
Chapter Mated and Pupped

Rori looked over at Chase as he hung up and turned the phone to silent. All kinds of thoughts were going through her mind, most centered around his declaration that he and his wolf were going to take her soon. They’d played around, but this was for real, and in wolf form- and the likely outcome was she would become pregnant.

“I’m only eighteen,” she said. “I don’t know if, if I’m…”

“If you’re ready,” he said. “I know. I’d love to be able to give you as much time as you need to be ready for everything. Your life has been changing so fast I’m shocked you’re functioning as well as you are. Just know that I’ll never hurt you, Rori. I want this, I want you tied to me in every way, and I want you safe. I didn’t expect it would be with a price on our heads, though.”

“Will it make me safer?” Powerful people wanted her for their own reasons, and no one seemed to care what she wanted.

“Once you mate, the fertility blessing is tied to the one you mate with. You’ll be able to get pregnant far more often than any other werewolf as long as we are together. If I am killed and you are given to another, you would be no more fertile than any other she-wolf they might mate.”

“That doesn’t help you, though. They will kill you to allow me to mate another.” The thought made her stomach sick.

“They might try,” he said. “It helps me a little, because if you are pregnant if they capture you, they have to keep you and the baby alive. The first child might be the female who carries the hereditary blessing, just like you did after your mother was mated. Did I tell you what happens when a mated wolf dies?”

“You told me they often choose to follow their mate into death, that living isn’t worth it anymore, especially if they don’t have children to take care of.” She didn’t like to think of it.

“That is true, but it’s also very difficult on a pregnant woman to lose her mate. Many miscarry, and for you, that would ruin everything. If your first child is female and dies, the bloodline ends and it’s all over.” He tapped the steering wheel as they continued down the highway. “Nobody, not our friends or our enemies, wants that to happen. If it gets out that we are mated and pupped, it gives us both a little protection from being killed.”

“It’s so much to think about.”

“We have time. You should call your Mom, she needs to know you’re all right. It might not hurt to tell her we’ve claimed each other.”

“I don’t think Mom is ready to talk about me having wolf sex,” she said.

“No, but she will listen to you talk about it.” He was right, she thought as she got up and walked back to the chair across from the bed. “I love you, Rori.”

“I love you too, Chase.” She scrolled through the contacts and found her Mom’s cellphone. Pressing the button, she waited for an answer.

“Chase? How is my baby?” Donna almost sounded frantic as she answered.

“I’m fine, Mom. I’m healing up well, I can walk on my own now,” she said.

“Oh, thank God! You scared us so bad, Rori. So much blood, and I didn’t know what to do. Chase and that Doctor saved you.”

“I know, Mom, I was there although I don’t remember much from it. How are you two doing?”

“We’re all right. We are on the road now, a lot has happened. Where are you guys?”

“We’re still at the Clubhouse in Renton. We borrowed a motorcycle and have been touring all over the place. Wolfman is organizing runs, pretending you are being taken in the van. We haven’t seen anyone tailing us yet, though.” She paused for a moment and whispered. “I just snicker inside every time I say his road name.”

“I know,” she giggled. “Mom, I just need you to listen as I explain a few things to you.” She spent the next ten minutes telling her about her true heritage and the blessing she possessed, the story of her lost pack, and the men who were plotting to take advantage of her. It was a lot to take, but telling her made Rori feel a little better. “That brings me to where we are now. Chase is my mate, I love him and he loves me. It’s more than human love, it’s fate. There will never be another for me.”

“Oh, Rori, I’m happy for you. I really am, it just all seems so sudden! You’ve only known him for a few days!”

“It’s true, Mom, but for our kind this is normal. I’ve talked to my grandfather, even Chase’s brother and sister. For a whole bunch of reasons, we need to complete the mating process soon. The men who are after us want to capture me before we can do it, so they can force me to mate someone THEY want me to. I can’t do that, and I need Chase. I’m just… you know, I’ve never, and he’s so… so BIG. I can’t believe he won’t tear me in half with that thing.”

Her mom just giggled. “You’re nervous about losing your virginity, and that’s all right. The first time I saw what Mark was packing in his jeans, I nearly ran from his room in fear,” she said with a laugh. “Our bodies are made for this, and if he takes his time, it will not just fit, it will drive you wild.” Rori didn’t say anything, she was red as a tomato and thankful this wasn’t Skype. “This connection you will get, it’s like getting married, but stronger?”

“Exactly. There isn’t a ceremony, it’s just us though.”

