Touched by Darkness: (Sins of The Fallen Book 2)

Touched by Darkness: Chapter 19

“What are you doing out here in the backyard?”

I jump at the sound of Daemon’s rumbling voice behind me, and the flame that dances on my palm flickers out. Overhead, the stars twinkle, while in the distance, a fox barks. The night is alive with sounds.

“I’m practicing my fire magic.”

Calculated steps carry him closer to me. “You’re not planning on running away, are you?”

“I didn’t realize I was your prisoner?”

A sense of deja vu washes over me. This feels oddly familiar to when Daemon taught me how to fly.

“There’s a crazy stalker on the loose.”

“If he wanted to kill me, he would have done so before you joined me out here.”

His eyes assess me, unraveling every layer until I’m bared to the core with nowhere to hide. It’s hard not to fidget and even harder not to gravitate closer to him.

“There’s that smart mouth again.” He stops in front of me. “Show me your flame.”

Heat crawls up my neck. The way he looks at me is so intense that I step back, if only to allow myself breathing room away from his overwhelming presence.

He follows me step by step until my back meets a tree.

With nowhere left to run, I hold my breath. I can’t think when he’s this close, never mind try to escape him.

“Show me your fire.”


“Stop being stubborn and do as you’re told.”

That gets my back up, and I glare at him until he seizes my chin in a tight grip.

“Show me your fucking fire.”

“Or else?”

His grip tightens, and he digs his calloused fingers into my cheeks until I’m sure I’ll bruise from his punishing touch.

Despite that, I want more.

I crave more.

His wings part the air as they erupt behind him. “Or else I’ll have no choice but to teach you a lesson.”

I snort, then push past him, but he grabs my arm and pulls me right back. It’s not gentle in the slightest. The wind gets knocked out of me when my back connects with the tree. I’m reminded of how uncut Daemon is.

How unapologetic, rough, and unrefined he can be when he wants something.

“What will it take to lure your monster to the surface?” he whispers, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip.

His question takes me by surprise.

So much so that my lips part, and he dips his thumb inside.

“Come out to play.”

His dark gaze intensifies, burning through every layer until my shaky exhale is his to command.

His to leash and tame.

To wrangle into submission.

I bite down, and his thumb retreats. “What are you doing, Daemon?”

“Is it triggered by the fear in others?”

Terrified sobs steal my attention as Alaric and Ronan drag a crying human across the grass.

“Daemon?” The tremble in my voice causes his lips to pull back into a cold smile.

“What can I say? I’m curious about you and what makes you tick.”

My attention snaps back to him when he wraps his hand around my throat in a possessive grip. With his eyes on me, he says to Ronan, “Hurt the human.”

“What? No!” I blurt, but he slams his other hand over my mouth and shushes me. I try to avert my gaze and look anywhere but at the scene in front of me, but Daemon’s grip on my throat tightens until I whimper with pain.

“You’ll watch.”

Despite his instructions, my eyes slam closed as Ronan shoves the man to his knees, grips his arm, and snaps it.

The sound of the bone breaking and the man’s pained cry tears at my splintering heart.

I pant through my nostrils while desperately trying to wrangle the darkness that crawls across the grass like a pale demon with twisted limbs and rotten flesh.

Closer and closer it crawls.

“Watch,” Daemon whispers, his breath teasing my ear.

More broken bones.

More screams.

Cold, knobby fingers with muddy, cracked fingernails encircle my ankles and pull me down.



“There she is.” Daemon’s voice has taken on a new quality.

Admiration, adoration, and even fascination.

“Look at me, little angel.”

Red. So much red. A savage snarl rumbles in my chest as he releases my mouth to tangle his fingers in my hair, as though he can’t stop touching me.

“Is this such a good idea?” Alaric asks behind Daemon.

The human is barely conscious, slumped on the damp grass, arms and legs twisted at grotesque angles.

“You can leave if you want,” Daemon tells Alaric without taking his eyes off me.

“I’m not leaving you alone with her like that.”

“You need to relax,” chuckles Ronan, and Alaric cuts him a glare.

“We’re so out of our fucking depths here. Do I need to remind you that we don’t have any experience with angels from Heaven? Especially not angels deprived of the light.”

“Think of it as research,” Daemon drawls, prodding my incisors with his thumb until I release a fierce snarl that’s abruptly cut off when he pulls my hair. “Shut up!”

Do I shut up? No. The darkness inside me refuses to be reined in, leashed, or caged. It’s a feral animal concerned only with its survival.

Daemon isn’t bothered. If anything, my snarling makes his cruel smile grow until the tips of his fangs glint beneath the moonlight. “Are you hungry, little witch?”

“Daemon, be careful when you release her.”

“If my hunch is right,” he whispers, his hand snaking beneath my skirt, “she won’t hurt me. No… our girl is hungry.” He slides my panties aside and rams a thick finger inside me. “And horny.”

The red mist intensifies until Daemon is barely visible. My pussy grips him tight as I throw my head back against the tree, pleasure bursting behind my eyelids.

