The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Seventeen: Meeting the Family

“Your majesty.”

“How many times have I told you not to call me that!” Mackenzie groaned as she stuffed her face deeper into her pillow. She realised that she had slept in later than normal but she didn’t think that August would come in and wake her.

“With the mark on your neck, you are in fact a princess and soon, you will be queen. It is impolite and unprofessional of me to address such names outside of your title.”

She sat up with a flat look. Her hair covered her eyes and her nightgown was slightly off of her shoulder as she sighed and tried to adjust it. “I know you are a professional man Sir. August but I am no lady so spill what you have come in here for.”

She could see his irritation through his eyes as she had to slightly smile to herself. Mack has been trying to get him to snap, she wants to see the real August as this whole persona of his is tiring. If the two princes were brave enough to speak to her outside of what they were raised to do then so can August.

“I have been requested to fetch you.”


The hesitation in his grey eyes was making her uneasy before he finally answered. “The late King and Queen have arrived from their travels and wish to break bread with their future daughter-in-law.”

She felt her heart drop. The loud, fast pounding in her chest covered her horror. Mack wasn’t ready to meet Zack’s parents, she was still trying to process the night before. They had stood in each other’s arms for so long that she had almost fallen asleep whilst standing. They didn’t figure it out nor did they talk about the flower problem and now she has to face his parents.

“Do I have to, can’t you tell them that I have fallen ill or…”

“You know that I cannot lie.” August started with a sad tone. “Prince Zachariah, Prince Raphael, and Prince Lucas will be there as it is their duty.”

Mack felt slightly better knowing that they will be there too, knowing Zack was going to be there made her feel more relief than the others and that feeling alone made her pull her covers back. “I will be ready in five minutes.”

“Thank you, your majesty.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” She sighed as she watched him nod and leave the room. Once the door was closed she quickly hopped out of bed and washed her face. Fixing her hair was going to be the hardest part as she rummaged through her clothes. Zack had given her an entire wardrobe worth of clothes which she was still weirded out by. Somehow he knew her size and her style, right down to the kinds of colour patterns which made her wonder if he had been in her store back on her island.

But if that was the case, he would have been following her and she knew that wasn’t true from what he had said the day they met.

Once she had found what she wanted to wear, she sniffed a couple of the perfumes a few of the maids had given her before spraying one onto her wrists and collarbone. Her hair was a mess and the most difficult part of her process was to look reasonably presentable. Granted Mack could call in her helpers at any given time but she hated being fussed over and the thought of two women dressing her and doing her hair made her feel like an incapable child.

Her eyes landed on the small amount of makeup that had been sitting stagnant this whole time. She had been reluctant to use it as she was known to be quite bold when she wanted to be. Mack only ever wore makeup when she needed to and this felt like the kind of occasion where she needed it.

August’s reaction once she had stepped out of the room almost made her blush but Mack knew that this was not the time to tease him or be herself. The stories she has heard about the King and Queen of Vampires were that they were cruel and unjust. They showed no mercy, especially when it came to their enemies and if anyone stepped out of line and or displeased them, those people were hanged in front of the village as a warning for anyone else who tried to step out of line.

These stories made no sense, however, as their three sons show none of these tendencies. Raphael was a little… odd but Lucas was a sweetheart at heart and Zachariah... he tries. She could see that all he does is try but the corruption and pain that his parents have caused, has placed scares that she will never understand but she will try. For her future and sanity, she will try for both of them.

The walk was daunting, each step felt like she was walking into the gates of hell whilst August took the lead. This lunch couldn’t have ended fast enough and hadn’t started yet.

The doors to the grand dining hall came into view as August gently spoke. “Can I advise something?”

“A plan to escape, find your mate, and live a new life in The Guild of Assassins?”

She could have sworn she saw his lips slightly curve as if he was holding back a smile before he replied. “No, I was thinking maybe you should be the opposite to-”

“Myself?” She finished for him as they paused at the doors. “I will be silent unless spoken to.”

He nodded in relief before opening the doors. What she was greeted with was unexpected, the boys laughing together like true brothers while their parents sat at the end of the table with content smiles on their faces.

Her fear of the unknown now seemed pathetic as she made eye contact with Zack just as Lucas spoke up. “And here is our beauty now, looking even more beautiful as the days go by.”

She had a sarcastic reply at the tip of her tongue, itching to be let out but she somehow held it and instead she smiled. “Thank you.”

Luke and Raph’s eyes widened at her politeness as she sat next to Zack who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since she had entered. His intense stare caused her to raise an eyebrow in question but he didn’t answer, instead, his mother spoke up.

“It is better to be late than to have never arrived at all, young Mackenzie.” She started with her goblet raised in greeting. “Welcome.”

“I apologise,” Mack replied stiffly. “If I had known, I would have been here sooner.”

“Nonsense dear!” Queen Coraline chuckled, taking a sip of her drink as she spoke. “We did not know that you existed until yesterday.”

Mack’s eyes widened as she turned to Zack who had been oddly quiet. She wanted to ask him why he hadn’t told them but she felt like she already knew. He had mentioned that his coronation to be king was two weeks away, which was almost two months ago, which means that he has been putting something off. Something that she would probably not like.

“Are you with child yet?” King Marcus questioned.


“Quiet, Lucas!” King Marcus snapped. “She should be with child.”

She felt her face redden. “N-No.”

“Then why are you marked, dear?” The queen asked. “One who bears the mark is also mated to impregnated.”

“I took it upon myself without permission.” Zack finally spoke as he turned away from drooling over Mack to address his parents. “We have not completed the mating process.”

The room fell silent all of a sudden. The only sound that could be heard was Raphael’s fork against his plate as he watched with such intensity, it was as if this was the most entertaining lunch he has ever had in his life.

“That is good.” The queen finally spoke as she dabbed her mouth with a cloth. “Your wedding is in four weeks, it is bad luck to consummate before your wedding night.”

Mack could feel herself wanting a hole to suddenly appear and suck her in it. This news was the worst thing she could have ever heard but there was also a part of her that wanted to take Zack to their room right now and consummate just to piss his parents off.

Her mind couldn’t keep up with what was going on as the room suddenly lit up with yelling and protests. Lucas and Raphael fighting for their brother’s rights as well as her own. Zack had gotten to the point where he was shaking with rage and all she could do was sit there, dumbfounded.

Her eyes downcasted towards her lap where she could see Zack’s hands shaking under the table. She didn’t know what had overcome her but she had found herself grabbing his hands into her own before she looked back up and smiled at the King and Queen.

Her sudden actions caused the whole room to fall silent again as she held her smile and looked at Zack as if he was the only person in the world. “I cannot wait to be married.”

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