Thorned Shadow [+18]

Chapter 15

“I want to return back to my realm.” Katara spoke.

Cerelia’s hands froze on the spoon she was holding full of hazelnut chocolate. She lifted her gaze, looking at Katara who was not eating.

Erix answered her, quietly. “Stay for a little while longer.” But there was no energy in his voice.

Cerelia had heard them shouting at each other in the dining room when she had walked in earlier than usual. She had been dressed, and ready before Nyota had even come to wake her up, feeling a spring in her step which had disappeared the moment she had heard their voices.

“Where were you last night?”

“I don’t have to answer you, Katara.”

“I’m fucking you. We’re friends. I’m in your fucking bed so you have to answer to me.”

Erix snarled. “Mind your tongue.” He sounded disgusted with her. “Do not make the same mistake as the queen to think I am bound to you because you suck my cock.”

Katara had growled. “You are worthless. A fucking bastard if you think of me so lowly. Is this life more important now? Marry a witch? Well what about me?!”

“You’re not my mate!”

“Is this really the problem right now? That you can’t sink your fucking teeth into my neck and claim me? Because that’s fucking great!”

Erix had not spoken a word after that and Cerelia had waited for five minutes before stepping into the dining room. Emrys had followed shortly after, surprised to see her already sitting.

Nobody had said a word until Katara now.

“I don’t want to. I want to go back.”

“Stay until the wedding.” Emrys offered, from beside her.

“Which is when?” Katara raised her eyebrows at him. “Because at the rate these two are going-” she pointed her finger at Erix and Cerelia who was gaping at the anger in her words. “Cerelia and him are not even going to want to kiss on their wedding day.”

Erix snarled at her. She growled back like a wolf. “Say whatever the fuck you want about me Katara but speak like that again with her name, I’ll rip out your fucking throat.”

“The same throat that you sucked on a day ago? Fantastic. I don’t want it.” She glared back at him, pushing her chair back roughly and letting it fall down on the ground. She turned to look at Emrys. “Where is the gate? I want to go right now.”

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Under the witch tower.” He said quietly, glancing at Cerelia who was watching him. “Agatha will never allow her to pass through. You’re not married yet. She’s the first fae to cross into the witches’ land who wants to open the gate. It’ll cause a war.”

“Why would it?” Cerelia questioned, frowning before Katara could swear.

“When Agatha sent you here, she asked for no fae to enter her land before the marriage. I couldn’t question it because she was threatening me with some ancient law that I don’t even remember.”

“How old is that witch?” Erix muttered.

“So marry him.” Katara looked at Cerelia. “Marry him and let me through the witch’s land before I burn them all.” Flames danced at her hands which surprised Cerelia. She had never seen her use magic.

“It’s not-” easy? What was she supposed to say to that? Erix didn’t say a word. Marriage was a whole new level for her. She had wanted to wait centuries until she took the big step.

“Cerelia.” Katara said her name softly. “I don’t belong here and I can’t stand it. I want to go home. You know how that feels.”

“Marriage isn’t something I’d take lightly, Katara. I don’t even know if I’m ready for it.” She answered her, feeling Erix’s gaze on her face.

They would have a wedding night. She wasn’t ready for that.

“Fine.” Katara muttered, turning around, flames dancing on her arms, as she headed towards the door. “I’ll burn my way through.”

Instantly a black wall of shadows appeared in front of her, blocking her from escaping. “You will do no such thing.” Erix spoke calmly.

“Will you marry her right now then?” Katara whirled around, looking at him, the flames blinking out of sight.

Cerelia did not look at Erix. “When she wants to marry me, I will. It’s not up to me.”

“If it was up to you?” Cerelia questioned, turning to look at him. “Would you marry me?”

He was watching her. “In an instant.”

She felt the blush appearing on her face.

“I want to go back.” Katara growled, forcing Erix to look at her. “Release me. I’ll find my way out of this hell.” She spoke so disrespectfully about this realm, Cerelia was in wonder how she sat so calmly and not raged like Katara did.

Cerelia looked at Emrys, blurting out the words that made Erix choke. “I will marry him now so Katara may leave this horrid place as she likes to call it.”

“Now?” Erix and Emrys said in sync.

Katara was watching her as Cerelia stood up slowly. “If I marry him now or in a thousand centuries, it won’t change anything.” She folded her hands in front of her, not daring to look at Erix. “Emrys, I will marry Erix today if I can help Katara return to her home.”

Truthfully speaking, she wanted Katara to leave.

