
Chapter 22: The Reception and Party

They slowly walked down the aisle, the wedding party following. Congratulations rained down upon them as they made their way to the front of the temple. Once there, the wedding party separated, and the reception line started. Hugs, greetings, and handshakes lasted forever. Derak’s right arm felt like it was going to fall off by the time the temple was emptied.

They rejoined the rest of the wedding party as they were ushered out of the temple for the wedding pictures. A park-like atmosphere was prepared for the photos and vids. Flowering hedges were planted and in full bloom along with large areas of green grass planted around a new fountain. The families joined them for the pictures, as they were moved from the hedges to the lawns and the fountain. The official temple photographer took his pictures first. Then, the paparazzi shot their photographs and vids. The crowds, who could get close enough, got their own pictures, as well. All the scenarios were shot — the bride and groom, the wedding party, and the families. The proceedings had lasted over an hour before they moved back inside the temple.

Shesain, accompanied by the women, changed into her reception dress. The men retired to their room for some rest before dinner. Rhemar awaited them, with some of his famous ’06 vintage.

Congratulations circulated. Derak received some good-natured ribbing about the three-day “wedding night” to follow. Friendly bets were taken on how long he would last. Remor appeared, brimming with approval of the day’s events. Then, he left, to entertain the luminaries that were present in the city.

Shesain’s wedding gown was quickly taken away and placed in storage. She congratulated

Therese on her engagement to Karn. Shesain loved showing off her necklace and ring. Shesain’s reception dress was brought in by Terena and received much praise. It was similar to her wedding dress, in style, but made out of a lighter fabric, with the hem cut just below the knee. The color was a light purple, edged and hemmed in gold-colored cloth. The belt was golden, too, and she had a light pink scarf to finish the ensemble. Her shoes were elegant, yet comfortable, made for the dancing that would follow. Laughter and giggles escaped the room from time to time.

In less than two hours, the temple had been turned into a dining hall. Tables, chairs, table cloths, and dinnerware appeared, as if out of thin air. The transformation was amazing. The high priestess made sure that everything was perfect for the afternoon wedding feast. The VIPs were already entering, and they were seated according to their rank and status.

At one-thirty sharp, Derak and Shesain were escorted to the entrance of the main room. They were announced, and they entered with the rest of the wedding party. Once inside, all formality disappeared. The newly wed couple spent one hour greeting guests before seating themselves at the head table. Once everyone was seated, the temple gong sounded three times to announce the start of the afternoon meal. Shesain and Derak were seated on a dais at the head table, with Jack and Therese beside them, on each side. The parents of the bride and groom were seated next, followed by the high priest and priestess. The families followed. Heads of state were seated at the next table down, and the remaining tables were assigned according to rank and status.

The high priestess prefaced the meal with a prayer and a blessing for the newlyweds. Waiters and waitresses appeared from the side naves and poured champagne into flutes. The staff retreated to the kitchens to prepare the appetizers.

Jack stood and began. “Ladies, gentlemen, distinguished guests, I am captain Jack Morgan, and I’ve had the pleasure to know and serve in the Alliance Navy with the groom for almost thirty years. I first met Derak as a naive young cadet from New York City, Earth.”

Laughter followed this comment, and Derak gave him a look. Jack grinned back at him with an “I’m just getting started” expression.

“Okay, that’s not entirely correct. Derak came into the academy as an outsider, with a chip on both shoulders.”

“That’s more like it,” Derak thought.

“Not you! I never imagined it.” Shesain gave him a sensuous look.

“He wasn’t the most popular man on campus, so I decided I’d show him a little mercy. Little did I know it would turn into a thirty plus year sentence.” Laughter followed. “In spite of that, he endured five years of prejudice and exclusion. Yet, Derak prospered, graduating at the top of his class. He took it all in stride and didn’t take the ill-treatment personally. The assignments, that followed, didn’t improve through the years. However, he served with honor, putting his comrades first on more than one occasion. This selfless attitude earned him the respect of all that served with him and garnered many honors. You can tell, by the way, he walks to the port side when he’s wearing his dress uniform.” Laughter followed this remark.

