Touched By Sin: A Dark Paranormal Romance (Sins of The Fallen Book 1)

Touched By Sin: Chapter 5

Dariana sneers at me from her perch on Ronan’s lap on the armchair, and two more girls giggle over by the window where they stand with Alaric. As soon as we returned to their house, Daemon dragged me up here and lit the fireplace with a click of his fingers.

I’ve since sat on the couch, trying not to kill someone with the poison dripping from my veins. My stomach churns every time the girls’ laughter drifts over.

Since my arrival in Hell, I’ve experienced a range of emotions I can’t place. This thick, clogging emotion that makes me feel nauseous is wholly unwelcome. I don’t even know what it means—I just know the girls are the reason for it, and I don’t like it.

Daemon sits in the armchair across from Ronan with his elbow on the armrest and his chin in his hand. His eyes burn into me, and my skin crawls every time his lips quirk. It’s as if he knows how uncomfortable I am. Maybe he does. I keep my eyes trained on the flames in the fireplace, so I don’t have to look at him or any of them.

“Headmistress is letting her attend classes?” Dariana asks Ronan. The distaste in her voice is unmistakable. She wants me gone.

“Yeah,” Ronan drawls, too distracted by Dariana’s cleavage as he dips a finger inside her low neckline. My teeth grind, and Daemon’s lips twitch.

“But why? She should just send her back.”

“That wouldn’t be fun,” Ronan replies, wiggling his finger. “We want to toy with her first.”

Dariana looks displeased. Where’s the fly swatter when she needs one?

I don’t blame her. I could do with one too, so I could swat away the two girls hanging off Alaric’s arms like he’s God’s gift to women everywhere.

Ronan slides down her thin shoulder strap, and the fabric follows, slipping off her full breast to reveal her rosy nipple. Ronan palms her breast, diving down to suck on the hard point. Dariana’s eyes flick up to mine, and her lips curve to the left in a smug smile while Ronan laps at her nipple. It’s all I can do not to shoot up from my chair and launch myself at her. The force of the emotion takes me by surprise.

I press my palm to my mouth, my trembling breaths gusting through my fingers while Dariana drags her fingers through his raven hair before guiding him to her other breast.

Sliding that strap down too, he slowly drags his tongue over her breast. I can’t look away, mesmerized by their show. I’ve never seen a boy pleasure a girl before. These things don’t take place in Eden.

Flames flicker in Daemon’s eyes while he watches me squirm on the couch, then, “Dariana, make our little angel come.”

What? I freeze, snapping my gaze toward him. What is he doing? Dariana slowly rises from Ronan’s lap and saunters up to me. Her full breasts sway with every step, and her dark hair moves over her skin, teasing her nipples.

“Ever been with a girl, little angel?” she breathes out, coming to stand between my legs. Her soft touch brushes my hair away from my eyes as I hold my breath, my skin tingling with anticipation.

I shake my head.

“You really don’t have any fun in Heaven, do you?”

A small sound of surprise slips past my lips when she drops to her knees and shoves my dress up to my waist. Her hands slide back down with my panties. “I can make you feel things these boys can’t.”

Ronan snorts behind her, and Daemon hides a chuckle behind his hand.

“You’ll never want to return to your precious Eden when I’m done with you. Let’s give the boys a show.”

My hands fly up to grip her silky hair when her hot mouth descends on my pussy. I moan, shuddering, unable to look away from her long lashes and red-painted lips on my clit. She sucks it into her mouth, digging her nails into my hips. The sensation is too much, and liquid desire shoots sparks down to my core as I fall back against the couch. God, I need this. After the agony the boys put me through today, my body trembles at her touch. I need a release. I need it so badly that it drives me insane.

“Little angel!” Daemon’s voice rings out, sharp and commanding.

I lift my head, trying to focus on him through this haze of desire that threatens to obliterate me.

“Don’t close your eyes. Look at Dari when she steals your purity.”

“Please,” I moan, unsure why I’m pleading. I want more friction, more pressure. More of everything.

“Look. At. Dari.” His voice is deep, clipped, and drips with sex.

My body sings to his tune. I slide my gaze down and my lips part at what I see: Dariana gazing up at me, her tongue lapping at the desire that soaks my tight entrance. Daemon snaps his fingers, and the other girls walk up to us and stop on either side of Dariana. Their hands squeeze my breasts and slide my dress up and over my head.

It lands on the floor, and the cool air licks at my skin before their warm hands burn me up with firm strokes. My nipples are tweaked and pinched. Fingers slide into my mouth and I’m ordered to suck. They praise me and call me a good girl. I’m sensation, want, and need. The fingers in my mouth slide down my throat, causing me to gag.

