
Chapter And I Am Yours

Chase let her sleep, knowing it was important to her healing. He dressed and went downstairs and got some sandwiches and milk, and checked in with the Club. Her claiming bite on him had scabbed over, and he covered it with a polo shirt. No need showing anything to humans he would have to explain later, he thought.

He went back upstairs, and Rori didn’t stir as he came in. He left the tray on the bedside table and pulled off his jeans and shirt again, sliding under the covers with his phone and laptop nearby. Rori’s hand moved over to his thigh, and she scooted closer until her head was in his lap and her injured leg was draped over his. He ran his fingers through her rust-colored hair as she settled back into a contented sleep.

Taking his phone, he took a picture of the mark on his neck and then forwarded it to his mother, older brothers and Coral with the message, “Found her and claimed her.” His Mom already knew, and his brothers might have been told by his father, but maybe not. He hadn’t told Mom, so maybe he Alpha ordered the warriors and the Doctor to be quiet about what they had seen when they came to help. Knowing how prideful his father was, that was probably the case. He wouldn’t want to admit that his own son and daughter defied him, then left him.

His Mom called him almost immediately. “You’ve been marked?”

“I have been, Mom. That’s all, though, she’s still badly injured. You can’t start pestering us about grandchildren until we’ve completed the mating.”

“Oh, this is wonderful,” she said. “You marked her as well?”

“Yes, and it was amazing, just like you said it would be. I’m so full of love right now, I feel like I am going to explode every time she smiles at me.”

“Well, her heat will come in a few weeks and then the grandchildren thing will take care of itself. Can I talk to my new daughter?”

“She’s sleeping, Mom. Pain pills and recovery are taking a toll on her, and the marking took the energy she had earlier.”

“You take care of her, Chase.” There was a horn in the background. “Now, let me speak to Coral, she isn’t answering her phone.”

“I can’t, Mom. She’s on her way to the Bitterroot Pack to speak with her old Alpha for us.”

“Shit!” She yelled at someone to go faster. “Your father left for there this morning, and he’s not answering his phone either. After what you told me earlier, I got pissed off and decided to take off after him before he does something really stupid.”


“Don’t Mom me, Chase. The three of you broke my family apart and not a ONE of you thought to call me or wait until we could all talk about it. Now you are Luna knows where with a woman I’ve never met, your Sister is going into the hornet’s nest, and my mate is stubbornly trying to pretend he still has control of everything. I don’t suppose you’re heading for Montana?”

“No, we’re stuck here, Rori is in no shape to travel.”

“Fine. I’ll just have to take care of this with Coral and your father. I am NOT going to stand by and let my family get destroyed, or watch you and your new mate get hurt. That poor girl has been through enough in her life already, she needs our love and acceptance.”

She needed that and a lot more, he thought. She was stronger than he imagined, and he was so pleased with the progress she and her wolf had made together. “Dad’s not going to change his mind easily, and I left him pretty pissed off,” he said.

“You know the saying, ‘Happy Mate, Life is Great?’ Well, Momma ain’t happy right now, and until I am, NOBODY is going to be happy. A week without getting laid and that mate of mine will be begging for forgiveness,” she said. “Maybe less.”

“MOM! Really, I don’t need to know about your sex life!”

“Why, it’s the best part of mated life. I swear, that man can pound me into a quivering puddle even at his age.”

“OH LUNA, just STOP! I don’t have brain bleach available, and I don’t need that imagery.” He shot his eyes down at his legs, where his no-longer-sleeping mate was looking up at him with hooded eyes. His eyes got wide as her hand moved up his bare thigh, running over his boxers before her small hand cupped his rapidly hardening shaft. He was torn between the feeling of her hand on his manhood and the phone.

“Oh honey, you don’t have as many children as your father and I have had without a healthy sexual appetite.”

“Mom…” His breath hitched as her hand worked inside the flap, and her touch sent tingles through his shaft which was now fully erect and pushing the waistband out of the way.

Rori was shocked at the size of her mate’s rod, and her eyes were a mix of fear and curiosity. “How is that going to fit?”

“Perfectly,” he replied. She wrapped her hand around the shaft, pulling it out and standing it up. He hand started to move up and down as she watched the precum drip out. “When are you getting to the Pack, Mom?”

“I should be there by ten,” she said.

“Oh fuck,” he said as she pulled his cock towards her, her tongue licking up the side until she took the head into her mouth.

“CHASE ALAN NYGAARD, you do NOT swear to your mother,” she said.

He looked down in panic at his mate, who was smiling as she licked at his cock like an ice cream cone. “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m just a little oooh my. I mean I’m a little distracted.”

There was silence for a moment. “She woke up, didn’t she.” He didn’t say anything, he was afraid to talk as he quickly built towards orgasm. “I better leave you to it, apparently she isn’t THAT hurt. I’ll call you after I’ve talked to Coral.”

“Thanks Mom. Bye.” He ended the call and collapsed back on the pillows, turning his hips slightly so she could have a better angle. Rori had never done anything like this, but she’d seen enough movies to have the basic ideas. “Don’t hurt yourself,” he said.

She came off him with a pop. “I’m having fun playing with my new toy,” she said. “How’s Mom?”

