Under Investigation

Chapter 4

“We’ve had contact with the council; they want to do an in depth, complete investigation.” Ekon says as he stares at me, the questions linger in his eyes. It’s only been two days since their arrival and they’ve seen more red flags than they could count. I’m just surprised it took two whole days.

“How does that change things?” I ask as I lean against the railing, watching the pair, inspect the grounds, Magnar now holding a camera, collecting evidence.

“We’ll need to talk to every member in a formal interview. There’s a trailer coming onto the grounds for interviews.” I nod slowly in thought. Sounds reasonable. “We’ll need a detailed list of every pack member, their rank, age, job, and how to contact them.” I stare at him and nod.

“I can get you that by the end of the day.” Father already keeps that on file for his own nefarious reasons. “Is there anything else that I can do to help?” Ekon glances at Magnar as he nods his head towards the grass of the yard.

“Access to the pack finances and paperwork is needed now.” Magnar continues to photograph the grounds and my fathers house, taking everything into account.

“Tell me all you need to see, I’ll do my best to provide it.” Not saying you’ll see the correct papers. By now I’m sure Father has begun trading the actual documents for fakes that look far better for him. It’d be in his best interest after all. Tensions have risen considerably within the pack. Father has been on nightly rants of the ‘visitors’ and any one who’s ‘dumb’ enough to betray him, will face his wrath.

“What have you heard between the Alpha and Beta?” Magnar asks, gaining a look from Ekon who frowns. The investigation is already on the rocks, I’m sure he wants to be careful for what they bring to the council.

“I’ve heard rumors that there’s a punishment due.” Punishment, example, same thing to Father. He turns his eyes on me and his brow flicks up, a silent gesture I’ve become familiar with. So much expression in so little movement. “They’re nervous, walking on a bed of glass; tension is rising in the pack. They don’t know what to expect right now.” Magnar pauses at the entrance to the pack housing district and begins to take photos, a camera now in Ekon’s hand to film the neglect.

“Is there a prison on the grounds?” Ekon asks and I nod.

“There’s a hold under the pack hall.” It’s where the trials and meetings are held, easy to clean up when someone loses their temper. Not to mention it instills fear in the pack. To know if they make a wrong move, all they have to do is be brought downstairs, some return, some don’t.

“What dealings are done there?” Ekon pauses as he films a run down home, a hole in the roof, covered by a now ragged and torn tarp.

“Meetings, and updates that the members of the pack need to be informed on, increase in protection fee, examples. Whatever Alpha deems necessary in his mind.” I offer as I watch him. It’s surrounded by a black cloud, like the rest of this pack.

“What is the example?” Magnar asks as he glances at me.

“Rogues on the rare occasion they stumble beyond the border in their madness, mostly it’s pack members; there’s a tally of who’s been used and how many times.” I offer as I watch the camera get shut off, Ekon turns to me with a heavy frown.

“I’d like to see that, please. Can you show us the hall?” Ekon asks and I nod.

“Do you have anything else on the examples?” Magnar asks as he walks on my right side, slightly behind me. I wonder if that’s his habit.

“Yes, Father likes to record the events, in some cases there is a report that’s written up.” It’s yet another means of his to control and terrorize the pack. My minds distracted by the warmth of Magnar’s body so close, his scent teases my nostrils. Now is not the time to be a hussy for your mate. I reprimand Nera as the pack hall comes into view. A guard stands outside the door, guarding it’s secrets. I’m guessing they’ve been up to something.

“Who’s this?” Ekon asks lowly a mere caress of my ear.

“Ronald Gallows, age 29, he’s a pack warrior, often works the housing patrol.” I offer quietly before I nod to the man in question. “Ronald, how are you today?” He barely glances at me before his dark eyes turn to inspect Magnar and Ekon.

“Fine; why are you here?” He asks with a bland tone, his eyes dull slightly as he opens a link. Likely with Father.

“Adira has been escorting us around, per our request, we wanted to see the pack hall.” Magnar chooses his words carefully as he keeps his posture lax. I watch as the muscles in his back spasm. That t-shirt does wonders for him. The form fitting cloth, subtle thought, but one that has my mouth watering nonetheless.

“Mr. Gallows, when do you think your schedule will be clear for an interview?” Ekon asks as he watches him. Ronald turns his eyes to Ekon, narrowed slightly.

“I’m not sure, it’ll have to be after work unless the Alpha gives the order.” It was a slight threat to not comply with their investigation. I’m sure they’ll face similar attitudes amongst warriors and other ranked members.

Magnar hums and nods. “In that case, after your shift today will be fine.” He steps closer and stares Ronald down. “Please step aside, we have some business to do.” He doesn’t bother to give intel as he nods to the side. Ronald’s eyes narrow ever so slightly, his lips thin as his jaw tightens. After a moment he steps aside, clearing the doorway.

“Thank you Mr. Gallows.” Ekon nods and follows Magnar inside. I make sure to close the door behind us. Camera’s are removed as the photograph and video of the large vast room. A half wall rests three-quarters of the way from the entrance, a grande judge’s desk is center, calling for attention. Greedy narcissistic bastard. Multiple fold up chairs sit vacant, lined in rows, not made for comfort.

The cold gray room an empty vessel for terror. All to get a message across. Moldy air fills the room, the dank stench from below drifts through the vents, tainting the whole building. It all smells of death, the stark stench unforgettable. “How often is the hall used for examples?” Magnar asks as he pulls out a flashlight to inspect the structure.