You’re going to get it, Jack, Derak mused.

“It’s true. You do lean a little to the left,” Shesain teased.

“You’re on his side now?”

“Who wouldn’t be? He’s so handsome and charming.” Now, she was laughing.

“I’ll finish by saying this about Derak,” continued Jack. “It’s been my honor and privilege to be his best friend and confidant for so many years. I am equally proud to be his best man.” He sat down. The crowded room filled with applause.

“Naïve young cadet,” Derak chided Jack as he settled into his chair.

He grinned. “Well, if the truth must be known…”

“You’ll get yours, Captain Morgan,” Derak shot back.

“Don’t give him such a hard time, Derak,” said Shenar, defending her future husband.

“I see it’s a conspiracy,” Derak said.

Next, Therese stood and lightly cleared her throat.

“I’m Therese Honara, Shesain’s first cousin. I‘ve had the honor of being Derak’s shadow for the past ten months. Am I glad it’s over!” This remark sparked more laughter.

“Derak was diligent in his lessons and followed directions well, like a man should.” The room busted up again. “It was my pleasure to have shadowed such an honorable man. Now, Shesain is another matter, entirely…”

Shesain gave Therese an “I’ll get you look.”

“It’s your turn, now, my sweet.” Derak teased his love.

“You’re asking for it, too,” she responded, a twinkle in her eye.

Therese continued, “Shesain has been more than a cousin to me. I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend. She chose me to be her shadow when we were in school. I accepted and went through the training, knowing I would fulfill this privilege one day. I just didn’t expect it to take so long.”

After the laughter died down, she continued, “I thought she was never going to find her life mate. I believe she almost set a record for how long a woman waits for the right man.” Laughter again filled the room. “I love you, Shesain. I love you both, and I wish you both a happy and prosperous life together.”

Jack raised his champagne flute. Together, he and Therese said, “To their eternal union,

Derak and Shesain Andehar!”

They, along with the rest of the room, rose. The crowd repeated as one, “To their eternal union!” They all drank from the flutes and seated themselves, just as the appetizers began to arrive. After they had been served, someone started clinking their champagne flute, and, soon, the whole temple echoed with clinking crystal.

Shesain looked at Derak with her deep brown eyes and gave Derak what the crowd desired: A deep, passionate kiss. A huge cheer erupted.

Once the cheers died down, Remor stood.

“First of all,” he began, “I would like to thank all of you who have attended this glorious occasion, the eternal union of my beautiful niece, Shesain Andehar to Derak Jamar III. In honor of this auspicious day, Thumar has commissioned special commemorative dinnerware for you, our most esteemed guests, to take home. The plates are trimmed with a gold band, with both family crests in the center of the plate. The names of our newly wedded and today’s date are also embossed in gold. The cutlery is gold-plated, and the glasses are rimmed in gold. Enjoy the meal and the gifts, with our grateful thanks.”

Dinner was served. Anean sea scallops, braised in garlic butter on a bed of tender baby spinach arrived. With each bite, appreciative murmurs were heard throughout the hall. The scallops were followed by sliced Ganmer pears, capped with a dollop of Earth-style pesto.

The main course was tender Lalaylian venison, covered in a mildly spicy brown gravy, with a side of garlic roasted poments, similar to Earth potatoes. Bright green zentha beans, cooked to perfection, and a leafy salad with a zesty dressing, were served as side dishes.

After dinner, conversation buzzed through the sanctuary. The dinner dishes were cleared, cleaned, and packed. Wine was served.

Dessert arrived in flaming glory. Each plate had a blue flame burning atop one of Jumar’s famous berry pies. Compliments flowed. Several heads of state inquired where one could procure these delectable delights, and how they could to be shipped to their sectors and home worlds.

Glasses clinked again. Shesain and Derak obliged the request. The center of the sanctuary cleared, and the guests were treated to a special presentation from the Anean Dance Troupe. Exotic Thumarian music began, and the dancers held their audience captive as they wove a spell, combining incredible athletic prowess with a show of grace and beauty.

