The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 2,The Run

Isla POV

Inside me is turmoil, I am petrified but will not show it. They will not break me. I have endured Two weeks of torture and beatings. I have endured forced oral sex by Jay, mended my own wounds.

But throughout everything, I remain Silent.

Cliff doesn’t come near me unless it’s to beat me for no specific reason. I noticed their eyes become yellow when they are angry, Ive tried to make mental notes on each of them, study their behavior and moods.

I am in so much pain most of the day and left naked on the side of my bed for Jays ‘Pleasure’, He won’t Rape rape me because I am Human and they do not mate with Humans. He seems to be calling all the shots. Cliff often mentions a term called Rougue and Pack, they are more on edge nowadays, as if they are afraid of something.

Jay ties me to the Leg of the Mahogany bed. This bed was my prison, I was tied to it like a dog, Barely fed and never bathed. I smell like hot shit on a summers day and look like some sort of 18th century prostitute with my torn clothes and dirty body. I counted the weeks by making markings under the bed with my nails, counting the rising and setting sun as a day to try keep track of how long I have been here.

I think they believes I will not run, but they is so seriously Mistaken, I will survive this. I will be out of here soon. But planning my escape has proven difficult, There is always one of them in the cabin at any given time, They wont leave me alone, I seem to be their only entertainment. I can feel the bile rise within my throaty at the thought of them.

Remaining calm has proven difficult at times, especially Jays visits ... I’ve cried silently for many nights when they leave to ‘run’. Only fed once a day has contributed to my extreem weight loss. I can see and feel my ribs through my torn T-shirt and it makes me feel disgusted in them for doing this to a living being. I try keep my mind sharp, The lack of food has made me weak but I try to save all my energy by moving as little as possible and remaining silent. I dont even remember the sound of my own voice. I dont say anything and do not even cry outloud anymore, Knowing all of these things and analysing myself makes me so angry, I am a Good person and these are vile Beasts.

Silence is key. I seem docile to them so soon they will drop their Guard and then I will be out of here, Fudging fast!

The Cold is what gets to me the most at night.

Not the Hunger or the Disgusting state of my body, Its the cold.

No Blanket or pillow is provided for me, I have a sheet and the clothes on my back to keep me warm, Some nights my feet turn blue and numb. But I lay curled up in a ball beside the bed. Stewing my anger and rage, I will use it as energy when the time comes.

‘Silence is not a weakness and the two Wolf freaks will learn this the hard way.’ I whispered to myself, I watched my warm breath hit the cold air and dance in a cloud of white mist. I closed my eyes for yet another sleepless night.

My captors don’t seem to find the cold as severe as I did, Me being from a country that has more deserts and heatwaves than rain has my poor body freaking out. Snow and Cold seems to disagree with me, I think I started to develop some sort of freezer burn. I know freezer burn only happens to Meat in a freezer but My legs have gone a pale blue and they burn, and not the warm comfy kind of burn. This has been added to the list fueling my hatred and determination to get the fuck out of here.

It’s day 27 according to my scratches and Jay and Cliff left together for the first time, they headed for the Woods, Todays the day but I feel hesitant. Don’t get me wrong I do not have Stockholm syndrome and I am petrified for the most part of the day but I am not yet broken. I refuse to have these men see me suffer any longer. I will not give them the satisfaction. Deep down I feel like things might escalate shortly to rape as jay is becoming bolder with his sexual exploits, and I would rather die first.

A memory flashed before my eyes to remind me of when Jay is finished having his fun with me he would lay and stroke his tiny bitch cock like some sweaty smelly king of nothing. In my mind, I would burn with rage and he would stare at me, none the wiser. I secretly hated myself for being his source of pleasure.

‘I didn’t have to touch him today’ I mentally reassured myself, They on the other hand fell asleep fast after their run, ‘I guess being super Jerking offs takes its toll on a men’ I scoff to myself and shift around uncomfortably on the floor.

I Cringe slightly moving my body as it is full of bruises and dried Blood from my beatings and forced transactions. I chose to try and stand with shaky legs, luckily I was not tied to the bed anymore. Jay removed the binds yesterday in order for me to participate with his “pleasure” more intensly (Internally gag).

I take this as an oportunity.

I walk as silently as possibly, trying not to make any noise on the hardwood floor , I scamble quietly to find a pair of panties, socks, my hiking boots and a thick winter coat.I had a few minutes, I did not have time to dawdle. I haven’t showered in days and smell like a bag of fresh and stale dog shit. I choose to ignore my odor and walk silently downstairs trying to step softy in order to prevent any noise, I look up to see Cliff passed out on the Couch.My heart is racing and my legs ache at the cold air, The front door is wide open. I slowly take my Thick winter Jacket and zip it up quietly. My feet and torso will be warm. that all I needed.

