Three for Thorn

Chapter 21 Slay Continued

"Tell me about it stud!" She snarls!


"What is that exactly suppose to mean?" I snarl right the hell back at her.

"You know exactly what it's suppose to mean Slay?" She huffs stomping her way over to the bed she takes a seat right on the edge of it glowering her beady little eyes over at me.

"Are you jealous? Come on Thorn, she was the one flirting. I didn't ask for any of it!" But I didn't turn her away either, my guilty subconscious speaks up loudly inside of my head.

"Jealous? Like you have any room to talk! You wouldn't even shake Strikers hand! He is just trying to help us Slay! Help me! Why were you being so damn rude to him?" Pure fucking raging jealousy is exactly why? But I dare not speak that aloud to her.

"Why? Because the stupid ass jerk couldn't keep his damn grubby hands off of you! That's fucking why Thorn!" I scream just a little bit too loudly at her. I grimace when I hear the pure spite casting out through my regrettably harsh tone to her.

Calm the fuck down Slay! I berate to myself as I trample across the room, disgusted by my own childish behavior, I sit down next to her on the edge of the bed, inhaling deeply, trying to calm myself down.

"I don't understand you Slay. Striker wasn't doing anything wrong. Why would you get so damn jealous over him?" She ask almost too quietly, Bowing her head, sighing softly.

Dammit! Why can't she see where I'm coming from?

"How can you just sit here and say that he didn't do anything wrong Thorn? The guy was intentionally all over you. I set there and watched all of it and you didn't do a damn thing to even stop him either. You didn't even sit down next to me. You chose to sit down next to him! How do you fucking think that made me feel!" I growl right at her, making her flinch back anxiously away from me. She springs up from the bed angrily, turning around to challenge me eye to eye.

"So what are trying to suggest Slay that I'm some damn flirt who gets her jolly's off by a damn guy flirting with me? That's so damn hypocritical! Pot meet fucking kettle!" She yells defensively.

What the hell does that suppose to mean?

"Are you trying to say that I was the one flirting? If I remember it correctly she was definitely flirting with me not the other fucking way around!" I stand up from the bed suddenly pissed off beyond recognition as I stand up she takes a tiny hesitant step away from me like she's actually fucking afraid of me.

What the hell?

"You may have not of been flirting with her Slay but you didn't do a damn thing to dissuade her from her flirting with you either. Don't you try to pull this little innocent act on me! I saw the way that you were smiling at her. You are so fucking double standard!" Her voice grows a few octaves higher with every word she spews out at me. "At least I didn't reciprocate Strikers flirting! Like you did with her!" She adds heatedly.

I'm not a fucking hypocrite or even double standard! I refuse to accept either of those terms of me.

"I didn't fucking smile at her!" I lie like a damn rug but she doesn't buy it unfortunately. She scoffs heavily throwing her hands up in the air waving them around irrationally.

"Yes you did. Don't you damn well lie to me! I have two fucking eyes! I saw everything! You loved the attention that she was fucking giving to you!" Thorn bellows out so fucking loudly that Sin and Sunny hear it from all the way in the other room.

They both come crashing threw the adjoining door of the room with the door hitting the inns wall with a very resounding bang so hard that the door bounces back from the impact.

"What's going on?" Sunny questions eyeing us both with obvious concern.

"Nothing!" We both scream out at Sunny simultaneously making Sunny blanch away from us.

"Well it doesn't sound like nothing. The entire inn can hear you both screaming!" Sin admonishes, walking further into the room to eye us both with derive interest.

"Your brother has his eye on another woman. Isn't that right Slay? Oh, or should I say stud?" Thorn sarcastically snubs at me. I snarl my lip up at her.

"I don't have my eye on another fucking woman Thorn!" I roar out madly infuriated.

Thorn crosses her arms over her chest while her eyes roam all over me indigently.

Her eyebrows furrow down intently as her eyes catch on to something suddenly. She takes a tiny step closer to me as I eye her cautiously. She holds out her tiny hand aiming it toward my lower region, her nimble little fingers clasp on to something that was hanging out in my front jean pocket.

