The Wrong Mr. Right: A Small Town Friends to Lovers Romance (The Queen’s Cove Series Book 2)

The Wrong Mr. Right: Chapter 18

I OPENED my eyes the next morning with a heavy arm draped over my waist, tucked into a warm, hard chest. Naked. It was the first time I had woken up with a guy.

It was heaven.

Wyatt was still asleep, chest rising and falling against me. His lips gently parted, and I took the opportunity to run my finger along the edge of his mouth.

His mouth opened and he nipped my finger. A giggle burst out of my mouth and he opened his eyes and grinned at me.

“Good morning.” His voice was low and raspy. His arm tightened around me.


“How’d you sleep?”

A soft, pleased smile pulled at my mouth. “Great.”

He raised an eyebrow with a knowing smirk. “I bet.”

Another laugh rippled out of me and my face turned pink. I couldn’t stop smiling, though.

Last night. Ugh. Last night was… the best orgasm I’d ever had. It ripped through me like a tsunami. For a couple moments, my body wasn’t my own. It was Wyatt’s. He had complete control over me, and I loved it. The way he knew what to do, the way he touched me exactly how I wanted, it made me feel taken care of, cherished, comfortable, and so, so turned on. I wanted more, and yet I knew more would never be enough.

Keep fucking my hand until it feels too good.

I shivered against him. I was sore from his hand but I throbbed and ached for more.

“Are you cold?”

I shook my head, burying my face into his chest to hide my blush and his arm slid up higher so his fingers were in my hair. I shivered again, down my neck, all the way down my back. I wasn’t usually like this, this turned on, aching, desperate-to-be-touched girl. This horniness was new.

I’ve been dreaming about this.

My core clenched and I made an unhappy noise in my throat.

“What’s wrong?”

I exhaled against his chest. “Horny.” My words muffled into his skin. God, he smelled good. His scent made my eyes roll back. I was slippery between my legs and I ached again for him. I pressed a light kiss to his chest and heard his own groan. He shifted and his hard length pressed against my stomach, sending another ripple of need through me. I pressed back against him and his breath caught.

“Yeah?” He sounded breathless.

I nodded against him, pressing another kiss onto his chest. His fingers tensed in my hair against my scalp and I hummed with approval.

“Tell me what you need, Hannah, and I’ll give it to you.”

His gaze was heavy, dark, and half-lidded. Pupils dilated. Hair messy.

I don’t think I’d ever seen someone so handsome. I loved seeing him undone like this.

“I need your hand,” I breathed.

He pressed a soft kiss on my mouth and his stubble scratched me in a delicious way.

I started to pull back. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

His hand came around the back of my neck and drew me to him. “Don’t care.”

My hand slid from his chest, lower on his stomach, tracing every defined ab. They jumped under my touch and I smiled against Wyatt’s mouth.

“Your body is incredible, professor.”

His mouth pulled into a grin against mine and he nipped my bottom lip. His hand stroked up and down my back against my bare skin. “It’s yours.”


My core clenched again and my breath caught. Warm, languid feelings flooded my brain and bloodstream and I rubbed against him. The pressure of his leg between my legs made me whimper.

Wyatt must have liked me rubbing myself against him because he slipped his hand around to my front. His fingers found a pinched peak and he rolled it.

I whimpered again, arching into his touch. A low laugh rumbled out his chest.

“Feels good,” I whispered.

“Mhm. I know.”

The authority, the confident, knowing tone to his voice, like he knew he was in control, it made me clench harder. More heat, more wetness flooded my center. I grasped the steel length prodding my stomach.

He made a noise like he was in pain but even I knew better. I stroked him hard and he pinched my nipple in response.

“Slow down,” he rasped.

I stroked him again. I wanted to see him lose his mind like he did last night, all over my hand. Wyatt was always so calm and cool, but last night, he was at my mercy. Like I was the boss. “No.”

He jerked against my hand. “Hannah.” His tone was warning.

“You said this was mine.” I worked the heavy length, so thick in my hand.