“Sex is a natural part of life, and helps build a strong marriage. Your father and I had a healthy sex life, and you should too. There will be a little pain at first, but that quickly will change over to pleasure if he does it right. That big, handsome man of yours can give you more than you can imagine. If he loves you, he will make it wonderful for you.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Baby, when this is all over, we’ll have that wedding I’ve been dreaming you would have since we first brought you home. We love you, honey. We wouldn’t be disappointed at all if you gave us grandchildren.”


“Hey, you’re the one with the fertility blessing. I’d have given anything for that when I was younger.”

“I know, Mom. Have a good trip home, I love you both.” As she was getting ready to say goodbye, Chase reminded her of a few things over their link. “Mom, stay with the Club around you. Some of the bad guys know that you know who we are, and think you are better off dead. Others might see kidnapping you as a way to force me to give myself up. Keep your eyes open and people around you.”

“We will. You get to where you are safe and call us back, you hear? I love you, Rori. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.”

“I love you too, Mom.” She hung up and went back to the front, handing Chase his phone back. “What now?”

“We find a place we can run,” he said. “There’s the Malhuer National Forest coming up, I’m going to head through it and see if we can find a trailhead or turnoff, unless you don’t want to do this.”

“I’m nervous, Chase, but my wolf is all in favor of it. Heck, she’s been pushing for this since you walked into my hospital room.” She looked out the window at the road. “Apparently, I got the horny bitch of a wolf when they handed them out.”

“Matches mine,” he said with a laugh. “It’s been so difficult holding him back.” He looked at his Garmin. “We’ve got half an hour or so, why don’t you go back and shift, see how you feel in wolf form? I don’t even know if it’s going to be too painful to mate in this form.”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” She walked back, pulling off her clothes and folding them, putting them on the extra chair. She got on her hands and knees, stretching the wounds but happy it wasn’t too bad now. She shifted into her wolf, more smoothly this time. She stretched, sticking her butt up while dropping her front end down on extended paws, and the stretched forward. She walked up and back on the carpet, even jumping on and off the bed before she trotted to the front and jumped up in the passenger seat. “It’s not that bad, just a little soreness.”

“Good, that makes it easier.” She sat in the seat like a big dog, watching the landscape go by. She loved the mountains, they were so different than the flatness of Minnesota and Florida. They turned onto 395 north, and twenty minutes later were in the rolling foothills and forests. “There’s a scenic overlook up ahead,” he said. They pulled into the parking lot, the place was nearly empty. He let her out of the RV before he walked to a trail leading to the valley below. They walked almost a mile, scenting no people, before he stopped and stripped, leaving his clothes in a small tree hidden from the trail. He turned a little, peeing on the ground where he had left the trail.

What are you doing?”

“Making it easy to find my keys later,” he said. He shifted into his grey and black wolf, moving to her and sniffing her neck. She let her wolf take the lead, and she rubbed herself along one side and down the other, making sure her scent was upon him. “Let her run, I’ll give you a count of five hundred head start. Don’t hurt yourself, though.”

She took off down the hill, her wolf thrilled to have control and to be chased. She wasn’t going to make it easy on him; she reached the valley floor, where a shallow river crossed. She ran down a hundred yards in the water, then darted out and ran up the hill to a cliff. It was a good ten foot jump to the top, and instead of trying it she ran back to the river, following the same path as she had run up. She went another hundred yards down then exited the river on the far side, running back upstream to where she had originally entered the river. This time, she ran upstream, staying in the cold water as long as she could.

I’m coming for you,” he said as he reached his count. She ran back up the hill towards the road, turning at the top and working her way back towards where he would be coming down. She was tired, and her leg was starting to complain of overuse, so she found a grassy area in the sun with a good overlook and watched the fun.

She and her wolf were clever together, she thought as she watched him struggle to find her. As she hoped, he first crossed the river and picked up her scent on the far side, following it downstream. When it went back into the water, he sniffed around looking for her scent without luck. He ran down the river, not finding anything on the far side, then ran back up her side. This time he picked up the trail towards the cliff. “You aren’t making this easy,” he complained as he looked at the sheer wall.

I want you, but you’re going to have to earn me,” she said. Her coat blended in with the leaves and grasses of fall, he’d never see her, but she could sure watch him through the trees. He backed off, taking a run and jumping part way up the cliff. His claws scraped on the rock as he bounded up to the top, then he sniffed around in confusion because he couldn’t find her scent. “You’re getting colder,” she teased him.