“Do you like it, boys? Do you like seeing her come apart at our touch?” Dariana sucks on my pussy lips, slapping my cunt with her hand. The sharp sting is so sudden and unexpected that my back arches off the couch.

“You’ll never see home again,” one of the girls whispers tauntingly in my ear. “Never feel the sun on your face again, and you’ll never know the approval of your God.” The next pinch on my nipple hurts. “You’re just a dirty little slut—a whore to discard when the boys grow bored. You’ll never last.” Her warm breath teases my ear. She grabs my face and brings my lips to hers. Then she darts her tongue out, sliding it over my bottom lip. Her cruelty barely registers.

How can it, when I’m melting into a puddle of want? My pussy pulses and my nipples tingle and ache. This is the highest fall and the sweetest death. Dariana pushes her fingers into me and laps at my clit faster and harder, her pace quickening. The fight is lost. I can’t win against them and their torturous assault on my body. The many hands, intent on shoving me underwater and drowning me in this sea of pleasure.

The air leaves my lungs, and I fall apart with a silent scream as the orgasm rips through me with such force that I’ll never again see the light shimmer on the surface. I’m not sorry; let me be tossed on stormy seas for a taste of this.

“Leave her,” Daemon orders.

Rough hands slap my cheek and grip my jaw, ordering me to open my eyes. Daemon stares down at me, his eyes burning with something dark and nefarious. “Do you still wish to return to your precious Eden?”

What’s the point of fighting him? I’m too satiated from the receding orgasm. “No,” I reply honestly. My lips are dry. I wet them, reaching for his belt buckle, but he grabs my wrist in a tight, painful grip.

“If you want my cock, you’ll have to beg for it.”

Ripping my hand free, I crane my neck, looking him in the eye. “You’ll never hear me beg.”

“Then you’ll never have my cock.” He walks back to the armchair, sits down, and pats his thigh. “Dariana.”

One tap on his leg—that’s all it takes for her to hurry over like she’s waited all night for the chance to fuck him. The jealousy inside churns my stomach, and I snap my gaze to the fire but soon look back when he grabs her ass and spreads her over his lap. His eyes are on me while he kisses her deeply and thoroughly, tasting me on her tongue. The fire in his eye—the sparkle of a challenge—stirs something dark inside me. I don’t look away. Not when he wants to see me break. I keep watching as she unbuckles him.

Rising up on her knees, she lowers herself back down on his length. And I don’t look away, even when I taste something foul on my tongue. My heart could tear into a million shredded pieces, and I still won’t let him see me hurt. Or so I tell myself until it becomes too much to watch her bounce on him.

My body shoots off the couch without my permission, his dark eyes following me as I flee the room.

“You look rough,” Ronan says the next morning when he enters the kitchen to find me sitting at the island with a plate of fruit in front of me. I ignore his comment and say, “How come I haven’t seen you eat?”

He’s shirtless, his pants hanging low on his hips. His tattoos draw my attention. They stand out against his skin, complementing the sharp lines of his rippling muscles. When he turns, I scan my eyes over his black wings.

“We don’t eat food like you do. There’s fruit in the cupboard because Daemon ordered the staff to pick you some yesterday.”

There’s so much to digest in that one sentence. “The staff?”

He turns back around and leans against the counter, watching me bite into a juicy green apple. “Daemon’s father has servants. You don’t see them because they keep out of our way.”

I consider this as I scan my eyes over the kitchen. It’s a big, luxurious house, and he has servants, too? His father must be a powerful man.

“What do you eat if you don’t eat fruit?”

Ronan’s smile takes on a darker edge, and he pushes off the counter, slowly walking toward me. “Why do you think we have fangs?”

I stop chewing, sensing a shift in the air.

“We don’t have fangs for aesthetic reasons.” He plants his hands on the island and leans in close. “We feed on blood.”

My eyes widen and I open my mouth to respond, but Alaric enters the kitchen. Dressed in nothing but boxers, he looks delicious. There’s too much skin on display for me to think straight. I never noticed boys like this back home. We swooned over wings, not bodies. My cheeks burn bright red.

“Our little angel here is curious about what we eat,” Ronan says to Alaric.

The man in question joins us at the island, leaning forward on his elbows. “Yeah? What do you think we eat, little angel? Besides pussy.”

I blush even harder. They were up all night, pleasuring the girls. I could hear them through the walls, and it’s why I look like a train wreck this morning. Lack of sleep tends to do that to you.

“Ronan says you drink blood.”