He gasped as she took him back in. She could only go part way down his shaft, and the feeling was better than anything he had ever dreamed of. He felt the pressure building, he was going to explode. “I’m going to cum,” he said as his hand ran through her hair.

Instead of pulling off, she moved her hand at the base of his shaft a little faster while she hollowed her cheeks and locked her lips around his swollen helmet. He exploded into her mouth, filling it with his hot seed as she struggled to capture and swallow it all. He finally relaxed, and she came off his sensitive tip, licking the edges of her mouth to capture the escaped fluid. “Yum,” she said.

“Oh my Goddess, that was amazing,” he said. “I love you.”

“If you love me, return the favor,” she said impishly as she looked up at him. She moved off him, and he quickly moved pillows so she was able to rest on her side without aggravating her wounds. He scooted down, kissing her before he trailed kisses to her neck and sucked lightly on her mark. “Oh God…” It was like a line of pleasure shot from her neck, setting her nipples on fire and making her virgin sex clench in anticipation. Her moans continued as he worked down to her chest, his hands massaging her firm breasts. She sucked in her breath when his tongue started to flick at her nipple, teasing it erect before sucking it into his mouth. “Chase,” she moaned as her free hand pulled his head closer.

He moved back and forth, laving each nipple gently until he smiled up at her wickedly and moved his way down her body. Her scent was driving him nuts, and the room was filled with the smell of her arousal. She didn’t notice his hand reaching for his phone as he carefully lifted her leg, placing his head on her thigh. “Baby,” he asked her.

“Yes love, please….”

His thumb hit the button on his phone, and he told Siri to “CALL POSSUM.” The phone started ringing and he handed it to her. She had barely gotten out the “Hi Mom” before she was covering her mouth, hoping her mother couldn't hear the moans as her mate’s tongue licked around her swollen clit.

“Hi baby, how are you feeling?”

“Much…. MUCH better, Mom. Chase said I’m healing well.”

“Oh, that’s good. We were worried because you two hadn’t called, but at least Thor had the decency to let us know you had arrived safely and were doing well.” Rori bit onto the side of her hand, the things she was feeling were so new and intense that she couldn’t help but moan. “I never really thanked you for saving us. I wish you had told me you were a werewolf, honey. I love you no matter what, you know that.”

She sucked in a gasp as Chase sucked gently, pulling her clit into his mouth before flicking it with his tongue. “Sorry, I move and the wounds hurt. I’m sorry too, Mom. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust you, it was more that I didn’t believe it myself. I didn’t let her take over voluntarily until that moment because I was scared of her.”

“I don’t know why, she’s beautiful and sweet,” she said. “I looked in her eyes and I knew it was you.” Chase was now licking the length of her sex, his tongue pushing in slightly before sliding back up. It felt heavenly, and she was building quickly towards her release.

“Mom, you have to promise me never to tell anyone about me or my kind. Chase is dealing with the fallout, there are rules against humans knowing, and the normal way to protect the secret is to kill the humans. Chase and I won’t let that happen, but we need you to swear never to reveal it.”

“Of course, dear. We’d never do anything to hurt you.” She let out a little moan as a finger was added to the mix, and his tongue started circling her hard bud again. “Thor also told me you and Chase were sharing a room.”

“We’re mates, Mom. That means we are destined to be together, the perfect match for each other.” She felt his claim on her neck, the touch nearly sent her over the edge. “We’re in love, Mom. We will be fully mated after I heal up, something more than just marriage.”

“We’ll do that too,” Chase said as he took a quick break. “I asked your daughter to marry me, and she said yes,” he said.

“OH MY GOD! That’s wonderful, Rori!”

“I’m very happy, Mom, but I’m tired too. The pain pill is kicking in now. I’ll call you later, all right?”

“Oh, a Club wedding, it’s going to be wonderful. Of course, go ahead and call back tonight. I can’t wait to talk to Three Tequila and the other Ladies, this is going to be so much fun!” Rori just rolled her eyes, Chase had created a monster.

“Love you Mom.”

“I love you too, baby. Congratulations.” She hung up the phone just in time, as Chase’s tongue and fingered played her until she exploded in pleasure. Liquid shot out onto his face, and the spasms sent waves of pain from her wounds mixed with pleasure as she squeezed her thighs around his head.

Chase stopped as he felt the pain over the bond, instantly regretting it. He pulled his head out and watched as her leg tensed and released in the throes of pleasure. She was panting a minute later when it was finally over. “I’m sorry, you weren’t ready for that,” he said as he wiped his face on a towel and cleaned her up.

“It was worth it. My GOD, I didn’t know anything could feel that good.” She watched his body as he rolled out of bed, getting a washcloth to clean her better, then set down a towel and her lunch in front of her. “I probably shouldn’t have started it, but it was RIGHT THERE and it was huge and my wolf, well, she wanted you.”

“My wolf pushed me as well. I’m going to have to show more control until you’re healed, because this was just the beginning.” He fed her pieces of her sandwich, his wolf calmed by feeding her.

“You owe me something, though.” He looked at her, wondering what she was getting at. “You told Mom we were engaged, but I don’t see a ring on my finger,” she said playfully. “I want a romantic proposal I can brag about, even if you saying that while buried between my legs was nice.”

He smiled and leaned over, kissing her. “If it’s romance you want, I’ll give that to you,” he said. “I’ll give you anything you need.”

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