True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 25: The Lake

Rick won the bet. He was standing with William when Alexandria stepped out in the first of three full suits she had picked out to try on. It was shirted, yellow, green, and black striped. William and Rick shrugged not really feeling the stripes.

Quincy joined them out of breath. Dumped the ice and cold items in the cooler as she stepped out in the next. Yellow and black flowers against a white background. Quincy liked it. Rick and William were okay with it but wanted to see the last one.

This one was red and black flowers against a white background. They all agreed. "The coverup?" Rick asked. She smiled and shook her head turning around. Her bruises were healed.

"I do not burn like you do." She laughed. "I will need a duffle bag." She said a little shyly.

"What color, sugar?" William asked.

"Green or yellow." Alexandria replied. William nodded.

"Let the associate know you will be wearing that out." William ordered and went to find her a bag for her clothes. Selecting one that was not the colors she wanted but had a daisy on it.

"Is that girl in danger?" Asked an older female voice an aisle over.

"I don't know. The way she was smiling I would assume no. Mind your own business Gladys." A male voice said in a hushed tone.

"But she is so small. Those three men could not be related her. Look at her coloring." Gladys continued. "I am going to hotline this. It's not right."

"Gladys if you touch that phone I will leave you in the parking lot. Leave them alone. You are just jealous because you never got an offer like that." The male replied agitation in his voice. The voices disappeared into the crowd. William tried to pick them up again but the store was too busy.

He made his way back to his brothers and Alexandria. She was waiting with the associate. "Sorry got distracted, sugar." He handed her the bag and tears sprang to her eyes when he held it up to show the daisy. "It has a daisy. I thought you like those." He said perplexed. She nodded and put her clothes in the bag.

Pulled his arm down so he leaned toward her and she pressed an affectionate kiss to his cheek. "Thank you." She said softly. Tore off the tag to the bad and handed it to a very starry eyed associate.

"It is nice to see affectionate couples." The associate said and led the way to the register. Rick and Quincy were grinning. Definitely warming to them.

Rick and William stored the purchases in the bed of the truck. Quincy helped her into the tall truck. She had to jump to get into it grumbling about giants and their trucks. "I would have picked you up." Quincy said softly.

"I feel like a child enough with my height, thank you." She grumbled. "Being short is a bitch."

"Nah you are within reach of the most tender parts of a guy." William laughed. "There is not a childlike thing about you, sugar." He winked at her and she blushed. Both at the playful way he winked and his comment. Quincy started panting and closed the door of the truck a bit too hard. Rick immediately started caressing her hair again behind her. She leaned her head back against the seat enjoying the touch.

William and Quincy did rock, paper, scissors for the truck keys again. Quincy won this time. "Wreck us and I will kill you." William warned as he handed the keys to his brother.

"That was not my fault." Quincy retorted. William climbed in the back behind Quincy and grabbed Alexandria's hand that Quincy had earlier. Resting it on his thigh. His hand over hers. Quincy was about to start the engine when a police car pulled up behind them running their lights and blaring their siren in warning. William rolled his eyes. He hoped that old man left his wife in the parking lot.

The officers exited their vehicle and one came around to the passenger side. The other stood at the end of the driver side. "Miss can you step out please?" Panic hit her system. She turned to look at Quincy.

"Do as he says, honey. It will be fine." Quincy said gently though he and his brothers were pissed. Not only because they were now going to be late but because the cop was scaring her. Their protective instincts kicking into high gear.

She opened her door slowly. Shaking. Her eyes on the ground. "You okay?" The cop asked.

"I was until you showed up. I am going to the lake with my boyfriends. My father and mother will be very upset if we are not there at twelve thirty." Alexandria said in a shaky voice.

"Boyfriends?" The cop asked looking at the triplets in the truck cab.

"I like them all so they agreed." Alexandria shrugged.

"Can I see your ID please?" The cop asked.

"I left it in the truck." Alexandria replied.

"Go ahead and get it." The officer said.

"Is there a problem here, officer?" John asked and Alexandria sighed in relief. She grabbed her ID and turned back to officer.

"Hello, Father. Mother." Alexandria greeted her new parents.

The cop looked at her ID and handed it back. "Sorry, John. Got a call that this young lady might be in danger with these three young men."

"Those young men are Marcus and Margarette's son's." John replied. "Alexandria is their girlfriend."

