
Chapter Discovered

Chase parked their RV in the truck area of the rest stop northeast of Salt Lake City about eight that evening. A quick phone call showed they had some time before Bunny and Aces would catch up, and Rori wanted to take advantage of it. She led Chase back to the bed, pulling off the T-shirt of his she was covering up with as he sat on the edge watching her. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the cool mountain air caused her nipples to harden.

His eyes darkened in lust, and she and her wolf loved the feeling of making her mate forget about everything but her. She stretched, bringing her hands to the ceiling as her body moved between his knees. She wasn’t a tall woman, but she was strong and athletic. His hands reached out to her hips, pulling her closer as his mouth sought one of her stiff nipples. “Chase,” she moaned as he sucked on one. She pulled at his shirt, and he backed off long enough to pull it off before his mouth went to its pair. It felt so good, she could feel her body preparing for him, and both smelled her arousal.

He placed his large hands on her thighs, lifting her and pulling her onto the bed until she was straddling him. This move allowed them to sit even in height, and their lips crashed together as they tried to get as close as they could. Her pert breasts were smashed to the broad planes of his chest, her arms around his neck. He was moving her hips slowly, making her panties damp as he rubbed her against the hardness below his jeans. She moaned into his mouth as a hand went into the back of her underwear, a long finger reaching back and rubbing her moistening slit. She arched her back, moving on his fingers as he first stroked her, then pushed one inside. “Oh god,” she said as she began to push back against his hand.

“These have to go,” he said as he rolled her to the side, laying her down on the bed. She couldn’t talk, she just wanted them gone. She lifted her legs and allowed him to pull them down and off. He stood next to the bed, unbuckling his belt and jeans, pushing them down to his ankles as he watched her watching him. She licked her lips unconsciously as his maleness sprung out like a divining rod that could sense her presence and point to her. He kicked them off as her hand reached out for him. Her delicate fingers wrapped around his length, pulling him closer. “What do you want, love.”

“I want you inside me again,” she said as she spread the pre-cum around his spongy head with her thumb. “I want you to fill me.”

He smiled as he crawled up on the bed, moving over her until he settled between her legs. She reached down and positioned him at her entrance, and her eyes closed in pleasure as he pushed forward. “So perfect, so beautiful, so MINE,” he said as he finally bottomed out. He kissed her as she wrapped her legs around his ass, holding him in place while she adjusted. She was wet, warm, and squeezing him tightly.

“Make love to me,” she said as she started to move her hips against him. He supported himself on his elbows as he drew his hips back slowly, letting her feel every bump and vein of his cock as it pulled out. She moaned as he pushed back in, and she gripped him like a velvet glove as she moved down his length. “So good,” she sent to him.

He slowly built the pace, wanting to make their first time in human form last. Rori wanted more, her feet moving down to the bed so she could push herself up faster than he was going. “Patience, love,” he said as he gripped her thighs and brought them up. Keeping his hands behind her knees, he held them to his chest, exposing her fully to him and his control. She moaned in pleasure as he started to long stroke her. The position let Chase fuck her fast and hard. The angle helped him hit a spot that drove her wild, and she thrashed underneath him until she broke. “CHASE!” Her body locked up, all except her greedy pussy which clamped and spasmed around him. He held off his own orgasm, continuing to pound into her as the first quickly moved into the second.

He pulled out as she broke again, leaving her begging for his cock. He needed a quick break, he was almost there, but Chase wanted her to peak once more before he joined her. Rolling her over to her hands and knees, he lined up his stiff prick and slammed home. She screamed again, then started to push back on him as their flesh slapped together. “Harder,” she begged him as he grabbed her hips.

He didn’t need the encouragement; his peak was rapidly approaching. The RV filled up with the sound of their hips banging together, the suction noises from her gushing sex, and their heavy breathing. Rori lowered her shoulders and face to the bed, bracing herself as she felt the bomb in her sex getting ready to explode.

“RORI!” Chase slammed into her, holding her tight as he started to cum hard. Rope after rope shot through his thick cock, depositing his seed at the entrance to her womb. She came with a scream, her body squeezing the last of it out, her cervix opening and closing as it tried to pull his seed further inside. Chase’s legs locked up, and he pulled her over onto his side, his cock still deep inside. Both were exhausted and quickly fell asleep with her wrapped in his arms. If they were going to get pregnant, they had a good start.


