True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 37: How Sweet It Is

By the time Alexandria rose from her nap. William had most of the fourth floor done on the blueprint. He was amazed at how quickly he had managed to get it done. The nightclub had taken him months. But their new home had only taken a matter of days. Picturing every detail in his mind.

The three of them had gone outside to survey the land for a good place to put the garden for her. William did not want her to have to wait until the new house was built. So it needed to be far enough away from the house to be unaffected by the construction but close enough that she could see it from any window in the house facing it. Quincy and Rick agreed. They figured they could all take her on Saturday since that would be an all of them day to pick out flowers and other items for gardening. She would also need a shed to put the tools in.

William thought about the windows head added to the new house. The entire dining room with a sun porch had been his special additions for her. The sun porch was not to included in the veranda though. It separate room for her. She would be able to have indoor plants. Getting light all day from the skylights. Her office of sorts to meet with the other females.

William stopped in the middle of what was the back yard. The holes from the old swing set the brothers' had played on as children marking the spot. It would be perfect. Not a whole lot of shade and it was still close enough to the house to allow her to look out everyday to see it. Rick and Quincy agreed as it was the place could be seen from the mud room. The current pack house had little as far of windows. William had added a bunch to the new one. The bottom floor would have natural lighting. As well as romantic lighting at night. Each bedroom had two. Except her room. It had a whole wall facing this way. The outlets for her laptop and other items she wanted were along this wall and the north wall. He pictured her room with a stereo system.

The place picked out by them but needing her approval as well they went back to the house. Since Rick had made breakfast, it was William's turn for dinner. He had pulled out chicken breasts, fajita mix, tortillas, and vegetables. That was perfect for her first meal. Rick had asked if he was planning on shredding the chicken to make it more authentic and William had given him hard look. Like he would have time for that if dinner was to be served before Alexandria went for her lessons this evening. Rick had surrendered and returned to his notes and preparations for his next sessions after dinner.

Alexandria felt refreshed after her nap. She grabbed her IPOD and a book to take down to the living room so she was not disturbing the brothers if they were busy. William looked up at her and smiled from his drawing board. He held out a hand to her and pulled gently from the stairs. He stepped close to meet her and kissed her softly, "Sleep well?" He asked and she nodded. "Good." Her breath caught at the light in his eyes. He was happy to see her.

Then handed her off to Rick who had stood to greet her. Repeating the gentle kiss with, "Do you need anything?" She shook her head with a smile. "Alright." The same light in his eyes as William's.

Then handed her off to Quincy. Whose arm went around her waist to pull her against him. His kiss was a little longer. A little deeper. "When you feel up to it we wanted to show you something." She quirked a brow at him and he grinned. Her blood was fire in her veins and her head was swimming. He grinned. "Too much?" She grinned back.

"Do I need my shoes?" She asked.

"Yes," the three answered so she headed back across the landing. Rick and William each adding a touch to her as she went. They were going to be the death of her. She could barely breathe much less walk. She returned with her sandals. The brothers at the door waiting for her. She set down her IPOD and book on the coffee table and slipped on her shoes.

After filing out the door, Rick and Quincy looped each arm through hers and William rested his large hands on her shoulders from behind her. They led her like that to the spot they had picked out. "How about this for your garden?" The three asked as they walked her slowly in a circle so she would see the full scope of what they were.

She giggled. "This would be perfect. Just the right amount of sun. I could sit on the porch each morning smelling the flowers and drinking my coffee." She was thrilled. Then looked to Quincy. "Thank you."

"Not just me, honey. William trekked us out here to find the spot for you." Quincy replied with a kiss to her cheek.

"I wanted it far enough from the house that it would not get ruined by the construction when we start on the new house." William added.

"William has an eye for these things." Rick replied.

"New house?" She asked. "Why would we need a new house?"

"We would like our own bedrooms, love." Rick replied with a smile. "Plus a nursery will be needed eventually. And I like the plans I have seen so far. It is lighter, more us."

"I agree. I think we should donate the old furniture and get new stuff." Quincy added. "But we will cross that bridge when we get there."

She was overwhelmed. She had been thinking a small bed at the foot of the steps leading to the front door. Not a half acre. The pleasure of what they were offering her brought tears to her eyes. "How much room do I get?" She asked

"As much as you want, sugar." William spoke for the first time behind her. "We want to take you on Saturday to get the items to start. The ground here is fertile so anything you plant will flourish easily."

She envisioned it. Little walkways through the garden with the separated areas for what she wanted. Perhaps a bench and a ardor. Nothing too extravagant but hers to take care of and grow. To nurture and enjoy. She had always wanted to garden but such things were not allowed at the facility. She had been caught with flowers in old shoes and such and they had been taken away quickly and disposed of. Never having anything of her own.

"A gazebo." Rick said suddenly. "I like that." He looked over her head to William. "A gazebo in the middle with birdhouses and feeders. Mom has one Dad built her. She loves that thing. Would not be surprised if there is one also at the house in the city."

"Good thinking." William and Quincy agreed. She was dumbfounded now. A retreat for her. A place of her own. She figured they would keep her under thumb and under surveillance not allowing her to have space. To think or to do anything. Especially after the goals were reached and they decided they wanted to get pups from her.

"What do you think, love?" Rick asked searching her face. "Does this seem good to you?"

