Twice Blessed ~ Matthew’s Story

Chapter 3 ~ Thursdays Are Always Long

Ella’s POV ~

I arrived at the pack house, with ten minutes to spare. Maverick met me at my door and gave me his arm.. I giggled “VIP treatment for little ol’ me? I declare, Suh, you do make me blush!”

He said “Shut up! I was told to escort you to Matthew’s office. I was trying to be a gentleman.. but you ruined it.” Making me laugh.. “Don’t pout.. I don’t have any lollipops in my apron.” He chuckled “Parents hate that, you know. Giving their whiny crotch goblins sugar.. when they’re in the diner.” I just shrugged. I don’t care.

We walked into the office.. and holy wall to wall people. Damn! Am I being interrogated? I backed up.. ready to flee. And Matthew said “Wait.. These people are my family. If you’re uncomfortable, I can ask them to leave.”

I took a deep breath and said “No.. it’s fine. It just startled me. I didn’t expect to see so many people.” Maverick offered me a seat.. and I gratefully sat down.

Matthew made introductions.. but it’ll take me a hot minute to remember who everyone is. Damien said “How about you just tell us, in your own words, what happened.. and we will save any questions for after you’ve finished.”

I smiled at him “There’s not much to tell.. I walk to and from work, most nights. Danny sent me home a few minutes early.. so I was walking home. As soon as I turned on Bailor, I heard crashing coming through the woods.. I stopped. Pulled my daggers from my bag.. putting them in my boots. Then, Matthew.. I’m sorry.. Alpha Landon.. came crashing through the brush and landed at my feet. He was wounded.. blood gushing from a head wound. I helped him to his feet.. and started to walk toward my house. Three men came crashing out of the woods. I warned them I wasn’t in the mood to be messed with. They didn’t believe me. So, I let the Alpha down on the sidewalk.. and kicked the biggest guy in the chest.. felt the give, so I broke at least five ribs. The second guy, I stabbed in the eye.. all the way to his brain. Third guy, slit his throat. By that time, the first one was up and running away. So I brought Alpha Landon to my house and cleaned his wound.”

Maverick said “We found five dead in the woods leading into town.. We knew Frost had taken them out. A blood trail lead all the way from our borders into town. Then we found two more, dead in the street. Now, I know what happened to them. Nice work!”

I inclined my head in acknowledgment.. and Jolene said “You were Goddess sent! Had you not been there, they would have finished him off.” I smiled and told them “I was ready because I knew danger was coming. I felt it.. so I was ready.”

Lynette tells us “You aren’t fully human. I’m not sure what you are, yet.. But you have gifts. I’m sensing them.” I laughed “I am human.. My mother doesn’t know who my dad is.. a result of one of many drunken one night stands.. She disappeared five years ago.. but she is human. A nasty sorry excuse of a human.. but nonetheless!”

Matthew asked “What are your gifts?” I cleared my throat.. not wanting to tell them just to have them laugh and tell me I’m crazy!

Matthew said “I can heal.. my mother is a child of the Moon.. her wolf, Angel, was the Goddess’s own wolf when she walked the earth. I am the grandson of the Moon Goddess. My healing power is stronger than my mother’s. I can foresee the future.. but never my own.”

My head came up sharply “I am clairvoyant. I can see the future.. not mine.. and for some reason, not yours! I can feel danger.. literally feel it.. my joints ache.. my head hurts.. my nerves stand on end. I can sense evil intent..”

Lynette said “I knew it! You aren’t fully human. We need to run your blood.. Will you allow it? We can do a DNA workup.. maybe find out who your father is!”

I shrugged “You can run it.. but I made my peace with not knowing who he is, a long time ago. He planted the seed, but I doubt he even recalls my mother. She’s kind of a slut. I had no say in my birth, so I refuse to allow it to color who I am.”

Matthew said “That’s very admirable. I am really impressed at your way of thinking. How old are you, by the way?” I grinned “I will be eighteen in three and a half months.” He just nodded, like I had revealed the secrets of the universe. Which struck me odd.. but, okay.

Maverick asked “Whose car did you drive here?” I looked up.. “Oh shit! Danny’s. And he needs it. Am I done here?” Jolene smiled “Yes.. as soon as we get that blood!” I nodded and followed her over to the infirmary.

I walked into the diner forty five minutes later.. and only ten minutes past the time I was sure to be back. Matthew texted me as I started to put my bag in my locker.

M: Wanted to make sure you saved my number

Me: I did. Thank you!

M: That’s my line! I will keep you updated on our investigation.

Me: Appreciate it!

I clocked in and started my dinner prep. It’s Thursday.. and we usually get slammed twice. Once at dinner time.. Then again around ten.. when the local school’s game ends.

The after game crowd were always the same groups of people. My favorite always being the mean girl clique. They get a kick out of trying to get under my skin.

I had just gotten everyone seated.. when the trio of girls walked in. Buffy, the ringleader, sneered my direction and said the same thing she does every week “Is there another waitress? Your service is shit!” I smile and remind her “The cafe two streets over has our other server. Feel free to go there.”

On my fifth trip to their table.. Buffy held the ketchup bottle and squirted it all over me.. saying “Oops” The other girls tittered out their fake laugh.. and the ranch dressing I held in my hand was dumped on her head, just as the door dinged. I grinned and said “Oops!”

I turned to seat the door, only to find Matthew and Maverick standing there. I smiled “Hey guys! Grab a seat.. I will be right back. Gotta clean up.”

I ran to the back.. taking out a clean tee shirt and apron. Rushed through washing as much ketchup off, as I could.. I hurried out to wait on the guys.

Buffy was leaned over their table, boobs practically in Matthew’s face.. with him looking uncomfortable.. and I was jealous! What the fuck!? Why am I jealous?

I stepped up to their table and set waters down. “Buffy, go back to your own table.. or leave. I can’t have you molesting the other customers.”

She snarled “You don’t tell me what to do! I am a paying customer! You will respect me!” I laughed and said “You never spend more than seven dollars.. for a salad you never eat.. and can’t be bothered to tip. Betcha I would survive without your business!”

She tried to shoulder check me as she stomped off.. I leaned hard left and she fell on her ass. Tried saying I pushed her. I laughed “Bitch.. if I had pushed you, you wouldn’t be able to stand up. Try me!”

I took Matthew and Mavericks orders, and when I brought their food out.. Buffy was hurrying out the door.. her face beet red.

I asked Maverick “What’s that about?” He chuckled “That’s how a stupid girl looks when she receives a dressing down from an Alpha!”

I asked “Isn’t she a lone wolf? No Alpha?” Matthew replied “Even lone wolves have to answer to an Alpha!” I just nodded.. and started cleaning tables. Thursdays are always long.

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