The Unthinkable

Chapter Pebbles and a Pond

Lilie’s POV

I don’t quite know where we are going but I hope we are god damn close! My feet must have so many blisters right now and these poor excuse of shoes do not help either. At least Ryo gave me fewer things to carry.

We are still in the oak forests and by my rough estimation, we have been travelling for maybe 4 hours. I push the constantly flowing sweat from my forehead, cringing at the gross feeling, as I try and keep up with Ryo’s athletic speed. Throughout our whole treck, he hasn’t faulted in his step and even occasionally whistles to pass the time. The path is going more uphill now and I notice more rocks now and then sprouting up from the ground, trying to reach the clouds which I know are fake. This whole thing is fake and it makes me sick to my stomach.

We reach a small pond in the clearing and I let out a sigh when I see Ryo drop his bags against a tree.

‘Finally!’ I cry out in exhaustion and Ryo chuckles.

I follow his movements and drop down next to a tree, wincing at the pain in my feet. As I move my feet closer to examine them, I realise I am correct in my assumptions. Sores cover my feet like a storm of anger and irritation; blood trickles slightly from a blister and I wince as I try and push some dirt away.

‘Here’ Ryo says as he squats down to my level. He gently pours fresh water on my foot from his fingers and I hiss at the stinging pain from the cool liquid. It washes the blood away and calms the pain in my foot instantly. I look up seeing Ryo concentrated on the task at hand and I can’t seem to relate him to Tanya in any way. As I realise my weird, creepy stares are getting a bit extreme I look away drying my foot with my tattered sock.

‘We are almost there. Just another hour or so but if it’s any longer we won’t make it till dark so...’

I drift out once again as I stare into the pond water. It reminded me of the first arena we were put in: clear blue water, small fishes, sea plants and vegetation, lily pads and a pebbly shore. I love watching the ripples on the surface that remind me of crinkles in a worn shirt. They always get ironed out when the wind calms. I take a pebble in my palm and flip the cold stone in my fingertips. I look into my reflection and pick out the memory that relates to this very moment.


‘I never met my parents. I’ve always lived with my Nana until she passed. It hurts.’ She looks up smiling sadly. ‘But she did teach me this’

I grab a stone from the water’s edge and skim it across the clear water. It left little ripples where it collided with the water a bit like when you leave footprints in the snow because as soon as it was made it was covered in fresh water.

Anna smiles brighter and I pull her into a hug.

‘I miss her. I just don’t want to lose Xander as well. He’s all I have left...’ I rub her back as her tears stain my shirt and she continues ‘...ever since mum passed, our whole family broke apart. They turned us in straight away, along with our baby brother Leon, to the perlustration’

‘You don’t just have Xander and Leon you know’

We break apart and I rub circles on the back of her hand.

I rush back to reality. Back to where instead of Anna by my side, Ryo is. I still hold the pebble in my palm as I flip it around as if hoping somehow it would bring me back to Anna or even Nana.

'Don't cry'

I jump slightly but hide it well by snapping my head over to Ryo. I wasn't expecting him to speak but he is full of surprises. I wipe away the ghost tears that have fallen down my numb face and I instantly feel vulnerable. With a quick flick of my wrist, I skim the pebble across the pond till it drops in the pure water.

'Do you think any of this is real?'

The words leave my mouth without thinking and I wonder if I'm losing more control of my actions from all these emotions that are weakening my strengths. Ryo doesn't seem to be shocked or taken back but simply looks off into the trees in deep thought. I look back to the water in awe and love for its delicate movements.

Something pushes against my shoulder and I look to see Ryo getting up from his place slowly.


He covers my mouth signalling for me to be quiet and I do so nodding and grabbing a spear from my bag. Ryo approaches the noise whilst I stay by the pond and watch. He steps carefully through the bark pillars, making sure he doesn't tread too poorly on the crunchy leaves and twigs. He has a sort of wooden club gripped in his hand and he waits by a tree, listening.

He turns to me and signals for me to move out of sight and I do so, dragging the bags with me. I watch as Ryo raises his club high and waits for maybe a second or two before turning quickly and swinging down. A thud is heard along with grunts of pain and I take in a breath knowing he is okay. I keep my spear close anyway and move the bags back to the same spot.

I wonder who was spying on us? It's most likely a Venator but something tells me it isn't. Venators, from my experience, walk in groups. The only Venator I have seen alone is Ryo.

I approach Ryo, who is searching the body that lies unconscious below him, as my curiosity becomes too much to handle. I gasp at the boy who lies there as tears reappear in my eyes and I wrap my arms around his torso. He was the last person I expected to find in this game as I have always expected to see him on the outside. It's Charly.

I kiss his cheek and rub the bump on his head that Ryo made. His brown hair is longer and messier than usual but he is still recognisable. The only feature that seems to make me doubt my recognition is his unshaven face that now has a slight stubble.

'Sorry Lilie. Do you know him?'

'Yes. I do'

This proves it. This experiment is crazy. This woman is satan. Nobody is safe. Not me, not Ryo, not even her own son.

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