It was a little after eleven when Aces exited the freeway for the Echo Canyon rest area. The truck lot was near capacity, with dozens of RV’s parked. He pulled in behind a truck and parked his motorcycle. “Come on, baby. I need to go to the bathroom before we go find them,” he said. They both got off the motorcycle, leaving their helmets on the handlebar. He double-checked his wallet, keys, and pistol before he took her hand and walked towards the building. Both were a little sore from the long ride up from Vegas.

He checked his phone and saw no missed calls, but Rori had sent them their license plate number. When they were both done in the building, they walked back out to the lot. “Let’s find the right one before we get on the bike again,” Bunny said. “I can use a walk.”

“Me too,” he said as he led her to the RV’s closest to the exit. They were about halfway down the sidewalk when he froze, pulling her behind him. In the darkness between the two tractor-trailers, a large Class C motorhome sat. The plates were from Oregon and matched the plate number in the text. Two men were outside it, pistols in hand, heading for the side door. “Shit,” he said. “Text Rori there are armed men outside, and to stay out of sight,” he said as he pulled his pistol.

She moved back to one of the concrete picnic tables. Aces continued left until the semi-trailer blocked the men from seeing him. Moving quickly and quietly towards the line of trucks, he was glad so many were idling. The background noise hid the sound of his boots as he crept forward. He reached the back of the trailer two down and pressed himself to it, listening intently.

“Open up, Chase, you’re wanted,” a man said as he pounded on the door to the RV.

“Not happening,” came the response.

Aces moved to the nearest trailer, then to the back of the RV as the outside men continued to negotiate. “Look, we know Rori is in there. Nobody wants her hurt, including us. Give her up, and we let you go,” he said.

Like Chase would believe him,” Aces thought.

“I’ll never give her up. She’s mine, and we’ve mated,” Chase said.

“Chase, your rig is surrounded. More people are coming. You’re not going anywhere, so let’s do this quietly and no one gets hurt,” he said.

“Fine,” he heard Rori say. “We’ll open up, just don’t hurt us.” There was a click, and Aces looked around the corner as the side door to the RV opened. The next sound to be heard was unmistakable and caused the two to freeze.

The sound of a pump-action shotgun chambering a round.

The first man was halfway up the stairs when he froze, and the second man moved back a few feet from the opening. “Drop it,” Rori said.

“You can’t get away,” the man said. “They will be here in minutes, and they know what you are driving. You won’t make it five miles down the road before we take you out.”

The second man was backing up, heading straight for Aces. The biker ducked back behind the back of the toy hauler. The bad guy probably thought he could get in somewhere else or was going for help, but as soon as he got to the corner, a pistol slammed into his temple, and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Aces stood over the unconscious man. “Chase, second man is down, take that fucker,” he said. There was a loud smack, then the sound of a man hitting the ground.

“Clear,” he said.

Aces ran around to the door, seeing Rori sitting on the bed as Chase held a Remington 870 combat shotgun in his hands. “Aces, thank God,” she said.

“You all right?”

“Yeah, we’re fine.”

“You have to get out of here,” Aces said. “Grab what you need and get on your motorcycle. I’ll take care of this thing.”

“I have to get it out the back.” Chase tossed Aces the keys to the RV out of his jeans. He then ran back to the door, hitting the winch that would open up the toy hauler rear end. Rori was grabbing their phones and her backpack and anything else she might need. By the time the ramp hit the ground, Chase had his Harley free, his helmet on, and had started it up.

Rori ran back, pulling the backpack on before she went through the door and got on behind Chase. Aces followed her out the back, running down the ramp as Chase drove down and turned right for the entrance. Bunny was running towards him, phone in her hand. “Get the RV started, I’m getting our bike,” he said as he handed her the keys. He ran back and fired up his Harley, holding both helmets in one hand. Aces drove straight up the ramp, parked the bike, and hit the winch control as soon as the kickstand was down. By the time the back closed, he had the Harley tied down. “DRIVE,” he told his wife.

She put it in gear and pulled forward as he moved into the dining area. He grabbed the shotgun, putting the safety on and setting in on the floor next to the passenger seat as he sat down. He double-checked his Smith and Wesson M&P9 to make sure it was safe in the holster sewn into his cut. Aces buckled himself in as they got up to freeway speed. “How long until the nearest exit,” he asked her.

“Eight miles,” she said.

