The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 32. The Art of Forgiveness.

Isla POV

“How many Months ????” I asked breathlessly looking at the Doctor in utter shock, she smiled at me knowingly seeming to remember I wasn’t born a wolf and I stared at her blankly, I was in awe at how my body had changed and how different werewolves were from humans.

I stared at the sonar machine in awe, I was to be a mother and right there in front of me was my babies. I had only been pregnant a month and they had increased in size and my baby bump was more of a hill now and I was surprised to hear that My pregnancy would last 6 Months and not 9.

The doctor explained that I was carrying werewolf babies so they grow faster in-utero which is must faster than human children grow and they will be born werewolf and be able to heal faster and become far more stronger that human children their age.

Not only are they werewolf but they have Alpha & White wolf Blood so odds are they will be White Wolves like I am but will carry their Fathers Alpha Gene, speaking of their father I have remained slightly distant from him though, He and I speak but we do not share the same room still.

Crassus now knows he is to be a big brother but for how long?

He will turn 4 soon and then there are 6 more years left, It wasn’t fair, I had started to slowly forgive Clayton as well but remained apprehensive at times towards his touch,I craved him but hated him at the same time, I was the epitome of my parents, both being Boers (Afrikaans word for Farmer or being Afrikaans in general) back home they remained married due to religion but disliked each other.

I had made small attempts at contact with my family back home ultimately I no longer belonged there, so I remained here and there was nothing left for me in South Africa, yes, my Family was there but they wouldn’t understand.

After my Appointment I found myself walking to my Greek Building, I stared at it with pride, It was finally finished and we were to have the ball in winter when the snow fell, I loved the Idea of sunflowers and snow, The contradicting cold and warmth was brilliant.

My stomach growled instantly as I thought of the buffet I was planning for the celebration, I walked to the kitchen and the place I spent most of my time here at first doing my duties and I was now their pregnant Luna , I craved meat and salt, that was it but to my surprise there was almost nothing in the cupboards.

“No no nononononono ... ” I screeched looking through all the cupboards and fridges for something cooked and ready to slide down my throat. I was a ravenous dog sniffing for my meal. “Uh hum”I heard a familiar voice clear their throat, I was in a compromising position.

I was wearing a sundress standing on the kitchen counter, one leg on one shelves and the other split slightly balancing on another shelf, my hair was wild and so were my eyes.

I looked like a rabies ridden racoon, I glanced over my shoulder innocently trying to look casual when I me Clayton’s face he was biting his lip and tears were streaming down his face.

Clayton's POV

I stared at my Mate as she climbed the cupboards and positioned herself on shelves looking for what I hope was food.

Females tend to become crazy hungry when pregnant but I knew today that the kitchen staff left to restock for the month, I knew Isla knew this because she gave them the card to do the shopping.

I held on to the last thread of my control, I was already crying. Goddess she looked hilarious up there. Her dress was all messed up and her hair crazed, she looked wild and crazy.

She smiled and winked at me like a vixen and my Control snapped, I laughed so hard the walls shook, People from nearby came to see why I was laughing and joined in. I watched her struggle to keep the blush off her face and gain her bearings to get down.

“Someone fetch your Luna a sandwich “ I bellowed with laughter and she met me with a childish glare. Goddess, I loved this woman, I walked to her and held her hips firmly and picked her up and put her down on the ground.

Someone brought her a sandwich as she was fixing her hair and dress in a frenzied fuss trying to get herself looking presentable, I just smiled at her with the biggest smile I could muster and she looked at me with soft eyes for the first time in a long time.

She graciously took the sandwich and started eating it with a sway of her hips she walked out of the kitchen sandwich in hand, blonde hair swaying and belly bump protruding, My Woman was a piece of art.

I followed her slowly and walked closer to her side, pushing my luck “So my ravenous Queen, do you wish to return to your chambers” I joked at her slightly, I knew her sense of humor was much stronger than mine and it will hard for her to remain mad at me.

I had a surprise planned for her and could not wait to show her, before she replied I toke her hand in mine and felt the familiar sparks, she was still mine despite my treachery.

She allowed my hand to hold hers as I led her towards our level of the pack house.

She followed me intently, I knew she was curious to see what I had done and she could feel my insane excitement. She had a knowing look on her face and she followed me.

There was a room right next to Crassus’s that had a bath and large room, I stood by the door practically jumping with excitement.

“Open the Door and look” I smiled at her, She blushed and did as I asked, Her gasp had me feeling the greatest joy.

Isla POV.

I opened the door to an array of color shades, yellow in the deepest and lightest colors made me feel like I was walking into daylight, I allowed my eyes to adjust and I found a stunning baby room and it was not only yellow but flecks of gold and bright white were mixed with them there was two baby cribs painted white with yellow linen's and pillows and there was a large sunflower / sun mural painted on the wall and the floor had a large deep yellow rug the size of the room spread.

The large windows were covered with gold curtains and light yellow and white stuffed animals placed on the mantel piece.

I stared at all the changing tables and baby goodies, my eyes swelled with tears of joy at the tones and gender neutral colors portrayed everywhere. We were not sure yet if I was having a boy or girl or sets of each so It was still too early for that.

I turned to Clayton and smiled through my joyous tears “When did you do all of this?”

"As soon as you told me you were pregnant I had a decorator come in. I wanted the Colors to be yellow. I asked for the Sunflower that fades into the sun Mural to be painted Because I knew you would've loved it, you have been so busy and have done so much for the pack, I wanted to do this for you and our Babies. I Love you Isla and I am sorry so please come back to Our room” He spoke in the softest and kindest voice.

I could not remain mad at him forever.

I walked out the room towards my temporary room and gestured for Clayton to follow.

“Help me pack my things you buff bunny” I smiled and he blushed at my remark.

He was built like a brick wall and as soft as a bunny for me, he had been kind and patient with me, I knew I had to forgive him, he deserved my forgiveness.

I heard Crassus in the Hallway running amok and carrying on as a boy would from the spare room where I was moving my things so I stopped folding my T-shirt and walked towards the hallway, He was standing in the twins doorway to the babies room. His eyes as wide as saucers.

I smiled and walked towards him “You like their room?“I asked kneeling down next to him .

“Take a closer look” I pushed him in slowly.

He was beaming with pride as he stomped into the room, He was going to be an big brother, He looked at everything and touched everything as well with dirty hands.

“Come here , you’re very messy. Stop touching things and lets get you in the shower.“ He bolted out the door screaming something about Aquaman is the best and he wants to speak to the craken when he is older and I smiled .

“Hey little man, the Craken is a cranky old woman, wouldn't you rather be an Avenger?” Clayton asked him from my room.

I could tell he was only teasing, I smiled at him as he showed his face into the hallway, my four year old Crassus’s stopped mid sprint and turned.

“No way, they are stupid” he screamed and stomped off ,

“DC For life “ He screamed and fisted the air above his head.

I laughed so hard I pee’d Myself, Clayton laughed along with me.

Finally we were moving forward.

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