The Wolf Of Penshaw Lake

Chapter 37

“Oh man, I might be a wolf but I cannot stand this bitter weather!”

I smirked, wrapping my arms around myself and tugging my thick, winter coat even closer to my body. I looked up at the fluffy, white clouds that surrounded us for miles and let a small smile grace my face.

“If this weather continues, I think it’ll snow,” I replied. “I hope it does, it hasn’t snowed over Christmas time for years.”

“It’s November!” Cried Josie indignantly.

I shrugged, “Once October is over, it’s Christmas. We never had a real Christmas living with Dan, but when I was little mum used to put the tree up as soon as Dad would let her.”

“You never really spoke about your dad,” asked Dee curiously, rubbing her thighs to get some warmth into them.

“He left when I was really small, maybe about eight? He met another woman, probably about ten years older than me at the time,” I stated, “It doesn’t bother me, I don’t even really remember him now. If I try I can just about make out his face, but its fading.”

“Alpha Andrew will probably want to take over that role. He’s likely to see you as a future daughter anyway.”

I smiled gratefully, Andrew and Jane had been nothing but wonderful to me since I arrived in Penshaw Lake.They would be fabulous in-laws, I thought,should Mason and I ever get married.

My train of thought stopped with that particular notion. Would I marry Mason? I was his mate, but did that mean we would get married? As a child, I had always dreamed of one day wearing a beautiful, white dress as I walked up the aisle to marry the man of my dreams.

“Do lycans’ get married?” I blurted before I could stop myself and stuff the words back in.

Dee suddenly choked on her bagel and I quickly pat her back as Josie giggled.

“What on earth made you think of that?”

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as they turned blood-red from embarrassment.

“I was just thinking of Jane and Andrew being and it got me thinking is all,” I played it off with a shrug, but deep down I really wanted to know.

“Not like humans, we don’t follow a religion as such so we wouldn’t go to church or anything. We have a commitment ceremony, it’s similar.”

“It’s a huge party,” Josie chimed in. “I absolutelylovecommitment ceremonies.”

“You always get jealous!” Dee fired back, “Didn’t you cry at Will and Isabelle’s?”

Josie shrugged, “I hadn’t started drinking yet. The vows tend to get know cause I’m still unmated, but once the party starts I’m fine. I know my time will come, just like Kate!”

“You will,” I agreed with her. “When do...they usually happen?” I asked nonchalantly.

Dee raised a singular eyebrow at me, “Are you ready for that with Mason?”

“No, I mean, I don’t know. We’ve only known each since June, but we’ve been through a lot. Not every couple goes through what we have and our bond is so strong especially since...”

“mmm,” replied Josie, knowing I wouldn’t want to mention theincident.

“What does Mason think?” Dee asked, “Has he ever mentioned anything about it to you?”

“No, this is the first I’m hearing of it. Maybe he doesn’t want to scare me off?”

Josie nodded, “That man is afraid of breathing too hard and startling you. I think he’d find it irresistibly sexy if you mentioned it first. Speaking of, have you...bumped uglies yet?”

“Oh my god,” I shook my head and ran my hand through my hair. “No, we haven’t.”

“Jesus you have got to be the only mated couple I’ve ever, ever heard of to go this long. Five months!” She squealed.

“Josie, she’s got trauma!” Dee chastised.

“We honestly haven’t even talked about it. Dan was the last and it’s not really been on the forefront of my mind.”

“No of course not,” Dee replied kindly. “You could take three years and Mason would wait. He’d wait a lifetime for you.”

“Imagine though,” Josie wiggled her eyebrows at me, a cheeky smile across her face.

I couldn’t help but grin at her, “He is very good looking,” I agreed.

“You should just surprise him one night!” She gasped, “Pretend you’re going for a shower, then reappear in some sexy, black lingerie. He’d probably have a heart attack.”

The idea did seem appealing to me and I mulled it over a little. Was I ready to have sex again? Would my mind bring me back to the awful times with Dan? Mason was different, he was gentle, yet rugged and protective yet...dominant.I felt a shudder travel down my spine and settle in the pit of my stomach. I could feel my self growing hotter, I twisted my legs and pressed my core into the bench we were sitting down to try and ignore the needy feeling downthere.

“-and a blindfold!” Josie cried, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“A what now?” I asked, in case I had heard her wrong.

“We were just naming different things to kink up your first time,” Dee replied casually. “I said a whip, but you strike me a little more vanilla.”

“Honestly girls, I don’t even know what I am. I think I’ll leave the whips and chains to you though Dee,” I laughed, patting her leg.

A buzz against my leg made me jolt in surprise and I pulled my phone from my pocket. Smiling, I read the text from Mason, asking when I’ll be home.

“I’m going to head back girls,” I decided, jumping up from the little, wooden bench we had squeezed ourselves on to eat some late breakfast and have some girl time. I scrunched up the wrapper from my sausage muffin and threw it into the bin as I pulled my bag up onto my shoulder.