After the dance ended, Shesain and Derak spent the next hour thanking the guests for attending the wedding feast. More diplomatic progress was made in one day than either had accomplished in the previous four months.

The temple emptied as guests filled the plaza. Shesain and Derak were escorted onto a telescoping ramp. He gave her a questioning look, and she just smiled and squeezed his hand. A twenty foot wide, twenty foot tall cover stood before them. On cue, the cover was lifted revealing a massive wedding cake, with twenty five descending tiers. The two figures on the top layer were nearly life-size. Shesain embraced Derak as the ramp transported them to the second top-most tier. The top layer was to be saved, and the rest, consumed. Armed with knives, Derak and Shesain each cut into the second layer and took a slice of cake.

She looked at Derak. “Don’t you dare smash that in my face. It took me all morning to put my makeup on.”

He tenderly fed her the morsel. Then, she smashed her piece into his face and laughed. “You don’t need makeup.”

“You’re in big trouble now, my pretty.”

“From who? You? And whose army?” She cleaned his face, careful not to get any cake on his uniform.

“You haven’t seen my one man army, yet.”

“And you haven’t met my special ops troops.”

“Are you challenging me? I hope you’re ready.”

“I’ll take your best and then some.” Shesain, playfully, countered.

As they stepped off the platform, a crew removed the top of the cake and rushed it away for safekeeping. Curved tables were set up at the edge of the plaza’s walkways. Some were stacked with plates and others held towers of champagne flutes. These were commemorative pieces made for the masses.

Remor made an announcement. “In honor of today’s celebration, we are serving cake and champagne in commemorative service ware. You may take your plates and flutes home as souvenirs. We will continue to serve until the cake and champagne run out. Please make orderly lines at the tables, and show respect for each other.”

Lines immediately formed. An army of volunteers rushed to meet the demands of the burgeoning crowds. The cake and champagne disappeared quickly, with lucky members of the crowd left gazing at their commemorative plates and flutes, in wonder. The plaza was cleared for the dance floor. The orchestra began to tune their instruments.

The VIPs settled into their seats, and Remor signaled the beginning of the festivities. It started with a new symphonic piece that brought elation to the crowd, followed by a new commission from the Thumarian National Dance Company. Derak’s sister, Catherine, danced in the lead role. She was sensational. The program concluded with four choreographed folk dances from the three continents and the lost Corano Islands. The crowd was now in a dancing mood.

The orchestra commenced with a waltz. Shesain and Derak moved to the center of the dance floor. They began and then Jack and Therese joined, followed by the rest of the wedding party. Calvin and Therana, the cup girl, drew great applause from the surrounding crowd, when they joined in. The young couple was sweet together. Calvin looked like a little man, and he led Therana like a pro. Then, the families joined with Paulos and Betrawn.

Shesain, joyfully, danced with all the men and saved the last one for Calvin. Derak’s son held his head high. His regal countenance brought to mind a young prince. The song ended. As it grew dark, all the lights that hung all over the city gleamed at once. The crowds roared in approval.

Every shape and color lit up Shenmar, turning it into a multi-colored wonderland. Fireworks filled the sky with striking shapes and a rainbow of colors. It lasted for twenty minutes and finished with a stellar grand finale. The result was awe-inspiring and unforgettable. The floor lights came up and the jigs started. The floor filled with eager dancers, and a raucous celebration filled the air. The joy was contagious.

Derak and Shesain danced the night away. Finally, they exited the dance floor, breathless. Just when Derak thought he had a reprieve, Betrawn dragged him out to the center again.

“I hope you have something left for me, Derak. I’m just beginning to get started.” She laughed as the next jig began.

To his surprise, he was able to keep up. This woman had boundless energy. After the dance, she returned him to Shesain.

“I return your husband to you,” she said. “I hope I didn’t wear him out too much.” Shesain laughed and hugged Betrawn.

