Tyler (Blue Halo Book 6)

Tyler: Chapter 5

Tyler had been about to kiss her. Emerson could almost feel his lips on hers. And she’d wanted him to. There was nothing she’d wanted more, in fact.

But the moment was gone. Still, a smile tugged at her mouth at the way Tyler’s chin dropped to his chest and a small growl vibrated from his throat.

She turned her head to see a pretty woman with pale blue eyes and long golden hair. Beside her was a tall man with short brown hair and almost silver eyes, whom she remembered from the meeting. Flynn. Even if he hadn’t been at the meeting, though, she would have known he was a Blue Halo man. He had the same height and breadth. That dangerous I-could-end-a-man-without-breaking-a-sweat vibe. God, they were cut from the same cloth.

The woman smiled at her. “Hi. I’m Carina.”

She returned the smile. “Emerson.”

“Good to see you again, Emerson,” Flynn said. His voice was just as deep and smooth as Tyler’s. Definitely the same cloth.

Carina’s smile grew as her gaze flicked between Emerson and Tyler.

Tyler sighed as he opened the door. “Come on. Let’s get coffee.”

She stepped inside the bright shop. It was busy, and the smell of coffee hit her right in the face. It smelled incredible. She hadn’t had a good coffee in too long. There was no coffee maker in Mrs. Henry’s Airbnb, so she’d been making do with instant. And no, she was not a fan of the stuff.

When Tyler pressed a light hand to the small of her back, awareness skittered up her spine. His large hand felt like it covered her entire back. She’d been telling herself all day that she needed to be immune to the man. He didn’t know the truth about Levi. She couldn’t start a flirtation with someone she was lying to.

The logical side of her brain knew that, but the rest of her was proving harder to convince.

A woman smiled at them from the other side of a long counter, looking at her and Tyler in the same way Carina had. With interest.

Tyler smiled. “Hey, Courtney. This is Emerson.”

Courtney’s gaze shifted to her. “Emerson. What a cool name. I like it.”

“Thanks. I’ve grown quite fond of it over the last thirty-four years.”

Courtney chuckled. “Can I tempt you with a coffee? I don’t like to float my own boat, but it’s the best in town.”

“I heard. I’ve been looking forward to this since Tyler told me.” Not only looking forward to it. Just about salivating at the thought.

Courtney’s smile grew as she glanced at Tyler. “You told her how good my coffee is?”

“Of course.”

“I knew I liked you.”

“You own this shop?” Emerson asked when the woman looked back at her.

“I do. She’s a labor of love.”

It was impressive. Courtney didn’t look too old, maybe late twenties, yet it appeared she ran a very successful business, if the packed shop was any indication. “Well, I’m looking forward to trying the best coffee in town. Could I get a double-shot iced latte?”

Her brows rose. “Fancy. I like it.” She looked at Tyler. “Usual?”

“Thanks, Court.” He turned his head to look at Emerson, and her skin almost broke out into full-body goose bumps at his attention. “I’m just gonna talk to Flynn for a sec.”

She nodded and watched him walk to the end of the counter. She absolutely did not focus on his perfect ass or the way the material of his shirt pulled against his muscled back.

Or at least, she told herself she didn’t. But when she finally dragged her gaze back to the women, it was to see them looking at her with knowing smiles.

Oh jeez. They’d caught her staring. She took a seat at the counter beside Carina. “I didn’t—”

Courtney held up her hands. “You do not need to explain. All those boys are eye candy.”

Carina sighed, propping her chin in her hand. “They’re beautiful. God’s gifts to women.”

Emerson chuckled. “I would agree, but I understand they have really good hearing.”

On cue, she glanced at Tyler from below her lashes. He winked at her, and her tummy did a little flutter. Oh Lord.

“Your usual, too?” Courtney asked Carina.

“Actually, that double-shot iced latte sounds really good. I might try that too.”

“They’re amazing,” Emerson promised. “But be careful, they can become addictive, especially with a dollop of whipped cream on top.” She didn’t like to admit it, but she may have started indulging in one a day back in Vermont. A habit that was probably better broken.

“A dollop?” Courtney laughed as she turned to the coffee machine. “I’ll add more than a dollop. Otherwise, what’s the point?”

Emerson grinned. She was going to like these women.

“So you’re dating Flynn?” she asked Carina.

“I am. And this gorgeous coffee shop owner is dating Jason.” Carina nudged her shoulder suggestively. “You were pretty close to Tyler out there.”

“He’s just helping me track down my brother.” And if she was smart, it would stay that way. Problem was, anytime Tyler was around, she forgot what smart was.

Courtney laughed. “It always starts as a job or a protection detail. Certainly started like that for me and Jason.”

“Oh, me too,” Carina said. “Except, I was Flynn’s mother’s in-home nurse.”

