Under His Protection

Chapter 18

The following evening they were getting ready for the party. Zane stood in the doorway watching Jade, she didn’t know he was there.

Her back was to him when she dropped her robe and taking the dress off the hanger slipped it over her head. Watching women strip was a turn-on, but watching her dress was more arousing than he could ever have imagined. The way the material of her dress clung to her curves as she pulled it down was getting him hard. Maybe watching would be considered creepy, but he didn’t care, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She turned and jumped when she saw him standing there, just staring. “You startled me. Just how long have you been there?”

“Since you dropped your robe,” he said with a grin on his face. “Come here,” he said in a demanding tone.

She walked slowly towards him. “I’m only coming over so that you can do up the zipper,” she said, reaching him she turned her back to him. “Do you like the dress?”

He pulled the zipper up slowly, then he moved her hair over to the side and his lips came down on her neck. “It’s nice, but on you it’s beautiful. I like it this short, makes it easy for me to slide my hand up and under your panties,” he said into her neck and he kissed her exposed flesh. A small moan escaped her mouth when his finger touched her.

Zane stop,” she moaned. “The limousine will be here any minute and you’re not ready.” Moving his hand she stepped back, straightening her dress. “Go,” she ordered him. He wasn’t the only one who could give orders.

Using his tongue he licked the tip of his finger, the one he used to touch her with. “I’ll go, but we aren’t done.”

Her knees felt weak from his touch, so sitting down she put her heels on. One more check in the mirror and she was ready to go. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw Zane in his dark tux, he was so damn handsome. She walked over and fixed his tie, her eyes fluttering when she looked up at him. “There is something really hot and sexy about a man in a suit that turns me on.”

“Then perhaps we should stay home and after you undress me you can watch as I put it back on or I could make love to you wearing it.”

“Nice try handsome, we’re going.” “What’s all that?” she asked, pointing to what he was putting into his pocket.

Putting his gun in his holster he picked up a thing that looked like a tiny bug. “It’s an earpiece I can wear to talk to the other officers who are going to be there.”

“How many will there be?” she asked, watching as he put more items in his pocket.

“Several, some will be working as waiters, one parking cars, and the others spread around. You and the others won’t know who they are, only me.”

“I thought you said the police refused to put more men on the case.”

“Joe called in some favours. With the number of celebrities being there, they agreed it was necessary. Ready?” he asked, taking her hand.

He helped her into the limo and got in next to her. “OK, I want to go over the ground rules one more time. First, you are to remain in my sight at all times. You will not wander off by yourself and if we do get separated stay within a group of people, never for one second be by yourself. If something or someone makes you uncomfortable give me a signal and I’ll be right by your side in a flash.”

“What if I need to use the restroom?”

“I’ll go with you.” Seeing how she rolled her eyes he smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll wait outside the door.”

“I really don’t think anything will happen with all the people around,” she said, looking at him. It touched her how he was being so protective of her and she felt 100 percent safe with him.

Taking her hand he kissed her fingers. “Maybe not, but I’m not taking any chances. My priority is protecting you at all costs.” His nerves were a bit on edge, his gut still telling him going to this party was a bad idea.

The limo pulled up to the building, people were getting out of the other limos and private cars. Everyone was dressed in the most glamorous and expensive clothes money could buy. Models, businessmen, politicians and other wealthy people were attending. Before getting out of their vehicle he noticed photographers taking pictures.

“This isn’t good Jade. I’m a cop and I can’t have my picture taken.”

“Put on your dark sunglasses. I’m sure no one will be looking at you, it’s the models they’re interested in. Once we go inside the only picture taking will be the ones that are authorized by Victoria's Secret.”

It was crazy once they stepped out of the limo, cameras started flashing, people began hollering for Jade’s attention. Women were holding up bottles of the perfume she had posed with, wanting her to give them her autograph. One man broke through the rope that was up to prevent people from getting close to the ones attending the party. He managed to slip past the one cop and reaching Jade grabbed her. Zane immediately got him off her and had him down on the ground. Taking out his handcuffs he cuffed the man and had one of the cops take him away.

Turning to Jade he saw she was calm considering what she had just gone through. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?” he asked, taking her arm and leading her inside.

“I’m fine. This kind of thing happens a lot, I’m used to it.” She looked up at him. “But I’m glad you were with me.”

“Me too,” he answered, touching her chin lightly with the tips of his fingers.