Emrys stood up, his eyes wide. “I-I oh my Gods.” He blurted out, balancing all of his weight onto the cane. “Today is too soon but tomorrow. I will have to inform the witches, Agatha as well.” Emrys started rambling about all the decorations, and the food as he left the room, Erix’s shadows completely disappeared.

Katara stared at her. Cerelia did not cower away. Katara simply left the room, leaving her alone with Erix.

“You want to marry me.”

She turned her gaze towards him, seeing the amusement in his glowing eyes. “That is why I’m here, aren’t I? To marry the Fae King?”

“You wound me, Cerelia.” He pressed a hand against his heart, mocking a painful look on his face. “I thought it was my good looks and my impressive-”

“Maybe it was the hug from last night that changed my mind.” A grin tugged on her lips, mirroring the one on Erix. He didn’t rise from his chair, instead leaned back, his arms crossed.

Before he could say anything, Nyota ran into the room, eyes wide, a big smile on her face. “You’re getting married tomorrow!” She exclaimed.

Erix chuckled, standing up. “I shall see you tomorrow, Cerelia. As the traditions go of course.”

She ignored the way he purred her name. “What traditions?”

He smirked, looking at Nyota. “I’m sure your friend will fill you in with all the traditions of the wedding day.”

Cerelia watched as he walked out of the room, and could have sworn she sensed his happiness. “You’re getting married!” Nyota exclaimed again and again.

Cerelia sat down on her chair, wondering if she was making a stupid mistake.


Erix was not allowed to see the bride. It was the most common rule of the Fae, whereas the Witches did not care, not believing in bad luck.

Of course, Cerelia did not want to see Erix after the long talk Nyota and Aideen, who had come racing down, gave to her. Her face was burning with embarrassment as they stood in front of her. “I mean if you don’t want to have sex, that’s fine as well-” Aideen started to say.

“Babe, I can smell the arousal from last night in this room.” Nyota patted Aideen’s arms, a wicked grin on her face as Cerelia groaned.

She may have been unsuccessful in pushing the desire out of her mind last night. Erix had left, lingering outside the door for a few minutes but he had left. She had felt the hunger rising inside of her body, making her body burn for him. It was the first time filthy images had appeared in her mind, the way he had cupped Katara in between her thighs. She imagined him doing that to her, whispering into her ear that she was beautiful, no matter how many scars were on her body.

She had felt that pleasure rising inside of her when she had forced the images to disappear, and just laid in bed for hours and hours trying to sleep but sleep did not come. She couldn’t look at Erix in the morning, knowing if she held his gaze for too long, she would tell him her mind was filthy.

“Well she could give him a tease..” Aideen winked at her.

“A tease?” She couldn’t help but ask as poor Annalise’s face deepened with blush.

Annalise had entered her room the moment word had spread through the Kingdom the wedding was to happen tomorrow evening. She had asked Cerelia if she had a wedding gown to which Cerelia had answered no and Annalise’s eyes had brightened. The maids in the castle had wanted to make her gown for her and Annalise was measuring her body with tape, because Cerelia knew her body had grown a little. She was eating more.

“You know-” Cerelia didn’t even know it was possible to smile so wide as Nyota did. “Do you think you’d like control?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

Cerelia felt the blush creeping up her neck. “I don’t know what I’d like.” Her body had been used terribly by others who had taken their own pleasure. She frowned slightly. “What makes you think Erix will even touch me in that way?”

I could have hurt you.

Erix was afraid. She knew and had seen it with her own eyes, the way he would fist his hands around her, as if forcing himself to not touch her. The way his lips had nearly brushed against her neck when he had hugged her from behind but he had pulled back enough to stop himself. He was always stopping himself. What if he didn’t want her to do anything?

Aideen burst out laughing. “You must be truly stupid if you think that.”

A part of her was definitely stupid then.

“How would you— um, tease a male?” Annalise blurted out, making all three girls gasp at her.

Cerelia chuckled but was glad Annalise had asked.

“I’ve been with males.” Nyota said, taking a step forward as if standing under a light. “Allow him to sit on the bed. It’s going to be awkward because there’s always expectations on a wedding night.” There was a gleam in her eyes as she looked at Cerelia who had stretched her arms out for Annalise to measure. “Males tend to sleep without tunics, usually because of the heat, also because it’s a way to tell the female that he’s ready if she’s ready.”

Cerelia made a mental note.

