Twin Soul

Chapter 3: (4/7)

Arthur turned around, looked at Samm and Belka then said, "One down, two more to go."

With the healer down, Samm and Belka have to be more careful because any injuries they receive won't be able to recover. Now they must defeat Arthur as soon as possible or they will be forced to surrender as Milos needs to be revived before the time runs out. The arena master can not revive Milos until the battle is over.

Belka commanded her thirty-two low tier demons to attack. Arthur's four Fire Demons quickly massacred them all. Two Fire Demons were killed in the process. Samm casted [Flaming Familiar] to summon a Flaming Familiar that will chase down and explode upon contact with the enemy.

[Flaming Familiar], level 11 Fire spell.

The Flaming Familiar ran toward Arthur but was blocked by one of the Fire Demons. The Flaming Familiar explodes upon touching the Demon but causes no damage as Fire Demon immune to all fire spells lowered than level 15. The other Fire Demon sprint toward Belka to attack her.

Belka casted [Shadow Step] to temporarily grant her invisibility. The Fire Demon could not find her so it sprinted toward Samm instead. Samm casted [Spiral Flame] to create a spiral line of flame that appeared under a Fire Demon's feet. The [Spiral Flame] quickly spreaded out within two thousand square feet, locking both Demons inside. The [Spiral Flame] stopped spreading but kept burning until both of the Fire Demons were killed. Samm deactivated the [Spiral Flame] to conserve his mana.

[Shadow Step], level 15 Black spell.

[Spiral Flame], level 15 Fire spell.

Belka appeared behind Arthur and casted [Force Punch], attempting to kill him. But Arthur faded away because it was his [Shadow Clone]. The real Arthur appeared right behind Belka and casted [Conjure Skeleton Warrior] ten times. Ten Skeleton Warriors appeared to attack Belka as she started chanting. Belka finished chanting before a Skeleton could strike her with its sword. She quickly casted [Demon Anatomy I] to transform into a human-size demon to fight with the ten Skeletons.

Both Samm and Belka asked themselves, "How large is his mana pool? Why isn't it depleted yet?"

Other mastered Intermediate Conjurer Mages would have depleted their mana pools after using [Shadow Clone], [Warp Infusion], conjured one Phantom Knight, and four Fire Demons. They can’t help but wonder how did Arthur manage to conjure ten more Skeleton Warriors?

Both Samm and Belka thought to themselves that Arthur must have reached his limit after conjuring those ten Skeletons. Belka should have no problem handling those weak ass Skeleton Warriors even in her [Demon Anatomy I] form. That was why Samm took his time to chant for another [Exploding Fireball] because he wanted a guaranteed kill. Arthur slowly walked toward Samm with a smirk smile on his face.

Samm casted [Fireball] to create a big fireball flying toward Arthur. Arthur faded away as the fireball touched him. "Another [Shadow Clone]? How annoying." Samm thought to himself while continuing chanting for [Exploding Fireball]. Samm looked around but was unable to find Arthur. An odd feeling appeared that made Samm turn around. Behind him was Arthur, along with his three conjured Thunder Eagles. "How the f*ck?" That was the last question Samm could ask before the three Thunder Eagles electrocuted his ass to death using [Lightning Strike] spells.

[Fireball], level 5 Fire spell.

Arthur smiled and said, "Two down, one more to go."

At this time the entire arena audience cheered out loud as they could not believe Arthur could have killed two Intermediate Mages in one battle. One of them even mastered the Intermediate tier. Well, one of the professors is kinda upset though. That was Anrod Peckgray. He has just realized that Arthur Castillon was playing with Carmen Lancaster in the duel he had with her by giving Carmen an illusion of almost defeating Arthur. But in reality, Carmen Lancaster is too weak to even qualify as a contender compared to Arthur Castillon. Both of them are level 20 Intermediate Mages, but Arthur is on a different stage. A stage that none of the Student Intermediate Mages in Mages' Academy of Sinerin can reach. Searching through his eight hundred years old memory, Anrod can't find anyone who can be on par with Arthur.

Witnessing two teammates have fallen, Belka could no longer take her time. After Belka was finally done killing ten Skeleton Warriors, she immediately activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Demon Hordes]. Belka was willing to sacrifice all of her mana for one last spell. And this time, the [Demon Hordes] did not disappoint Belka as two hundred forty two (242) low tier demons, as well as a Demon General, walked through the portal.

The Demon General looked around and saw a large audience. He immediately knew that he was standing inside an arena. The Demon General turned toward Belka and asked, "Human, who would you want me to torture?"

"That magic caster over there, three Thunder Eagles, and any of the creatures he is going to conjure."

"Very well. My children, let's feast then."

Two hundred forty two (242) low tier demons ran toward Arthur and his three Thunder Eagles to attack. The battle lasted less than a minute. It ended with the death of the three Eagles and a hundred twelve (112) low tier demons. As one hundred thirty (130) low tier demons were about to attack Arthur, the Demon General stopped them and said, "My children, leave his human to me. I needed to have my fun."

The Demon General spreaded his demon wings and flew toward Arthur. He swung his fiery ax at Arthur and attempted to chop him into two pieces. As the ax was about to touch Arthur's head, it was blocked by the sword of a Phantom Knight. After too many surprises, Belka was not surprised that Arthur could have conjured another Phantom Knight. But that should be his limit, right? The Demon General quickly killed the Phantom in less than twenty seconds. The Demon General was about to attack Arthur again only to find six more Phantom Knights were standing behind him.

“How did he conjure many more Phantom Knights that fast?” Belka asked herself.

Arthur said, "Belka, you have activated [Mana Infusion]. Out of respect, I shall activate it too. Ah… Let me take that back. You did not earn my respect, but I will still activate my [Mana Infusion]. There is no such thing as an absolute victory until the battle is over. I won’t look down on you regardless of how weak you are."

Arthur activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Conjure Skeleton Warrior]. This shocked Belka and everyone was watching it. Out of all Conjuration spells Arthur could have cast, he chose Skeleton Warrior.

However, everybody quickly changed their mind as they saw the newly conjured Skeleton Warrior. It wore full golden armor and had a pair of wings on its back. Its head was not a normal human skull, but a human-size dragon skull. This was no longer just a Skeleton Warrior, but a Dragon-kin Skeleton Warrior. Arthur nodded his head in happiness and said, "A tenth-tier Gold Dragon-kin Skeleton Warrior. I guess today is also my lucky day."

[Mana Infusion] in Conjuration magic is very much like gambling. It also depends on the Conjurer Mage's mana pool. A Conjurer Mage that has a larger mana pool has more chance to conjure a much stronger creature after using [Mana Infusion] compared to a Conjurer Mage's that has a smaller mana pool. But still, the gamble is a gamble. Sometimes, the creature they conjure using [Mana Infusion] is the same without using [Mana Infusion]. contemporary romance

The Demon General does not give a f*ck about Black, Red, Blue, or Gold Dragon-kin. All he knew was this Skeleton Warrior is blocking his path and he will crush it. As the Demon General was flying toward the Gold Dragon-kin Skeleton Warrior, Arthur gave the order for his six Phantom Knights to surround and protect him because Arthur was afraid that Belka would give the commands for the one hundred thirty (130) low tier demons to attack him.

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