The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 14. The White Wolf

Claytons POV

I walked back inside the Pack House only softening my gaze once at Isaac, he seemed so empty and lost, not leaving August's side for a second. She was no longer here with us anymore. I don't believe he will be with us for much longer either.

I may have lost my Mate and my Beta Today.

I knew I had to follow up on my suspicions about the White wolf, Isla could be in more danger than she is aware of.

Unfortunately, I decided that that could wait. I needed to arrange a headcount and supplies need to be collected and distributed between pack members. We need to mend our wounded and regroup.

Once I have the pack back in order I can put a search party together to find Isla and anyone else that was taken. For now, we need to Strengthen our defenses by increasing our Security to prevent any future attacks, we are at our weakest now and Vulnerable to any sort of attacks.

I requested assistance from my neighboring pack to help us with patrols, I know the Alpha well and he has a strong pack, I also advised him to be extra vigilant. The Red Eyes could attack him as well.

The Alpha Agreed to assist me and help with adding some warriors to scout my lands along with my own men, This meant that I had to allow all of his pack access to our lands. I didn't mind, Territories are the least of my worries.

"Stock up on Medical Supplies and plan for the Buriel". I instructed my Delta, He was up and out in a hurry.

I sighed and turned my head to the clock on the wall. 22h00, I sighed knowing it was getting late and I had so much to do, The search part was sent out a few days ago, They have no feedback as of yet.

"I had so much to do," I think to myself moaning into my hands as I try to rub my face vigorously to stay awake, I was struggling to focus, to sleep, to eat. Isla was all I could think of, Crixus would not stop pining for her and her Wolf, I needed more help. My resources are spread thin. I knew Isaac wasn't up to any tasks, he has been locked in his room since August's Death, He hadnt spoken a single word to anyone either. I feel for him and I know his pain runs deeper than I could fathom. He won't leave his room. "Unless..." The idea sprang into my head.

“Isaac, Brother,” I called to him through Pack Link. He didn't respond.

“Brother I am so sorry. I can't imagine how you feel. I hope you are angry as?” I say, He s responded with a Growl, The presence of his wolf being obvious.

“Brother, do you want revenge? Do you want them to pay and suffer for every Death, for every Soul, Mate, Mother, and Father that they took from our pack?” He responded with an even deeper growl. He wanted revenge. I believe many more want revenge.

With that idea in mind, I knew that those who lost a Mate or family member in the attack could want revenge as well.

" Attention, I Alpha Clayton is providing an opportunity to you, My Pack members. For those who want revenge and fall within the qualification parameters, Please know, I am extending the search party, Our Luna is still out there. We need her back. If you find her you can slaughter as many Red-Eyes as you want. Is anyone with me?"

I received a simultaneous Growl from many Pack members, having all their attention. This is good. This is what I needed. Hurt and angered wolves. They would do what is needed. They have nothing to lose and all the pain and anguish to release. I needed them to help me find the taken pack members and My Love.

I wouldn't stop there, I'd give them the chance to Destroy the creatures that brought this great depression on my Pack. My Home and my Heart. I built a Machine of Wolves. The most dangerous kind, the ones that have nothing left but pain and hatred, I know it seems cruel but Wolves do not last long when their Mate's die, I am supplying them with the chance to get Even.

I knew it was slightly wrong using their pain. But so was I. I was providing them with a solution. Most will end their own lives soon and my pack numbers will dwindle to nothing. I needed to give them a purpose a usage for their anger and despair. By the next morning, they left for their mission, Isaac lead the team.

The initial search party was brought back to help with repairs and security. I turned to the Doctors and appointed one as senior and in charge allowing them Access to the pack funds to get what they needed at any costs, My mother came from her hiding spot in the woods to help with the Funeral and Burial Plans. She was one of a few wolves that Lived after their mate's death, So she understood the need for Our Ceremonies.

I ordered all Warrior wolves to run shifts, Day shift, and Nightshift, I had Motion sensors installed around the Pack Borders as well. If the Red Eyes came Back we’d know of it and be ready. We hadn’t lost as many pack members as I initially thought yet it was enough to leave a long-lasting scar on the Pack. Knowing there would be many orphans was of greater stress to me. I didn’t Like the Idea of having a large number of Orphans. I had to make a note to find a way to supply the Children with a Good Home.

I spent my days organizing and working through the Pack funds with Septimus, I stayed up all night making sure this attack would not leave us ruined.

Septimus was my Fathers' financial manager, He also handled all our legal business, I knew Septimus was an old grouch with a Warlock ancestory, But I didn't see him as anything other than an old worn down man with an unpleasant demeanor.

Nevertheless, he did his job well. He has been helping throughout these trying times.

I had begun my research on the White Wolves of the Desert. It was a book I spent a great deal of time searching for. I remember as an Alpha that we had to study all of the species, My Father forced me to learn as much as I could on our history, I vaguely remembered the mentioning of pure White Wolves.

It Has been more than 2 months since Isla Disappearance, I had taken care of all the other duties, The only thing left was to find her. So as I waited for Isaac's feedback, I researched Isla's Wolfs color. There is no Wolf that could ever be a Solid White, It was not heard of. She was pure white like the purest snow, Her nose was a light pink and her eyes the color of emerald green. I knew her Wolf traits were strange and Id best learn what they are before she is found.

The tales I found were eccentric, to say the least, they were believed by many in ancient times and thus being the cause of their extinction.

The White Wolves were a large Pack in the African Desert, from decent of European settling wolves. Wolves that were feared for their power and divinity they had. They were stronger than usual Wolves but they were Blessed by the Goddess herself to be declared as her Favourites.

White Wolves were known for their Compassion and love for life and respect for the earth, living as peaceful people that never resolved a conflict with violence unless absolutely necessary.

When one was pushed to that point of rage its was said that they could summon the elements of the earth to wreak their wrath upon those who deserved it.

They lived in the Barron deserts to Seclude themselves from Wolves who lived for power and sought to kill them to gain their strength and power and claim it as their own. The white wolves were slaughtered by a great evil and their spirits were used by the Moon Goddess to protect the young and old as protectors, they would guide those that have passed to her realm for a “happy ever afterlife".

But what was most intriguing is that the White Wolves' power and life would be transferred to another once they died. This was the rumor, although never proven it was enough to cause to try to kill them all.

The power was obtained by Consuming their hearts, If the Wolf was you the Child was to be consumed whole and raw.

According to Legend One has not been spotted for Close to a Thousand years, So the fact that my South African-born Mate is a White Wolf isn't surprising to me as she might have had their blood within her.

But I was frightened because I knew she didn't possess the Knowledge I did on the Supernatural Beings that existed and would kill to have her as a trophy. My Beuty was in so much danger and I had no way of protecting her from my position.

I needed to find her and Soon.

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