The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 10

(Chapter song ‘I Don't Like The Drugs(But The Drugs Like Me)’ by Marilyn Manson, ‘Too Good At Goodbyes' by Sam Smith)


Someone put something in the water. Seriously. After the encounter with Zayden, the weird ass monster king. And me thinking I’m being followed. Now, there’s even more sightings of weird crap.

Two weeks ago, a farmer shot something on his property. It was a head shot and the thing was dead. We confirmed it. After brushing off the local authorities, we went to the farm and I wasn’t prepared. This takes things to a whole new level.

Laying out in the middle of his cow pasture was a creature covered in blue-black fur. It looked like a lycan, but was way larger. It had a shorter snout and longer fingers. It also had a pair of bat wings… or dragon wings. I don’t know. They were black skin. No feathers. All I know is wolves are flying now, and I need to know how that happened.

Anyway, we wrapped it up and took it to our morgue. When we opened up the wrap, the thing shifted during transport to a blonde girl with blue eyes who looked to be around 20.

Here's where things get weird.

The only thing about her is that her DNA is in no known database or any database for that matter. That’s not surprising. Finding someone’s DNA already registered in the system is a crapshoot anyway. We discovered she was 4 months pregnant. We tested the child to see if maybe we could pin the father down, and I had to run the test four times.

The child this woman is carrying is her 100% match. The frigging woman is asexual. Meaning she has no need for a male. She can create an exact clone of herself. I immediately ran to the lore and found nothing. Nothing on lycans or anything else that clones itself in this way.

OK. Autopsy, it is. When I opened this woman up, everything looked normal. When I ran the genetics though…

The lycan part was confirmed. The other part wasn’t. It was 50% unknown. In fact, it didn’t even come close to anything on this planet. Not even a plant which even humans have some things in common with.

This really confused me. I took the bullet out and did a scan of her brain. It look normal except for two black organs at the base of her pituitary gland. I took a sample of them and left to have them analyzed.

When I came back, she and my lab coat were gone. On the table was a pair of scissors and stitch material. Smashed on the floor was the baby lycan with tiny wings. I took a towel and picked up the child. I put it on the table and looked to a camera. Security confirmed that she woke up, stitched herself, got pissed about the baby being removed and left the lab. She slipped out with a group of staff that were leaving for the day.

We questioned everyone who may have seen her and no one remembers seeing her at all. Apparently, a naked woman in a short lab coat didn’t raise any questions at all. We tested all the people she came in contact with on a hunch that turned out to be correct.

Those organs in her brain, lycan pup memory erasure glands. The pup puts out a chemical that makes their attackers unable to remember them. So, what I thought was an adult lycan was actually only a 3 to 5 year pup.

This feels like a really bad acid trip.

It lead me to think, someone had to birth her. I sat for a week and watched the internet. Sure enough, it pulled through.

Sightings of more of these creatures popped up all over Europe. Along with several reports of missing and murdered cattle and sheep. All of them seemed to centered around the Scottish highlands. Working with Sentinel we narrowed it down to 20 kilometers of forest area and in that area was a ruined castle. It had to be a nest of some kind.

Flash forward, four teams of hunters are closing in on a new breed of monster. The castle pillar is the only thing left standing in the middle of the dense trees. The top is half gone and the front is barely together. When we get closer to it, our Intel was confirmed. A light was inside the ruins and movement of a person walking around was confirmed by me and two other teams.

“Team 1. Take the west. Team 3. Take the back. Team 2. Shoot anything that tries to escape and we got the front.” I instruct as we get to the tree line surrounding thr old stone building.

‘Roger that.’

‘Affirmative, Team 1’

We crouch as we approach with weapons armed.

Just then a man runs from the woods on the east side. “RILEY!!”

I watch him run to the door.

“EVERYBODY MOVE!” was shouted from inside.

“WE’VE BEEM MADE! GO! GO! GO!” I yell the command and we descend on the place.

I run across the small open space between the ruins and trees and leap over the half stone wall. I raise my weapon when I’m faced with the woman that was laid out dead on my medical table.

