Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 13: The Citadel

The next morning comes swiftly. Celestine and I leave after 10:00, partly due to Celestine fiddling over an outfit for me. I blushed the entire time until we finally settled on one. It’s a simple three-piece outfit, but this time I wore my knee-boots. To which the woman offered no resistance.

Our ride is actually rather leisurely, going somewhat swiftly through the forest. I will admit to having to ride sidesaddle as opposed to astride on Fenris’ back. Granted I’m pretty sure Celestine rode astride, yet this is official business. Meaning that decorum is required as we run through the city. I sigh but still cling to my bonded.

I do miss Ember, remembering how much he loved me riding on his back. I sigh heavily, clinging tightly to Fenris’ fur. I peer down it see his jet black fur is now silver. While this hides his identity as a Black, I think the more pressing matter is his ability to run around the city in full view of people. The only other place he can do this is back in Japan. I know he’s loving this right now.

I often smirk, wanting to just throw caution to the wind and transform myself into a kitsune. I really do miss my tails.

We ride fairly enough in single-file, with me and Fenris slightly to the side of Celestine and Athena. I pan around the further we ride, becoming more and more in awe of the city.

As it was a couple days ago, people go about their lives. Working to keep the streets clean, merchants selling their wares as we pass by another market, I even watch a few kids my age climb into long carriages. They’re all wearing similar clothes, maybe school uniforms? I smirk, thinking how Yukari, Marron, and Evie wanted to send me to school. So Dewloura has an education system…interesting.

The one thing I notice distinctly is the lack of smell. I mean there’s no sewage in the streets causing an odor. I tilt my head, wondering how extensive the Dewlouran plumbing systems are in comparison to modern day cities. When they want to work that is. Yet all around me is nothing but clean streets. The rest of Europe isn’t even close to this. So I’m really impressed with Dewloura.

As we race through the city, we do catch the odd glance from people, a few bow to us as we ride past them. I think it might be because Fenris is larger than the wolves in the city. So seeing him might be different for them to say the least. I simply ignore them, yet still smile. Fenris really is one-of-a-kind.

I keep my gaze forward, seeing gardens, the towering trees that hover over the buildings, and even more parks. The city is sprawling, with dozens of recreational areas. It’s simply unreal. This is the late-renaissance era, yet I swear I’m strolling through New York City.

I pan around seeing people lounging in parks or sitting at cafes, enjoying a simple peaceful morning. Okay…that’s really crazy. Again…how advanced is this city and what are the jobs and work status like here?

I know Mom was here, so she clearly saw this. I tilt my head, granted when was she here? She never actually told me the date. But I do know it was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. So late 1500's perhaps? It had to been prior to the 1590's, because she also talked about being in North America during the Salem witch trials.

I peer up to see dragons flying through air. I smile, seeing more the usual stocky varieties, similar to most western European dragons, along with the more serpentine types. There are simply too many to count. I really wish Silvi was here. No doubt my sister would be flying high with them.

We leave the smaller residential areas and markets, racing closer to the center of the city. I look up, really taking on the fact that it looks a lot like Minas Tirith, just smaller, and with only three levels reaching maybe five hundred feet into the sky. The area around us slowly starts to go uphill while still sheltered beneath the trees.

Our path then turns upwards along a road which circles around the central hill. I glance over, watching as homes and other buildings fly past us. One major difference between here and Minas Tirith is how large each tier is.

If I had to guess, each level is at least a mile in diameter from the center outwards and shrinks the higher we go. This level of engineering is beyond my ability to comprehend. Not even Rome was at this stage when I visited it.

Each level is packed with buildings, which seems to go on endlessly. They even appear to have been hewn straight out of the ancient hill or mountain. Each building is ornate in its carving, yet still incredibly functional. In my mind, I see more Demacian architecture as well and as if I was in Stormwind City. Heh, I really am a geek. Yet the lines seem to curve and flow naturally.