“You’re dripping, little witch.” His smile turns wolfish. “Your soaking pussy is making a mess of my hand.”

Daemon steps away, and I whimper from the loss, but then my attention zeroes in on the prone, broken body on the grass.

I cock my head, curious and intrigued by the fearful, pained sounds slipping from the human’s lips. They call me home like the whispers of the forest. My heart thumps heavily, my fingers itch, and my incisors throb with the hunger for destruction. The damp blades of grass tickle my feet as I stalk him.

Anticipation swirls through my veins, and when the tips of my toes connect with his broken arm, my skirt shifts in the vagrant breeze. I crouch down and brush his hair away from his sweaty forehead.

“Please,” he chokes out, then cowers, hiding his face in the grass. I don’t like that. I want his eyes on me when I feast on his beating heart. But before I get to that part, I want to consume all of him.

I want every part of him to belong to me.

His fear.

His pleasure.

His soul.

Climbing on top of him, I lean down to kiss him.

To taste the fear on his lips.

A moan crawls up my throat and slips from my lips onto his.

His fear is exquisite.

It’s life.


I wrench my skirt up around my waist and reach down to unbuckle his belt, but before my fingers can connect with the silver belt buckle, my arm is seized and I’m hauled off him.

“I don’t fucking think so, little angel.”

My wings explode from my back, erupting so fast that Alaric—who stood too close—stumbles back in surprise.


Ronan chuckles, chill as always, then digs in his pocket for a packet of cigarettes. “She’s feisty.”

“You think I’ll let you touch the human?” Daemon growls, with a manic look in his eyes, as his fingers encircle my throat and force me up on my tiptoes. “You think I’ll let him see you with that heavy lust in your eyes?” He shakes me. “It belongs to me.”

When Ronan clears his throat before bringing the cigarette to his lips, Daemon clarifies, “Us.”

“That’s better,” Ronan teases with a wink, then offers the cigarette to Alaric, who shakes his head.

Daemon doesn’t take his eyes off me. My thoughts have ceased to exist. I’m raw need.



I want to fuck and kill and kill and fuck.

I want to ruin and destroy.

I want to bathe in blood.

Daemon tosses me to the ground and begins to unbuckle his belt. He tips his chin at the human on the grass. “Drink him dry, then crawl back to me and suck my dick with your bloodied mouth.”

Behind me, Ronan chokes on the cigarette smoke before his laughter bounces off the house in the distance.

I snarl at them all, my lips peeled back and my eyes burning red.

Daemon clicks his fingers and points at the broken body on the ground. “Kill him. If you touch him sexually, I’ll fuck your ass in his blood until you cry. Do not test me. While you’re a monster now because the darkness has its claws in you, I’m always a beast. So don’t tempt me to step out from the shadows to play with your tears.”

I go to snarl at him again, but the human releases another weak whimper, and like a heat missile, my attention snaps back to the stark white where his bones peak from his torn flesh.

The blood.

The scent of copper in the air.

I crawl closer and closer, then let my nose drag over every inch of exposed skin while the boys watch my monster drug itself on the stench of fear, pain, and merciless destruction.

“I’ll look after you,” I whisper, nuzzling his neck, where his weak pulse flutters against his skin. “I’ll take such good care of you, and in turn, you’ll gift me with screams and pleas.”


Watching her tear the human to pieces, I unzip my pants and release my throbbing, aching dick. I’m so fucking hard, it’s painful.

Ronan and Alaric follow my lead, and we stroke our cocks beneath the moonlight while our little angel paints the grass crimson red. She rips and tears, bites and snarls. She feasts on his organs and flares her big wings aggressively, as though she wants to protect her kill from us.

Or perhaps it’s a warning to stay away.

A raven feather floats through the air, and I snatch it up with my free hand, then bring it to my nose, scenting her delicious viciousness. My hand works my rock-hard length, stroking it expertly, but I won’t let myself come yet.

No, I want to cover her bloodied face with my cum. Watch my seed trickle down her cheeks, painting a roadmap through the human’s blood.

More than that, I want to tame such a feral creature.

She’s not a fallen angel anymore.

What snarls on its knees, crouched over the remains of the human man, is a demon. It’s an evil born of the darkest pit of Hell, devoid of all light. Lost completely to the hellfire that’s burned away any trace of morality and empathy.

And I want to bring it to heel.

Own it…her… so completely, she crawls to my leash like a good little whore.

And this version of her—this monstrous perfection—is mine. It’s the part of her I want to cage and hide from the world.

The sight of her on her knees, wings flared, hair and face soaked with blood, and fierce eyes that burn red.

I don’t want anyone else to see her like this but us.

This is the side of her only we get the pleasure of admiring, and I’ll rip any other man to pieces who gets to witness her like this—in the throes of passion and destruction.

“Little angel!” I call out, and she looks up, her teeth buried deep in a lung.

“Time to crawl to me.”

She drops the piece of flesh in her mouth, then falls forward on her hands and knees.

My dick throbs in my hand as I take in her swaying ass and sharp fangs that drip with blood. She’s a beautiful deception and a damn vision.

