The Vampire And The Orphan

Chapter Chapter Ten

Are you sure we didn’t make it to the cave?” Nathanial asked, “this surface feels like a hard rocky surface.”

“It does,” Lettie mumbled, “but I’m sure. I was so scared, I don’t recall much, but I did not pull us into the cave.”

“Check anyway to humor me.”

She stood, brushing off her jeans; she shone her necklace down on the ground and could see it looked like dirt.

“At least it’s not total darkness,” she said softly as she inched closer to a hard surface; she held the necklace up, revealing a rocky wall of a cave.

So they were in a cave, but…

“It is a cave, but I swear I didn’t drag you. I touched you, and then... I don’t know. It was so fast.”

“Careful, walking around, Lettie.” Nathanial was speaking in a pained voice. She’d heard the sound of his back as it shattered; it was awful. She could not imagine how much pain he was in after that.

“Which way is the opening?”

“North,” he croaked, “please, I mean it, be careful.”

“I will. Try and get some rest,” Lettie said as she kept feeling around. She kept inching north until she found herself in front of what was an opening; however, there was nothing out there. It was just a blank dark space. It freaked her out, and she backed up quickly.

“We’re not in our world, Nathanial,” she warned him. “I don’t know where we are.”

“But.. how? Where are we?”

“I don’t know, but outside this cave is that nothingness, like when we were in my dream. I never realized how much I sense the sun, plants, earth, and so on until now.” Lettie said wistfully, “I don’t feel any of that here.”

“Benjamin touched on other realms in his story,” Nathanial sounded nervous to voice this thought.

“He also said Jael disappeared right in front of everyone. Maybe he slipped into a place like this. That’s how he faked his death.” Lettie suggested.

“But… Ben said only angels can create and open other realms,” Nathanial added slowly, “unless... an unknown warlock and an unknown angel were working with Jael and Lilith.”

“Maybe the angel kept working with him,” Lettie considered.

“Benjamin said they were struck down to hell,” he reminded her, “before Jael pulled his disappearing act.”

“Could one have hidden away somehow?” She asked thoughtfully. “Maybe made these little realms everywhere, and I just happened to slip through one?”

“No. I think you did it,” Nathanial said. “You made this somehow.”

“How? How could I make another realm?” Lettie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“Seems like there’s a lot more to the story.” Nathanial groaned as he shifted. “You said you were pulled into one when we were on the road. How do you know that? What do you mean?”

“I mean, one second, the cloud was on me, and then I felt like a calling, a pull, and opened my eyes to a dark place like this. Someone spoke to me, a woman, with the most beautiful voice I ever heard.”

“Was it the same as this place? Could they be here?”

“No, she’s not here. No one is here but us. It was dark like this, but the ground was harder, like a floor inside somewhere.”

“So maybe these realms are small replicas of other places?” He suggested.

“Which way to your coffin then? If that’s true and this is a replica of that cave, it may be in here.”

“Southeast from the entrance,” he directed, and she started to move again. She was carefully using her necklace and the wall to guide her along. “Why can’t you glow brighter!” She sighed in annoyance, and then just like that, it did! It let out a beam of blue light, and she could use it to see the cave! “So, that’s all I had to do.” She muttered as she shook her head.

She only, however, saw an empty cave in the southeast clearing. She could see a clearing where a coffin would easily fit.

Darn! She grasped her necklace and chewed her lip. What now!?

I could try to heal him, she thought to herself, shining the necklace to light her path as she walked forward. When it landed on Nathanial lying on the ground, his face contorted in pain, she knew she had to try.

“Lettie, you made it brighter?” He looked at the light beam, “Shine that on your face.”

“Why did you miss my face?” She asked teasingly as she came to kneel by his side.

“Yes,” he admitted, “I’ve always been able to see in the dark. This is unnerving to me.”

She shined the necklace over her face and let Nathanial’s gaze wash. She could see how it grounded him. She used the sharp end of her necklace backing to stab her wrist.

“What are you doing?” He asked the obvious question as she started to drop blood into his mouth.

“Helping you.”

“You already gave me blood, Lettie,” he pushed her hand away.

“Not enough to heal you, I want to try, and I assume I need to use my blood and mind simultaneously.” She explained as she put her arm back over his mouth, only for him to push it again.

“I’m in so much pain… I’m not as in control.” He said in a stiff voice.

“You won’t hurt me,” she scoffed, “trust me to try and help you, please? I hate to see you like this.”


“Just take it!” She shoved her arm at him this time, and finally, he latched on to her. She knew she’d start to feel that pleasure right away, and she was right. It became more intense each time they did this, but she had to focus on healing him.

