The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 51 The Blue Moon Part 1

(Chapter song ‘Through Glass' by Stone Sour)


I tried to avoid all of this. I know I thought dying was the answer, but Zen gives me so much to live for that I can’t. Not if I can help it, at least. But the last thing I want her to be is a damn experiment. Unfortunately, it looks like we have no choice if we want to find out if Dorians ring is stable.

With Mikael destroyed, and everything calmed down for now, we proceeded with what Fate wants, apparently. A Blue Moon wedding.

I can see it. I always saw it, but I kept it to myself. I knew it was going to happen this way. I was just in denial.

I won’t lie and deny that I don’t want to share this with her. The moon for a shifter is a big deal. Just not for humans. She can’t enjoy it like I can. To her it’s just another moon. But still. The thought of standing with her under it makes me smile. Even if it’s only temporary.

In a few hours, we'll find out if I live or die.

Dorian couldn’t confirm the chances of my wolf not being strong enough to break out of the ring. The time I was connected to Mikael proved that there is powers out there that can pull him out. I just hope the moon isn’t that powerful.

This has never been done before, so while he’s optimistic, I don’t like the odds. I have to be sure. If it goes the way I fear, it’s been agreed that I have to be put down.

I guess it won’t be the butterflies that make we want to puke.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper as I dry the tear that fell from her eye.

“I’m sorry, too.” She chokes and meets my eye. “I don't think I can do what you’re asking me to do.”

“If you love me. You'll do it.” I lean in and gently kiss her lips as she lets out a soft whimper. I rest my forehead on hers. “If this doesn’t work, I can’t exist. I can’t be with you, or anyone and I can’t let him live. If he breaks out, I want you to do what you told me 5 years ago.”

Her lip quivers. “Shoot you.”

I take her soft, thin fingers and lift them to my heart and head. “Here… or here.” I close my eyes and kiss her fingers as she whimpers a little louder. “Kill shot.” I lock with her gorgeous blue eyes. “I won’t fight. The moment I feel him in me and I tell you to pull that trigger. You do it, Zennie. Promise me.”

Her eyes turn to slits as more tears falls. “I promise.” She chokes.

I grab her and pull her into me. She cuddles into my arms and I rest my cheek in her hair.

“It won’t happen. Nothing will happen. I have to believe it.” She whispers as she dries her cheeks.

I rest my lips on her head. “I’m praying, baby. I love you so much.” I pull back and hold her cheeks. “I just had to talk to you about this in case things did go south.”

She gently strokes my scruffy chin. “I’m putting that ring on you… right when the moon peaks.” She narrows her eyes and smirks. “We're going to give Fate a big Striker fuck you.”

Thank god, for her positivity. I really want to jump in the lake and not come back up.

As the sun sets at the lake's horizon, we stand on the dock of the Striker Lake house. She smiles as she stares into my eyes. The sun’s colors play in her hair and I’m internally begging for forever.

“Quaid erected a barrier around the woods. Nathaniel insisted on staying away to not attract any more angels. Everyone else agreed to pause the contest.” She says.

I look down, then out to the light rippling water. It’s dark color has a hint of blue on it as the moon takes the place of the sun. “It makes me feel better that it’s only the council.”

“I don’t think we can get anyone to come now anyway.” She chuckles.

“No. I guess not.” I snicker, then lick my bottom lip. “For better or worse, I’m the luckiest guy on the planet.”

She closes the gap and looks up into my eyes. “Our marriage makes us both lucky.”

“I like that.” I place my fingertips on her chin and softly kiss her lips as the sky shines blue, red, orange and yellow.

Our marriage won’t be as strong as the bond, but I already feel like no one can break this. We are so devoted to this, that it will impossible to get between us.

She breaks the kiss and takes a deep breath. “Well, this will be cheapest wedding in history. No dress, flowers or food.”

I smile, shake my head, and look into her eyes. “I don’t need any of that. I mean, I wanted it to be special, but if this is all it takes… I don’t care. I don’t care what you’re wearing or how many people are here. I just want you to be one with me. That’s it. Be one with me, Zen.”