“Weekly, at least once every week, sometimes three or four.” My eyes follow the pair as they stop at a door to the right of the judges stand.

“Where’s this lead?” Ekon asks as he opens the door, he reels back, lips lifted in a sneer, disgusted by the powerful stench that greets him.

“That’s the hold. I’ll escort you down.” My hand finds the switch as my gut clenches, painful memories batter my mind.

“Are there any prisoners down there?” Magnar asks as I head down the flight of stairs.

“No, the last prisoner was killed four days ago.” My tone is empty, unable to feel the pain of loss any more. There’s so many lives tragically ended down here, the pain has numbed my mind of understanding. There’s so much sorrow to be had here.

“What was the reason for that?” Ekon asks as we hit the cell floor. Eight cells line both walls, the end and open space with a cement poll, chains and shackles mounted to it. Pipes line either side, the far wall is covered in items of pain, methods of torture. From modern knives and restraints to archaic methods of prolonged turture.

“Because Alpha got bored with the young man, his family couldn’t afford the release fee.” Passing the second cell on the left has my heart clenching my body heavy with pain of memories. I don’t have to look in the cell to remember the stark stain of decay left. Ekon takes his time videoing each cell, the stains and gouges in the floor. A chain and shackle in the center by a drain in the floor.

“How many are in the pack?” Magnar questions as he glances at me, his eyes glitter with a hidden rage.

“Last head count was 274, six deaths haven’t been accounted for. We have eight expecting mothers.” The number fluctuates so much we have to do a headcount bi-weekly just to keep in range. Father likes to know how much money he can expect. My eyes trail over to the dreaded stall, unable to tear my eyes away.

“A large pack.” Ekon mutters as he stops with a sigh. “Council members are filtering through external pack dealings with your Father.” He pauses to stand in front of me. “I can’t lie, this isn’t going to be easy to clear your name.” I meet his gaze silently.

“I don’t expect to be cleared. I’ve done wrong to the members of this pack. Have I killed them? No. Have I used unnecessary force? On the occasion of my Father’s watchful gaze. I don’t excuse myself for my wrongdoings to this pack. If I die, I have been dealt a rightful ruling. If I live, I pray I’m not imprisoned. There’s nothing you or any other council member could do to me that I haven’t done to myself.” Ekon stares at me as Magnar moves closer.

“You can’t die, if for nothing else than being my mate.” He said lowly, a low growl. Ekon glances at his partner with a sigh.

“The council can’t put you to death, unless you’ve immeasurable damage to lives.” I stare at him and I arch my brow. “To kill you would kill Magnar, they can’t kill you without killing an innocent, an enforcer.” I shake my head at that.

“We haven’t marked-”

“But he’s accepted you. You are his mate, recognizable by lycan law.” I frown as I stare between them.

“Then what punishment can I get? My getting off for my crimes is a sin in itself, a biased trial.”

“Only the council judges can answer that.” Ekon offers as I stare at him. Magnar shakes his head and turns to head down to the torture chamber.

“The trial will be an honest one, unbiased by the judges. They’ll see the truth as I have Adira.” Magnar says with his back to me, I stare at his form longingly.

“All that matters is this pack has a good Alpha to guide them to normalcy once this is over.” Ekon moves towards his partner to continue to gather evidence. This is the start of the pack’s revolution. They deserve to have happiness.

“Can you show us around town again? I’d like to get more of a feeling of the store owners.” I stuff my hands in my pocket and nod.

“Sure, did you have a place in mind to start?” I head out of the hold, my skin crawling with unease at the dark memories. I hate that place.

They both follow me up towards the store district. “Wherever we’ll be able to talk to the most people.” Magnar offers as he follows close, his warmth reassuring me. What does our future hold? Yesterday we only managed to talk with Margaret, Molly and Henry, the owner of the hardware store.

“We’ll need to have a formal investigation, but this will ease some tension and help people talk.” Ekon mutters and I glance at the pair. I wouldn’t get my hopes up too high, Father still has access to mind link.

“Just tell me how I can help; you have my full cooperation.” I fall silent as I listen to the pair make comments and strategize amongst each other.

“Where are we going next?” Ekon asks as he takes in the store fronts, watching as people turn their curious gaze for a moment before they turn back with their heads down. Slightly better than last time.

“Ronny and Daniel Quinn, they own the bistro in the store district. I highly recommend their food if you are in need of a bite.” I offer in thought. Daniel had had a hard time accepting the fact that he was mated to a male wolf. It almost killed Ronny, he struggled to accept that he wasn’t straight, that he could be anything but straight. Almost a decade later and they are one of the happier couples within this nightmare of a pack.

Magnar opens the door for me and I offer a small smile. I pray I can explore my mate and our future together. The restaurant is in a lull in business, the lunch rush having just finished, my eyes scan the room as I try to find the face of the front. “Adira! Darling, it’s so good to see you.” Magnar releases a low growl he struggles to hide.

Ronny calls over the counter as he comes out, his eyes flash to the pair behind me and he gives a cheeky grin, hiding his nerves. “Margaret forgot to mention they were handsome devils.” It’s my turn to struggle with my wolf and her possessive nature. Calm down, he’s happily married.

“It’s good to see you, Ronny.” I offer as he stops and motions to a booth. “Are you free to talk a bit?” He laughs with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Only if it’s over a meal, you could use some meat on your bones.” He teases me, he loves to make pack members full for nothing. It’s the father hen in him.

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