The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty: Family

She didn’t know where to look first. After spending twenty-four hours inside of the ship, she was finally able to walk around and Mack decided that their first stop would be the village. She met Ryan and Daisy as well as Daisy’s mate Aife. The three of them were a mixed bag but they somehow worked and with their banter, Ava found herself not being able to take the smile off of her face.

After spending a few hours with them, Mack started to miss her son and took Ava up towards the castle and now she stood looking up with a sore neck while Mack laughed at her expense. Ava was in awe at the tall building and as they walked closer, she couldn’t help but want to run inside where she knew that Lucas was although Mack did tell her that he was currently with her Alpha doing who knows what to him.

“I’ll take you to your room so you can get settled in,” Mack said as she opened the front door and was greeted by a woman holding her son. His little eyes beamed at the sight of his mother and his arms stretched out towards her. For a child that was only three months old, he was highly alert and active. His little head was strong and his limbs even stronger while Mack kissed his little face and hugged him to her chest. “And then we will come get you and we will all eat dinner together. I can’t wait to finally have a family dinner with everyone together.” She said as her eyes stayed glued to her baby.

“Is it hard to find where everything is in here?” Ava asked as they walked. She didn’t know where to look first and between the halls and the mixed scents, she couldn’t tell which way was left and right.

“I got lost instantly.” Mack chuckled while she allowed Kendrix to hold her finger. “I ran down these halls for weeks not knowing where I was going and then Abby came along and she knew where everything was without trying. That girl and her ability to do anything both pisses me off and fascinates me.”

Ava nodded as she bit her lip and started to play with her fingers with nerves in her stomach. “Is…Is everyone with my Alpha right now?”

Mack pulled her lips into a thin line and sighed. “I am afraid so. Once news got out about what happened, everyone was pissed. Between Luke placing his rights on being the one to kill the guy and Abby calling dibs on torturing him, everyone else decided that they wanted to watch the show. I decided to stay back and look after you, I’m not that big on blood and all that stuff. Never was and besides, I have this little guy and the kittens wherever they are. They are always running around this castle instead of staying home with their parents.”

“The kittens?”

“Oh yes, the kittens.” She said with a wide smile. “Nymeria has two companions, Figus and Pipèe. They recently had six kittens just before I had this little guy. When you see them now you wouldn’t think they were babies but they are…. They also talk just as much as their dad. When I tell you that I was surprised when they started, that would be an understatement.” She then laughed and shook her head as if she couldn’t believe how much time had passed. “I’m hoping they don’t influence this one too much, I’m hoping he turns out like his uncles…don’t tell his dad.”

“I won’t.” Ava smiled before they walked up more stairs and entered a new set of halls. “How did everyone meet their mates? I could only pick up on so much back home.”

Mack’s smile widened. “Uh, now that is a long story that I can cut short. I was berry picking when Zack found me and took me against my will. At this time, Nymeria who was going by the names Ziggy and Red at the time also meet August. Somehow Zack got his way into my heart and August did the same with Nymeria until her aunt came and caused a war that took us months to repair. After that Abigail showed up out of nowhere and that’s when Raph found out that she was his mate however she was a criminal and was wanted so he took her from our prison and hid her which I’m happy about. I like the girl and I hated how we had to do those things to her because of the law but we found a way around it and Raph helped her. It has only been a few weeks since then and now you’re here, as bright and real as ever. Luke has been a little upset that everyone found their mates and he was left behind. He got quite desperate there for a while but everything worked out.”

Ava raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Wait, he’s been waiting for me for this long? He did say that he has been but I didn’t think that it was that serious.”

“Oh yes.” Mack waved off. “That boy was the only one who truly wanted a mate a family of his own. Raph never really cared until he met Abby and was suddenly pussy whipped and Zack well…Zack never thought he deserved a mate so he never bothered to try until he was forced to start looking.”

“And is that why you guys are married?”

Mack nodded. “Yes, although I wish we were married because we wanted to be. His parents haven’t come for Raph and Abby yet but the time is coming, I know they are.”

Ava felt herself open her mouth before she closed it. She knew about their secret engagement and vows. She felt it through Lucas and told him without thinking but it was their secret and it wasn’t her right to tell Mack even though she already spoiled the surprise. “Do you think they will come for me and Lucas?”

Mack’s eyes widened before she groaned. “Oh hell, I didn’t think of that. If they come for Raphy and Abby, they will come for you as well you poor thing!”

Ava looked away from her and felt her face redden. “I don’t mind. I love Lucas and I will happily give him everything he wants, with and without his parent’s influence. He has been there for me from the start and I want to show him how much he means to me.”

Mack stopped walking and placed a hand on Ava’s shoulder. “I am saying this as a mother and a friend. Never feel obligated to do things that you’re not ready for. He will wait for you and if he doesn’t, you can come to me and Abby.”

Ava’s smile widened. “I know and thank you but I know I’m ready. I’ve been ready for a long time and now that I’m here, I feel like I can finally start living a life I’ve always wanted.”

“Good, but just remember that I am always here.” She said before she turned and opened a door. “Here is your room, right next to Lucas for if you two ever…”

The way she wiggled her eyebrows made Ava laugh. “I can smell this place and I feel like Abby and Raphael have already done it for us…everywhere.”

“Oh gosh, I know!” Mack exclaimed with the wrinkle of her nose. “I’ve walked in on them and heard them in so many rooms, I fear they might have christened yours as well.”

Ava hummed and stepped into the room before breathing in deeply, thankfully the air was clear. “Nope, this room is safe.”

“Oh, good.” Mack sighed before she gave Ava a soft smile. “Okay, I have to go and make sure everything is ready for tonight. I’ll come back here in an hour or so and we can walk together.”

“Okay.” Ava agreed before she turned away and looked around the room. She wasn’t sure where to look first and for the third time today, she felt that she was overwhelmed with the things she could see, smell and touch. The bed was the size of her old house and the bathroom was just as big with a free-standing bath, basin and mirror with shelvings that held cloths and towels. The bedroom was simple with a walk-in closet and cream-coloured walls but she felt at home and that was what truly mattered.

Ava eyed the bed, her feet subconsciously walking towards it before she threw herself down and loudly groaned in satisfaction. Her body sunk into the mattress and she found that she couldn’t keep her eyes open as she lay there so she sat up and walked back into the bathroom. She wanted to at least look presentable in front of the people she was about to meet tonight and with Lucas, Mackenzie, Cole, Gene and baby Kendrix by her side, she felt like tonight was going to be the first night of many where she would feel at home.

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