The Vampire’s Hybrid / Book Four ✔️

Chapter Chapter Three: Revolation

It was rare for a mere wolf to enter the packhouse. Only the Alpha and his Beta are allowed into the building along with their mates and children. It was plain compared to the cabins in which the rest of the pack resided. Standing at only two stories, it was morbidly dark, the candles only making it worse while Ava slowly walked and tried to keep her head down.

The timber flooring highlighted how badly she wanted it to form into a hole and suck her in. The presence of the men around her only makes it worse. Having Gene, Cole, and Lucas protect her was a surprise for their Alpha, but it only lasted seconds and soon enough, all four of them were being dragged back to the pack house where both the Shadow Pack and the Midnight Pack stood outside and waited.

It was only a matter of time before the war continued. It was only a matter of time before the Midnight Pack’s Alpha came in and kills her himself. Ava knew her time on this earth wouldn’t last very long, but the thoughts of how she would die sent a shiver down her spine that she didn’t like.

Everyone was eerily quiet. Eugene’s eyes flicked from Ava to Lucas and occasionally smiled to himself before Cole gave him a silent side eye that he would shrug at. Cole was always the mature one but for right now, she was grateful that their normal antics hadn’t stopped considering the situation.

Her body slightly shivered from the cold of her damp dress. Her regret for thinking that she could escape ate her alive and she wished that she had a brain. Ava had the ability to do stupid things out of panic and this was one of those situations but as she walked, she wished for some kind of miracle. Some kind of something that would get her out of this so that she could go home and cry into her pillow. That was never going to happen but in her mind, she was curled up in her bed pretending that she wasn’t almost attacked.

The sounds of the office doors opening made her jump. Lucas’s concerned gaze followed as she felt his hand on the small of her back for comfort. It was a small gesture but his touch instantly soothed her and wished that Shane had this same effect. Shane was never truly her mate, she realised that within seconds of discovering Lucas but she had to question whether Shane was just a test. Shane was never meant to be in her life so why pair her with him to begin with? Ava had a lot of questions but those questions were never going to be answered no matter how hard she begged for them.


Ava flinched again, sitting down on one of the chairs and keeping her eyes down. Neither one of the boys sat down, they stood around her like a shield and she could faintly hear her Alpha grunt in annoyance.

His Beta was also in the room, his gaze making her squirm before her Alpha spoke again. “You can’t pretend to be innocent now Ava. Look up and face the consequences.”


“Did I say that you could speak?” He snapped and as she quickly shook her head, she felt Lucas’s soft touch on her shoulder, harden. “Your actions are punishable by death. Give me one reason right now as to why I shouldn’t execute you in this room?”

Ava went to speak but her throat ran dry. He wouldn’t believe her if she said why she killed Shane. He wouldn’t believe her if she said that it was self-defense and he definitely wouldn’t believe her if she said that Shane had been threatening her for the last four years.

“Your rule is pathetic,” Lucas stated. She could hear his anger through his words and wanted to look up to see him but she was too scared to look up from the floor. “This entire world is filled with magic and yet, this land is against it?”

“You have no say in what goes on in my pack boy! The only reason why you’re here is because your brother sent you. You’re not needed and never will be.” Her Alpha then turned back to Ava who was currently chewing her lip. “Now, answer me!”

Ava flinched. “You won’t believe me.”

He growled and leaned forward. All she could see was his lower half but his glare was felt deep inside of her core. Gene and Cole came closer towards her, making sure that if their Alpha tried anything, they would be the first to face his blows. “You have five seconds!”

“Beta Shane has been threatening me for the last four years.” She started with a wobbly, nervous voice. “It was small at first but the more I rejected his attempts to take me back as his mate, the angrier he got. He would send letters once a week to meet at our borders and if I didn’t come, he would come to the house and beat me when Eugene and Cole were on patrol. What happened today…he tried to…”

“It was self-defence.” Gene seethed as she felt his grip on the back of her chair tighten and the fabric being pulled against her back. “We have been trying to get that prick away from her, you know this. This was going to happen and you have done nothing but allow that pig to torment her and treat her as if she is just a mere female.”

“She is just a mere female!” Their Alpha snapped back. “If she had done her duty, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

Ava could feel Eugene was holding back his comment. He hated the sexism that surrounded the female gender but there was nothing he could do on his own to change it. “I wasn’t ready. I was only sixteen.”

“That was four years ago, Ava!” Her Alpha scoffed. “It is not for you to decide. Your job is to obey and if Shane wanted to impregnate you, you let him! He had a right to reject you, the female he chose to replace you has given him two pups since then whilst you’ve done nothing with your life but live under the thumb of two bum fuckers.”

Two growls shook her core as she finally looked up and found both Cole’s and Eugene’s eyes completely black. They were quite sensitive about the fact that they were a rare pairing but their love for each other outweighed all judgement and it didn’t matter if they disrespected their Alpha to get their points across.

Ava quickly snapped her head towards her Alpha and sat up slightly. “Are you going to kill me?”

“No.” He said with a slight smirk. The grey in his blue eyes made her feel like he was plotting something that she wouldn’t like. “I’ve known about your abilities. I’ve known the moment I killed your daddy and watched as your whore of a mother hanged for what she was. The only reason why you’re not dead is because I want you to do something for me and if you don’t do this, you will die.”

“She’s not doing anything for you.” Cole finally spoke. His dark blue eyes were slowly coming back from his wolf’s rage. “Banish her, that is enough of a punishment.”

Their Alpha laughed. His rumble shook her entire body as she shrunk back in her chair. “And have her go to The Kingdom of Vampires before she does the one thing she is alive for? I think not.”

Ava finally moved her eyes up towards Lucas. He was quiet and although that wasn’t a bad thing, she wanted to know what was going through that mind of his. If she knew anything about the Woods brothers it was that they were extremely intelligent. They were academically skilled in their individual ways and from what she has gathered, Lucas has gotten a lot of what he knows today because of Raphael, the middle brother and the smartest one of the three.

Lucas had softer brown eyes, lighter hair and a younger face but he wasn’t one to be underestimated and that was her Alpha’s first mistake. “What do you want me to do?” She questioned finally once she realised that nobody was going to say anything without starting a fight or worse. “I’ll do it as long as my brothers are safe.”

She felt Cole’s gaze and felt the love in her heart from it. Cole was equally her brother to her just as much as Gene and there was nothing that he could do to change that. “You are going to go to the Midnight Pack and beg for their forgiveness. Once you gain access to their Alpha, you kill him. I want both sides of the island and I want that pack to be taken down so that it is mine.”

“She is not doing that!” Lucas snapped, his eyes narrowed as she saw the slight hint of his fangs wanting to come through. “I will take her and her brothers with me back to my kingdom. You have no right to play with their lives and to allow a sick bastard to attempt to rape an innocent girl is fucking disgusting. There are no words for how vile you are.”

The man only smiled. “One simple command. That is all it will take for an army of my men to come in here and kill you. You have no power here little boy.”

Ava wanted them to stop fighting. She wanted them to stop all of this and the longer she sat in silence and allowed this to go on, the closer his threats would come to fruition. Ava met his gaze, his knowing eyes that she had finally given in made her stomach knot but she had to say it before she backed out and proved that she was a coward all along.

“I’ll do it.”

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