He groaned into my shoulder. “Jesus Christ, bookworm, you’re going to make me come before I’m ready.”

I stroked him again hard and he sucked a breath through his teeth.

“Okay.” He took his hand from my breast and pulled my wrist off him before he looked hard at me. He moved to hover above me, caging me in, nose an inch from mine. A little smile played at his mouth and I grinned back at him.

“You want to play a little game, bookworm?”

My grin grew and I nodded.

“Okay. This game is called ‘who can make the other person come first.’”

I narrowed my eyes, pretending to think. “This game is new to me, but I think I’ll be good at it.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “Oh, yeah?”

“Uh huh.”

His gaze dropped to my mouth. “I’ve been thinking about playing this game with you for a long time. A very. Long. Time.” He placed soft kisses on my mouth in between each word. My center ached again. “I have more practice and I’ve been paying very careful attention. So what makes you think you’ll win?”

His voice was so light and teasing. My heart beat hard and I bit my grin back. I shrugged and adopted an innocent expression. “I don’t know if I’ll win but I have to try. Isn’t that what you’ve been teaching me?” My other hand reached up to touch his chest and he grabbed that wrist and pinned it down as well. He was holding me down, and I liked it. A lot.

He flashed me a wicked grin. “Mhm.”

Another zing of confidence rushed through my blood. I wanted to make him slip. “I know your cock is probably too big to fit in my mouth but I want to try.”

He laughed in disbelief and dropped his forehead to mine, resting against me. “Jesus Christ, Hannah, you’re going to win before we start the game.” He groaned before taking a deep breath. “Change of plans.”

“What do you—oh.” My words broke off as he shoved the sleeping bag off and pushed my thighs apart. I gasped as he leaned down.

His mouth came to my pussy and my head fell back. He groaned in appreciation and when his hot tongue slicked over my clit, I arched.

“This isn’t fair,” I whispered as his tongue ran circles over me, again and again, winding me tighter. I arched higher and higher, writhing against his mouth.

“Fucking hell, Hannah. You taste too good.” His tongue dove into my wet folds and I whimpered. “Nothing sweeter than you.”

Heat coiled in me and I itched to reach for him again but I couldn’t, I was too overcome with how incredible this felt. His tongue was soft, fast, and slick, and I was soaking his face but he didn’t seem to care. His eyelids fell halfway as his tongue glided over me and the pressure built, low in my stomach. We filled our tent with moans and gasps, and then he slipped a finger inside me and my mouth fell open.

My core clenched around him and he groaned against me.

I gasped a laugh. I could barely talk. He touched something inside me that made pressure build low in my belly.

He lifted his mouth to watch me, his finger still working that zone against my front wall. I met his gaze and something on my face made him grin wickedly. “You’re taking my finger so well. And I bet if I slipped a second finger in, you’d take that, too, wouldn’t you?”

I jerked a nod.

He laughed low and obliged, adding another finger and stretching me. My head fell back.

“Look at you, doing so well. You’re so fucking beautiful, Hannah. I’ve always thought that.” His voice was a caress against my skin and I reached down blindly. His hand met mine.

When he did that last night, grabbed my hand, it was what I needed. An anchor, something to squeeze, something to remind me it was him touching me. It wasn’t just some guy.

It was Wyatt.

“Wyatt,” I whined. My toes were curling.

“Mhm. I know. Tell me how good it feels.” He studied his hand moving in and out of me.

“Amazing,” I gasped, back going rigid. My legs were shaking. “Like I’m going to come.”

“Good. Your pussy is clenching me, Hannah. Do you know what that means?”

I nodded hard and my eyes closed as the pleasurable waves approached.

“It means you’re close, baby. It means you’re doing everything right. Do you know how hard you’re making me? Teasing me with that pretty mouth, telling me I won’t fit?”

He lowered his mouth to my clit and licked me again, laying pleasure upon pleasure, and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. My hand gripped his.

“You’re almost there, baby,” he told me in between the circles he lapped on me.

The wave inside me crested and I could barely speak. I could barely breathe. “Wyatt.” I choked the word out.