She pulls it out gingerly when I finally notice what's surprisingly sitting in her hand I nearly choked on my own damn saliva.

Fuck no!

She turns the napkin over in her hand searching it thoroughly, I try my best to grab it away from her hand but she dodges away from me to damn quickly for me to even snatch it away from her unfortunately.

Fuck! Now I'm definitely in for it.

After she proceeds to read what is written on the napkin from the flirtatious barista she looks up at me with pure mortification marring her beautiful face. Great! Just fucking great!

"Are you for fucking for real?" She questions as she gives me a very vindictive glare. "This is just too damn much, have you actually read this?" She ask me exasperated while she's shoving the napkin directly in my face.

I just stand there to speechless to even offer her back a reply. Sunny and Sin both study Thorn trying their best to get a glimpse of what's written on the napkin in Thorns hand.

"Honestly, okay, let me be the one to read it to you then. 'Why don't you try your luck? If you want a good time and a good fuck, don't be a dud, just call me up sometime stud! Jessica.' And look, it even has her damn number on it." Thorn half huffs breathlessly defining me with a very churlish smoldering look.

I'm fucked!

"Get out!" She shouts with an acrid tone leaving no further arguments but my dumb ass tries anyway.

"Look, Thorn..." I begin.

"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!" She shouts slamming her hand with the napkin flatly against my chest roughly. I grab ahold of the napkin aimlessly.

I open my mouth to apologize to her but I close it back up immediately when she gives me the worst icy glare that I have the misfortune to ever see from her.

Stumbling over Sin, I make my way over to the other bedroom door, walking backwards, trying to desperately plead to her with my eyes for forgiveness but Thorn just sniffles and turns away from me without utter a single fucking word.

My shoulders drop instantly when I see how broken she actually is.

Blowing out a heavy ragged breath I turn on my heel and walk into the other bedroom highly disappointed in myself. Spotting a small trash can in the corner I ball up the napkin in my hand and toss it right into it. Why didn't I do that earlier?

Hearing footsteps behind me I eagerly turn my head, hoping against hope that it's Thorn walking up behind me so I can apologize to her profusely but unfortunately it just had to be Sin!

He closes the adjoining door behind him as I slowly walk over to the bed, sliding back onto the pillows I let out a very discouraging huff.

"Boy did you just fuck up!" Well no shit Sin. Thanks for the obvious announcement! I scoff at him. Captain obvious this one is.


Sin strides over to the other side of the bed, he flops down on it making the mattress bounce as he does. With his body half laying on the bed and his elbow holding his upper body up he in turn fucking laughs at me.

"It's not funny Sin!" I can't believe the asshole finds humor in all of this. Folding my arms across my chest I give him a stern look.

"Oh, yea it is, welcome to the doghouse buddy, you want a biscuit?" The fucking asshole laughs again.

Glowering at him he suddenly quietens down but he still has a little devious smirk alighting up on his damn face.

"Why did you keep it?" Sin questions. Hell I don't know. Maybe I liked the attention? It's not like I was ever going to call her anyway but unfortunately Thorn is not in the mood to even listen to reason.

"Who knows!" I simply state lying my ass off again. Shame suddenly hits me when I see the cocky grin on Sins face. Of course he's enjoying this.

"You liked her didn't you?" I shake my head vehemently.

"No!" I didn't, I just liked the attention she gave me. Is there really any harm in that?

"Well you must of liked something about her. You just could of tossed the napkin in the damn trash." No shit! I could have but why didn't I?

Sin eyes me with suspicious, dropping the damn smirk off of his face finally. Everything goes quite for a few seconds then out of the blue Sin jumps off of the bed pacing the floor excitedly, combing his fingers through this short hair.

"Oh man please tell me you weren't planning on calling her?" I squint my eyes at him. How could he think so lowly of me?

"No I wasn't going to call her. I stuck the napkin in my pocket without even thinking honestly. I just thought it was cute the way she kept flirting with me but then Striker showed up and continuously flirted with Thorn right there in front of me. It was like I was invisible to both of them. Thorn just let him touch her all over. Well on her arm and hand, but still, it wasn't right. She could have pushed his ass away. Hell she didn't even sit down next to me. She sat down next to that asshole." I take a deep breath trying to calm down my raging fury again.