“And-” Nyota raised her finger. “When they’re leaning back against the bed, watching as you brush through your hair.” Her voice was a dream as she spoke. “They’ll be watching you. Cerelia-” she grinned at her. “Walk to him. Slowly so he can feel the burn inside of him and when you stand in front of him, pull the blankets away from his hips.” Cerelia was listening to every word as did Annalise who had stopped measuring her. “And kneel in front of him. Males love it when a female kneels in between their legs and when you pull those pants down, his cock will spring free and before he has anything to say bend down and take him into your mouth. You’ll never hear a more satisfying sound from him.”

Cerelia was too stunned to speak.

“I think you’ve broken her.” Aideen watched her warily, moving towards Cerelia and moving her hand in front of her face. “Cerelia?”

“I’ve never done that before.” She said softly. “Not to any male.” No male had forced himself inside her mouth, as if too afraid she would bite.

Aideen blinked as a sad look appeared on Nyota’s face, remembering the past. It was what she liked about Nyota. She never was afraid to speak her mind, she never made Cerelia feel like she was wrong, as if she would break if they talked about sex. Nyota always liked to talk about it, sometimes on her way to breakfast where she would complain about not having enough time to meet Aideen. She never treated her differently.

“You don’t have to do anything.” Aideen said to her. “I think the king will want to make you comfortable.”

“Are you going to move into his room or will he be moving into your room?” Annalise asked, changing the conversation slightly.

Cerelia shrugged. “I haven’t asked but I would prefer it if he moves into this room with me. The bed is bigger.”

“Someone’s going to be sharing a bed!” Nyota suddenly started singing, lifting the glasses of the red drink she had poured for them. “Let’s not think about sex-though I want your tongue inside of me, Aideen.” She winked at the witch.

“Nyota!” Annalise gasped.

Nyota simply laughed. “Oh my sweet Ann. You will find someone who will blow your mind away.”


A knock on the door made her sit up slowly in bed. It was eleven at night and the castle was quiet, everyone wanting to sleep so they could wake up early for tomorrow.

“Come in.” She called out, knowing it was not Erix because she didn’t feel his Pine and Snow scent.

The door opened slowly and Katara walked inside. “Can I talk to you please?” Her voice was so low, Cerelia wondered if she had been crying.

Cerelia patted the bed beside her and Katara closed the door, walked towards her and climbed on top of the blankets. She wore nothing but a sheer dress. “Is everything alright?” She asked softly.

“I really wanted him to be my mate.” She said quietly. “Zemira allowed me to come here because she also thought he was my mate. I’m not though. I’ve been trying so hard to not let this wedding affect me-” She didn’t look up at her. “I didn’t think of how he was with you, I would just wait for him. And now all we do is fight.”

“Why do you fight?” She asked when Katara did not say anything else.

She dragged her hands through her long red hair. “I think he doesn’t want to allow himself to love anyone other than his mate. I think I want him to love me but I don’t even know how to do that myself.”

Cerelia spoke words that made her heart clench. “I don’t have to marry him if you stay here.”

Katara placed her hand on top of Cerelia. “I think if I stayed here, I might as well just give up this bitchy act I have going on.” She chuckled, looking up at her. “He needs love to understand that he’s not a monster.” She said softly. “I hope to find the love you feel for him.”

Cerelia couldn’t keep the blush away from her face as she stuttered her words. “I don’t love him.”

Katara chuckled, nudging her with her shoulders. “Do you think I would find my mate?”

Cerelia covered Katara’s hand with hers gently. “I think if you force it, if you look for a mate, you’ll never find one. Maybe he’s waiting and searching the skies for you.”

“If he’s a Fae that is.” She chuckled.

“Would you not mate with someone who’s not a Fae?” Cerelia asked confusingly.

Katara sighed. “I see Zemira and Lovis. The perfect Vampire Queen and the perfect Wolf King and I want a love like that but I don’t think anyone other than a Fae will be able to…handle me or my stupid needs.”

Cerelia laughed, nudging her shoulder against Katara now. “I promise, the day after the wedding, I’ll take you to the gate. No matter what happens, you’ll go home, Katara.”

Katara leaned her head on Cerelia’s shoulder and closed her eyes. “You know, I always wanted a big sister and since Zemira found you before me, that would make you my big sister.”

Cerelia couldn’t help but smile. “Is it not weird that I am marrying Erix?”

Katara shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not thinking about it and neither should you. I don’t think I’m going to come back to this realm ever again.”

“I don’t think I’m ever going to go to your realm either.” Cerelia said truthfully and Karara hummed.

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