She closed her eyes and felt what was around her. Since they weren’t in their world, it helped as she wasn’t distracted and only sensed him. She could feel Nathanial’s every injury and broken bone. She pulled on that light she felt deep in her soul and tried to put it into him; as she did this, she allowed him to drink her essence.

She could feel him pulling her into his mind. She knew she should only focus on healing but couldn’t resist. What did he need to show her? She let him bring her in.

She found herself standing in front of a rocky cave. Jagged mountains surrounded her. She could feel Nathanial there but couldn’t see him.

“Wait, is this.. where we are?”

She found her gaze falling on a young girl in a cloak, speaking in a low voice to a tall man in a long robe. Nathanial had said they took him here to train him.

“He’s had enough time; he should be recovered by now,” she spoke in a hushed tone. “We must begin his training, or the deal shall be void.”

“It’s emotional, the pain he is dealing with now,” the tall man spoke in a deep voice. “He is coming to terms with everything he did all at once. It is an overwhelming amount of guilt.”

“We haven’t time for emotional healing. You must wake him from the coffin.”

How rude, Lettie thought.

“I cannot wake him, and you know this..”

She let them hash it out and stepped into the cave; she was instantly overwhelmed by Nathanial’s pain. He was here, and he was drowning in sorrow and guilt.

“Nathanial, where are you!?” She called out as she forged further inside. The moonlight from outside lit her way as she walked towards where the coffin would be.

“You aren’t alone,” she assured him as she stepped into the clearing and saw the crudely made wooden box. The tip of the coffin lifted, and he sat up with a gasp as his eyes met hers. He looked the same, except his hair was much longer, and his eyes were full of emotion. Full of pain.

“Who are you?” he looked mystified. “You are the one?”

“You don’t know me yet,” she said as she stepped closer, “but I’m here to help you.”

“You woke me,” he with, speaking in a breathy tone. “You are the one. You’re my salvation.”

Why did he say it like that? She woke him?

“Go back to your mate now….” the woman had said.

OH! Her eyes nearly popped out of her head as it came to her.

“Are you a trick? Are the withes trying to use this to get to me? You must be, for I don’t deserve such a thing.”

“I’m not a trick,” Lettie stepped closer, in awe at how his eyes held her gaze. She’d never seen so much emotion in Nathanial’s eyes.

“I don’t know why you pulled me into this dream,” she mumbled, “is it a clue of what I need to do?”

“So much death at my hands.” His voice was thick with regret, “how could I ever deserve you? No.. no, you must go. You must stay far away from me.”

“I won’t do that. I’m not scared of you,” Lettie told him.

“I am nothing but a monster.”

She stepped closer and rested a hand on his arm. “That is not true. You’re going to save as many as you harmed. They’re going to set you on the right path here, but you must come out and let them help you.”

“How would you know this?”

“I just do,” she whispered.

“Are you an angel?” He asked in a soft voice.

“No, I’m just a future pain in your neck.” She gently pushed his chest so he’d lie back down. “Rest now.” his face was confused, as was her heart.

“Will you be here when I rise?” he asked with a touch of hope in his voice.

“No. You’re going to meet me later,” Lettie promised him as she reluctantly shut the coffin and his dream.

“You brought me here.. but why?” She asked in a whisper.

“To show you the way,” she heard Ella’s voice in her head.

“The way out!?” She asked out loud. “Where is it, Ella!? What is it?”

She woke up again with a start; she felt her head swimming with dizziness as Nathanial continued to latch on.

“Enough now,” she said in a quiet voice, and just like that, he pulled back.

“Lettie? Are you okay? I took so much, too much.”

“You didn’t. I will always let you know when it’s enough. Are you healing?” She asked.

“Slowly,” he groaned, “are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” her eyes met his, and she gulped as she saw the realization in his.

“Why that dream?” She asked softly.

“You woke me,” he said again with a pointed look.

“In a dream though”-

“It doesn’t matter if it was a dream; only a soulmate or maker can wake a vampire from their coffin,” he said, the words he’d told her once before, the words she’d once found so romantic.

“But.. how could this be?” She asked.

“I don’t know,” his eyes hadn’t left hers. He slowly sat up, and she could hear his bones cracking back into place; it made her shudder, “don’t move too much too fast.”

He reached for her and pulled her closer to him. She held her necklace between them so they could see each other faces in the eerie blue hue.

“It makes sense now, the connection. The draw toward you, the need to keep you safe, and this mental connection we have. That’s what Benjamin meant. He said we’d figure it out.”

She nodded slowly as she swallowed a lump in her throat. She attempted to blink back her tears before Nathanial could see them, but she was too late.

“What is it? Why are you upset?” He asked in a soft tone.

“Aren’t you?” She asked.

“Why would I be? I already knew I was stuck with you for your life. This only confirms why.”