Alaric and Ronan step closer, crowding her from behind as she kneels in front of me.

I’m crazy for slapping my dick over her supple lips when she growls like an untamed, threatened animal. But I also get off on the power coursing through my veins.

I prod her mouth with the bulbous head and let my fingers get lost in her dark hair. “You hungry for cock, little slut?”

In answer to my question, she sticks out her tongue, and I rub my cock over it in slow strokes.

Up and down, up and down, I sink all the way inside her mouth until it hits the back of her growling throat.

She tries to move back, but I grip her hair tight and hold her frozen while thrusting my hips savagely. I’m so fucking close already.

I want to use her. Fuck her throat until she cries.

I want to fuck and fuck and fuck.

Shove her to the ground and take her tight, dripping cunt.

This need in me is as animalistic as the snarls in her chest.

Ronan and Alaric stroke her wings while dragging their hands over their dicks. Unlike me, they’re in control of themselves.

I’m not.

I’m fucking obsessed with her hot mouth and her choking sounds.

I’m as feral as her.

“Fuck, such a good little angel whore,” I growl, thrusting deep and holding her there.

My dick fucking throbs, and I nearly lose my shit as my balls draw tight. I stare down at her, at the tears on her lashes, the wet streaks through the blood on her tears. “Look at you on your knees with your mouth stuffed with my cock.”

“She’s damn fine,” Ronan agrees as he fists a handful of her hair and pulls her head back.

My dick slides out from her warm mouth, and she cranes her head to the side and takes Ronan in her mouth without pause.

Unlike me, he fucks her mouth slow and deep, pausing every now and then to listen to her gag while he strokes his fingers over her stretched lips.

Ronan drags his pleasure out to the max, thrusting and grunting. He rams his cock down her throat and smirks like a psycho when she chokes.

This sharing business is fucking painful. I’m not a patient man, but I let them have their fun. I let Alaric pull her off Ronan and grip her head with both hands.

I let him treat her mouth like his own fuckable hole.

His hips pump and pump, and his hands pull on her hair until his knuckles turn white.

With his eyes shut and teeth bared, his thrusts turn jerky, uncontrolled, frantic. And then he spills his seed down her throat.

Before she’s had time to recover or catch her breath, Ronan takes his place and offers her the same merciless treatment as he chases his own release.

There’s something so poetic about unleashing three monsters on a lesser one and watching her get torn to pieces so effortlessly, like she slaughtered that man.

Girls usually moan and beg for more.

This creature growls, snarls, and claws.

She puts up a heck of a fight, even as she sticks her tongue out to eagerly capture Ronan’s cum as it covers her cheeks.

Fisting her hair, he paints her face like she’s his own panting, trembling, and vicious masterpiece.

He defiles her until she’s ruined.

A glutton for destruction, I pull her hair from behind with enough force to cause her to fall back on the grass. Her skirt lies bunched around her waist, her silk panties are still pulled to the side from earlier, and her puffy, glistening pussy is on full display.

I straddle her waist, shove her dress down to reveal her full tits, then order her to squish them together as I pull on her dusky nipples.

They harden to peaks.

Peaks I want to bite and ravage.

I slap her tits, watching them bounce deliciously beneath the moonlight.

Her slender, blood-soaked hands push her generous tits together. I flatten my palm beside her head on the grass and grab my dick with my other hand. A groan rumbles in my chest as my dick slides between her breasts, causing them to bob softly.

“These tits are mine,” I growl, fucking her breasts, my hips thrusting like a savage animal. The more they bounce, the harder I fuck them. I want to hurt her. I want to fucking consume her.

“Look at me,” I order, and her doe eyes lock onto mine as I wrap my fingers around her throat. “You like it when I fuck your tits, hmm?”

“Yes,” she breathes out, but it’s more monster than angel.

“You’re a good little whore, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” This time, her hips lift off the ground, her neglected pussy begging for cock, fingers, or tongue.

She won’t get any.

Not until the darkness in me has had its fill of hers.

“Fuck, these tits,” I growl, releasing her throat to palm and squeeze them while they swallow my throbbing dick. I fist her hair, wrenching her head up from the ground, and order her to open her mouth.

My cock bumps up against her lips with every thrust, so she opens her mouth wider until my cock slides home. The sight is so fucking beautiful that I abandon her tits to crawl farther up her body, my knees on either side of her shoulders.

And then I fuck her mouth. I fuck it until I see fucking stars, and her streaming tears have washed away the blood on her cheeks. Until I know her throat will be sore tomorrow.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” My hips jerk as my heart thunders. I’m going fucking insane. My knuckles turn white, and my nails stain with mud when I collapse forward, tearing out the damp grass with my tight grip. As my balls draw up, my abs clench, and I release down her throat with a loud roar. The climax goes on for-fucking-ever until I’m sure she’s stolen my soul for herself.

I collapse onto the grass and stare up at the countless stars twinkling innocently overhead.

Ronan blocks them as he peers down at me. “You alive there, buddy?”

I flip him off, then throw my arm over my eyes.

One thing is for certain; I won’t survive this girl.

I’ve met my match in her monster.

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