His fingers worked harder and he made a noise of approval against my clit.

It was that little noise, half-growl, half-groan, that tipped me over the edge. It was the same noise he made when we ate breakfast, when he was starving after a morning of surfing, and his eyes closed while he dove in. Him enjoying this, finding me so delicious and necessary, it shot electricity from my core throughout my body. I ground against his mouth, and everything was tight and hot and incredible, so fucking incredible. Pulse after pulse sparked through me and my focus darted everywhere and nowhere, all at the same time. My thoughts scattered in the air. I was weightless and floating.

When I came back to earth, I sank into the mattress and pillows, breathing hard. I let out a laugh. “You win.”

He laughed and climbed over me, placing a sweet kiss on my mouth before pressing a trail of them down my neck. His erection hit my stomach. “I love how loud you get.”

My face flushed with embarrassment. “Oh my god.”

He laughed. “It’s okay. There’s no one out here.”

I reached down for his length, prodding me with urgency, and he groaned when I wrapped my fingers around him.

“Oh, fuck.” He broke off in a gasp when I stroked him hard.

“Consolation prize,” I murmured against him, pressing a kiss to his neck before sucking on the tender skin. He shuddered.

I explored him with my hand, running along the length, all the way down to his sac, gripping it. He shuddered again. A bead of liquid appeared at the tip and I spread it over him.

“Fuck,” he whispered against my hair, thrusting himself into my hand. “Fuck, Hannah.” He thrust again and made a noise of pain in his throat.

I was going to take what I wanted while I had the chance. I sat up, leaned over, and took him into my mouth.

A high-pitched noise of disbelief came out of him as my lips slid over him and I moaned, as much as I could with him in my mouth. The drop that had beaded on his tip tasted a little salty, a little musky. His cock was harder than steel but the skin was so soft, like velvet, and there was something so satisfying about dropping further onto him, filling my mouth up with him. I glanced up to see him watching me with an expression of agony, disbelief, and pleasure.

“This is my first time doing this,” I said to him, “so tell me if I’m doing it wrong.”

He shook his head slowly, mouth parted. “Not wrong. Good. So fucking good.” His chest rose and fell fast and I grinned at him before taking him again in my mouth. His eyes fell half-way closed. “Fuck, Hannah, you’re taking me so well.”

Delight shuddered through me when he said that and I bobbed up and down, running my tongue along the underside of him. He groaned.

This was fun.

“That’s my girl. Just like that, baby.” He lifted his hands to his own hair, raking it back. The muscles on his stomach tensed like they were carved from stone. I’d be thinking about this moment for a long time.

When I added suction, he pulsed in my mouth, and when I made a throaty noise of enjoyment, he gasped.

“Hannah. I’m gonna come.”

I glanced up at him while I worked him in and out of my mouth, sucking hard. “Mhm.”

He nodded hard, frowning like he was in pain, gaze locked on me. His mouth fell open and he thrust into my mouth. Hot liquid spilled all over my tongue in spurts and I listened to Wyatt’s gasps and groans as he emptied himself.

When he was done, I gave him a big grin and wiggled my eyebrows. He was still catching his breath, lying back and watching me with a funny look.

Almost like he was afraid of me.

“What’s that look for?” I snorted and he pulled me up to him, against his chest.

“I didn’t know you could do that.”

I shrugged. “Me neither. That was fun.”

“Fun.” He laughed. “Holy shit, Hannah.”

“Any notes, professor?”

He groaned and closed his eyes. “Fuck. When you call me that…”

I bit my lip and snuggled in closer to his chest. “I know.”

“You’re a fucking temptress, you know that?”

I nearly laughed. Me, a temptress? I had the sexual prowess of a caterpillar. Temptresses wore long, flowing red robes with feathers, red lipstick, lingerie, high heels. I was the girl who hid in her bookstore.

The way Wyatt looked as I was about to make him come, though, like I held total power over him? Incredible. I could be my own type of temptress. I could just be Wyatt’s temptress.