“Yes.” She grins.


We turn to Quaid who claps his hands. “So, we have a few hours. I say we eat, drink and be merry before the show, yeah?”

“Sure.” Zen smiles, takes my arm, and we walk off the dock to the picnic tables out by the back door of the Lake house.

We sat, talked and laughed. These people really are Zen’s family. And I’m so thankful she has them. My human hunter is strong and amazing, but even she needs help. It’s nice to know these guys will all have her back when I’m not around. I just hope I will be for as long as I can be.

“I thank you all for putting off you’re blue moons for this.” Zen says before tipping her beer back.

“Eh… It’s not like we had anything better to do.” Dorian picks at his bottle as he leans back in a lawn chair.

“I thought you had a prospect.” Demetri arches a brow.

“I did.” HE sighs and picks up his bottle. He looks at his pocket watch. “She should be half way across the ocean by now.”

“I’m sorry.” I say quietly.

“Not your fault, mate. I messed it up. I admit that. I just took her for granted. That’s all.” The corner of his lip ticks up.

“Maybe she’ll come back.” Darius says.


“What about you, kid?” Krestin back hands Darius.

He looks down at his bottle and rolls it between his palms. “I've been banned.’

‘What?” the tabke says in unison.

He glances at Krestin. “I took your word. I went to get my princess. I was caught, arrested, my entry torn up and banned for life.” He looks down. “The fights are finished now. I’ve lost. I’ve lost her.” He wipes his nose and drowns his sorrow.

Krestin lays a hand on his shoulder. “Fuck. I’m sorry, kid. You shouldn’t have listened to me. But… don’t count yourself out just yet.”

He rolls his eye to him. “No?”

Krestin shakes his head. “No. If she’s as special as you say she is, I have a feeling you'll make it to each other. Just…not in the way you think. The moon will come through.”

He look out the moon rising to its peak and casting deep blue over everything. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” Krestin smiles.

“What about you, handbag?” Zen smirks behind her bottle.

Krestin points to her nose. “I told you. Enough with jokes about my hide.”

“Yeah. That’s not gonna happen.” She sticks her tongue out and Krsstin gives her a snarky look.

The table snickers.

Krestin straightens his sweater. “I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll ever find her. I thought I did, but she was only using me to get to an egg.”

“An egg?” Cora asks.

“Yeah. I don’t know what’s special about it. It’s garbage. There’s nothing in it. We store bad eggs for food for hatchlings. The vault is full of them, but this one was one this drakina was willing to die for. I don’t understand.” He replies with confusion.

“Who is she?” Demetri asks.

“Don’t know.” Krestin shrugs. “I never got a chance to ask. She disappeared as quickly as she showed up. But if I get my hands on her again, I’ll be finding that out and more.”

“If she didn’t get the egg and it’s as important as you say, I think she’ll be back.” Cora suggests.

“I hope so. She’s interesting. I’ve never met a dragon like her before.” He says quietly.

“I thought you liked lambs?” Zen quips.

“Lambs are too flighty. I need a girl with a little fire.” He glances and bounces his brow as the table laughs.

“Quaid?” Zen looks across the table.

He waves her off. “I’ve been so absorbed in all this, I haven’t had time. There was a human girl once. She wanted me to teach her. I let her go. I don’t have room in my life for that.”

“Right. The hopeless romantic. I don’t believe it.” Zen crosses her arms and eyes him.

He meets Zen’s eyes. “Ok. It wasn’t ne, it was her. She couldn’t deal with her inadequacies as a sorcerer and I tried to help her, but she gave up. I just couldn’t reach her. I also didn’t want her to leave, but she did. Back the northern faction and out of my life.”

“Awe. I’m sorry.” Zen leans on the table. “Maybe she’ll be back next year.”

“Hopefully. I know she’s nothing lkke me, but I was really starting to feel something. Maybe the stars will ne different.” He smiles.

