Too Long: Hayes Brothers Book 6

Too Long: Chapter 32

WE LIE IN BED, my head in Addie’s lap, the morning sun pouring into the room through huge windows. I can’t fucking believe this is real. That I’m not dreaming. That my life could be flipped upside down in two short weeks.

And it’s just the beginning.

It’s Saturday. Normally, I’d be on the go by now, chasing work. And if I were still moping over Addie, I’d be making plans for the evening with friends or trying to drag one of my brothers away from their families for a few beers.

Now, all I want is to stay in bed with Addie.

I finally understand why my brothers rarely go out without their wives. Why they spend their weekends on the couch instead of partying like we used to. Why the group chat has changed so much and why the Sausage Fest is nowhere near as lively as it used to be.

They’re happy. Truly, genuinely happy. They don’t need the thrill of late-night drinking in a club. A family get-together and catching up with everyone is more important than downing ten Coronas.

And now I understand because, looking into Addie’s eyes, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

She’s enough.

She’s everything.

“This can be just for us,” I say, seeing the look crossing her face as she plays with my hair. “We don’t have to tell anyone until you’re ready.”

“It’s crazy,” she says quietly, but there’s awe in her voice. “It’s so fast, so completely unreasonable. Unexplainable… like us. Two weeks, Colt,” she chuckles, riffling my hair some more. “That’s all it took. If you don’t believe in fate, now’s the time to start.”

I sit up, grip her waist, and flip her over so I’m on top, devouring her sweet mouth. I’ve not stopped kissing her since she showed up last night.

“No regrets?” I ask, skimming my nose up her cheek. “You can tell me if something’s bothering you.”

“No regrets.” She lifts her head off the pillow to stamp a kiss on my forehead. “It feels right, don’t you think? I never imagined it would but… it does, and I love it. I love you.”

“I love you more. I’ll make you happy, Addie. I swear. You’ll always be my priority. Until we have kids… then you’ll have to share the pedestal.”

She smacks my head gently. “Not so fast, Mister. You said you’ll wait. I need to finish school first, and—”

“I know,” I cut in before she works herself up. “We have time. Now you’re mine, I can wait. Whenever you’re ready.”

I roll off her, a huge grin stretching my face. “I can’t wait to see the look on your mother’s face when she finds out we’re back together.” I sit up, an idea popping into my head. “We should hold our engagement party on the yacht. I’d like to invite Grant. I don’t think your dad will mind.”

Addie chuckles, smacking my face with a pillow. “You’re a cruel, cruel man. My mom might need therapy when she finds out, but it’s your family I’m worried about. Your brothers were rude yesterday. I don’t think they’ll be pleased.”

“You don’t know them well enough, but I promise they’ll be thrilled. Remember Theo’s message on the first day of the cruise?”

“The one about betting? Yes.” She pulls me back down, toying with my hair. “Is this when you tell me what they were betting on?”

“Us,” I say. “More specifically, how long it’ll take before fake dating becomes real dating. You think you’re ready to tell them which one’s winning a hundred bucks?”

“Your phone, please.” She beams at me, holding her hand out and I’m having an out-of-body experience, my chest constricting, heart swelling.

How did I fall so hard so fucking fast?


I shake my head. “I have a better idea.”

“Oh?” She traces the outline of my lips, then brushes her fingers across my jaw. “Do tell.”

“Give me your phone, baby.”

Reaching to the night table, she unplugs her phone from charge, taps in her access pin and passes it over. I prop my head on the pillows as she sits up, watching as I open the app store.

Might as well start with a bang.

Once the app we use for group chats is installed, I set up Addie’s profile, then take my phone and open the Hayes group chat. The one with everyone in it, including our parents, who we added a couple of years ago.

“Ready to meet the family?” I ask, resting my back against the headboard and curving her into my side so she’ll fit into the inevitable FaceTimes.

With a deep breath for courage, she nods, eyes on the screen as I hold the phone out. With one tap, I get the ball rolling, my heart doing a strange cartwheel when a message appears:

Colt Hayes added Addie Soon-to-be-Hayes to the group chat.

The radio silence that ensues is so fucking gratifying. For the first time ever, they’re speechless. I see bubbles spreading, letting me know who saw the notification. One, two, five—twelve, but no one’s reacting. Ten, twenty, thirty seconds go by, and I wonder what’s going through their heads.

Twelve hours ago, I was venting, acting like the world fucking imploded, and now? Now we’re engaged.