“I’m sorry,” she lowered her eyes to her lap as the lump in her throat grew.


“That you got stuck with me.”

“Oh, Lettie! See, this is why I shouldn’t make jokes,” he tilted her chin up, and she met his eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that. I am not stuck with you.”

“Yes, you are, Nathanial! Don’t you see! First, the witch made you promise to find me, and now we find out you’re destined to be tied to me. When you told me you were all done with your duties. With the promises you made. This is the last thing you wanted!”

“And yet I made another promise, directly to you.” He told her.

“But.. You don’t”- the words fell into thin air as she was scared to say them.

“Don’t want?”

Don’t love me; she didn’t say.

“Never mind, Nathanial. I don’t want to talk about this anymore right now,” she said quickly, trying to regroup. “How are your injuries?”


“Just tell me if I healed you,” she cut him off.

“They seem much better,” he moved around some, “but it’ll be another day before I fully recuperate.”

“What did you do? To heal me?” He asked.

“I just focused my energy into your broken bones while giving you blood,” she explained, “then I ended up in that dream.”

“I wonder if I already knew subconsciously, and it was my mind’s way of telling us,” he mumbled thoughtfully.

She shrugged; this soulmate business was upsetting. Had she met Nathanial when he was young with his emotions intact, there is no doubt he’d have fallen for her. However, this older version of him didn’t feel things like that.

On the other hand, she felt an instant kinship with Nathanial; he made her feel safe, and even though he was a little stiff at times, she found him amusing and handsome too. She had a feeling that all she had to do was let go and would easily fall in love with him.

But... he wouldn’t ever love her, so that would be heartbreaking. She would need to be careful here so she didn’t end up hurt. Why couldn’t their minds, hearts, and souls all be on the same page?

Fate is cruel...she recalled him saying.

She didn’t think he’d understand any of this, so she’d keep it to herself. She needed to focus on getting them out of there anyway.

“I think I know what to do.” She said with a sudden rush as it came to her.

“Why? What is it?”

“The dream brought me back to a moment that mattered to you. I could see and feel what you felt. I need you to bring me back to when I pulled us here. You have to stay focused on me and what I do. I need to know how I did this so I know how to get us out.”

She shuddered because she did not want to see him hurt like that again, but what choice did she have? She needed to unlock whatever she did in that panicked moment.

“Okay,” he agreed easily, “come closer.”

She scooted closer and tilted her head to the side.

“I don’t need to drink your blood to connect to your mind,” he assured her, “I’ve already taken too much.”

“I feel fine,” she promised him, “I’m a little dizzy, but I’m sure that’s because I’m hungry.”

“You haven’t eaten a thing today.” He realized with a sigh.

“I’ll be fine once we get out of here,” she urged him. “Just hurry.”

He gently grasped her hands and closed his eyes, and she did the same.

Within moments they were back at the top of the cliff, only she couldn’t see a thing because he had cradled her body to his chest.

The next thing she knew, they were barreling down the mountain again. She could hear his painful groan as they hit the rocks going down. She felt no impact when they hit because of how he held her, but she listened to his back shatter again. It was worse then the first time. This time she stood back away from her and Nathanial. She watched as his skin turned red and saw her panicked self grabbing at him. In the next instant, they both vanish. She woke up, breathing hard, as was he.

“That wasn’t pleasant to go through twice,” Nathanial said with a grimace.

“I’m so sorry! grimly, She asked, looking over him.

“Fine, Lettie, come here,” he held his hands over each of her cheeks and then rested his forehead against hers. She closed her eyes and let herself connect to him, letting his memory flood her mind.

In the moment of panic, her ongoing nightmare came back. The voice in her head always asked her to push past the nothing…, and see if she can get through to it. So she found it, the nothing, just beyond an invisible veil she could walk through. She pushed past it, but there was nothing so she created something, from the nothing, and they landed there.

Nathanial was right. She made this realm.

So now to get out…

She stood up and walked to the mouth of the cave.

“We need to get past that nothingness, and we’ll be back in our world.”

She looked out at the darkness waiting for them, and Nathanial came to stand beside her.

“Lettie, look at me,” she turned and met his gaze, holding her necklace between them.

“You knowing how to do this puts you in more danger than we ever realized,” Nathanial warned her. “So many will want to use you for their gain. We will need to find allies along the way, but we can never speak of you being able to do this. Not to a single soul.”

“I know,” Lettie gulped, “the woman told me I should only trust you.”

“I’ve been worried about that since the start of this,” he admitted.

“About?” She asked.

“Trusting myself with you,” he admitted.

“And now?” she asked in a timid voice.

“Now I know, without a doubt, that I trust myself with you completely.”

“You do?” she asked.

“Of course I do,” he clasped her hands in his own. “You’re my salvation.”

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