She stands with her hands up as dozens of the creatures take flight out the hole of the roof. “SHOOT THEM DOWN!!” I order.

She watches me carefully as I train my gun on her forehead. Sounds of gunfire and my men shouting erupt outside. The growling roar of the creatures rise into the sky.

She flicks a lighter and holds up the flame.

“Is that supposed to scare me?” I smirk.

“No. This is.” She drops it and the pile of bags in front of her erupt into three foot flames. I shield myself and back up then refocus my gun on her. She stares at me through the flames.

“We'll kill you.” I warn.

“You can try. My children will live. My boys will the protect the pack. They will hunt out more and grow us on their own. We only want to survive. Just like you.” She says.

“There’s no more room, sweetie. We have enough weird shit on this planet. Flying mutts are not needed.” I reply as the flames burst out a intense flare.

“It’s a shame your so cynical, Zen. I actually think we could be friends.” She says as she backs up.

“How do you know my name?” I ask as I cinch my brow.

“Does it matter?” She answers.

“Not really.” I stare her down.

She motions to the bags. “I’d start running.”

I give her a curious look then look to the burning bags. Then it clicks when I see the two plastic tubes uncovered in the ash of the fabric.


I spin around and run for the stone wall as my men bolt for the trees. I jump over it and get to the tree line when the snapping sound of the ignitors are heard, then the boom of the explosive material inside the pipes fills the forest.

I’m thrown into the trees as the force of the explosion billows out and up, taking the castle ruins with it in a fire cloud. The immediate vicinity is rocked and pushed over and pieces of stone hit the ground around us.

As the forest fills with black smoke, I shove leafy branches off me and look up the sky. The small image of her flying away makes my anger rise.

“Shit!” I hit the ground and stand. I shove my gun in my holster and collect my people as we escape the fires.

“I want satellite trackers and all the waves watched. I need them found. Those all came from this Riley woman which means they’re fast breeders. We can’t let that happen.”

I put out my instructions as I walk around the first truck parked on the side of a country road.

“We need to stop this infestation in its tracks.” I grit as I slam the door.


“Damn it!!”

I shove the front doors open and stride into the hallway. I fume as I pass photos of generations of hunters and their dead prizes. I rip off my bike jacket and run my fingers through my hair.

One thing I can’t stand is losing. I’m a horrible loser.

“Good evening, Miss. I trust everything went well.” A man in a sharp suit stands with his chin up and takes my jacket.

“Harry. Does this look like it went well?” I point to my face and glare.

“No, Miss.” He says stoically.

“No. It didn’t.” I turn and walk into the red common room. The couches are brown and covered in shifter pelts. The walls are also covered in photos and stuffed heads of both normal and mythical creatures and a giant stuffed Were-Bear stands on its hind legs by the bar.

This room alone is half the reason I keep myself separate from the others. I don’t want to get close in case things go south and I find myself on the other side of the line. I don’t want that line blurred.

The other half is personal. I won’t go into it, but let's just say I feel inadequate and don’t need to be reminded of that more than I have to be.

As a human, I’m very aware of my capabilities and theirs. I won’t lie and say a twinge of fear doesn’t strike me the moment I enter that council room. It only takes a second, so I’m constantly on my toes.

These feelings were only solidified tonight. When I lose, I feel small and I hate that.

I grab a shot glass and pour a whiskey as my butler walks up to me at the counter. “Answer me this, Harry. What gives these things a right to invade us? Who the hell made them superior?”

I’m not really asking. I’m just venting to no one in particular, but it is a valid question.

“I’m not sure, Miss.” He responds.

“I just don’t understand where they get off. They think they can just breed and spread around and humans are just supposed to be quiet about it.” I point to him with my glass hand. “I’ll tell you one thing. If this keeps up, my extinction list is going to get a hell of a lot longer. My father was too political, but that’s over. The Strikers are not going to be threatened.”

“Still as tough as ever.”

I look around Harry and blink my eyes.

He slowly walks in the entrance to the room with his hands in the pockets of his light blue jeans.

My brows slowly cinch up and my lips hang open.