The cop turned red. "I am sorry to have wasted your time. Enjoy your day."

"Thank you, officer." John smiled. Then to Alexandria. "You okay, daughter."

"I am now. Thank you." Alexandria reached for her door. "We will meet you at the lake."

"Alright. Tell Quincy if he wrecks I will kill him," John replied with a grin.

"It was not my fault." Quincy groaned and started the truck now that the cop was gone.

"What?" Alexandria asked after she hopped back in the truck and put her seatbelt back on. Rick immediately soothing her along with William who was rubbing small circles on the wrist that he had secured once she was in her seat.

Quincy placed a hand on her knee once they were back on the highway. "I got into a fender bender when I was seventeen. The bitch swerved out in front of me." Quincy said. "She had been drunk."

"Were you injured?" Alexandria asked concerned.

"No. I was wearing my seatbelt." His tightened just a touch. "She hit me in my Mustang. She totalled hers but put a slight dent in mine."

"Now tell her why you were really pissed." Rick told him.

"Not only had I just bought the car for cheap to fix up. But the officer tried to nail me with a ticket because the car was not licensed yet. Even though I had a bill of sale in my hand stating I had just bought the car three hours previous." Quincy's hand tightened on the steering wheel. "Dad had to come into the mix to fix it or my car was going to be towed."

"Dad wanted to kill the woman for hitting him in the first place but instead unleashed his fury on the officer. Not only did Quincy not get a ticket but the bitch paid for every single thing that has gone into that car." William added. "I had never seen him so angry and scared."

"Since then we all take great care with our driving. Especially in Springfield." Rick said. "And why Mother is never allowed to drive. Dad lost his first mate in an auto accident. She had been pregnant."

"So my chances of driving my own car?" Alexandria asked. Now understanding the overprotective nature of the four males.

"Slim to none. Perhaps a road trip to keep you sharp but never in town." William replied patting her hand. "It is not you that worries us. It's everyone else."

They got to the lake in short order. While the brothers unloaded the back of the truck Alexandria dipped her toes in the frigid water. "For the love of the Moon, please be careful. That dips down pretty steep and the rocks are slick." Quincy cautioned. "We are strong swimmers but that water is freezing."

"Might do you some good." Alexandria teased. Stepping away from the water.

"Oh she has jokes now." Quincy grumbled with a good natured smile on his face. The other two brothers laughed.

"I still beat you to the water." John called from his small fishing boat a few feet off shore. "Drove like a grandmother, didn't you?"

"Yes, your grandmother." Quincy quipped back. "Good afternoon, Andrea."

"Hello boys." Andrea waved from the boat. "We will meet you guys at the spot."

"Sounds good, Mother." Alexandria replied back.

Once the truck was unloaded the brothers opened the boathouse. Inside was a large boat that had Pontoon across the side of it. Lit by the sun when the brothers opened both sets of doors. It had a ring of seats around the sides of the boat. A canvas top. The boat was a basic brown color. The interior was cream.

William slid something up her arms from behind. Then reached around her to belt it in place. A lifejacket. "No jacket, not boat." He said softly in her ear. "You look so good in that suit." He kissed the side of her neck. She almost fell backward when he stepped to help Rick with the cooler. Quincy caught her by the elbow. She was going to have to take a deep breath and probably a dip in the lake herself.

"You alright?" Quincy asked. "This dock is pretty sturdy."

"All of you are intent on driving me nuts today," Alexandria said softly when she landed in his arms.

"Payback for the last three days, honey." Quincy replied with a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. She melted into him. Quincy chuckled and set her back on her feet.

"Hey," Rick held the gate to the boat open for her William was already on the boat. Quincy had one hand, Rick had the other. She stepped onto the boat as William grabbed her hand from Rick.

"I moved too soon, sugar." She nodded and stepped all the way on the boat. He led her to a seat next to the captain's chair. "Sorry about that. I will be more careful." He smiled. Once everyone was on board he turned on the engine and guided the boat expertly from the house and out onto open water. Not going very fast. The wind in her hair felt good though. Rick sat next to her while Quincy sat across. William had a hand on her shoulder, Rick and Quincy had a hand. She was relaxed.

William kicked himself a little for teasing her that way. She was becoming increasingly sensitive to them. Letting her guard down and getting comfortable. Pushing too hard could have her running. Or them in her bed for more than just sleep before the words were said which would be a disaster. Until the words were said she was still liable to change her mind. He did not want to risk that.