A slow dance started, and the couple decided that this would be their last dance before they left for their honeymoon.

Soon after, Remor assembled all the single females to enter the dance floor. They were about to celebrate an ancient Earth custom, the bouquet and garter toss. Shesain stepped up to the platform, turned her back to the girls, and threw her bridal bouquet, with a hearty flip of her arm. It floated up in the air before a lucky recipient squealed in delight as she reached forward, claiming her prize.

Then, the men were called and they, eagerly, came forth. Shesain stayed on the platform and sat down in a chair facing the men. Derak stepped up, knelt down, and slowly moved the dress up her long shapely legs. He did this in such a manner that only he could see her gleaming calves. He removed the garter with his teeth, and was applauded with hoots and hollers from the assembled men.

“If this is how you start, I’m in trouble.” Shesain touched his mind, her thoughts languid and sensuous.

“More than you know.” He returned.

“Surely, you know that a typical Thumarian eternal union night lasts three days?” She purred.

“Mmmm, more time to please you, my kitten.” As he removed the garter from her foot, he, surreptitiously, licked and nibbled her toes. Shesain shuddered in delight.

“You’re in big trouble now, mister.” She barely got out.

He stood and removed the garter from his teeth and turned back to the gathered men. He twirled it around his finger to tease the crowd and then pulled it tight and let it fly, like a rubber band, into the waiting group of men. He heard a cry of triumph and turned around. The victor was jumping up and down, in excitement.

Shesain and Derak called the two lucky souls up to the stage and congratulated them. Shesain hugged the woman and kissed the man on the cheek. Derak hugged the woman and kissed her on the cheek, and he shook the man’s hand. The winners had their pictures taken with the newlyweds.

Remor stepped forward and silenced the crowds as the Thrashur cleared the dance floor. “We must say goodnight to our newlyweds,” he announced. “They must get a good night’s sleep before they leave for their honeymoon.” The Thumarians had a good laugh over that remark. They knew better.

A gleaming white thirty-foot long air car lowered down onto the pad. It was a state-of-the-art vehicle, designed by Robert just for this day. Therese moved into the driver’s seat, and Karn took his place beside her. They looked euphoric together. The parents and the wedding party guided Shesain and Derak to the air car’s luxurious back seat, which reclined into a bed. The car rose to take them to a secret location, and, as it rose, Derak looked out of the window.

“The party’s just beginning, down there.” He thought to her.

“Never mind that one. We have our own to begin.” She pulled her new husband down to the bed and wrapped herself around him. Derak had never been kissed so sweetly in his entire life.

The air car arrived at a secret location. They exited the vehicle and walked down an empty corridor leading to the wedding night suite. The door opened to a lavishly decorated room. Derak smiled, broadly, and gathered Shesain into his arms. Giggling, she asked him what he was doing.

“It’s an old Earth custom. The groom carries the bride across the threshold.”

Her eyes lit up with desire. “Hurry, I have a one-man army to conquer.”

“In your dreams,” he affirmed, as he carried her into the room.

The room was round, with a large circular bed positioned against the back wall. The room was white. Gold curtains were arranged like swirling bunting, and the curtains reached back to the entrance, which disappeared after they walked in. Derak gently put her down.

“Terga helped us design the room,” Shesain thought. “It was built with the latest passive wall refinements, courtesy of Robert.”

“I’ll have to thank him when I see him again. Although, it won’t be the room I’ll be putting my attention to tonight.”

Their luggage was delivered and put away. A platter of gourmet cheeses and fruits, accompanied by chilled Andehar Champagne, awaited them. The wall had a shelf extending out one foot, and candles were spaced on the length of these outcroppings. Shesain went over to her drawers and pulled out a pair of wrapped packages.

“What’s that?” Derak asked.

“You’ll see, and feel soon enough. Get undressed and wait for me, my chimera-te.”

It didn’t take much for Derak to comply with her order. He lay naked on the comfortable bed, feeling the satin sheets on his bare skin. He stopped thinking and awaited the rapturous moments, to follow.

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