The thought made me laugh to myself. Wyatt’s. It’s yours, he had said about his body. I didn’t even know I wanted to hear that until he said it. Mine. I’d never had someone’s body to myself before. Never felt ownership over someone the way I did about Wyatt.

The thought shocked me. Wyatt wasn’t mine. He didn’t even believe in true love. He didn’t believe in forever, for Christ’s sake. A pinch of worry hit me in the stomach.

Wyatt believed in right now, though. Living in the present and enjoying what life provided. Letting things pass and moving on when it was time.

So maybe I should do the same. I should enjoy this time with Wyatt, enjoy fooling around with him and learning things from him. When it was time for it to end, I would let it.

The thought of this ending made me want to cry, so I shoved it away. That was future Hannah’s problem. Right now, I was only concerned with the present. Like Wyatt taught me.

Wyatt squeezed his arm around my shoulders with his eyes closed, and I breathed him in, memorizing this moment.

“I need a nap,” he murmured. “I need to recover.”

I nodded, smiling. “Okay.”

IT WAS early afternoon when we got back into town.

“Let’s grab a coffee,” Wyatt suggested, and I agreed. We parked and waited for a break in traffic before jogging across the street.

Miri Yang stood in front of the coffee shop with a stack of papers and a small group of people gathered around her. I recognized a few faces.

“…between ten and eleven at night.” Her eyes were wide and animated. “We have almost no details but we do know she’s in extreme pain.”

“She may have slipped on a hike,” Randeep Singh added behind her. He was a hiking guide for tourists. He crossed his arms over his chest. “On some of those trails out there, you take one step off the path and you’re falling down a cliff. The way she was crying out, I’m sure she broke something.”

They noticed us standing there and Miri shoved flyers at us. “Oh, good, you two. Here, take some flyers and pass them out at your businesses.”

“What’s going on?” I glanced down at the paper and read.

Missing hiker in distress in the Pacific Rim area. Thought to be unprepared and severely injured. Airlift may be required.

I frowned. “That’s awful.”

“We have search parties leaving in an hour to canvas the area,” Miri told the group of us.

“If you and Holden are free,” Randeep added to Wyatt, “we could use your help. You two are always camping in that area.”

I froze and turned to Wyatt. It couldn’t be…? He wore a funny expression on his face and my stomach plummeted through my feet to the core of the earth. His mouth ticked like he was trying not to laugh and he nodded, rubbing his jaw.

The woman they had heard crying out in pain was me. Crying out for a different reason.

A reason I did not want to have to explain to everyone.

“Sorry,” I cleared my throat. My voice was thin and high. “Um. Why do you think there’s a woman in distress?”

“I was camping out there last night and heard her,” Randeep repeated with wide eyes. “She was moaning in pain. Again and again. Loudly, too. She was hurt. I’m sure of it. We have to help her.” He shook his head. “There was so much moaning.”

“What did the noises sound like?” someone asked Randeep.

He gestured to Miri. “Miri, go ahead.”

“They were like unh, unh, unhhhh,” Miri moaned, and my eyes bugged out of my head. “Right?”

Randeep shook his head. “Louder and longer, like UNHHHHHHHHH, UNHHHHHHHH.” The crowd around Miri and Randeep grew as people stopped and stared at Randeep moaning. “She even said, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die.”

Wyatt’s hand twitched on my shoulder, and I wished I would die right there. My face blazed with heat.

Don stuck his head through the crowd. “Like unhhhnnn, unhhhhhh? Or like unh-unh-unh?”

I cleared my throat. “I don’t see why this level of detail is important.” My voice warbled and Wyatt squeezed my shoulder.

Randeep pointed at Don. “The first one. Really drawn out.”

Don nodded and made a note in his notebook. “Thank you for the clarification. Can I list you as a source?”

My head was about to explode from embarrassment. “Don, are you writing a blog post on this?”

He glanced up at me over his glasses with a frown. “Of course.”

Wyatt rubbed his hand over his mouth and our gazes met, my wide eyes full of fucking mortification and his full of laughter and amusement. His chest shook and he covered a laugh with a cough.