"So you were jealous and you used this girl, Jessica, to try and make Thorn jealous, for what, out of pure spite?" Well when he puts it that way it makes me sound just like a jealous fucking lunatic.

When the realization hits me like a fucking Mack truck going at hundred miles per hour, I grimace.

Damn I'm so fucking stupid.

"Yea that worked out great for you didn't it? Look, Slay, take it from someone who knows that using someone else just out of spite will get you fucking nowhere. I used Storm just as she used me and I regret it so damn much that it's nearly killing me." He says it with so much sadness laced in his tone that I actually feel sorry for his ass.

"Sin you were under a witches spell. You didn't have much choice in the matter. I fucking did! So don't be too damn hard on yourself. I'm sure Thorn will be able to eventually forgive you." I know she will. Thorn has a big heart full of compassion and my stupid ass just fucking crushed it.

"She won't even talk to me Slay. Hell she can't even look me in my eyes. How do I expect her to forgive me if I can't even forgive my damn self? She hates me and what's even worse is that I hate myself also for doing all of the bad shit I did to her. I don't deserve her forgiveness. I deserve to be locked up in the dungeon with Storm and Nina." Sin admits with a gravely tone walking back over to the side of the bed he sets down on it gently with his body half turned to me.

"But I'm going to work my ass off to prove to her that I can be just as good of a mate as Sunny is to her and maybe you should do the same." He suggest with clear sensitivity.

I can't honestly believe I'm even thinking this but I'm actually proud of him. He has definitely come along away from being the condescending asshole he use to be to now opening up about his feelings and being a hell of lot kinder and wiser. But there seems to be an underlining concern with me about him and what Freya quoted to us earlier. It's been bothering me.

'The one thing that haunts your mind is not by any means who you truly are. The way you feel for one does not mean you will feel that for others.' That alone raises the upmost suspicions in me.

"What did Freya mean when she told you about the way you feel for one does not mean you will feel for the others?" I question him methodically.

Sins eyes open wide in surprise for just a second then he lets out a huge shaky exhale closing his eyes briefly when he opens them back up again I note the change of color in them instantly. Malice is at the forefront now. Sins eyes are now a bright red blood hue that are frighteningly staring over at me.

"Malice?" I stammer.

"Yes." I guess Malice has finally returned, thank fuck, I was beginning to get worried about him.

"Did you need to talk to me?" I question peering at his red shot eyes.

"Sin is too afraid to speak on this matter so I decided to take over the reigns from him because you should know what's going on with him. I'm doing this for him. He is leaving it in my hands willingly." Malice states almost robotically.

"Okay what is it?" I ask.

"Sin finds himself in a complicated query. When he was sixteen years old, him and Pan kissed. Every since that day Sin has always had his doubts about his own sexuality. He loves Pan but he doesn't understand his own feelings." I click my tongue at Malice.

I'm actually not surprised about Sins confusion. I've seen the way that Pan and him interact with each other. I always thought that Sin viewed Pan as more than just a usual friend or Beta. It seems my suspicions may have been correct all along.

"Can I talk to Sin now?" I ask needing to have this conversation with just Sin.

"Yes." Malice exclaims as Sins eyes go from a blood red to now a dark honey hazel. He blinks a few times rapidly then shakes his head vehemently. He turns his head slightly away from me, trying his best to avoid my gaze.

"Sin. Can I ask you serious question?" Sin turns back to me with, staring over at me apprehensively.

"When you look at other men does it do something for you? Like, when you look into their eyes or even their body does it turn you on?" I ask with soft sincerity.

"Actually no. It's only because of the kiss that I find myself worrying about this, because I liked it Slay. It did turn me on. I got hard instantly when he kissed me, but no, other men don't do anything for me." Sins openness and honesty about his long kept secret is inspiring.