He ran along until he could get back to the river and checked the near side. He was getting more frustrated, and she was really enjoying things until the wind shifted. Chase froze, his nose in the air, and suddenly it wasn’t a ground tracking contest anymore. He took off up the hill, his nose high as he got closer and closer. “Should we run,” she asked her wolf.

This is a good place to mate,” she replied. It was less than a minute later that Chase tore into the clearing, his eyes wide and black with lust. Her body was anticipating the mating, and was emitting the strong scent of her arousal that was like a beacon for his wolf. “You found me,” she said as she looked over at him from where she lay.

I’ll always find you, you are mine and I am yours,” he said. His wolf came up, licking her face and ears before moving down her body. She jumped a little as his cold, wet nose started to move her tail aside, and her wolf was all for him to explore. He took long licks of her swollen sex, exciting her further as the tingles of the mate bond combined with the efforts of his dexterous tongue to drive her wild.

He kept licking, finally pushing his tongue inside and that sent her over the edge. She howled in pleasure, and “Chase!” went over the link. He kept at it, extending her orgasm until her need took over. “Chase, I need you,” she said. “Make me yours forever.”

“Are you sure?”

“I love you,” she said as she moved her rear end up, her front still down on her chest. Chase mounted her from behind, his front legs holding on to her back legs as his wolf cock sought its match. He found the right place, and with a strong thrust he was suddenly inside of her. “CHASE! OH GOD, it hurts,” she said as she tried to adjust to the baseball bat he’d just shoved in.

Just relax, it will pass,” he said. He licked at her shoulder as the pain became a burn, then the burn became an ache, and finally the ache was gone. She started to move back against him as the pleasure started to build. “I’m all right,” she told him.

He started to move his hips, pulling out a few inches then pushing back in. She started to moan, a low rumble as the pleasure started to build. “You feel amazing, love,” he sent to her as he started to move faster. She pushed back harder, needing more, needing faster, needing it all. He felt her need and started to give it to her, his hips pounding into her faster and faster. He felt his knot begin to swell, limiting his movements as it started to widen her as he backed out. She whined in pain, trying to get away, but he grabbed her neck with his teeth and held her in place. “It’s just my knot, it locks us together to help with conception,” he said. “Don’t try and run or you’ll pull my cock off.”

“It’s better now, it feels amazing in me,” she said. The softball-sized bump worked back against her G-spot and rubbed her walls delightfully, even though he could only stroke a few inches now. It felt great to him too, and they were building towards a finish neither could imagine. “Oh god, Chase, I’m going to… I’m…”

“Cum for me, love.” She howled in ecstasy as she broke around him, her body convulsing in pleasure. Her sex grabbed him and held on, and the extra friction sent him over with her. He howled in triumph as he began to paint her insides with his baby batter, sending jet after jet deep inside her. His jaws went down, biting the fur on her shoulder and drawing blood as he held on. When he was spent, licked the wound clean. Satisfied, he carefully moved her down so they were laying on her good side with him still locked deep inside her. “Wow,” he said.

Wow.” She rumbled her pleasure as he licked at her face and neck. “Can we shift back now?”

“No way, I don’t want to find out how everything shifts while I’m still inside you. I’m pretty sure I don’t stretch that much.”

“How long will we be like this?” She wiggled her hips, causing him to move inside her again and send more delightful sensations into her.

“It depends. Keep moving like that and it will be tomorrow,” he said. “At least twenty minutes. It’s a very effective way to aid conception.”

“How will I know?”

“Your wolf will tell you, she is more in touch with her body than you are. She has to be; shifting between forms is difficult on a werewolf pregnancy. If you are too far along, it can cause a miscarriage or premature birth. For that reason, your wolf will refuse to shift if you are pregnant, unless it is absolutely necessary.” He paused, knowing he had to explain more. “When your Pack was attacked, your mother was pregnant with your younger brother. She couldn’t shift to fight or to save you. She gave you to someone, a girl your age now, and she snuck you out of the house and away from the battle. Your mother was brave and resourceful, and she and your whole Pack died so that you could live.”

“I never asked for this,” she said as her head fell to the ground. “I’d give it all up to have my parents back.”

“We can’t change it now, all we can do is make them proud of the Alphas we become. I will be at your side always, but you are the dominant one in our pairing. It will be your Pack, and you will make it great because you are so much stronger than us,” he said.

Together,” she said. “Always together.” The two nuzzled each other, eventually dropping into a light sleep as the sun warmed their bodies.

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