“Excuse us a moment.” He led me away, glancing over his shoulder at them.

We got all the way around the corner before he burst out laughing.

I slapped his arm. “Wyatt! You said we’d be alone.” My voice sounded like a goblin.

His grin stretched ear to ear as he laughed and leaned against the wall. “I thought we would be.”

“This isn’t funny.”

“Oh, bookworm.” He wiped his eyes. “This is so, so funny.”

I peeked around the corner, where the group around Miri grew in number. Randeep was explaining where to meet for the search and rescue, and I winced.

“They’re sending out search parties,” I whispered to Wyatt.

I wanted to hide. I wanted to run into my bookstore, lock the door, flip the sign to closed, and disappear into a book. The search parties would go out and find no one, because there was no one.

But that would be wrong. Super wrong. It would be a waste of everyone’s day. A police cruiser pulled up, and then a firetruck came around the corner.

“Why the hell is the fire department getting involved?” I hissed over my shoulder at Wyatt, who stuck his head out to look.

It would be a waste of town resources. I had to say something. I wrung my hands and swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath. “We have to say something.”

Wyatt’s hand rested on the back of my neck. “You want me to take this one?”

I glanced up at him with hope on my face. “Would you?”

He nodded down at me with a smirk. “I owe you one after this morning.” He winked and dropped a quick kiss on my cheek. “Be right back.”

I peeked around the corner as he approached the group and gestured to Randeep.

“Got a second?”

Randeep followed Wyatt a few steps away. “Do you have some info?”

“Uh, sort of.” Wyatt chuckled. “That woman you heard last night wasn’t in distress.”

Randeep frowned and leaned in. “What do you mean?”

Wyatt cleared his throat and straightened up, looked weirdly proud. “That was Hannah and me.”

Randeep frowned in confusion. “What do you—” His mouth dropped open. “Oh. So you two—” He raised his eyebrows.

Wyatt nodded. “Yep.”

“Well, then.” He put his hands on his hips. “Thank you for telling me. Guess I should call off the search party.” He stared at the ground with a frown, thinking. “You and Hannah Nielsen?”

“Mhm.” Wyatt shifted so I couldn’t see his face.

My heart beat hard in my chest. The way he was talking, he was making it sound like we were…

A couple?

The thought melted into my bloodstream. A couple. Wyatt and I as a couple.

I mean, of course we weren’t. We were practicing. He was helping me and I was helping him.

But the thought was nice.

Randeep clapped Wyatt’s shoulder. “Good for you, Wyatt. I’m glad everyone’s okay.”

Wyatt nodded once and Randeep returned to the group.

“False alarm, everyone. There’s no one in distress,” he announced to the group in a loud, booming voice. “It was Hannah Nielsen and Wyatt Rhodes fooling around.”

A strangled noise of humiliation gurgled out of my throat. My face burned so hot I might melt. Wyatt returned to my side with a huge grin while I watched in horror.

“Hannah Nielsen?” Miri asked. “And Wyatt Rhodes?” Her eyes were bigger than I had ever seen them. She grabbed Randeep’s arms with force. She was a tiny woman of five foot two, but he reared back in fear at the savage fire in her eyes. “Tell me the truth. Are you kidding right now?”

“He told me himself.”

Her sharp, interested gaze whipped to us, where I peeked around the corner.

Wyatt’s hand slipped into mine and he tugged. “Let’s get out of here, bookworm, before we have to answer some awkward questions.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. We returned to the truck and Wyatt started the car. In the side mirror, I spotted Miri running towards us. Wyatt exited the parking lot, rolling down the window to wave at her.

“I’m so happy for you two!” she called after us.

Wyatt took one look at my face and burst out laughing again, the lines around his eyes crinkling and his grin reaching from ear to ear.

“I’m going to move to Newfoundland.” I covered my burning face with my hands. “Everyone knows now.”

He shrugged, still wearing that grin. “So what. Let them know.”

Know what? What were we?

I was living in the present, or trying to, and those were questions for the future. I blew a breath out, glanced at Wyatt, and burst out laughing.

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