“That’s it, buddy. Stay positive.” I grin and clink my bottle to his.

“Eh, dead guy. What happened to what you were chasing. You said you almost had her?” Krestin tips his bottle back.

Demetri laces his fingers on the table. “I’ve called off the hunt. With my mother looking for my neck, I don’t want her around. The problem is she won’t stay away. I hear her in the walls and around my room. She’s driving me batty. I’ve tried so many times to drive her away.”

“She likes you.” Cora smiles.

“She’s spying. She has to be. It’s not a coincidence that she showed up when my mother did. She has a connection to Lenora and I wanted to find out, but now, I’m not so sure.” He says.

“Why not?” Quaid asks.

“Because if she’s working for my mother, I’m going to have to kill her and I don’t think I can do that.” He mumbles.

“Maybe you can convince her?” Zen asks.

“I tried. She's conflicted for some reason. I think her familiar connection is stronger than she’s letting on.” He glances around the table.

“I told you. Familiar are not to be trusted.” Quaid states.

Demetri glances at him. “I know. I just… didn’t think I could feel this way.”

“It may not be your undead heart. Your Upir is most likely ruling you.” Quaid replies.

Demetri scowls. “My Upir doesn’t control me.”

Quaid puts up his hand. “No. You’re evolving, but you do struggle. It’s not an easy vampire to be. You have your mother to thank for that.”

“I know.” He grumbles and drinks his rabbit blood.

“Listen. We have all kinds of emotional controllers at the house. Swing by and I’ll hook you up.” Zen offers.

“No. I need to deal with this on my own. Me being a Upir doesn’t change my ruling. My mother is just using it to make me weak. She won’t win.” He furrows his brow. “Lenora will regret the day she tried to take my seat. I’ll eat her myself.” He snarls.

“Ok, count. Simmer down.” Zen raises a hand to him.

“Giovanni?” Daruis addresses the burly man in the Italian suit.

“My search continues. My Bella was with Nala and now she’s gone. I have many searchers out there. They all say nothing.” He grumbles.

“Maybe it’s because you want to turn her into a slave.” Cora narrows her eyes.

“No!” Giavanni barks. “Who spoke of this?! I do no such thing?”

Cora leans on the table. “She didn’t sneak into this country as a puma?”

He gives her a curious look. “No. She was on the boat. Yes. I saved her from the brutal sailors. Then she run from me like she’s scared. I only wanted to help!’

Cora slowly leans back. “Oh… I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“I’m sure I told you.” He side eyes her.

“Cora?” Zen questions. “You’ve been acting really weird. What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I just forgot.” She shrugs.

“That was more than forgot. That was like alternate reality stuff.” She studies me.

She clears her throat. “Yes. Well… Shall we go through the plan so we all know our parts before the moon peaks?” She looks around the table and I watch her curiously. I don’t know what’s going on, but it feels like it’s something she’d rather not tell us.

If I’ve learned anything over the past year is that the truth always finds a way out. You can hide from it, but you can’t hide it forever. I tried and it bit me in the ass more times than I could count. I almost became my fathers next victim. If it wasn’t for Zen, I’d be trying to take over England. I know it.



We talked some more about loves that got away and what the future will look like. We ran through the plan and I watched Avery as each one explained their part if things don’t work out.

My heart hurts. It’s not a conversation I wanted to have on my wedding day. I just need to keep it in the back of my mind. This will work. Everything will be OK.

With the moon approaching the top of the sky over the lake, Quaid erected a magic barrier. The sky above the trees turns red with a magic netting and disappears.

“There. The moon can get through, but everything else shouldn’t.” He says as he stands on the shore by the end of the dock.

“Thank you.” I grin.

Avery grabs my hands as the council stands in a semi- circle around us.

“Ready?” He whispers.

“No.” I try to smile. “But I can’t wait.” I chuckle nervously and he laughs.