I pan over to my right, viewing long bridges connecting each tier. The sound of the trains moving along them can be heard as I watch them fly over me. I grin softly, remembering them from a couple days ago. Several others I glimpse people walking across. This city is simply beyond words.

We pass through a gate and onto the second tier. I smell something as we pass along the road. I smile, as coffee fills the air. Given the relative location to Turkey, I wonder when Dewlouran traders introduced it to the city. I glance over to see people sitting in large patios, sipping on coffee. Behind them sit various little cafés. I stare in awe, they have cafés here? This will really be something to jot down in my journal.

Yep as always, I brought along my backpack. Even if I’m in the midst of the city, it’ll never leave my side, nor the incredible treasures hidden within it. I often continue to feel the urge to pull out either my phone or camera and snap pictures of everything in sight.

I turn my head to see what appears to be a train station with people exiting out onto platforms from the magical trains I saw a couple days ago. I look around, smiling as more of the tracks snake their way from the station and further out into the city. I then glimpse as another train, which is silver in construction and looking similar to a Japanese bullet train, pulls out and along the track.

We pass by one large wall with a gate at its heart. It’s manned by guards, yet I see people walking into the gate. I say people, but they’re more my age. Many are wearing the same clothes, each are different between the girls and boys. The girls wear knee-length dresses with capelets and the boys wear something similar to suits. I tilt my head, is that a school? I continue to watch the students enter the gates.

We finally reach the third tier, or citadel. Fenris and Athena stop in order to catch their breaths. I lean over and stroke my bonded. He turns and smiles to me, panting somewhat. I grin to him, raking my fingers into his fur, feeling his heart pulsing rapidly.

A cool breeze rushes against me, carrying the strong scent of water. Not simply flowing water say from a stream. No, this is coming from a truly massive source. I know the capital city rests near the Black Sea, so does that mean we’re near it? I smile, wondering if I could see the harbor at some point.

I sit back up and scan the area. The level is filled with people walking about. Elves speaking with humans and dwarves, no doubt about either trade or business ventures. I glimpse guardsmen patrolling through the streets as before, but now there are far more of them.

Perched within several of the visible gardens are dozens of dragons, again in both half form and full. Several more fly overhead, with a few I recognize from before. I’m hesitant to go over and talk to them, seeing how some resemble the clan that attacked my home.

I sigh, slapping myself. Don’t think like that you idiot. I look on now smiling, knowing Carol would go ballistic if she were here. She, like Silvi, would instantly rush over to them. I giggle softly, feeling a little better, now wanting to go and do the very same thing.

I turn to see a massive complex some distance from me. A tall wall separates it from the rest of the tier. Adorning the walls reside epitaphs of wolves. Their visages are mighty in appearance, granting them a near godlike presence. The statues gleam in soft silvers and alabaster. Their eyes are painted a deep metallic blue. I marvel at them, really wishing I could take out my phone or camera and snap a few pictures of them.

Beyond the gate I glimpse a building that rises over it. It’s large and ornately carved, glad in white stone. I stare at it, wondering if that’s the palace. The heavier presence of guards would definitely denote that.

Something then shimmers into my eyes, forcing me to shield them with my hand. Hovering over the palace is the gigantic crystal I’ve seen before. Now that I’m this close to it, I can really take in how massive it is. It’s the clearest of blue I’ve ever seen in my life, and possibly stands over three hundred feet in height. The mere idea of something like this existing boggles my mind.

A slight pain then slips across my mind. I look around, knowing it’s something I’m sensing, something I’ve felt before. Again it’s similar to what I felt from a couple days ago, yet now it's a bit stronger. It’s an uneasiness that eludes me, like a prey through the forest, ever out of my reach.

I let out another sigh, choosing to ignore it. If I can’t figure it out, then let it go.

“Aria!” I hear called out. I turn to see Celestine and Athena moving away from the palace. “We are not too far away from our destination.”

I nod and Fenris turns and trots after them.