"Then you are definitely not gay or even bisexual. If it only happened with Pan then it's just because Pan did turn you on but that doesn't mean that you like men Sin. It only means that you liked Pan." Sin peers over at me slightly confused.

"When you look at Thorn how does it make you feel?" I ask him cutting straight to the point.

"I do get turned on by her. She is beautiful and it doesn't hurt that she has a rocking body either but more than that she is compassionate, loving, and a hell of a spitfire. I want to be with her Slay. I want to be her mate. Her lover. Her everything. I just doubted my own sexual orientation because of what I felt for Pan. That's all. Thorn is like my dream woman. My dream Goddess actually. She's damn near perfect in my eyes and I didn't want to hurt her if later on I found out that I'm actually gay or even bisexual. That would not have of been fair to her or or even to me in anyway." Well fuck! I'm seeing another side of my brother that I didn't think that was actually possible.

"Well then I guess that solves that. You are definitely not gay Sin. You were just attracted to Pan and you were so young. Too young to even know what you wanted." He has to see that.

"I think you may be right." He states while giving me his famous lopsided grin.

"So now what are we going to do about winning Thorn over?" I screwed up just as much as Sin has. I hate myself of it.

"Do her?" Sin ask almost embarrassingly so.

"Yes." I answer him quickly without a doubt in my mind I do indeed deeply love her.

"Then apologize to her Slay. I'm sure she will understand once you explain everything to her" Yea right.

I hate it but I don't think it's going to be that easy to win Thorn over. For one she is very stubborn headed to a fault but I still love her even if she is and for another, I fucked up royally by using someone else to make her jealous instead of just facing my own damn jealousy demons.

Thorn may not find that so easy to forgive. She hasn't even forgiven Sin yet over Storm. This is going to take more than just a simple apology. I may just have to beg or do something else. This is going to take some ingenuity on both of our parts.

Maybe I should buy her some flowers? No that seems way too damn cheesy. A gift? Some jewelry? Everyone woman loves something shiny and sparkly right? All of these ideas rushing through my head just seem way to damn lame and far too common.

"Any ideas on how we may get her to eventually forgive us?" I inquire of him modestly.

"I have no idea. I have been trying to come up with that answer for a while now." Well hell.

Looks like we are, like Sin referred to earlier, both in the damn doghouse.

Woof! Woof!

Later that night I get awoken, while sleeping next to Sin who is snoring rather loudly, the sounds escaping from the other room apparently from Thorn and Sunny are just too damn alluring to drag me back into my slumber.

The moans and groans casting out from the other room put me on full alert instantly. They sound so damn illicit and alluring.

It even manages to awaken Sin who was sleeping soundlessly beside me just a second ago.

"Is that what I think it is?" He ask me groggily. Easing his head up from the comfort of his pillows peering over at the door. Yea I actually think it is.

Sliding out from under the covers and off the bed, I slowly edge my way over to the adjoining door pressing my ear upon it half way leaning in.

Sin soon joins me as he presses his ear on the lower part of door leaning over to it on the opposite side of me.

I feel like a damn pervert listening in on them but for some reason I just can't drag myself away from the door.

After a few slurpy kissing noises we hear someone walking around the room with light steps and a smacking noise that I can't seem to identify yet.

"Bend over!" Thorn commands in a very rough and demanding voice.

"Yes mistress!" Oh fuck! Did I just hear that right? Is Sunny playing submissive? Interesting.

Pressing my ear firmer onto to the door I eagerly await for whatever is going to happen next.


What sounds like a whip echos up to us. I suddenly hear Sunny groan out in insurmountable pleasure.

Another smack then I hear a loud strained grunt.

"Have you been a bad boy slave?" Thorn ask Sunny sexily. Fuck! I don't know about Sunny but I indeed sure have. My dick expands quickly, from hearing such a dominating and sexy tone coming from Thorn. I didn't know she had it in her.

Hell I always thought that I was definitely a dominant lover but after hearing this I just may change my tune. Submission does have its redeeming qualities also.

"Yes mistress. I'm sorry mistress." Sunny pleads with Thorn. We hear yet another loud whipping smack coming from the room.