Removing the invitation from her purse handed it to the doorman who moved aside, allowing them to enter. “You ready for a night of beautiful models and champagne?” she asked him when they entered the room.

Taking one glass off the tray which a waiter held he asked him to bring him a beer. “The only model I have eyes for is you and as for champagne, no thanks.” The waiter returned with a glass of beer for him.

Reggie, having seen them enter walked over, kissing her cheek. “I’m glad you made it. Some very important people are asking to speak with you. There’s talk of signing you to a two-year contract with them to keep promoting their perfume.”

“Reggie, I told you when the year is up I’m retiring from the business and moving away.”

“Maybe you’ll change your mind. This contract is a big deal, just think of the money you’ll make. Just think about it ok?”

Zane was about to give him a piece of his mind, but before he could a tall brunette walked over to them, putting her arm through Reggie’s. She wore a long black dress that did nothing for her figure, she wore very little make-up and her hair was tied in a bun on top of her head. It was tied so tight he was sure if she were to smile her face would crack and he had to stifle a laugh at the thought of that happening.

“Darling, we must talk to the Carrington’s.”

“Dear, you remember Jade.”

“Yes, hello Jade.”

“Hello, Mrs. Curtis.”

“This is Zane Warner, Mr. Warner, my wife, Wanda,” Reggie said as he snaked his arm around her waist.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Warner,” she said, her tone icy. Before he answered she turned to her husband. “Let’s not keep the Carrington’s waiting.”

“We’ll talk later Jade,” Reggie said and touched her arm when he walked past her.

Zane leaned in and spoke into her ear. “I bet if she were to smile her face would crack.” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

Letting out a small laugh she covered her mouth. “Zane.”

“So what’s her story?”

“Mrs. Curtis is not outgoing, she stays by herself except for her small circle of friends. She has a lot of health issues. Other than that I don’t know her, she never associates with any of Reggie’s clients.”

They mingled and when the pictures were being taken Zane stood back, leaning against the wall and kept his eyes on her. He spoke on the earphones to the others, checking to make sure nothing suspicious was going on, all was clear. Pictures being done with he walked over, pushing his way in between her and Reggie when he saw the man putting his arm around her waist.

She looked at him. “I need to go to the ladies.”

Nodding he took hold of her elbow and they walked away from the group. “Want me to come in with you?” he asked, giving her a sly smile.

“Thanks but no thanks. I’ll only be a moment so try to behave, no getting into any fights.”

“Me, get into a fight,” he said, pointing a finger at himself with a smile on his face.

When she came out the blood in her veins heated up when she saw Lilly with her hands all over Zane. She had him backed up against the wall and he looked pissed off, she could hear him telling her to back away. Jealously raced through her and grabbing a fist full of Lilly’s hair pulled her off Zane. “Get off him you skank,” she cursed.

Lilly let out a squeal and swatted her hand away. “Who you calling a skank bitch?”

“You,” Jade snapped back.

Zane got between them. “Ok ladies that’s enough. This is neither the time nor place.”

Lilly glared angrily at Jade before looking back at him and smiled. “When you get tired of playing house with this cow call me, you have my number.” With a smirk on her face, she walked past Jade.

Jade’s face was flushed, her heart was beating rapidly and she looked at him. “Bastard, you have her number?”

He held his hands up. “No, not anymore.”

When she turned to storm away he grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him. “She gave it to me the first time I came to your shoot, I threw it away.” He pulled her close. “I never had any intentions of calling her then, or now.”

Feeling embarrassed with her outburst she lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry. It’s just that Lilly is always trying to get with any man I've dated. She was always coming on to Trevor and I think they slept together, though he denied it.”

“If he did he was a fool, no man in his right mind would cheat on you.” He stroked her cheek before leaning over and giving her a kiss. “Will you do me the honour of dancing with me?”

Nodding she placed her hand in his hand and they headed over to where the dancing was taking place. He put his arms around her waist, pulling her so close she could hardly breathe. With her arms around his neck, she rests her head on his shoulder. He smelled so good, his masculine scent along with his cologne was so alluring. She had never been jealous before, not even with Trevor but when she saw Zane with Lilly she became furious and wanted to rip the other woman’s hair right out of her head. This got her thinking. Was she starting to have deep feelings for him? Would she end up getting her heart broken? As confused as she was she couldn’t help the feeling she got whenever she was in his arms, that warm loving feeling.

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