“Right.” Quaid holds his hands behind his back. “First. I am completely honored to perform this most special ceremony for you. I haven’t done many human traditions in mating, but those that I have done, I always felt that they were so much more special. A love built of chance… there’s something deeper there.”

I stare into Avery’s eyes as the bright white moonlight plays in his eyes. I wish I could see what he sees. I’m sure it’s as beautiful as he is, right now.

“Now, on this night of all nights. As the moon hangs high, I will join you, Esmerelda Striker. And you, Avery Kirkland. In a bond that no one can tear asunder. This bond will not only connect your hearts, but your souls. The true love between you will be made stronger on this night and there is nothing that can break the vows you both will take.”

‘Here we go.’ Avery mouths and I blush.

“Avery. The ring.” Quaid nods to him.

Dorian hands Avery my ring. I feel my eyes heat and I try to fight my tears.

“Repeat after me, please. I, Avery Kirkland…”

“I, Avery Kirkland…” He holds my hand and hovers the ring at the tip of my ring finger.

“Take you, Zen. To have and to hold. In sickness and health. For richer and poorer. In good times and bad. Forever and always. Til death do you part.”

“Take you, Zennie. To have and to hold. In sickness and in health. For richer and poorer. In good times and bad. Forever and always. Til death do us part.” He slowly slips the ring on my finger and I barely keep the tears back.

He smiles ear to ear and reaches up to wipe my cheeks. “Shhh… We're not done.” He chuckles.

“I know.” I laugh and wipe my eyes. “Okay. I’m good.” I take a deep breath.

“Good girl, Zen!” Cora laughs and I laugh, too.

“Esmerelda. The same.” Quaid instructs.

I nod and look up. The moon is so close.

“30 seconds.” Dorian announces as he hands me the ring with the evil bastard in it.

I suck in my top lip and look into Avery’s eyes. My hands are shaking as I take his hand.

“It'll be fine.” He swallows. “It’s ok.”

I sniff, nod and let out a shaky breath. “I-I, Esmeralda Striker. Take you, Avery. To have and to hold. In sickness and in health…”

My brows cinch as the light around him changes. I look up at the moon as it seems to stop directly over him. I look back down and it’s like he's surrounded by a prism of light reflecting off his body.

He smiles. “Zen?”

I shake my head and come back. “Sorry. I… forgot…”

“In health.” Quaid reminds.

“Yes. Thank you.” I clear my throat and place his ring at the tip of his finger. “In good times and bad. Forever and always. Til death… do… us part.”

“Two… One… Zero.” Dorian whispers.

I watch him with worry as I slowly slip the ring on his finger.

He grins at me, then looks around at us all. “I’m OK.” He laughs. “I’m OK. Zen… ARRGH!”


He falls down on knee with his arms wrapped around him. He’s growling and his fists ball. “ZEN! I… I FEEL… AHHH!” He gets up with a loud growls, shoves me away, and stumbles back. His eyes are glowing gold and his face looks twisted in pain and anger.

Cora grabs shadow balls. Dorian cocks two guns, Krestin’s chest glows with fire, and Darius grows bear claws. Demetri pulls a sword and lifts it with two hands above his head, and Giovanni grows clawed lycan hands.

“NO! WAIT!” I hold my hand out to the council and one out to Avery. “Fight him, Ave. You can put him back. I watched you do it. Put him back.”

“Eerrggg… I can’t!!” He holds himself as he bends over, and struggles to fight his father.

“PLEASE! FIGHT HIM!!” I yell as tears wet my cheeks. “DON’T DO THIS TO ME! PLEASE!!”

He looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. “Do it.”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Zennie. I feel him! Do it!” He yells.

I snatch my gun from behind my jacket and aim it at his head.

“Do it.” He pants.

“I can’t. Please. Fight.” I cry.


The moon makes his body glow brighter and my sobbing cries mix with his roars of pain.

“I can’t.” I whimper.

He locks with my eyes. “Please.”

I adjust my finger on the trigger, aim for his head, and close my eyes. My tears fall and my heart stops.

“I’m sorry.”

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