Alaric laughs and his sharp fangs draw my eyes. “We do. Does that scare you?”

Sliding my finger over my plate, I swipe up the juice from the sliced strawberries, bringing my finger to my mouth. They watch me suck it clean. I take my time, teasing them. “No, it doesn’t scare me.”

“So it wouldn’t scare you if we said we wanted to feed on you?” Alaric is amused. I can see it in the glint in his eye.

“I would tell you to fuck off.”

“No,” a voice behind them drawls. It’s Daemon, leaning against the doorframe. “You would bare your neck and spread your legs like a seasoned whore while begging for our teeth and cocks.”

“You think too highly of yourself,” I tell him as I pick up a slice of melon. “I would sooner let your cousin drink my blood than you.”

It’s the wrong thing to say—or the right thing, depending on how you look at it. Daemon pushes off the doorframe, striding toward me. He turns my chair to face him and then he’s in my face, growling, “If I see you so much as look in his direction, I’ll make you regret it, understood?”

Placing the slice of melon back down, I fold my arms over my chest, refusing to let him see his effect on me. My heart is racing in my chest, and an ache starts up between my legs the longer he pins me in place with those dark, angry eyes that promise untold pleasure and pain. “The double standards boggle the mind. So you can look at—no, let me rephrase—you can fuck Dariana, but I can’t look at your cousin?”

He doesn’t reply, but the tic in his cheek makes me suppress a smile.

He’s so tense.

“What if I told you I don’t play by your rules?”

“Defy me, and let’s see what happens.”

I ease myself off the chair, shoving his chest to make him move. “I think I will. While you were fucking those girls last night, I touched myself to thoughts of Dmitriy’s wings. God, I bet they look magnificent spread ou—”

Daemon grasps my throat and snarls, “Shut your mouth!”

“Or what?!” I snap. “What are you going to do? Have your girls touch me? Or will you torment me yourself and leave me hanging because I won’t beg? It must be hell for you, big boy, to crave me to beg. Tell me, did you think of me when you fucked her last night?”

Daemon is seconds away from blowing up on me. He’s strung so tightly that it’s a miracle he hasn’t killed someone.

“Meanwhile, I was thinking of someone else. Someone who would gladly feed me his cock, if only to watch you squirm.”

He slaps me. I don’t think he means to do it, but his hand flies out before he can stop himself. It’s sexy as hell to watch him lose control. I want to poke the bear again.

Grabbing my hair, he pulls it. “Let’s get one thing perfectly clear. You belong to us, and you’re ours to do with as we fucking please. You don’t have a fucking say in what we do. I saw you last night when you ran out. You were jealous. You wanted to scream at me to stop, but your pride kept you from voicing the hurt inside you. Until you beg, I’ll fuck a different girl every night. You will break, Angel, sooner or later.” He grabs my hand, flattening it over the hard bulge inside his jeans. “Beg, and it’s yours. Beg, and no other girl gets to enjoy it.”

I bare my teeth and snatch my hand back, cursing my tingling fingers that burn with the vibrant memory of the outline of his hard cock. “Go to hell!”

He simply shrugs and steps back. “I’m already in Hell, remember? And so are you now.”

Alaric and Ronan follow him with amusement in their eyes as he walks out. Then they look at me. The handprint on my cheek. “You had to anger him, didn’t you?”

Rounding the island, I smile sweetly at Ronan. “It’s so much fun.”

They gaze down at me as I stop in front of them and walk my fingers up their chests. “You shouldn’t have taken me that night. Not all angels are good.”

“We’re catching on quick,” Alaric responds huskily.

“Yeah?” I graze my fingers over his hard dick inside his boxers. Daemon is the leader. To get to him, I must go through these boys. His loyal minions.

“You’re playing with fire,” Alaric warns, but he doesn’t stop me.

Humming, I squeeze his length through the thin fabric. “I think I would like to get burned.”

“You’re a virgin.” Ronan steps behind me, brushing my hair from my shoulder. “We’d ruin you.”

His hot breath on my ear and his hands grabbing my hips stir the rising darkness inside me. I want more. “So ruin me.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking,” he whispers, sliding his hand to the front of my neck. He grabs it hard and nips my ear with his teeth. “We wouldn’t be gentle with you. We’d tear through your cunt and feast on your virginity like a pack of starving lions.”

I’m so aroused, the inside of my thighs are sticky with desire.

Alaric smirks at me, his fingers trailing over my throbbing cheek. “You heard Daemon. Beg and you can have us all.”

They step back, then disappear out the door.

“Fuck,” I growl.

My body hums with need.

Somewhere in the house, girls giggle.

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