Twice Blessed ~ Matthew’s Story

Chapter 12 ~ You Will Die Alone

Ella’s POV ~

Jolene and I were waiting out front for Elaine and Frank. Lisa was in Matthew’s office, with Blake and Maverick sitting in. I am hoping Lisa lets go of the darkness, so I can read her heart. She’s so angry and full of pain.. I can only read the darkness in her soul.

Jolene greeted Elaine.. while I asked them all to follow me. I knocked at the office door, and at Matthew’s ‘enter’, I lead them into the office.

I walked over and sat in Matthew’s lap, while Frank and Elaine sat across from Lisa. Elaine held a huge brown book on her lap.. she said “I brought this for you. It’s every memory I have of you. Snow White, in second grade.. Juliet in seventh. It’s all in here, Lisa. Every important moment of your life, I was there. I wasn’t allowed to touch you, or talk to you.. so this had to be enough.”

Lisa took the book and saw pictures of herself, as a baby. For the first time. She saw a class picture for every year she was in school. Pictures of her doing all the things she did, when she was smaller. She started to cry.. and I could feel her aura getting lighter.. she whispered “He lied. Everything he told me, taught me.. is a lie. I will tell you everything I know.”

Matthew said “Everything. If I am satisfied with what you tell us.. I will spare your life and send you to live with your mother.” Her face lit up, and nodding vigorously, she said “Everything I know.”

“Mel leads the little group you have in custody. Several months ago, a man named Sparks approached Mel, in town. Asking about she-wolves in our pack, that can be easily taken. The hunters are wanting to impregnate she-wolves and raise an army… the believe half-bloods are easier to train and control. Mel is paid for each one he brings in. They haven’t taken any from here yet. They snag lone wolves.. or omegas in town shopping. He has a plan to take two omegas from here.. I was supposed to get the girls away from the pack house.. so he could nab them. Then he wants me to drug you again.. so he can take that one to Edgar. She’s a ten thousand dollar payday.. reward money. Going to be a lot of crazies.. wanting that bounty.”

I asked “So, Edgar is offering ten grand to whomever brings me to him?” Lisa nods “Yes.. but Mel is also supposed to either kill you, Alpha.. or your mate.. before you mark her. Something aboit the legend of the heart and the eye of the moon mating. Supposed to be a double blessing from the Goddess. It has significance.. but I was never told what.”

Maverick said “I have asked Jolene and Blake in on this.. We’re going to need Damien and Lynette..”

Matthew told Elaine and Frank to pack Lisa up and take her home. She was no longer a part of Bear Creek pack. I smiled as I realized Lisa’s soul harbored far less darkness than before.

Jolene and Blake joined us, and Matthew filled them in. Blake started laughing “Liam is going to be pissed! More research.. another legend. I’ll call Damien right now.”

As soon as Blake explained what Liam needed to research.. Liam yelled “Whyy? Why can’t you people just be Normalll? Lynnie and her ten magical kids.. Jolene and her Blessed one.. And now the Blessed one has a Blessed mate! Great! Just great! Just fucking great!”

We were all laughing and Damien said “Get some people to help.. you won’t be the only one researching. I’m going to have to contact the oracles, Ella. A truth seer is rare. And with you having Abalone as your wolf.. it makes sense that you are the eye of the moon.”

I said “That’s all well and good., but I have lived my life as a human.. I am not used to being overwhelmed.. As long as they do nothing to disrupt my life, I don’t mind.” Matthew pulled me into his lap and murmured “Nothing better disrupt our lives. Ten days and you are mine!”

We hung up with Damien saying they would be at Bear Creek in a couple days. Matthew stood and held his hand out. We are so used to it now.. we automatically reach for each other without having to say Take my hand.

He smiles and asked “Shall we inform our dear friend, Melvin, his daughter is finally reunited with her mother?” I giggled and said absolutely!

We walked down to the cells.. Matthew had relented and allowed them all to have the freedom of their cells, instead of hanging from the ceiling.

Mel was on his feet before we reached his cell.. He demanded to know where Lisa is. Matthew grinned and said “Halfway back to her mother’s pack, I would imagine. You see, Mel.. lies always have a way of becoming truths in the harsh light of day. What you did to that girl and her mother is beyond the pale! They lost so much time together. All because of your petty ass! Now, they have the opportunity to love each other.. without your poison tainting it. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?”

Mel charged the door of the cell.. hitting it with all his might.. knocking himself on his ass. And for some reason, it struck me funny.. I stood there for a good three minutes.. laughing. All the while watching Mel get back to his feet.. The whole time acting like that was his plan to begin with.. which made it funnier.

He said “Her mother doesn’t deserve her. She abandoned us both! She is a piece of trash who should have been executed for betraying her mate and pack!”

Matthew laughed “She abandoned no one. You force marked and mated a wolf not fated to you.. she was never yours! Lisa was a baby! She should have never been separated from her mother. You did that. Out of spite! Not out of any paternal devotion or love.. Out of resentment and vindictiveness.”

Mel snarled “You think you know everything! Just because you run your pack the way you do.. doesn’t mean it’s the right way. We should all have the right to say and do.. to act.. the way we feel is best for us.”

Matthew said “In theory, that is what happens. But everyone answers to someone. In our case.. in our species.. that happens to be the Moon Goddess. By not following her mandates.. your road leads to mayhem! You were supposed to have learned the value of mate, pack, and family.. in kindergarten!”

I said “You deprived both Elaine and Lisa of the maternal bond that would have rounded out Lisa’s gentle nature. You forced her to do things that went against her moral compass. For what? In the end.. what have you gained? You are alone. You will die alone!”

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