The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 10

I didn't even realize I had dozed off watching the movie until I woke up and it was nearly three in the afternoon. I yawned and stretched, turning my neck from side to side since it had gotten stiff in the position I fell asleep in.

I sat up and rubbed my face with my hands, noticing the drool on the side of my mouth from where I was sleeping hard. I heard my phone chime and I picked it up to read the message from Erik.

Just let me know when you want to talk. I'm all ears.

I groaned as I put my hand on my forehead. I felt bad not wanting to talk to him, but every bone in my body was screaming at me to hold off. I opened the message and began to type.

I'll call you later, if that's ok?

I set the phone down and went into the bathroom to wash my face. I scrubbed it hard, trying to get the sweat off from being wrapped up in a huge cover. I dried it off and went back to my phone once Erik replied.

Sounds good. I'll be waiting.

I wished I could hear his voice saying that in person. I missed him more than anything; having his arms around me, his breath tickling my neck, his fingers entwined with mine. I shook my head, trying to push that memory out of my head for a while.

Then I got an idea. I knew Maya was always down for a good time, and I was needing some bonding time with my best friend. I whipped out my phone and sent her a quick text.

WYRD tonite?

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack and a water before my phone chimed yet again. I practically skipped over to it to read the message.

Nothing much, u?

I typed out my message as chip crumbs fell onto the screen.

Wanting some fun. Drinks?

I could envision her squealing in my head and bouncing up and down with her child-like attitude.

HELL YES. Pick u up at 7. Wear something cute!

I chuckled as I typed back.

Deal. C u then!

I put down my phone and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. I turned on the shower and took a nice, long, hot wash. I tried to let my thoughts of Erik and Johnathan rinse away down the drain so that I could have a good time tonight.

I decided on a black leather mini skirt with a semi-cropped, red, silk tank top. I wore some black chunky heels that I borrowed from Sonya. I had my hair down and curled, framing my face and enhancing my blush on my cheeks. I made sure to put the highlighter on heavy so that the light would reflect off of my skin. I applied some glitter lotion to my arms, legs, and chest.

I took one last look in the mirror before Maya was knocking at my door. I smiled and decided tonight was going to be fun. I was going to let all of the worry fade away and enjoy myself.

I ran to the front door and when Maya opened it she squealed. "Oh my GOD! You look like a damn sex goddess!"

I threw my head back in laughter as I grabbed my small purse and put some cash that uncle Harry lent me and my phone inside. I locked the door behind me as yelling came from the car. I looked over and saw that Ashley and Vicky were in the car as well.

"Damn girl!" Ashley yelled, "Who you bagging tonight?"

"Whoa, baddie alert!" Vicky hollered. I laughed as I got in the front seat while Ashley moved to the back. Maya giggled as she got in. "I'm so excited! We are going to the new club downtown, Red."

The name of the club just gave me a touch of anxiety, but I pushed the thought into the back of my mind.

"Sounds like a good time," I replied, hooking my phone up to the blue tooth, "I bet it will be packed." I smiled at Maya as I began to play Cardi B and everyone in the car went nuts.

We drove and sang for about an hour before we pulled onto the strip that the club was on. There were several limos parked on each side along with sports cars.

"Oh, hell," Maya grumbled, "I have no idea where to park."

I had a wonderful idea in my mind as a smile creeped across my face. "Pull up to valet." Maya looked at me like I was crazy. I just kept smiling. "Do you know who is in this car with you?"

"Good point," Vicky said.

"Yeah, I bet Mel could get us in without a problem!" Ashley added.

We pulled up to the valet and got out. We walked over to the bouncer as he looked us over with a crazy look.

"Name?" the bouncer asked, looking at a list. I smiled and lit my eyes up. "Melody Raines. And a few friends."

He immediately looked up from the list and bowed at me. "Of course, your Majesty. Please, come in. Valet will take care of your vehicle." Maya handed her keys to the valet and the bouncer held the door open for us.

"Let the bartenders and waitresses know the Queen is here," I overheard him on the radio, "She has 3 guests with her. Inform them that all drinks for them are on the house."

I smiled and turned around to look at Maya, Vicky, and Ashley who were practically exploding with excitement.

The place was huge. There were strippers dancing from poles suspended in air on either side of the dj. The dance floor lit up with all colors and had about 100 people clustered together dancing. The bar was to the right with neon lights all around it, people sitting in every chair, and 3 bartenders running around. To the left were some seating nooks for groups.

A staircase was on either side of the large room with private booths on the balconies that wrapped around the entire club. I slowly walked in as I took in the scene.

Immediately several men looked our way, taking our appearances in. I could hear the girls behind me giggling and squealing as they looked around at all of the eligible bachelors glancing at us.

I began to casually walk over to the bar before a woman with a tray blocked my way.

"Hi, your Majesty," she said, bowing to me, "We have a private booth open if you would like. Drinks are on the house for you and your party tonight." I looked over at Maya, Vicky, and Ashley. They were nodding in excitement.

"Do you have any on the lower floor available?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "Yes mam, right this way."

I turned and looked at the girls with a smile. "I figured you would want to mingle some. Plus it's a short walk to the dance floor."

We walked to the left side and took a booth between two others. The first booth had a few men in it with some women dancing all over them. The booth on the other side of us had another group of women in it, who seemed to be close to our age. Of course when we walked by and sat in our booth, the men from the other one drooled. We all sat down and the waitress took our order.