A few minutes later we arrive at several large, walled homes, each vastly smaller than the palace, yet still somewhat grand in design. Each home is comprised of several buildings, possibly two to three apiece, and spaced out by perhaps a tenth of a mile. So this gives each home at a great deal of space. No doubt these are the residences of the noble houses of Dewloura.

We pass by seven of these homes, with two being twice as big as the others. Both emblazoned with the crests of Drakthul and Laevatain respectively. I look at them, so these must be the residences belonging to Lana and Mistral’s ancestors. They’re real homes probably are elsewhere in the city.

What they’d kill for to be in my shoes right now. Oh right…me.

The four of us finally arrive at the one marked by the crest of Shyair. Standing at the gates are more guardsmen belonging to it. We slowly trot through the gate, with the guards bowing to us. I look around, noting that the area is maybe half the size of the main estate.

As we enter the courtyard, we are met by several servants who bow to Celestine. “Greetings, Your Highness,” they say. “We have been expecting your arrival.”

She smiles as a servant helps Celestine off of Athena. Another approaches me, offering his hand. I take it and slide off of Fenris’ back. We are then escorted towards the main building.

The courtyard is vast with grassy spaces and flowing streams. A gazebo along with benches and hanging flowers are present. Flowering vines cover a few of the buildings with trees strewn about. This makes me smile even more.

As we enter, again I notice the hallways are large enough to accommodate both humans and wolves. My head pans around, scanning the walls. I smirk, seeing even more portraits of previous family members along with more recent ones.

The hairs on the back of my neck then stand, sensing more wolves. My eyes grow wide, feeling them. Fenris raises his head, sniffing the air. I look up to him, seeing him smile. Now he’s really happy.

All around me I hear people shuffling about. No doubt more servants as they go about their duties.

We are then greeted by another servant who then looks to me. Celestine smiles, “She is with me.”

The servant nods and sees Fenris, bowing to him, “Greetings, my Lord.” My bonded dips his head in return. The servant returns his attention to Celestine, “The Master is expecting you.”

She nods, looking to me, “This shouldn’t take long.” I nod, watching as she walks off with Athena.

The servant then motions to me, “This way, Miss.” I nod and follow him. I am quickly directed towards a small sitting room. I find and couch and sit down. He looks to me, “Do either of you require any refreshments?”

“No thank you,” I smile to him.

Fenris looks to him, “Nor do I.” The servant bows and quietly leaves.

I slink back into the couch, finally able to take a breath. I then take out my journal and begin writing down everything I had just seen. My hand flies across the page, furiously scribbling down notes. The sound of me clicking my mechanical pencil fills the room. Fenris sits to the side of me, wanting to stay close. I smile to him, occasionally stroking his fur.

After a few minutes we are joined by Athena. She strolls over and sits opposite of Fenris. I peer up at her, “So…why aren’t you with Celestine?”

She smiles, “You need me more at this moment, little Aria.” I blush softly. She smiles, “She will not be long either.” I nod, slowly reaching over to her.

She smiles, leaning her muzzle into my hand. I smile, stroking it. I feel Fenris draping a tail over me. I chuckle, leaning into him, really wishing I could transform into a kitsune.

Both wolves remain close. Somehow I get the idea I’m in between two parents, both watching over their little girl. A stretch, but it fits.

A few more minutes pass as I hear a door open. I turn to see Celestine exiting out of a room followed by an older man. He looks to be in his late forties, early-fifties with greying blonde hair and a short cut beard. Heh, my birth father would have referred to it as “silver-blonde”. The pair talks for a moment, with the conversation being too low for me to hear. Both smile at each other, with Celestine calling him “Uncle”.

The man then peers over. Celestine smiles and continues to talk as both eyes as squarely focused on me. I quickly rise from my seat and bow to him, standing quietly until they part. He smiles and nods to me.

She then walks over to me, “Ready to head home?”

I tilt my head slightly, why didn’t she refer to it as “her home”. I nod, hoisting my bag over my shoulder. She smiles and head for the door with me and wolves in tow.