I wince, from the sound of the sudden erotic impact.

"On your damn knees slave!" Well fuck me! It almost makes me want to bend down and get on my own damn knees just for her.

"Yes mistress." We hear faint shuffling, presumably it's Sunny climbing to his damn knees as she so delicately commanded.

After another few seconds of heavy breathing and slight movements we then hear Thorns demanding tone slashing throughout the room again.

"Come and dine on me slave!" What the actual fuck? I catch of glimpse of Sin that's just a few centimeters off across from me. His face is showing avid and general interest also. At least I'm not only one getting off on this. Thank fuck!

Then we both hear Thorn purring with delicious moans while the sounds of Sunny eating her pussy out transverse over to us. I fucking groan.

How I wish that was me. I can actually smell Thorns apparent arousal from here. Cinnamon and vanilla is such a heady mixture that non other can even rival it. Remembering instantly mine and Thorns own love fest from last night of when I tasted that sweet ambrosia. I get extremely hard just from recalling it all.

"Now come here and fuck the hell out of me slave!" Thorn defiantly demands. Oh shit! Now that's a fucking turn on! Command me baby! I've been a very bad boy!

"Fuck yes mistress!" Sunny's excitement is erotically influential. I would bow down to her commands just as Sunny is now. I would feel no shame in it either. Whatever she wished for I would immediately and obediently comply with her in a damn heartbeat.

Grunting noises come from the room now along with the sound of skin meeting skin rapidly and very brutally.

Damn! Sunny is fucking her unmercifully.

"Fuck yes Sunny. Just like that!" Thorn moans. Daaaamn.

I don't know if I can listen to this much longer before I end up blowing my own damn load right here in my fucking boxers. How fucking embarrassing that would be?

Then to my surprise I hear skin being broken open and torn. Did Sunny just mark her? A sudden fragrance of iron hits my nostrils immediately. It is a definite sign that he most assuredly did indeed mark her. Then following right behind it I can smell Sunny's blood mixed with the aroma of Thorns own defining blood signature.

I'll be damn!

They marked each other.

Good for Sunny. I can't help but to crack a knowing smile at that. With Sunny loving her like he does this will only cement their relationship even further.

Now I'm disappointingly turning very fucking envious of him. How did I get in this fucking position? I sigh, knowing I only have myself to blame for it though.

The skin to skin pounding sounds starts to pick up again. Slowly at first then rocket into a mad and unrelenting frenzy.

Grunts and moans still cascade over to us.

I can hear Sins breathing start to pick up dramatically over from me.

With all three of them breathing rather heavily my own breathing starts to pick up rapidly. This is titillating as hell.

Closing my eyes I can just picture the four of us all together in one steamy make out session. Fuck how I wish that was true right now.

"Papi I'm about...." Thorn doesn't get to finish before I hear a wave of guttural moaning coming from her and Sunny both.

"Yesss!" Thorn bellows out very loudly in heated desire.

"Fuck Yes, Yes, Thorn!" Sunny roars at what I'm assuming is his climax hitting him at full throttle.

Fuck! This is just too damn much for me. Too hear Thorn moan in such unbridled passion for Sunny sends my stupid jealousy raging out again.

I can't believe I'm jealous of my own damn brother.

Now all we hear is heavy ass panting coming from both of them.

I take away my ear away from the door, grunting very uncomfortably. My damn cock is throbbing in my boxers almost painfully now.

"I'm going to go take a cold shower." Sin informs me standing up straight to his full height while adjusting his boxers in mild discomfort.

At least I'm not only one painfully uncomfortable right now.

"Hurry up! I'm going to need one also!" I grumble as Sin laughs while steadily walking away to the damn bathroom.


Wobbling over to the side of the bed to wait on my turn for the shower. I sit down on the edge of it staring over at the adjoining door that connects our two rooms together forlornly.

I got to fix this shit between Thorn and I and fast. If I have to continuously listen to Thorn and Sunny or even Sin, in the future, make love to Thorn like that. I think I might just lose my damn mind.

I love her deeply and somehow I desperately need to show her just that.

But I don't fucking know how?

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