Three Alphas for the Alpha Princess

Chapter 7



The night was dark, the only source of illumination coming from the moon hung up in the sky. But that was barely enough to stop Denise from plunging into the woods, leaving her every fear and terror behind. 

Her fathers words echoed in her head as she ran, every step ahead serving as a reminder of her brave decision to run away from her pack. After all, she no longer had a choice. She had been banished by her own father. 

Tears rolled down her cheeks, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear, betrayal and sadness. It felt like her entire world was crumbling down and she had nowhere to go, no place to call her home and no one to consider her safe space

Arya howled in equal pain as she ran, their fate of being expelled from the pack having just as terrible effect on her. They were both in equal pain and could only cling onto the weak strand of hope that everything was going to be better. 

They had no destination in mind, Denise simply allowing her feet take her anywhere. As long as she was away from the Blue Moon Pack. Away from the lies cooked up against her. She just needed to get away. 

Unknown to her, fate intervened as the moment she found herself crossing the borders of the Blue Moon’s pack, she was led to the Silver Moon pack, arriving there in no time. Not stopping, the continued to run for longer until her legs could no longer take her, Denise finally slumping to the ground. 

“What is our fate now, Denise?” Arya asked her. “Are we really just going to keep on running? We do not even know where we are. What if we’re in an enemy’s pack? What if we’re caught for trespassing and-” 

“I don’t know, Arya, Denise breathed out, curling on the bare ground. She couldn’t care less about the stones that pricked her skin or the leaves and dirt that made its way into her hair, her problems way greater than that. “I don’t even know where we are. You know I’ve never been out of the Blue Moon pack without the palace guards so I do not know. I do not know where we are or how we are going to survive.” 

“I’m sorry” Arya growled out to her softly. “This wouldn’t have happened if not for me. That Sage overheard our conversation and used it against you. If I didn’t speak up on the Alpha’s behavior then we would never have been banished from the pack. Worst case scenario, she’d keep on bullying you. But getting banished- 

“You shouldn’t blame yourself, Denise interrupted her wolf to say, “It isn’t your fault. You know Sage. It was always bound to happen with or without you. That was her plan all along. We were simply pawns in her great plan to get us banished.” 


“There’s no point stalling over the past,” she shook her head. “This is my fate and how I handle it is now up to me. If we want to survive, we should accept it first and think of a way out. There’s no point fixating on the past.” 

“You’re right,” Arya’s spirit was suddenly lifted. “We should find a way to survive. But to do that, we need to first figure out where we are. What pack 

is this

“I wonder,” Denise muttered, managing to rise to her feet to give her surrounding a quick tour. There were tall and majestic trees around her, their branches intertwining to create enough space for the moonlight to filter through. The air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the unfamiliar scent of the unknown pack she had found herself. “We’re far from home, right?” 

“Definitely,” Arya affirmed. “This is not the Blue Moon Pack 

“I’ll just yell out and hope someone hears us,” Denise decided to push her luck. “We can’t spend the night here in the middle of nowhere. It’s not 


Taking Arya’s rumble as an approval, she cleared her throat and gathering the last bits of strength in her, let out a loud yell 

“Hello? Is anyone around!! Can anyone hear me!! Help!” 

Her voice filled with urgency and fear pierced through the dark night and immediately, found its way to Brandon who was several meters away from her but close enough to automatically recognize her voice and scent, 

Immediately at alert, he paused his steps, his senses attuned to any familiar or unfamiliar scent in his territory. He had been on patrol for hours and finally, it seemed like his patrol was going to be coming to an end. 

Caught in the throes of her familiar scent, Brandon’s wolf instincts went on high alert. He followed the intoxicating aroma, his powerful strides cutting through the underbrush as he walked in direction his soul yearned towards. 

anyone out there?!” Denise yelled again. “Help I-” 


Chapter 7 

The rest of her words got stuck in her throat as all of a sudden, she caught a figure walking towards her. Forgetting she had called out to whoever it was herself, her initial instincts was to run and she immediately took to her heels. 


He was faster than her though, catching up to her in the span of seconds. Without hesitation, he wrapped her in his arms and spun her around, their gazes immediately meeting. 

Impulsively, a gasp escaped Denise’s lips as she stared the blue eyes staring directly into her soul. She immediately recognized him, memories she had uselessly tried to get rid off rushing towards her all of a sudden. 

Her mate. The man she met days ago and gave her virginity to. The man that disappeared right before her eyes without an explanation the following morning. 

Why are you running?” He breathed out to her, Denise in too much shock to even respond. “I’ve been looking for you. Do you know that!” 

“Do you remember me?” She dared to voice out. “Do you know me?” 

“I should be asking you that question, Fiona,” he smirked at her. “I asked you to remember the name. Did you?” 

Of course she did. Brandon Frost. Every letter of his name had haunted her and with him suddenly in front of her again, she didn’t need to be told the haunting had been rekindled 

“Brandon Frost, before she could control herself, his name slipped out of her mouth. “It’s you.” 

“Good girl,” he sunk in a contented breath. “Now I’ve found you. So come with me?” 

He reached for her arm, Denise flinching almost immediately. It was out of both fear and attraction, his every touch reminding her of the effect he had on her. 

“Come with me,” there was a hint of impatience in his words as he repeated them. “Let’s go.” 

“Where?” She dared to ask. “Where are you taking me to?” 

“My palace,” he replied without hesitation. “You’re my mate and I’ve spent the past few days searching for you. Now that I’ve finally found you, i need you to return home with me” 

“What?” She stuttered, her gaze flickering between fear and curiosity. Everything was happening too fast. A couple of hours ago she had lost her pack, family and everything she once held dear to her and suddenly, an opportunity to start afresh was presenting itself in front of her. 

Arya wasn’t willing to think that far, the thought of finally being with her mate giving her more than enough joy. After all, that was what mattered 

the most to her. 

“You should come with me.” 

His voice wasn’t as calm as she’d have wanted it but there was something in his presence that offered her a glimmer of hope. A chance at a new beginning. 

She knew she wasn’t in the position to have a choice. She didn’t have any where to go or any plans on how to survive so if anything, she was to be jumping at the opportunity that suddenly presented itself in front oh her. 

“Alright,” she nodded with a deep exhale. “I’ll come with you.” 

What more could she lose anyways? Her family? Her friends! Her virginity? 

They were all gone already so the only reasonable thing to do was to go with him. After all, he was her mate. 


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