He shrugs in his brown leather jacket and fixes his white shirt. His brown eyes lock with mine and I bite my top lip.

“Hey, Esmerelda. You…um…you look good.” He runs a hand over his short cut, brown hair, and then smiles. His short cut beard accents his strong chin, and jaw and I feel myself heat. “I hope I didn’t show up at a bad time.” He glances at Harry then me.

I shove my glass into Harry’s hand as my shock turns to anger. “Find somewhere to put that.” I mumble.

He glances at the man who should have stayed away. “Gladly. Call me… if you need something else removed.” He says with smug disgust.

I stay in my spot as Harry walks to the door.

“Harry. It’s been too long.” He waves.

Harry stops and looks him over. “Not long enough… Sir.” He bows his head then leaves.

I cross my arms and kick out a leg. “What are you doing here, Avery?” My hearts pounding and my emotions rise to the surface. I quickly push them down and my face turns to stone.

“I was in the area and thought I could just…”

“Cut the crap.” I snap. “It was you… wasn’t it? You've been following me.”

“I needed to see you… Make sure you’re ok.” He rubs his nape as he walks in.

“I’m fine.” I try to hold back the dam that wants to burst. “Never better, really. You did me a favor.” I let out a pathetic chuckle and look out the window across the room.

“Don’t lie, Zen. I can tell you’re not OK.” He says quietly.

My eyes meet his. “I’m not lying. I’m cool, Kirkland. Despite the blow you gave me.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He motions a hand out to me.

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you, so…” I turn to the bar and play with my fingers.

“Zen, I…”

I roll my eye to him. “You have balls. I’ll give you that. The silver bullet I put in your chest must not have been clear enough for you.” I raise a brow, turn and lean on the bar. I tilt my head and look him over.

He rubs his chest where I shot him. “No. You were clear.” He steps closer.

“That’s far enough.” I bark and push off the bar. I pull my gun and aim it at his head.

He holds up a hand to me. “I just need 5 minutes to explain.”

I swallow past the growing lump in my throat as I try to keep up my tough girl act. “You have 3 seconds to get your ass out of my house, or I’ll make good on the promise I made 5 years ago.”

“Zen, please.” He steps closer. “I promise. It’s not what you think.”

I huff a laugh as a tear falls. “Not what I think.” I shake my head as I adjust my fingers on the handle of my gun. “This isn’t you showing up now to make me accept that thing inside you.”

I see the strike of shock at my words in his eyes and he lowers his head.

I hitch a breath. “That’s what I thought.” I move my aim to between his eyes. “2 seconds.”

He lifts his head and his eyes lock with mine. My heart splits in two because I loved those eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” He starts.

I wipe my cheeks off. “You humiliated me.” I glare at him as I fight the ball of hurt in my chest. “You left me standing at the alter waiting for you while you were turning yourself into that.. and you expect me to welcome you back?”

“There’s a reason, Zen. If you’d just…”

“SAVE IT!” I yell as my tears give way. “The only thing I’m giving you, Avery, is a head start. Only because I loved you once. But don’t doubt me for a minute. I’m hunting your ass down.” I bite my upper lip to hold back the breakdown.

“I need you to know before you do. I love you, Zennie. I always will. That hasn’t changed.” His brows stitch up as he pleads.

“Shut up.” I squeak. “One!” I hold my gun firm.

He stares at me for another second. “I'm sorry.” He looks around. “You really do… look good, Zen.”

My chin quivers as I feel myself wanting to weaken.

He turns to the door, stops, then looks over his shoulder. “For what it’s worth. There’s nothing you can do that I haven’t done to myself already.”

“Stop following me.” I grit quietly.

He glances at me, then walks out the door to the common room and to the front door.

When he’s no longer in sight, I drop the gun to my side and cover my eyes.

“I love you, too.” I choke as I break down.

A loud, sad sounding howl came from outside and I run to the window. His brown wolf stares at the house, turns and trots into the trees.

I place my hand on the window, lower my head and raise my gun in front of me.

I close my eyes, drop the gun and hang my head in sorrow.

“It’s not fucking fair.”

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