Gerald looks towards me upset.

“Is this because-” She can’t finish her statement and I shake my head, having an idea of where she was going with that train of thought.

“No, not at all Mrs. Gerald. Mr. Price and Mr. Mcbride wants to learn more about how they have hurt you and abused you guys. No one is here to punish you for anything of the sort.” I assure gently, watching as she turns to look up at her husband with nerves in her eyes.

“What about after? They’ll know who has talked to people.” Mr. Gerald frets.

“They can’t come after you, they have been locked down to a curfew, the patrol for the housing district has been disbanded. You have my number to call the second anything or anyone tries to bother you.” I say softly and he watches me for a long moment of silence, his eyes dull as he speaks to his wife through a link.

“Alright… We’ll go.” Mr. Gerald settles as his free hand clutches his wife lovingly.

“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Gerald, this will help a lot.” Magnar murmurs and steps aside to give them space down the small porch. I step down and back into the warm rays of the sun, my head aches pitifully as I drop sunglasses over my eyes. Damn Father and his ways. The headache hasn’t eased much from last night’s difficulties. I hold the door open for Mrs. Gerald, helping her inside as Magnar repeats the action for Mr. Gerald.

He’s going to make a great Alpha. My gut churns with unease, knowing I may not live to see that change. To have met my mate and never truly know him will kill me. That is if the council doesn’t kill me first.

“How will this work?” Mr. Gerald asks Magnar as we make the drive back to the clearing they’ve set up in.

“Both of you will be able to go into the trailer and talk with Mr. Mcbride, he’ll have some questions for you and let you get things that have weighed you off your chest. We want an honest view of the pack and the ones that have hurt you.”

“Oh.” Mr. Gerald responds with a frown on his features.

“What happens after?” Mrs. Gerald speaks up.

“After we have collected evidence we’ll start a hearing for the members on trial, everyone from Warriors to Alpha.” Magnar explains simply, I feel their eyes on me and I nod.

“Myself included.” I say gently with a smile, Mrs. Gerald turns her eyes to mine.


“There’s no excuses, my actions are just as wrong. Being a bystander to cruelty accepts it, I’ve done wrong and need to be held accountable.” I tell her softly with a small smile. Even if that kills me. I feel Nera reach out for her mate, depressed with the thought. She wants her mate badly and yet he’s just out of our reach.

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