"Two rounds of tequila shots," I started off, "And I would like two of your best cranberry vodkas." The girls were squealing-yet again.

"I'll have two margaritas," Vicky said.

"Me too!" Ashley chimed in.

"I'll take two as well!" Maya exclaimed. The waitress nodded, bowed, and left with a smile. I made a mental note to tip her well.

"This is so much fun!" Maya exclaimed, "You're the best, Mel!"

"It's definitely something," I chuckled as she threw her arms around me. The waitress was back in a flash with our array of beverages. We all held up our first shot.

"To Mel!" Maya exclaimed, "Because she's a fucking badass!" I laughed as they all threw their drinks back. I threw mine back and grimaced at the burn of the alcohol.

"Goodness," I replied, shaking my head with a smile. The girls in the other booth were all leaning over to get a look at us. There was one who had a shy face, but bright grey eyes. Her hair was dyed a grey color, and layered perfectly to frame her round face. She stood up and had a very athletic frame. She came over to our booth and bowed before she smiled at me. "Are you Queen Melody?"

"I am," I said with a smile, "What's your name?"

"I'm Daya," she answered, "These are my friends; Heather, Jade, and Leila. We just wanted to tell you how much of a fan we are of you."

"Thank you," I replied, blushing, "You all are more than welcome to join us, if you would like. We could push the booths together."

"Really?" she said, astonished, "Usually royalty does not want to mingle with regular people."

"We are all regular," I grumbled, standing up and pushing our booth against theirs with everyone still in it to make a U shape.

We talked and mingled about life in general before Up-Down by T-Pain came blasting over the dance floor.

"Dance with me!" Maya exclaimed as she drug me to the dance floor. I downed the last of my second vodka cranberry before we went to the dance floor and began to move our hips and grind.

I could feel the stares of all of the men in the room. I was almost irritated by it, but I decided with the slight buzz I had going on that I would tease the idea of my short skirt. I made sure to shake my hips as fluently as I could while the music caused the room to vibrate. I bent over at one point and gave a little shake as Maya laughed.

We danced for a few more songs before I decided to sit back down. I ordered another couple of drinks as Maya stayed on the dance floor, entertaining herself with a man. He was tall, had long brown hair that curled at the end, and incredibly fit.

I sat down and began to sip my drink as I people watched. There were several girls on the dance floor just flopping around who appeared to be way past their limit on alcohol. As I watched the dance floor, I felt a stare on my shoulder so I looked up just in time to see a man walking toward me. He had a slick black suit on, a black tie with white undershirt, and black pants. He looked extremely professional with his brown hair cut short and clean-shaved face. He unbuttoned his jacket and motioned for the seat across from me. I nodded my head and he bowed before he sat down.

"Your Majesty," he said, looking at me with a seductive look in his eyes, "You look incredible tonight."

"Thank you," I replied with a serious tone, "Your name?"

"Lane," he answered, "Lane North." My eyebrow went up in curiosity. The name just didn't sound real to me.

"Yes," he chuckled, "That's my real name. I couldn't tell you how many people give me that same look." I nodded my head and outstretched my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. North."

"Lane," he said with a smile, "Please."

"Alrighty then, Lane," I replied, sitting back in the booth, "What can I help you with?"

"Oh, nothing," he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I just wanted to see if you needed some company."

"Oh," I replied, looking down. I wasn't sure how to conversate with a man unless it was Erik or someone with authoritative power.

"Where's King Donovan?" he asked, "Surely he didn't let you come out looking like that without him." His eyes looked me up and down as they glimmered.

"Just a girls night," I replied, deciding that I didn't want any male attention tonight, "He is at home working."

"I see," he chuckled, "Well you do look absolutely beautiful. I figured it was worth a shot." I smiled up at him as he stood up and bowed. "Have a good night, your Majesty."

"Likewise," I replied, nodding my head. He left and I exhaled the breath I was holding. I looked back over at the dance floor to see Vicky hooking up with some dude, Ashley nowhere to be seen, and Maya practically fucking some guy on the dance floor. I put my palm to my head as I realized my fun was over. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was nearly midnight.

Uber home it is, then.

I pulled a couple $100 bills out of my purse and waited on the waitress to come back. Once she did I handed them to her. "Thank you for the wonderful night."

Her eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. "Oh, your Majesty. Thank you so much." I nodded and smiled before I grabbed my purse and went to the dance floor. I walked up to Maya and tapped her on the shoulder.

"I'm gonna grab an Uber!" I yelled over the music.

She looked at me with a sad look. "Don't go!"

"You guys are having fun," I replied, "I don't want to be the burden to stop that." I looked up at the guy she was dancing with. He seemed to have a baby face; probably only 18 or 19.

"Make sure she gets home safe," I said, "Orders from your Queen."

"Yes," he replied, bowing, "Your Majesty." I nodded and gave Maya a quick kiss on the cheek. "Please be careful. Call me if you need me."

"Will do!" she exclaimed before she went back to humping and grinding the guy. I smiled and shook my head as I walked outside.

It was rather chilly tonight and when I pulled up my Uber app there were none available. I groaned and threw my head back.

"Everything alright, your Majesty?" the bouncer asked. I nodded. "Yeah, just gotta call for a ride. Thank you, though." He nodded and kept on with his job.

It was way too late to call Sonya or uncle Harry. Maya was inside, Rex probably wouldn't answer, so that only left one person who I could call to come get me.

I took a deep breath and dialed the number.

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