“Want us to walk back with you?” Josie asked considerately.

I shook my head, “No, I’ll be ok. You guys chill here for a little longer and I’ll see you later.”

Waving, I turned around and headed back to the pack manor where I knew Mason would be waiting for me. My mind was whirring with so many thoughts and possibilities that it wasn’t long before I was standing in front of the manor. I knocked politely, still not able to just stride in, and then pushed down the handle to enter.

“Hey Heidi,” Called Ella as she was arriving into the hallway to fetch her coat. “Have a nice time?”

“Oh yeah, thankyou. Where are you heading?” I asked, I hadn’t spoken much to Ella as she often kept to herself. She was either in her room, on her phone, or out with her friends. Sometimes, I wonder if she felt a little awkward after I helped her with the assault not too long ago and tended to avoid me.

“Just into town,” She shrugged.

“Have fun,” I replied cheerily.

“Yeah, will do, bye Heidi!”

I smiled and gave her a little wave as she shut the door behind her. I shrugged off my own coat and hung it on the coat rack by the stairs before placing my boots in their little space next to Mason’s trainers as I did most days.

“Heidi, is that you?”

Mason came into the hallway with a lazy smile upon his face. His hair dripped onto the dark, wooden flooring and a towel hung dangerously low around his waist. I gulped as I attempted to avert my eyes from his very naked chest.

“Something wrong?” He teased, folding his arms and leaning against the doorway to the main living room.

I pursed my lips and shook my head, “No, why would there be?” I replied innocently.

“I can hear your little heart beating faster every time your eyes subconsciously drift back down my body.”

“You’re dripping water on the floor, I’m just concerned someone will slip,” I shrugged, internally trying to calm my betraying heartbeat.

Damn that Lycan hearing.

He let out a loud laugh and shook his head, “Ok you win. I’m heading upstairs, are you coming?”

I nodded and quickly whipped around him so that I could go up the stairs first. If I was behind him, I don’t think I could’ve controlled my tongue licking up his back. I smirked outwardly at the dirty places my mind was taking me and I darted up the stairs, well aware of Mason striding confidently behind me, the tension heavy and hot between us.

Entering his bedroom, I took a cross-legged comfortable position in the middle of his bed and watched as he entered a few seconds later, his eyes an obsidian black staring straight at me.

“What?” I asked, throwing my arms in the air. I had more than gotten used to Mason’s animalistic side making an appearance, he was so hot-tempered it flared up more than twice a day. “What have I done now?”

“You-” He pointed at me, “are flooding my senses with your hormones. Your scent is driving me wild,” He groaned.

My eyes widened and blood rushed to my cheeks, turning them a bright, rosy pink.

“I-I didn’t realise that was a thing,” I muttered.

“Oh it’s a thing,” Mason replied huskily, “Especially to an unmated wolf with his mate just sitting on his bed all innocently.”

“Dee and Josie mentioned something earlier,” I blurted, the look in his eyes making me uneasy. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to have sex with Mason, and I definitely wanted to be in control of the situation when it happened.

Mason looked taken aback, a hand taking back ahold of his towel, tightening it back up against his hips. His eyes slowly returned to their normal, chocolate brown colour and he looked at me with confusion.

“You’re bringing up Dee and Josie right now?”

“I got nervous, I’m sorry.”

Mason’s eyes softened and he sat down on the edge of the bed, “No I’m sorry, I got a little carried away, I should have known that you’re not ready yet.”

“That’s the thing,” I sighed, “I think I am, I just...”

Mason cocked his head without saying anything, letting me take my time to continue and pour out all my thoughts.

“What if I freak out? Or it just reminds of me Dan? What if I can never have sex again? I don’t want to disappoint you, or make you wait!”

“Heidi, you could never disappoint me! I don’t care if I never have sex ever again as long as I’ve still got you by my side.”


“Really, I’m going to try my hardest to make you forget all that ever happened to you, but recovery is a long road and I know you’re not going to be healed a month later, I can’t expect that of you.”

I threw myself forward and kissed him before I even truly knew what I was doing. I pressed my lips against his and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me. He made a muffled sound of surprise, before he wrapped his arms around my waist and secured me against him as he took control of the kiss. I found myself snaking my fingers up his neck and through his still-wet, long, locks of beautiful hair that I had grown to love so much. I tugged his hair gently, noting his reaction in the back of my mind as he gripped my sides more forcefully.

I broke away first to catch my breath and rested my forehead against his, my eyes closed as I simply bathed in the moment.

“Thankyou,” I breathed.

He pulled away and stood up, taking another towel from his drawer and began to rub his hair to dry it.

“When will our commitment ceremony be?”

Mason shot up and in doing so, his towel around his hips fell to the floor.


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