Emerson could see how the men could fall for these women. She’d just met them minutes ago and she already liked them. Lowering her voice, she said, “Nothing will happen between Tyler and me.” She scrambled to come up with a reason that didn’t end with, I’m letting him believe a lie. “There’s a bit of an age gap.”

Yeah, that worked.

Both women frowned, but it was Courtney who spoke. “You said you’re thirty-four. What’s he? Twenty-six? Twenty-seven? That’s nothing.”

Carina nodded. “Jay-Z and Beyonce are twelve years apart, and they’re goals for most people.”

She laughed. Was Jay-Z the older one? Didn’t really matter, she was no Jay-Z or Beyonce.

She swept another covert glance his way. This time, he wasn’t looking back. In fact, he seemed so deep in conversation he wasn’t paying them any attention. Good.

She shook her head. “We’ve known each other a day.” Making her attraction even crazier. She’d almost kissed a man, in public, who she’d only known for a day!

Courtney scoffed. “It took me and Jason no time at all.”

“One meeting for me,” Carina said. “He pretended to hate me, but I knew the truth.”

Emerson’s heart thumped. Then she gave herself a mental shake.

No. She had to stop these thoughts. It was a good thing the almost-kiss was interrupted. The relationship would be built on lies.

Courtney set two glasses of ice on the counter and poured shots of coffee over the top, then milk.

“You said he was helping you track down your brother. Everything okay?” Carina asked.

The mention of the case—of Levi—made her stomach turn. “Not really. My stepbrother needs help but doesn’t want it. Unfortunately, if no one helps him, he could pose a danger to himself or others.”

Not ideal. The note left on her kitchen counter flickered back into her mind.

Stay away from them.

She hadn’t told Tyler about it yet, but that was mostly because he’d distracted her with his beautiful blue eyes the moment she’d opened her door. She would. She needed to. If she wanted him to find her brother, she needed to share everything she could with him.

Carina touched her hand, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Well, if there’s anyone you want on your side to find a loved one, it’s one of them.”

“Exactly right,” Courtney agreed. Then she moved down the counter, grabbing a small can from the fridge before returning. She sprayed some whipped cream onto the drinks. No. Not some. A lot.

Emerson’s eyes widened. “Okay, that has to the biggest iced coffee I’ve ever seen.”

“And no doubt the best,” Courtney said, setting straws into the glasses. “I’m not modest, by the way.”

Emerson took a sip. Holy crap, it was the best. “God, why would you be modest when your coffee’s so good? This is amazing.”

Carina groaned. “A hit of caffeine and sugar is exactly what I needed today.”

Emerson agreed. So much yes. She turned to Carina to respond—but something behind the other woman, through the coffee shop window, caught her eye. Her breath stopped.


For a moment, the people, the movement, and the sounds around her died, and he was all she saw. He stood across the road amongst several people at a bus stop. It was the first time he’d remained still, allowing her to stare at him, for months. He looked scruffy, and he was touching his right shoulder with his left hand. Scratching it. He also seemed angry.

Then his mouth moved.

She frowned. Had he just said leave?

The word had no sooner left his mouth when he disappeared down the sidewalk.


She didn’t think. She rose to her feet and ran. There was the faint sound of her name being called behind her, but it was background noise. She couldn’t concentrate on anything but Levi.

She rushed outside without looking where she was going and ran smack bang into a man’s chest. Her foot landed on top of his and her ankle rolled. The stranger grabbed her to stop her from falling, then another set of hands steadied her from behind.

The older man frowned. “Ma’am, are you okay?”

“Yes. Sorry.” The words tumbled from her lips as she started to step away, her eyes on the spot she’d seen Levi, but the second she put weight on her foot, she stumbled, pain spiraling up her leg.

The strong hands on her hips tightened. “Emerson, your ankle.”

She turned to look at Tyler. “Did you see him? Levi was here!”

Tyler straightened, instantly alert. “Where?”

“By the bus stop.” Her gaze flicked back across the road before scanning the street. Gone. He was gone.

Her heart dropped. They’d lost him.

Flynn appeared beside them.

“Search the streets,” Tyler said to his friend. “Levi was here.”

Flynn’s eyes turned hard, and he took off. Tyler looked back at her. “Why didn’t you get me?”

That was a damn good question. Why hadn’t she gotten him? She should have. But she’d been so startled to find him standing so still, allowing her to see him. When he’d disappeared, she’d panicked. “I’m sorry. He was looking at me, and I just couldn’t look away. Then he took off and I…I just moved without thinking about what I was doing.”

Dumb. She was so dumb. She knew she wasn’t fast enough to catch him, exactly why she’d hired Tyler and his team. But in the moment, she’d just reacted.

She ran a hand over her face. “I’m so sorry.”

The pain in her ankle started to throb. And she’d injured herself. Great.

Tyler’s voice softened. “Come on, you need ice.” He slid an arm around her waist, and she leaned into him for support, still wanting to kick her own ass for her mistake.

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