“Shit,” he said as he searched the freeway for anything suspicious. If the guy hadn’t been lying, more people were on their way. He looked down at the speedometer; it was at sixty-eight. “Can this go any faster?”

“No,” she said. “I’m already in fourth gear trying to get up the hill.”

He spotted a police turnaround coming up. “Take that; we need to head back towards Salt Lake.”

She slowed as they approached the spot, turning and crossing the median and waiting for traffic to let her enter the westbound lanes. They pulled across into the slow lane, and she accelerated as quickly as she could, glad for the downhill assist.

If they had arrived two minutes earlier, they would have made their escape. Instead, four black Ford Expeditions closed at high speed and surrounded them. “Shit, we’ve been made,” he said.

“No shit, sherlock.” She looked out to her left; the passenger side window was down. A big guy with a crewcut, brandishing a pistol, was pointing at them to exit at the rest area. “I think they want us to pull over,” she said.

“We need to give Chase time to get away,” he said. He got up, going back to the bedroom area and slid open a small window. “Don’t stop for anything,” he said. Sticking the end of the shotgun up to the screen, he aimed at a front passenger tire and fired.

“Shit!” Bunny swerved onto the shoulder as the SUV momentarily lost control, bumping the side of the RV. The impact knocked Aces onto the bed, and he scrambled back to the window. The Expedition swerved back, then as it slowed, the tire blew off, and the rim caught on the pavement. It skidded to the right, barely missing the back of their RV before it hit the trail vehicle. Both went into the ditch.

He stood back up, getting ready to fire again when Bunny locked the brakes up. It wasn’t fast enough to prevent the impact, as the SUV in front of them could stop faster than the big RV. He fell forward, losing the shotgun as he tried not to roll to the front. The SUV was braking hard, slowing their vehicle with it. The remaining Expedition was next to Bunny’s door, keeping her from moving back into the road. “GAS,” he told her as he scrambled up.

“I’m to the floor now,” she told him.

“Stop, we’ll hold them off for a bit,” he said. Bunny shifted to the brake pedal and put her hazard lights on, slowing to a stop by the side of the road. While she was stopping, Aces pulled out his cellphone, calling his Vice President. “Trike, we’re in some trouble east of Salt Lake on 80. Write this down. Two SUV’s with Wyoming plates. First plate 285JJW, second 552 WAR. If you don’t hear from me in twenty minutes, let the Chapters know. Track the fuckers down and avenge us.”

“You got it, boss.”

“I’m going to leave this on so you can listen in.” He looked up at Bunny. “Keep your hands on the wheel and stay calm,” he said.

“They’re coming.” The second SUV had pulled behind them on the shoulder, and men were moving quickly towards them. All of them hand hands inside jackets, and there was no doubt what they were holding. He made sure the door was open, then sat on the bed with his hands on his knees. The door flew open, and four men surged in, guns ready. “We give up,” Aces said.

Two men threw him to the ground, cuffing his hands behind his back. His pistol got tossed onto the bed, and they pulled his identification out of his wallet. One went forward, holding Bunny at gunpoint as he took the keys from the ignition. “CLEAR,” the last man said as he finished checking the bathroom and the toy hauler areas.

“Where are they,” the leader asked Aces after he kicked him in the ribs, the crack echoing in the space.

“They left, just like you should,” he said. “Do you have ANY idea who you are fucking with right now?”

“All I see is an old man,” he said.

“And all I see are a bunch of white guys who are going to be dead by the end of the week if you don’t let us go. We’re the Steel Brotherhood, and we know who you are. Ten thousand members and affiliated across the country, and you’ve just rolled up on a Chapter President. See that phone? My Vice President is listening in. You’ve got thirty seconds to get the FUCK out of here, or the whole Brotherhood is going to be after your asses.”

The guy from the back came up, standing in Aces vision. “Rori’s motorcycle is in back. Chase’s bike is gone.”

“Fuck.” They were humans, and this was going bad quickly. “You took out a vehicle and hurt one of my men, so we’ll call it even. Have a nice fucking day.” He removed the cuffs before he and his men walked out the door, slamming it closed behind them.

“Baby, are you all right?” Bunny had come back as soon as they got into their cars and sped off. By that time, he was sitting up and coughing. It hurt like a bitch. She helped him into the chair. He looked at his hand and saw the spots of blood covering it.

“Drive, baby. Get me to a hospital.” She buckled him in and put the RV back in gear, heading back towards town.

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