"I love it." She said. Her heart full. She had never known such feelings as these three gave her. Such joy and happiness. "As I love all of you. To take my little question and come up with this." She felt her tears streak little paths down her cheeks.

"You are welcome," The three said and held her close. "And we love you too." She tried to laugh but it came out as a sob. The brothers stood there for a few minutes just basking in the joy they had brought her. She had no idea the lengths they would go to make her happy. To see her eyes sparkle with happiness or her smile. Now they understood what their father had said all those years about making their mother happy. 'Your mate is the most important thing to you. Hell and back does not even come close to what you would do to make her happy.'

"What are you four doing?" Alexis, mate to Xavier one of the many security there in the residence asked as she approached from around the house.

"Thinking of a garden." William said stepping forward to greet Alexis. His body pushing Alexandria behind him. Damn he was overprotective, Alexandria thought in frustration.

Alexis was the principal of the little school Kindergarten through fifth grade. She would be taking over next year for Becky who was older than the hills and just wanted to enjoy her great-grandchildren. She was going to be packing to leave the pack altogether as her daughter had mated to another pack. The grands had also mated within that same pack. The Alpha was more than happy to have Becky join them. Marcus had given the clear already.

"That sounds lovely. This place could use some color. Your great-grandmother had a plot. Your grandmother was not good with such things I am afraid." Alexis replied with a smile. "I heard that Alexandria was to be our new Luna in short order and thought I would come and introduce myself before the fray hears about it."

"That decision was made this afternoon, how could you have heard about it already?" William asked.

"I was in the library. Margarette was talking to Andrea about plans." Alexis laughed. "Proud mamas those two."

Alexandria's hand pressed gently to William's shoulder since he was standing in front of her. "William, darling, you are being a little rude." She said softly. "I will have to meet all the females eventually."

He stepped aside to allow her back in front of him but kept his hands on her shoulders as before. "Hello, Alexis." Alexandria said with a smile. "How are Xavier and the twins?"

"Doing well, thank you." Alexis smiled back. Friendly. "I mostly wanted to see if what Margarette and Andrea were saying was true. I was a little shocked that you would agree to this so soon."

"Because I still have much to learn or because the pack has not fully accepted me yet?" Alexandria asked her tone light and her smile still in place. The words however were a barb.

"Oh you are good. Margarette is good at that. Polite but prickly. I meant no disrespect." Alexis relaxed. "You will do well." She nodded in respect to Alexandria and her Alphas. "Nice to meet you fully." Turned and walked away.

"Not so meek after all." Rick kissed her cheek. "You are going to do well." William and Quincy concurred and the four of them walked back to the front of the house.

"I used to handle children from six months to ten years of age. I am not meek. I just pick my battles carefully." Alexandria replied. "Besides. I think she is a little jealous. I am surprised that none of the females here ever made a pass at you three."

"They have but we have always had a strict rule. Whenever a Craving Moon was coming we would take a trip out of town. The other packs in the area would welcome us and oh the fun would be had. Usually one big party for three days." William said to her back.

"Not necessary now. The ritual will be done by the next red moon." Quincy added.

"That is right." Rick said his arm that had been around her waist dropped so his hand cupped her butt under the dress. "No panties, love?" She blushed they were in Quincy's car. Had been since...

"Only if she is not sore still." William growled at Rick. Rick nodded. His wolf nuzzling her questioningly as was his mouth brushed the side of her neck.

"We are burning for you, love." Rick said softly in her ear. Melting her insides and making her legs quiver. "Be honest though. We would never push the issue."

"I am still a little sore." Alexandria admitted regret in her voice. Her head dropped a little her and her posture tensed.

"That's fine, sugar." William replied his arms going around her. Dismayed by her response. "There is plenty of time."

Quincy brushed the hair away from her face so he could meet her eyes. Also concerned by her posture. "Always be honest, honey. Nothing will disappoint us or anger us where you are concerned." She nodded with as small smile. "Good girl."

"Thank you for being honest, love." Rick dropped his hand from her posterior and took her hand. Lifting to his mouth for a soft kiss on the palm. "I saw you had your IPOD and book. What were you thinking of doing between now and dinner?"

"I was going to listen to music and read if you were busy." Alexandria replied.

"And if we weren't?" William asked curiously. She was just going to sit quietly by while they ignored her? That was not right.

She shrugged. "I figured you had things to do." She responded. "I had not thought about if you had finished before I got up."

"I put the final touches on the blueprints I was working on for the new house if you would like to see them." William offered. He had thought to wait but he liked her sitting on his bed and giving him insight. She seemed to have an eye for such things as well.

"I was thinking a small walk before dinner." Quincy said. "After I retrieve your undergarments that is." He said with a dastardly grin.

"To the stream?" Rick asked meeting Quincy's eyes.

"Yep." Quincy said.

"Agreed." Rick said.

"You need to change though, sugar," William's hands flexed on her shoulders protectively. "The trees and brambles are too much for a little dress and sandals. Then if you still want to start learning to cook. I thought you could help me tonight. Fajitas."

"A walk sounds lovely," She said to Quincy and Rick and then looked up to William. Her neck stretching. "I would enjoy helping you make dinner." He grinned down at her. Once at the porch Quincy broke off to retrieve her missing panties from his car. Rick and William filed into the house after her and William took her hand to the stairs. Sat her on his bed and pulled out the first of the four blueprints he had finished and would taking to his father when she went to the her lessons that evening.

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