The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine: Lady Blue-Balls

Mackenzie found herself kissing the sandy docks as she felt like she had to worst sea legs imaginable. After suffering with Zack’s morning routine of giving her daily blue-balls, she didn’t know how much more she could take before she put him on his back and rode him like no tomorrow.

It was getting worse, the stronger they connected their mate bond and themselves the more she wanted to complete to mating process and Mack knew he wanted to as well. It was her fault after all, she jumped him out of excitement but she didn’t think spending two weeks in the same bed as him would be the horniest two weeks of her life.

She felt his hand touch the small of her back as she stood and shivered. “Where to first?”

Mack eyed the village, nothing had changed since she had left and she wondered if this was how Marley felt when she came back. Nobody cared when their own went missing and now that she was back, she realised how insignificant everyone was here. Humans were selfish assholes who didn’t deserve to be living alongside the supernatural. “Well, I’m in no hurry to run into any of my siblings and the faster we can get back onto that ship the better so, to my store.”

“Are you afraid to introduce me?”

Mack rolled her eyes and pushed him gently but got slightly annoyed when he didn’t budge. “More afraid that one of my whore sisters will try something with you.”

He smirked. “So, your sisters are easy?”

“Do not start!”

He laughed and grabbed her chin before kissing her lips. “I’m just teasing.”

Mack grumbled and rolled her eyes again as she tightened her thighs together before walking along the dock. Because it was early in the morning, the only humans who were awake were the fisherman and shopkeepers getting ready to open in a few hours. She had almost forgotten how boring this island was as it looked and felt lifeless.

The village back at the castle had so much life that even when the streets were empty, it still felt alive. Vampires had so much love and life to give whereas humans were mundane and boring. Humans were so self-centred and ignorant that Mack almost turned back around and wanted to leave then and there but she had an item that she needs and she was going to get it.

The docks lead onto a path as Mack leads Zack through the village. His face kept scrunching in disgust and she didn’t blame him, the place smelt of rotting fish and unwashed bodies. Even the paths were poorly maintained and Mack came to the realisation that she never wanted to see this place again. The land of Vampires was her home, that castle was her home and this man beside her was her home. No island filled with people she despises was ever going to change that.

“I hope I am wrong but, is that your store?”

Mack snapped out of her thoughts and paused in her footsteps as she gasped. Her store was a mess, glass was everywhere and fabric lay torn in the bushes that decorated the entrance. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she heard herself whimper whilst her heart ached.

She didn’t need to say anything as Zack walked towards her destroyed store and looked inside. Mack was almost too scared to look but she had to as she slowly walked towards Zack and looked inside herself. The state of the store was worse than the outside as she held her hands to her face and groaned. Mack couldn’t believe her eyes as she stepped over shards of glass and eyed the month’s worth of work and love that she had put into this place. It was all destroyed and she couldn’t do a thing about it as she tried to hold back tears but it was too late.

Before she knew it, she was sobbing in Zack’s arms before she lost her legs completely and collapsed. It was stupid, she hated it here. She wanted to leave this place and never come back for so long but here she was, crying over a store that she had long forgotten about.

She then lifted her head from Zack’s chest and pushed him aside. Her heart was pounding so hard that she couldn’t hear his questions, just noises in the back of her mind whilst she found her desk and tried to move all of the rubble out of her way. If anything was kept untouched it would be her secret deposit under her desk. “Help me push this.”

Zack complied, the rubble and glass making the job hard as her desk seemed to be heavier than normal but she pushed through until she saw the latch and bent down. The little door opened as she pulled the hidden handle to reveal the silver locket Marley had made her for her sixteenth birthday. Mack felt her body relax in seconds as she sighed and laughed while she held the item to her chest.

“What is it?” Zack asked as he came around from the desk and joined her side.

“For my sixteenth birthday, Marley had spent months trying to make this locket for me.” She laughed through her tears as she showed him the poorly made necklace. “It looks like shit but I love it so much. It means everything to me and I made a promise to myself that if I ever got married, this necklace will be my something old and my something new.”

She felt his arm wrap around her waist as she leaned into his chest. “I wouldn’t say it looks like shit.” He chuckled as he examined the locket and its poorly made-latch that didn’t close. “It needs some work but if you love it, it is perfect.”

Mack smiled and kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

His eyes widened for a split second as she noticed his cheeks slightly turning pink. “You love me?”

She nodded. “After everything, you still took the time to take me here just for a locket knowing that there are another two weeks of travelling ahead of us. You took the time for me when you are preparing to be King and instead you are here, with me on the floor covered in glass and fabric and... whatever that is.” She laughed as she eyed a weird-looking wooden post that held what looked to be moss. “I love you because you have put up with me. You followed me through the forest just to bring me back with no complaints and I know you would do it again in a heartbeat. You are everything to me, just like this poorly made locket that could fall apart at any given second.”

Mack knew he didn’t know what to say as his eyes had darkened so instead she grabbed his face and kissed him as if her life depended on it. She didn’t need to hear an answer, even when he told her, he loved her back through their kiss because she didn’t care. Mack had everything she needed right here and that is all she will ever ask for.

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