Addie kept mentioning that big rock while I wrung orgasm upon orgasm out of her, and at some point, I thought… why the hell not?

She’s everything I ever wanted. It’s a crazy notion, getting engaged two weeks after meeting. Who the fuck does shit like this? People don’t get engaged so fast. It’s not how this is supposed to happen…

Then I remembered it doesn’t matter what people think.

This is my life.

Our life, and no one but us sets the rules. I’ve searched high and wide for the right person. I’ve been desperate to find my girl and put a ring on her for years, but never rushed into anything with the countless women I dated.

I wanted the click. I wanted the real feeling.

And now I have it. I have her. Mine. Always mine.

“Who’ll call first?” Addie asks, squeezing the life out of my fingers, her ring biting my flesh.

“Either Rose, Nico, or Vee.”

Another ten seconds pass, and Nico it is.

His face pops up onscreen, quiet, a little out-of-tune piano music in the background even though Mia’s sitting beside him. I guess it’s Melody. She’s been trying to play since she managed to climb the stool on her own.

Nico’s first sentence highlights why he’s the one I always looked up to growing up. Why he’s the one who took care of me, Colt, and Conor, and why he’s the one I can always count on without fail, even in the most mundane of things.

Family is the most important thing to Nico. It always has been, and he proves it when he opens his mouth.

“Welcome to the family, Addie. I take it you’re engaged.”

Addie wells up, her muscles relaxing, and I kiss her head, lifting her hand to show off what we agreed would be a temporary engagement ring. It’s plastic. Pink with a daisy on top. A novelty ring you win at the arcades. I didn’t win this one though. It’s been in a drawer downstairs since Melody left it here. It was the only ring I could find after midnight.

It’ll be one hell of a story to tell our kids as long as I leave out that I sauntered downstairs naked, and ate Addie’s pussy straight after she said yes.

“Hey, Nico.” She waves at him. “Hey, Mia. It’s nice to finally see your faces.”

“Explain,” Theo demands as he and Thalia join the chat. “I don’t get it.”

“They’re engaged,” Thalia says, rolling her eyes. “Try and keep up, baby.” She turns to us with a bright smile. “You don’t waste time, do you?”

“Addie bullied me into proposing,” I aim for a scolded look, but there’s been a smile permanently glued to my face for hours that ruins the effect.

Cody joins the chat on his own, his wife still in Milan. “Well, aren’t you two quick!” he booms with a grin. “Hey there, soon-to-be-sis. Glad I knocked some sense into you last night. Also, I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I. Am. Fucking. GOOD.”

“Taking credit, are you?” Conor joins the conversation, the heads popping up on the screen getting smaller and smaller. “At least share it, alright? We were both there when they met.”

“You’re such an attention seeker,” Cody muses, shaking his head. “Go on, Addie, let’s see the ring.”

She holds it up just as Logan joins the chat. Cassidy appears a second later with Blair right beside her, FaceTiming from their Milan hotel room.

“I see you spared no expense,” Cassidy chuckles. “Congratulations! I can’t wait to meet you, Addie.”

Addie mumbles me too, suddenly a little shy, the number of faces staring at her from the screen too overwhelming.

“So fucking classy, bro.” Logan whistles. “Ava has the same ring.”

“Quiet,” Nico says, then looks to the left, his features softening on cue. “Not you, angel. You’re doing great. Keep playing.” He turns his attention to us, stern look firmly back in place. It’s incredible how fast he switches from world’s softest dad to world’s biggest grump. “I think celebrations are in order. I’ll book a table at The Olive Tree for tonight. We’re missing some information here, and the whole family need filling in, so don’t get too comfortable.”

Everyone nods, including Addie, who, like every other woman in this family save for Mia, seems to be taken aback by Nico’s commanding personality.

She’ll get used to him. Just like she’ll get used to Logan’s short temper, Theo and Conor’s weird jokes, Shawn’s protective cop instincts, Cody’s ostentatious demeanor, and Rose’s perfect blend of all things Hayes.

“And Colt?” Logan says, sitting Ava on his lap. Despite Cassidy’s blonde hair, Ava’s taken after her daddy, and thus far, Melody remains our only blonde. “For fuck’s sake, bro… you better get your fiancée a proper ring before dinner, or Grandma’s gonna wipe the floor with you.”

I wouldn’t dare let Addie show off that plastic thing in front of Grandma. Besides, Melody will want it back as soon as she sees it.

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