Quincy was having issues with his blood pressure. Her touch was soothing but also ignited his blood to the point of a pressure cooker about to explode. Perhaps he should take a dip after they reach the spot.

Rick was still trying to understand why she had gotten so nervous when the officer asked her to step out of the car. She had truly been afraid. He would ask her when he helped her set up her schooling. For now he wanted her to enjoy herself.

William navigated the boat with ease. Alexandria was impressed with the skill. All three brothers were wearing board shorts and t-shirts. William's shorts had black and red and white striped with a red t-shirt. He had claimed the pair of sunglasses on the captain's chair. Her emotions and hormones were on high.

The officer had scared the hell out of her. She knew that eventually someone would come looking for her since she had not checked in yet. Could not check in yet. She hoped that Malcolm assumed she had failed and was dead. She tried to keep that far from her mind. But when the officer had asked her step out. She had truly been scared that she would be on a ride back to that place. She missed the children but she did not want to go back.

Could not go back. With every tender touch. Every soft kiss. Every heated look from them she felt herself melting. Her true soft nature shining through. She'd had to hide it for so long. Her entire life. Softness there got a female hurt or worse yet taken away. She'd had to learn early to mask her compassion. Showing it only to the children.

They arrived that the spot. John and Andrea already had lines in the water and were enjoying sandwiches, chips, and water. Talking together. Andrea on John's lap in the captain's chair.

William pulled the left side of their boat close as close to John's as he could. That way if Alexandria wanted to go over there she could without much difficulty. "Let's get our lines in. Alexandria would you make the sandwiches? We are starving. I am sure you are too." William ordered. She smiled up at him but gave him no answer. He was confused for a second then added, "Please." In a softer tone.

"I would be happy to." Alexandria said getting to her feet. Quincy and Rick laughed. Then picked up their poles and tackle. She watched with fascination how nimble and adept their fingers were as they tied their hooks on and baited the ends. Rick was explaining what he was doing as he worked. He sat close to her. Their bare knees touching. She had a hard time concentrating on his words as his fingers were all she could focus on.

"For trout and bass who like to hang out in the coldest portions of the lake you need to add a sinker so the line reaches the fish." He then tied the hook on. "The fun part is always the bait. Messy but satisfying." He opened a hot pink jar labeled Powerbait on the side. "This is my favorite. Those two Neanderthals use live bait. You have to make sure that the hook is completely covered." His long dexterous digits gently squeezed the bait into place. The hook disappearing. "Then you drop the bait in the water to solidify the mold." He did this a couple times. "Then you cast. Avoiding trees, eyes, noses, and other things that the hook or the line can get stuck on." He drew back his arm and gracefully shifted the pole quickly in the direction of the water. "Now reel it in a just a little to make sure you did not end up in a moss bed and wait." He set the pole down taking the sandwich she had just finished for him.

Once all three had their poles in the water and sandwiches in hand John and Andrea pulled their poles out of the water and slid their cooler to the brothers' boat. Then themselves. Alexandria greeted them each with a hug and a kiss. "I was curious as to why you are wearing a lifejacket, dear one," Andrea said in a low tone as she examined the contents in their cooler.

"I cannot swim." Alexandria replied matching her tone.

"And these knuckleheads brought you a boat to the deepest part of the lake?" John asked accusingly.

"These knuckleheads can swim better than you, old man," Quincy replied. "She has the lifejacket and the three of us to go in after her should she find her way to the water." He pulled off his shirt and Alexandria felt every nerve in her body come alive. "I think I will take a dip it is hot up here." He smiled to Alexandria and then dove in cleanly.

"Seven of ten," Rick called when Quincy finally surfaced a few feet from the boat. Grinning and flipping his wet hair out of his face.

"Be mindful of the alligator gar in there. They like to bite small things." William called.

"Then you should not get in here, either, brother." Quincy shot back and started to pull himself gracefully through the water.

"How is the water?" Rick asked thinking he might need a dive too.

"Delightfully cold." Quincy responded.

"Told you it would be good for you." Alexandria giggled. Listening to the banter between the three. Just two days ago she would have been overwhelmed by how fast they could talk amongst themselves. But now she not only could keep up but inject herself in as well.

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