The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Epilogue: Castle Filled with Babies

Lucas huffed, his legs wanting to give out on him as he cashed one-and-a-half-year-old Kendrix down the castle halls. For a kid so little, he was fast and his little screams of laughter only made Lucas grin and laugh with him despite his lungs wanting to give out.

His eyes caught onto the sight of red hair, little Calico was a head as his grey eyes caught sight of Lucas and screamed. August and Nymeria’s son was just as much trouble as Kendrix and that didn’t include Lucas’s favourite niece, Evelyn who was currently sleeping in her mother’s arms like a good little girl. Girls are so much easier he had learnt and as he came closer to the group who were waiting for him, he couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he saw a pregnant Ava sitting next to a pregnant Mack.

The girls had become breeding machines despite Abby’s protests about only having Evelyn and Raph agreeing with her. Her birth was hard and Lucas had never seen Raph so terrified but once that little girl was out, both Raph and Abby became completely different people.

Time was moving so quickly as he finally caught Kendrix and swung them around. Marley and Sawyer stayed for a week after she was out of the crystal. Sawyer couldn’t stop thanking Ava and kept staring at Marley as if she would suddenly disappear again. They both needed time to adjust, her more than him but once they were ready to leave, it was heartwarming to see them hand in hand as they began a life of their own.

Of course, they visited often. Now that the dragons were no longer in captivity, they flew in the sky and at first it was hard to get used to but now Lucas would see a shadow of a dragon and wave at it as if it could wave back. And that wasn’t the craziest part, mermaids now swam in their shores all over the island and the Fae found a new ruler. Their kingdom now flourishing and the same went with Ava’s old pack. They picked a new Alpha who changed the old ways and created his own. Ava was able to go back and collect old items that Gene and Cole wanted which was nice to see after such a traumatic time.

Once they got the items they wanted, Gene and Cole accepted Zack’s offer about building them a house and now they are in the process of adopting a child of their own. A little Fae girl no older than two years old stumbled into the kingdom a week ago, if it wasn’t for Cole, she would have passed unseen and died that same night. He formed a bond with her and now he has become a father alongside Gene.

Lucas put Kendrix down, watching him run off again to join Calico in whatever trouble he was now getting up to. “How are my girls doing?”

Ava smiled and looked down at her swollen stomach. “I’m ready to get her out of me.”

Lucas crouched down and kissed her baby bump. She was so beautiful carrying his child inside of her and he enjoyed every second of it but he also knew that she was struggling and that hurt his heart more than the overwhelming joy. “Just a few more weeks.”

“Easy for you to say.” She laughed. “You got the fun part.”

He gave her a lopsided smile. He loved his fun part, the feel of her around him was intoxicating and he couldn’t get enough which is why she was now swollen and ready to burst. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d have another one but Zack thinks the fun part has no consequences.”

Mack’s comment made Ava laugh, her bright smile brightened his world as he watched her brown eyes sparkle with joy. Zack was currently talking with August as they all waited for Sawyer and Marley to arrive.

Marley was crowned queen of The Cave of Beasts despite her protests. Sawyer had no say in becoming king but he saved his kind and they thanked him for it by crowning him king which led to her being his queen. They both deserved it but that meant that Marely got less time with Mack and that saddened the both of them.

Everlyn grumbled, her dark hair falling in her face as she opened her grey eyes and began to whimper. “Oh hell, Raph!”


Lucas chuckled. Abby wasn’t good with calming her daughter down as soon as she woke and only Raph was able to calm down his spawn. She was the cross between the both of them so it was no surprise that she quickly became a daddy’s girl. Raph was extremely protective over her and sometimes Lucas would catch him glaring at Kendrix and Calico as if they would take her away from him.

That only made Lucas feel sorry for Evelyn’s future mate.

“They’re here,” Ava said as she played with her wedding ring. Lucas couldn’t help but stare at it with pride. He took a page from Raph and Abby’s book and married Ava before his parents found out. They held a small ceremony and everything so by the time his parents arrived, they were pissed at both himself and Raph for marrying their mates behind their backs. The joy of watching them leave because they had no say in anything anymore was one of the best days of his life and now he was about to have a family of his own.

Lucas helped Ava stand, her body swaying before she stood completely and smiled up at him. “Ready to greet the new king and queen of dragons?”

He cupped her face and kissed her soft lips. Taking in the feeling of her before he pulled back. “I’m ready for everything.”

Authors note: Ayo!!! We are finally finished with this series and I can't say I'm sad about felt like it had a chock hold on me and refused to let go!

I know it was a dick move to end MATTOTS on that massive ass cliffhanger just to make you read everyone else's stories before this piss-poor ending but this series was written for my bestie and I love pissing her off XD

When I first thought of this series, Abby and Lucas were my first couple. In fact, MATTOTS was a completely separate book at the time, this series was only going to be four books with Ava and Lucas being the first couple but then things suddenly changed. The world became a reality in my head and then the next thing I knew, Marely and Sawyer were linked and Ava and Lucas became my babies quite literally.

The end was then one of the first things I thought of and while I was writing this series, it suddenly became too predictable. I kept trying to find other ways but it came back to how it ended so I hope it wasn't as cliche as it appeared in my mind.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who has read all of these books and I am looking forward to writing about Ava and Lucas's daughter in the spin-off which will appear some time beginning of next year. I'm doing Nano this year but with a completely different project so... XD

Also last thing, happy birthday bestie!!!!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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