The late afternoon air was cold and the sun is setting taking the last of its minimal warmth with it, The snow and the Golden light presented this aura of pure beauty and peace. I brought my thoughts back to reality and I begin to run, I run adjacent to the road leading away from the Cabin. I run until my lungs and legs burn. Ignoring the pain I run, I allow my mind to revisit the bad memories like an old school picture film this will fuel my rage and anger, This will push my body further and faster.

I run as the sound of the snow crunching beneath my boots makes my steps falter, I cry while the tears leave clean lines down my dirty face, I scream out loud for help, I let my pent up emotions out. Wave upon wave of crazy tortured bitch rage flows through my body and out into the open cold air of this late winter afternoon.

I break down knowing that I am wasting vital energy. My eyesight slightly dims due to the relentless stream of tears, I stumble whilst crying and running at my fastest. I sob loudly as my Lungs threaten to burst into dried flames. I run for me and My Life.

I didn’t realize How far I had run until I see a Split in the road ahead. In My Panicked state I couldn’t remember which road to take.

The descision was not yet even clear within my mind when I hear a Growl that turned my blood cold, It’s Jay, I knew in my bones it was him and Clay. They found me...

Before I can make a move, Sharp and large teeth sink into my shoulder white hot paid surges through what meat I have left surrounding my bones, He slams me down to the cold earth, I feel like everything is in slow motion . The pain is Unbearable, I can only feel warm blood running down my arm and dripping in the woods as he drags me and I can only moan in pain, My Lungs hurt too much to even scream. The warm blood contrasted with the pure white snow will be edged in my brain forever.

If I survive.

‘I am being dragged’ I tell myself and search frantically for a weapon, I find a solid stick and tried to turn as much I could to get a better view of his face, he was dragging me backward growling in wolf form. With a sudden movement and using the last of my energy I jam the stick it in the Mother Fuckers eye. He drops me Instantly, wailing like a crazed hound. I step forward still holding the stick and I force it forward, I could feel tissue and muscle seperate as I force the stick depper into his eye and ito his fucking scull.

I Isla-Moira Lee didn’t come This far and struggle this long for nothing.

I let go of the stick as he drops to the ground, Pools of blood surround his shifting body. Jay Lay dead infront of me, I felt satisfied. But Where the fuck is that bastard Clay?...

I find my feet and proceed to run. Again.

I decide on turning right at the T junction and run like a mad woman. I no longer feel my arm paining probably due to the adrenaline and pure psychotic rage. I hear Sounds in the woods, I hear the sound of running not just one set but I hear Multiple Paws Running, I heard gut wrenching whining and yelps of pain coming from the woods, It sounded like a massive Dog Fight.

I turn my nosy ass head to the right only to see there are more wolves running beside me. These wolves differ in Color and size, They are still wolves though, But Huge Dire wolf like creatures. Much Bigger and calmer looking than Jay and Cliff but for some strange reason I don’t feel afraid of them, they are not growling or snapping at me yet they are covered in blood. They seem to be inspecting me, Probably because I’m Partially Dying due to blood loss and smell like a corpse, there is about 10 of them and no sign of Jay and Cliff, I knew their wolves, These were other wolves. Wait a second Im running half dead and half naked, What if Im lunch? I cant fight 10 of them.

In a split seconds decision I Stop, My Sudden halt has these wolves baffled as they too stopped, dirt and snow mixed between their paws. I stood there staring at them, the silence of the road and the slight fall of snow made this feel like a dream, The setting sun still showing me its fight to keep the sky alive with color.

The words that leave my mouth surpris me as it was so weak and breathless “ If Cliff has sent you, then please if there is any mercy left in you beasts. kill me here and now, I can’t go back. I will not go through all the torture and Pain all over again. I had my run, I tried my best. If He asks why you killed me tell Him its because I tried to kill you. I have killed Jay. But Please I beg you to end my agony, I can’t do this anymore “

I fall to my knees and cry, practically begging for the end of my life and they all stood in silence staring at me not one of them moved.

I heard a low deep and demanding growl, this growl stopped time and rumbled throughout the Ground. All Wolves dispersed as A Big Black Wolf with Grey paws appeared. I stared at the most Vibrant Sea Blue eyes. My Breath cought in my lungs as I stared at him from my kneeling position. He is bigger than the men who torutured me and All wolves of the others By far.

He stood dead still in front of me in silence ...

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