As we leave the residence, I notice the skies turn grey once more. I don’t sense rain on the wind, so perhaps it’s simply cloud cover. Both wolves remain beside me, each walking at my pace. I smile, instinctively reaching for them both. This causes Athena to wag her tails happily. I giggle softly.

“Celestine!!!” I hear a voice cry out. I look up to see a woman running towards us. As she does, I get a creeping sense of familiarity from her. She’s in her mid-30s with hazy brown hair.

Celestine smiles, turning to face her, “Hello Selene.”

My mind then clicks as I stare at her. This…this woman is Selene Nethune. She is the woman who helped resurrect my birthmother and also used her own essence to completely alter her into a teenager, effectively making her Selene’s daughter. She also manipulated Marron into taking me from my home, giving her my diary. She’s younger in appearance than how I know her.

I clench my fists as I stare at her, but hide them behind my back. I also feel my magic swelling that I too hide, suppressing it as my anger quietly rises.

Selene smiles, “I heard you were here in the citadel so I rushed over in order to see you.”

Celestine smiles, “My mother sent me here to retrieve some documents from my uncle.”

The woman leans in, “Well, it is always good to see you. My own brother and sister are attending to matters of state. Meaning there wasn’t much for me to do.”

Celestine nods, folding her arms, “I understand.”

Selene then turns to me, “My and who is this lovely young girl?”

Celestine smiles, turning, “This is Aria.”

My anger swells even more, ready to burst out and lash out at the woman from Nethune. I then feel my butt being swat by something. I pan over to Fenris staring at me. I take a breath and letting my anger flow out of me. As I do, my magic quickly fizzles out.

In all fairness, what I wanted to do would be no different than what people often thought of if they could travel in time and kill Hitler as a baby. I can’t condemn someone for sins they’ve committed in the future.

I look up at her, “Hello.”

She smiles to me, which makes me cringe a little. “Hello to you as well my dear.” Selene pans up to see Fenris standing beside me, head held high. “My, my and who is this fine fellow? Is he by chance a wild one having returned?”

Celestine looks to him, “This is Fenris and is bonded to Aria. Both are from outside of the city and are staying with Mother and I.”

Selene becomes intrigued by this, “Ah, she must belong to one of your brothers’ families.” She then glances at my Celestine, “A true shame for both of their losses.”

My ancestor nods, sighing, “Yes, I miss each of them, and no, she isn’t the daughter of either.”

The woman nods, then leans in closer, “I do pray you won’t cause any trouble for my sister.” I nod slowly, knowing so much more about her. Fenris moves closer, staring directly at Selene. She smiles and backs away.

Celestine looks around, “I don’t see Critias with you. Where might he be?”

“He’s taken ill,” Selene replies. “He’s currently at home resting.”

Celestine steps closer, “If he’s ill, he could have been brought to our home to be treated.”

Selene smiles, again I cringe at it. “I thank you dear sister, but he is receiving the best care with us.” She takes up my ancestor’s hand, holding it, “We really do need to spend more time together, would you like to do so now? You know my family is anxious for a visit from you.”

Celestine smiles, “I thank you for your invitation but I must decline. Aria and I need to return home.”

“Perhaps another time then,” replies Selene, gently letting go of her hand. She again looks to me, “As I said earlier, please do not cause my dear sister any trouble while with her and her mother.”

I nod, “I won’t.”

“Good,” she replies. “With that said, let us depart. Until next time sister.”

Celestine smiles, “Until then.”

Selene smiles and turns, heading for a carriage and climbs into it. We watch as it slowly pulls away.

I let out a long held breathe, grateful she’s gone. Celestine climbs onto Athena, “Let us be off. My mother is no doubt waiting for what I have.”

I nod, turning to see Fenris lying beside me. I smirk, sitting onto his back sidesaddle, clinging to his fur as he stands back up. We both nod to each other as our wolves soon take off, heading back for the Shyair estate.

As we ride, Celestine turns and looks back at me, yet says nothing. I glance up to meet her gaze, who then quickly turns her attention forward once more. I tilt my head in confusion, wondering what’s she’s thinking.

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