Traum Junge (Dream Boy)

Chapter [39]


“Winter, what time will you be home?”

He asked through the phone. I had roughly an hour left before my shift’s over, when he called. The café I work in is just three streets away. It was so like him to get so clingy and miss me after an entire day of not seeing each other.

“I’m still on my shift, so I can’t talk for long. I have an hour left. I’ll be home by seven. Don’t miss me too much now, m’kay?” I tell him, not missing the soft chuckle I heard on the other line.

“I’m caught, aren’t I?” he laughed, and I can’t help but feel the butterflies.

God, I still can’t get use to his voice, but I’d still wish for him every day, every minute, and every second.

“If you ever change your mind about eating out, let me know, okay? I can promise you I have a better way to spend our evening.”

If I knew him enough, his eyebrows would lift up alternately and his mouth would curve up a smirk that pertains to his mischievous musings.

“Dream on, Chrissy! Not tonight. I still have to wake up early for school tomorrow.” I retorted back, hopefully, not totally erasing his tempting offer.

“I know, Winter. I was just messing with you. I miss you. Hurry back, okay?”

“I will.”

And before the line ended, I mustered up the courage to say, “I love you, Chris.”

“I love you too, Winter.”

“Hello! Holly’s Café. How may I help you?”

“Are you Winter Rose?”

“Yes, speaking.”

“You are the only contact in his phone, and I am wondering if you could ask of his family to head to Metro Hospital at this time?”

“What? What happened Chris?” For a second there, I thought he was in some sort of trouble, something about a debt being unsettled. I started doing the calculations in my mind for the remaining loan sharks we needed to pay back, but my heart dropped for the next words that came.

“I cannot disclose his information unless he or she is family or a relative; however, it is urgent that we require a guardian’s consent as per hospital protocol before letting him undergo surgery.”

The moment I heard surgery, my limbs went numb and my mind went on autopilot. Adrenaline rushed within me and filled me with the strength to run to where he is.

It can’t be. He was at home. He just called me fifteen minutes ago.

This can’t be happening.

“Miss, are you still there?”

“I’m on my way.”

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