The Vampire’s Human / Book One ✔️

Chapter Chapter Eleven: Taking a Chance

Mack awoke the next morning with an annoying tick in her eye. Her gaze stared up at the early morning sky as she kept fighting with herself. The two felines were nowhere to be seen and she wondered if they left her with this man on purpose, and that wouldn’t be surprising, they seemed to be invested in their owner’s love life so why not hers?

She groaned to herself, hearing his soft breathing as she could also pick up a slight sound of discomfort. She figured he would be, he was sleeping on the ground with no blanket or pillow, he had his cloak as his only source of warmth and his arms to support his head. He looked visually uncomfortable as well but Mack tried her hardest not to stare at him for long.

She hated how attractive he was and even in his sleep, he looked like a perfect angel that could do no wrong. His short, messy black hair was over his face, his long eyelashes caused her to glare at him with jealousy as they gently laid against his cheeks and lastly, his plum lips made her want to bite them and know what they tasted like but again, she blamed that on the pull. She blamed everything on it, she had to otherwise she would find herself falling into a hole she would never get out of.

Mack groaned again, running her fingers down her tired face as she finally sat up and finally looked at him completely. Guilt tugged at her nerves again as she opened and closed her mouth. Words refused to come out while she flipped through her thoughts. As much as she wanted to be free, he couldn’t be out here following her until she changed her mind.

He had a duty to follow, his job was to rule a kingdom and as much as she hated his guts, she refused to be the one to keep him away from those kinds of responsibilities.

Mack couldn’t believe what she was doing as she stood and walked over to his sleeping body. Her hands shook while she sat back down and lightly touched his arm to wake him. Sparks shot through her fingers, through her arm and spread throughout her body as she shivered. Mack would have questioned why they were paired however, it was obvious.

They were both equally as stubborn, they were both pig-headed and obnoxious. They both needed to be right even when they are wrong and they are both equally as lost as each other. She knew this wholeheartedly but wondered if he did. What she truly wanted to know was why was she paired with a king. Why was she paired with someone who was a ruler by birth, someone who was highborn, to begin with?

These were questions that will never get answered and she didn’t know if she could handle the answers anyway. All she has ever wanted was to be free and now her life has taken such a sudden turn that she doesn’t know what she wants anymore.

He stirred, his eyes slowly opening before his brain registered that she was so close to him. The brown in his eyes swirled with confusion as she spoke. “I will go back on one condition.” She said, standing and taking a few steps back so that the sparks would stop playing their tormenting game on her heart. “You stick to your word. I get the freedom to go anywhere I want and I get to talk to whomever I want to. If you don’t stick to this then I will leave again with no chance of ever returning.”

She knew that he would follow her if she did that but she had to stick to her own words. He didn’t rule her and he needed that to be made clear before he tried to push her boundaries again. “Okay.” He mumbled, she could see that he didn’t know what to say as he had completely woken now.

She could tell that he wanted to say more, however, the air was so thick around them that neither of them could breathe properly. Only silence filled their unspoken words as she cleaned up their camp and decided to take the blanket and pillow with her. If she ever crossed the two feline’s paths again, she would give these items back to them.

“Here, I’ll carry those.” Zack suddenly spoke, coming towards her and taking the items from her arms. “Is this everything?”

She frowned, his awkward movements and shaky voice were the opposite of the man she first met. This one was unsure and weary, this one was scared and she didn’t like that one bit. Mack hated to admit it but she suddenly missed Zack the asshole, she didn’t like Zack the timid.

“That is everything, yes.” Her voice sounded off as she eyed him wearily. “Which way is the way back?”

He slightly frowned before he turned his head in a random direction. “North-west. You weren’t walking straight which made tracking you hard.”

She shrugged, feeling a smug smirk cross her face as she began to walk. “Good, next time I know to make it harder.”

She didn’t look back to see his face as she walked. This three-day trip was going to be long but at this point, she didn’t care anymore. After the last few months that she has had, nothing will surprise her.

Not even her own soulmate’s sudden change of attitude.

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